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ARCHIVED - The National Battlefields Commission

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SECTION II: Detailed Analysis of Program Activities

Strategic Outcome:

The Battlefields Park of Quebec is a prestigious, accessible, safe and educational historic and urban site.

The role of the National Battlefields Commission is to make Battlefields Park one of the world's most prestigious national historic sites, providing the opportunity to safely enjoy and use an historic park in an urban setting while increasing awareness of the assets of the area, as well as its history and the history of Canada.

This section presents the NBC's program activities, expected results, performance indicators and related objectives. It also sets out the manner in which the NBC will reach its objectives, as well as the financial and human resources that will be allocated to each program activity.

Program Activities:

2.1   Conservation and Development

Program Activity: Conservation and Development
Human Resources (FTEs) and Planned Spending (in thousands of dollars)
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
FTEs Planned Spending FTEs Planned Spending FTEs Planned Spending
23 2,749 23 2,424 23 2,424

Program Activity Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets
Improve park infrastructure to ensure its long-term preservation and maintain landscapes in good condition Satisfactory general condition, quality facilities and integrity of landscape Maintain general condition and improve parts of infrastructure between now and 2013

Program Activity Summary:

Through this activity, the NBC preserves the integrity of Battlefields Park for future generations by maintaining and improving its infrastructure and horticultural landscaping and offering a safe site for Canadians, foreign users and visitors.

Planning Highlights:

To achieve the expected results, the NBC plans to:

  • Continue with maintenance and surveillance of the buildings, furniture and grounds, keeping the site safe for users and visitors;

  • Carry out infrastructure repairs complementary to those made in 2007; specifically: roads, walkways, sewers, replacement of fences and stabilization of the cliff;

  • Develop and implement a "green trend" encompassing all activities so that Battlefields Park is developed in full accordance with sustainable development concepts and respect for the environment;

  • Renovate the Commander's House (if ceded by the Department of National Defence) to meet office space needs.

Benefits for Canadians

These activities will enable Canadians to enjoy a park that is well maintained and accessible at all times for the holding of events, and in a safe and pleasant setting in which to have fun, appreciate nature and the beauty of the landscape, or practice a sport or recreational activity.

2.2   Public Education and Services

Program Activity: Public Education and Services
Human Resources (FTEs) and Planned Spending (in thousands of dollars)
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
FTEs Planned Spending FTEs Planned Spending FTEs Planned Spending
17 822 17 822 17 822

Program Activity Expected Results Performance Indicators Targets
Promote the history of Canada's first national historic park and its cultural, recreational and natural assets The quality level of public and educational services Maintain the quality of services and provide more historical information, marking the events of 1760 in 2010-2011

Program Activity Summary:

The purpose of this activity is to showcase the history of the site and its cultural, recreational and natural treasures so as to emphasize its dual role as a an historical and an urban park. In support of this activity, the NBC welcomes visitors, presents exhibits and educational activities, and provides high-quality public services.

Planning Highlights:

To achieve the expected results, the NBC plans to:

  • Provide services for the public (performances, sports and sanitary facilities), and educational services (exhibits, interpretation) of high quality;
  • Mark the battle of Ste-Foy, which took place in 1760;
  • Launch and produce an annual cultural event tied to the history of the Plains of Abraham (Plaines lunes presented in 2008 to mark the Commission's centennial);
  • Create new interpretive activities in order to enhance visitor services;
  • Showcase the Murray's Blockhouse archaeological dig site (identification on the site, interpretive panel and virtual presentation about the Blockhouse) and carry out digs on the site of the Dumont Mill (Battle of Ste-Foy).

Benefits for Canadians:

This program activity permits Canadians to increase their knowledge of this key episode in the history of our country and of the Americas. It will also inform them about the assets and heritage value of the Plains of Abraham site. The activities and events organized will also contribute to the dynamism of the region and the vitality of this rallying site in the heart of Quebec City, while adding tourism appeal.

The NBC will encourage Canadians to participate by offering interpretive activities and holding Plaines lunes, in itself a very popular event because it provides an opportunity for the public to play a role and enjoy a special adventure.

The school programs provide enriching experiences for students, who deepen their understanding of Canadian culture as they study various facets of society and history.

These efforts are in line with the Government of Canada's strategic outcome for a vibrant Canadian culture and heritage.

2.3   Internal Services

Program Activity: Internal Services
Human Resources (FTEs) and Planned Spending (in thousands of dollars)
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
FTEs Planned Spending FTEs Planned Spending FTEs Planned Spending
15 5,901 15 5,922 15 5,922

Program activity summary and planning highlights

Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of an organization's programs and corporate obligations. These services are critical to the sound and responsible management of the NBC's program activities. These groups are: administrative services, financial services, communications services, legal services, management and oversight services, information technology services, information management services, real property services, materiel services, acquisition services and payments in lieu of property taxes.

The key objective is to achieve the NBC's strategic outcome and carry out the projects planned over the next few years. In doing so, Internal Services must comply with the NBC's mandate and vision and operate within the budget allocated, in accordance with government policies.

The following priorities have been set:

  • Rigorous budget management;
  • General promotion of services offered to the public and new initiatives;
  • Introducing a new fee structure for services and activities;
  • Internal management of policies such as the user policy, which will be reviewed to better protect the park;
  • Updating the archival document filing and disposal plan in accordance with the Archives Act, in collaboration with Library and Archives Canada.