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Incumbent Data Element Dictionary

Element Name Nursing Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-10 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zones for the Community Health Nursing and Hospital Nursing (NO) occupational group and sub-group derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD`s 21901 and 21902.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 21901 and 21902.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (109)
Element Name Offset Preparation Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-7 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zone for the Offset Preparation (PROFE) occupational group and sub-group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 60905 and 65905.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (103)
Element Name Offset Production Pay Zone Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 9-8 (New)
Definition A code which identifies the geographic pay zone for the Offset Production (PROFO) occupational group and sub-group.
Data Source Derived from the Pay Zone Code for BUD's 60906 and 65906.
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GEOLOC (105)
Element Name Owner Department/Agency Code
Alias Ministry (Owner-Dept/Ministerial Affiliation) (MST)
Owner Department (PRF)
PDED No. 1-2
Definition A code which identifies the ministry through which a department or agency reports to Parliament.
Data Source Derived from the Department/Agency Code.
Values N/A 
Remarks Incumbent Department/Agency Table associates the Dep't/Agency Code with the Owner Department Code.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (33)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (3) INC.PROD.GKPRF (3)
Element Name Pay Activity Status Code
Alias Activity Status (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 48-0
Definition A code which identifies the employee's Pay Activity Status.
Data Source
(MER field)
Generated from the Pay Action Code on PAC01 (TOS), 02 (SOS), 13 (TSOS) and 14 (RETOS) Pay transactions. (M107)
Values 1=Active
2=Temporarily Struck-Off-Strength
3=Struck-Off Strength
Remarks If M107 = X and LWOP Reason Code not = B and not = I
  • set Pay Activity Status Code to 1
If M107 = X and LWOP Reason Code = B or I
  • set Pay Activity Status Code to 2
If M107 = T set Pay Activity Status Code to 2

If M107 = S set Pay Activity Status Code to 3

Note: The generation of LWOP Reason Code must be done first
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (258)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (282) INC.PROD.GKPRF (58)
Element Name Pay Office Code
Alias Pay Office (PRF)
PDED No. 117-0
Definition A code which identifies pay offices and other service offices within the Public Service Pay System.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 09
Values Refer to Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for list of codes.
Remarks The Incumbent does not use records from Pay Offices 22, 23, 31, 90 and 93.
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (58)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (1) INC.PROD.GK34101 (21)
Element Name Pay Rate Base Code
Alias Pay Rate Base (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 25-0
Definition A code which identifies the rate base used to calculate an employee`s pay, to recover an overpayment or the frequency with which a deduction is made.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 65
Values Refer to Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-5 for list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (107)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (89) INC.PROD.GK34101 (175)
Element Name Pay Rate Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 23-0
Definition A code which identifies the basis upon which the pay rate of an employee has been established on appointment and subsequent to appointment, when applicable.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 21
Values Refer to Personnel Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for list of codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name &
Starting Position
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (82) INC.PROD.GK34101 (87)
Element Name Pay Rate Code Effective Date
Alias N/A
PDED No. 2-4
Definition The date a Pay Rate Code is effective.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 63
Remarks If M021 = old Pay Rate Code
  • Set Pay Rate Code Effective Date (DTPYRATE) = old DTPYRATE
  • Set DTPYRATE = M110
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (99)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (83)
Element Name Pay Zone Code
Alias Pay Zone (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 9-0
Definition A code which identifies the geographical zone where rates of pay are established for employees in certain occupational groups and sub-groups according to specific collective agreements.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 36
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-4 for the list of codes.
Remarks The first character represents the Pay Zone System particular to an occupational group; the last two, the geographic zone.
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (108)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (223) INC.PROD.GK34101 (120)
Element Name Paylist Number
Alias Pay List Number (PRF)
PDED No. 17-0
Definition A unique number assigned by the employing department or agency to identify the paylist to which an employee has been designated.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 11
Values N/A 
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(4)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (60)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (6) INC.PROD.GK34101 (26)
Element Name Payment Cycle Code
Alias N/A
PDED No. 85-0
Definition A code which identifies the frequency of issuance of a pay or pension cheque.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 35
  • 3= Weekly
  • 6= Monthly
  • 7= Bi-weekly
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (111)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (87) INC.PROD.GK34101 (119)
Element Name Pension/Insurance Contribution Start Date
Alias Pension Contribution Start Date (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 2-5
Definition The date an employee starts contributions to a pension or insurance plan.
Data Source Contributor System. INC receives the start date of the most recent (current) period of pensionable service from the Contributor System.
Remarks N/A
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (397) CONT.PROD.SG2401 (37)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (177)INC.GKPRF (302)
Element Name Pension Plan Code
Alias Pension Type (MST/PRF)
PDED No. 14-0
Definition A code which identifies the pension plan to which an employee must contribute and the employee's contributory status under the plan or the reason an employee is a non- contributor.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 39
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 3-5-3 for the list of code values.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(2)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (376)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (162) INC.PROD.GK34101 (125)
Element Name Pensionable Service Base Date
Alias Base Date of Pensionable Service (MST)
Base Date Pensionable Service (PRF)
Date Started Pensionable Service (MOB)
PDED No. 2-31
Definition The base date used to determine the amount of pensionable service an employee has accrued under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
Data Source Generated from the Pension/Insurance Contribution Start Date (current service); Elective, Forces and Non Elective Pensionable Service.
Remarks The years and months of Elective, Forces and Non-Elective Pensionable Service are subtracted from the Pension/Insurance Contribution Start Date.
Structure 9(8)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (387) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (51)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (181) INC.PROD.GKPRF (77)
Element Name Pensionable Service Years
Alias Years of Pensionable Service (PRF/MOB)
PDED No. 62-0
Definition The numbers of years and days of pensionable service an employee has accrued under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
Data Source Generated from the Pensionable Service Base Date and Processing Date.
Values YY
Remarks The Pensionable Service Base Date (YYMM) is subtracted from the Processing Date giving Pensionable Service Years. If Pensionable Service Base Date (month) is greater than Processing Date (month) subtract one from Pensionable Service Years. If the calculation results in a negative or Pensionable Service Base Date is zeros, set Pensionable Service Years to zero. Only the resultant "years'' are written to the Incumbent system.If the number of years are greater than 35 then 35 is stored in this element.
Structure 99
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (395) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (63)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (196) INC.PROD.GKMOB (57)
Element Name Personal Record Identifier
Alias PRI (PRF)
PDED No. 333-0
Definition A number assigned to uniquely associate a person with their personal records in the federal Public Service.
Data Source
(MER field)
Central Index
Values N/A 
Remarks The acronym is PRI. The last digit is a modulus-11 check digit. The PRI is 8 digits long, but is stored in the field previously occupied by the (9 digit) Social Insurance Number. The first digit in the stored PRI in the INC System is always a zero.
Structure X(9)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (1) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (1)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (19) INC.PROD.GK34101 (12)
Element Name Population Density Code
Alias Size of Locality Code (PRF)
PDED No. 125-0
Definition A code which identifies the population density of municipalities according to the most recently published census data.
Data Source StatCan GeoRef 1996 Census CD through the PWGSC Geographic Master File.
  • 9 = no population provided*
  • 8 = 0 to 999
  • 7 = 1,000 to 2,499
  • 6 = 2,500 to 4,999
  • 5 = 5,000 to 9,999
  • 4 =10,000 to 29,999
  • 3 = 30,000 to 99,999
  • 2 = 100,000 to 499,999
  • 1 = 500,000 and over

    * added with the Incumbent Master File of February 2005.
Remarks Populations of Geographic Locations are provided by StatCan; the populations are broken into ranges, (see above) which appear on the Geographic Master File and the Incumbent Master File.
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (361) INC.PROD.GEOLOC (83)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (225)
Element Name Position Classification Code
Alias Position Class Title (MST/PRF)
Position Class (MOB)
PDED No. 94-5
Definition A code which identifies the occupational group, sub-group and level for a position.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 53
Values Refer to the Pay Input Manual (PPIM), Section 9-3 for the list of codes.
Remarks The first two characters identify the occupational group; the next three, the sub-group; and the last two, the level.
Structure X(7)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (223) INC.PROD. MOBILITY (131) & (232)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (78) & (192) & (306)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (201) INC.PROD.GK34101 (155)
INC.PROD.GKPRF (310) INC.GKMOB (118) & (214)
Element Name Position Number
Alias Position Number Hiring (MOB)
PDED No. 12-0
Definition A unique number assigned to each organizational position in a department or agency.
Data Source
(MER field)
2517T, field 52
  1. The position number will be assigned and controlled by departments or agencies.

  2. Positions 1-5 (inclusive) represent the Branch portion of the position number. This portion may be alpha/numeric and be left justified. If any leading zeroes are used, it is important to type them in.

  3. Positions 6-10 (inclusive) represent the number portion of the position number. The validation for these characters is as follows:
    1. Characters in positions 6-9 inclusive must be numeric and must be preceded by leading zeroes.
    2. Characters in position 10 may be alpha/numeric but cannot be blank.
    3. The number must be right justified.
  4. Position numbers must be unique within departments or agencies.

  5. When a printout of the position number is printed for central agencies, its department or agency code is also listed.

  6. Dashes will not be accepted in either segment.

  7. Spaces will not be accepted between characters within a segment.

  8. The first three (3) characters of the first segment must not match the three (3) alpha characters representing the department or agency code.
Remarks In cases of acting assignment, INC stores the acting position identifier in the Position Number field, and the substantive position identifier, in the Substantive Position Number field.
Structure X10)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (80) INC.PROD.MOBILITY (121) & (222)
INC.PROD.AAMS (Acting Segment) (68) & (182) & (296)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (191) INC.PROD.GK34101 (145)
INC.PROD.GKPRF (88) INC.GKMOB (108) & (204)
Element Name Position Number (PCIS)
Alias N/A
Definition A unique number assigned to each organizational position in a department or agency.
Data Source
(PCIS field)
PCIS Master
(Col. 4)
  1. The position number will be assigned and controlled by departments or agencies.

  2. Positions 1-5 (inclusive) represent the Branch portion of the position number. This portion may be alpha/numeric and be left justified. If any leading zeroes are used, it is important to type them in.

  3. Positions 6-10 (inclusive) represent the number portion of the position number. The validation for these characters is as follows:
    1. Characters in positions 6-9 inclusive must be numeric and must be preceded by leading zeroes.
    2. Characters in position 10 may be alpha/numeric but cannot be blank.
    3. The number must be right justified.
  4. Position numbers must be unique within departments or agencies.

  5. When a printout of the position number is printed for central agencies, its department or agency code is also listed.

  6. Dashes will not be accepted in either segment.

  7. Spaces will not be accepted between characters within a segment.

  8. The first three (3) characters of the first segment must not match the three (3) alpha characters representing the department or agency code.
Remarks The Incumbent table, NOC Code Table (which also contains additional PCIS fields) is created from the PCIS Master. The Incumbent Master file is then matched with this table using the key : PRI, EMPCLS and DEPT

If NOCID = '3' and Position Number (PCIS) not = blank
  • Capture Position Number from the table
Note: The creation of NOCID must be done first
Structure X(10)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (448)
Old File Name & Starting Position N/A
Element Name Positive Reporting Indicator
Alias Time Summary Indicator (MST/PRF)
Definition A indicator which identifies whether an employee is paid under the positive reporting whereby pay cheques are issued in arrears and based on actual hours worked.
Data Source
(MER field)
  • C = Current reporting
  • A = Arrears based on actual hours working
  • B = Arrears
Remarks N/A 
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (112)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (313) INC.PROD.GKPRF (358)
Element Name Previous Department / Agency Code
Alias Previous Ministry (Owner-Dept) (MST)
PDED No. 1-1
Definition A code which identifies the previous department or agency where a person was employed.
Data Source Generated from Department/Agency Code on INC Master when it changes.
Values Incumbent Department/Agency Table contains valid Department Codes.
Remarks N/A 
Structure X(3)
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (47)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKMST (287)
Element Name Public Service Employment Code
Alias Public Service Population Flag (PRF)
Definition A code which identifies the status of an employee under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA). It also indicates whether the employee is employed as a "casual''.
Data Source Generated from the PSEA Code of the employing department and the Employee Type Code.
  • 1= Subject to PSEA, not casual employee
  • 2= Subject to PSEA, casual employee
  • 3= Not subject to PSEA
Remarks If Pay Activity Status Code (ACTVSTAT) is 2 or 3
  • Public Service Employment Code (PSC-CD) = 3

else (i.e. ACTVSTAT = 1)

  • if BUD > 10000 and < 70000
  • or BUD > 80000 but not = 99807, 99808, 99809, 99810
    • if the PSEA code = 1 (on the DEPT table for this employee's DEPT)
      • if Employee Type Code = K, L, P, R
        • PSC-CD = 2
      • else PSC-CD = 1


  • PSC-CD = 3


  • PSP-CD = 3
Structure X
1996 File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.MAST (299)
Old File Name & Starting Position INC.PROD.GKPRF (353)

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