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ARCHIVED - Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

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Progress Toward the Department's Regulatory Plan

The following table outlines the Agency's major and significant regulatory initiatives scheduled for submission for legal examination, approval or for implementation during the planning period.

Regulatory Initiatives Expected Results
Amendments to Federal Coordination Regulations

Federal Coordination Regulations will be amended to support the Agency's expanded role set out by the Cabinet Directive on Improving the Performance of the Regulatory System for Major Resource Projects, and the Cabinet Directive on Implementing the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

  • Increased and more timely coordination among federal departments in fulfilling environmental assessment requirements.
  • Expanded Agency role in supporting the more predictable, certain and timely coordination of comprehensive and multi-jurisdictional environmental assessments.
Amendments to Canada Port Authority Environmental Assessment Regulations

In accordance with changes brought about by the renewed Act in 2003, amendments to these regulations are needed to ensure the comprehensiveness, consistency, transparency and overall quality of port authorities' environmental assessment processes.

  • Environmental assessment procedures for port authorities will be consistent with provisions of the amended Act particularly with regard to comprehensive studies and the Registry.
Airport Authority Regulations

In accordance with changes brought about by the renewed Act, these regulations will close a gap in the Act by requiring airport authorities to conduct an assessment of the environmental effects of projects located on the federal land over which those authorities have administration, management or other specified rights or interests.

  • An environmental assessment process that captures all appropriate airport authority activities for assessment.
Environmental Assessment Review Panel Service Charges Order

The Order will be updated to reflect the current costs of providing review panel services and the range of services provided, as well as to incorporate an inflation factor.

  • A more sustainable cost recovery system.
Amendments to Comprehensive Study List Regulations

Update the requirements to conduct a comprehensive study for groundwater extraction.

  • An appropriate type of environmental assessment for groundwater projects.
  • More efficient and effective use of environmental assessment resources.