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Green procurement

Table 10-A  Green procurement — Capacity building
Activity 2008/2009 level 2010/2011 target Description/Comments
Training for procurement and materiel management staff 80 100 The majority of procurement and materiel management staff have received formal green procurement training. The remainder of these employees will take this training in the upcoming fiscal year.
Training for acquisition cardholders Not available Benchmark year The same green procurement training taken by procurement and materiel management staff will be offered to over 100 acquisition cardholders across the agency. Despite their decentralization, the cardholders have easy access to the training, which is offered electronically.
Performance evaluations 25 100 Green procurement performance clauses will be added to the performance evaluations of the staff of the Contracting and Materiel Management unit.
Procurement processes and controls Not available Benchmark year Statistics Canada will establish benchmarks for these processes and controls, and will also add environmental performance considerations to the key processes and controls.

Table 10-B  Green procurement — Use of green consolidated procurement instruments
Good/Service 2008/2009 level 2010/2011 target Description/Comments
$ %
All green consolidated procurement instruments Not available Not available Benchmark year In 2008/2009, these data were not available via Statistics Canada's asset management system. As part of the agency's green procurement initiatives, the system has been modified to enable contracting and procurement officers to flag purchases as 'green.' This will allow the agency to measure levels and establish targets.

Table 10-C  Green procurement — Reduction initiatives for specific goods
Consumable/ Asset 2008/2009 level 2010/2011 target Description/Comments
number per FTE %
Office supplies 373 Benchmark year Statistics Canada has taken strong steps with respect to the acquisition of office supplies. As of April 2009, it has been mandatory for all such purchases to be made through the Statistics Canada store.
Printers Not available Benchmark year Plans are being considered to centralize control of Statistics Canada's printers and photocopiers. If approved, this initiative will have a significant positive impact, resulting in fewer printers and photocopiers and an increased percentage of 'green' supplies for these machines. This will have not only positive environmental consequences, but also favourable budgetary implications.
Photocopy paper 11,531 Benchmark year It is anticipated that paper consumption will be up considerably in 2010/2011 with the conducting of the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture. The increase, however, will be considerably less than what would have been the case in the absence of the paper reduction initiatives that are now in place.
Note: An FTE is a full-time equivalent.