Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Symbol of the Government of Canada

ARCHIVED - Evaluation of Telework Pilot Policy - Findings (Survey) - Number 9

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1. Documented Teleworkers

This survey is designed to be as easy to complete as possible. In most cases, all you have to do is check the box beside your answer. Where a written answer is needed, please reply as briefly as possible. NOTE: N/A means not applicable

Section A - Information about YOUR WORK and your TELEWORK ARRANGEMENT

A1. Why did you start teleworking? (From the list below, please indicate all the reasons that apply to you. You may identify as many as you wish.)

1 - to reduce commuting time

2 - to save money (e.g. on commuting, parking, clothing, eating out, etc.)

3 - because of a change in family situation

4 - because of health problems (e.g. stress, disability, etc.)

5 - to have more flexible work hours

6 - to have more control over work (e.g. fewer interruptions, better ability to concentrate, etc.)

7 - to have more control over the work environment (e.g. heat, air circulation, etc.)

8 - other (please specify) ______________________________________________________

A2. How long have you been teleworking?

_______ month(s)

A3. Which of the following best describes your telework pattern?

1 - regular schedule (e.g. every Monday and Tuesday)

2 - flexible schedule (e.g. different days each week or different weeks each month)

3 - ad hoc (when suitable)

4 - other (please specify) _____________________________________

A4. On average, how many hours do you telework each week?

_______ hours

A5. How many hours is your official paid work week, not including overtime? (If part-time, please show average weekly hours).

1   - 37.5 hours        2   - Other (please specify)        ______ hours

A6. How many hours of voluntary overtime (unauthorized and unpaid):

a) did you work per week on average before you started teleworking? _______ hours

b) do you work per week on average now that you are teleworking? _______ hours

A7a. As a result of teleworking, have you changed significantly your daily pattern of working hours on telework days (e.g. start/finish time, breaks, etc.)?

1   - Yes                     2   - No  Go to question A8a

A7b. Does your normal telework day either begin much earlier or end much later than before you teleworked, with no other changes (i.e. hours of work are still consecutive, meal and other breaks are still same length)?

1   - Yes - Please indicate your starting time      on telework days: _______

2   - No  - on non-telework days: _______

A7c. Is your telework day now divided into two or more distinct segments with personal activities (other than normal meal and rest breaks) in between?

1   - Yes - Please indicate  -    your starting time: _______

2   - No - your finishing time: _______

A7d. Is your telework day following another pattern (e.g. change in start/finish time, breaks or days of the week, etc.)?

1 - Yes (If yes, please explain) _______________________________________________________

2 - No

A7e. Why have you changed your daily pattern of working hours (e.g. more productive during those hours, to help balance work and family/personal responsibilities, etc.)? (Please give the most important reasons)



A8a. What is the main function of your job? Please describe in a few words (e.g. auditing tax returns, translation, word processing, writing legal opinions, etc.)

A8b. Please indicate which of the following tasks you do most often on your teleworking days?

(Check as many as apply)

1-  Reading

2 - Writing

3 - Research

4 - Analysing, interpreting data

5 - Planning, designing

6 - Accounting/budgeting

7 - Wordprocessing

8 - Supervising, managing

9 - Other (please specify) __________________

A9. How many employee(s) do you supervise directly ?

 _____ None        _____ employee(s)

A10. Please check below the arrangement that best describes the space where you telework:

1 - a room used only for my telework

2 - a room which is used for other purposes in addition to my telework

3 - other (please describe) ______________________________________

A11. Did you make any physical change(s) in your home to improve your teleworkplace from a Health and Safety aspect since you started teleworking?

1 - No

2 - Yes (Please describe the change(s)):  


A12. Please indicate if there has been an increase, a decrease or no change in the following monthly expenses as a result of your telework arrangement. If you indicated an increase or decrease, please estimate the amount per month in the space provided.

  No change Increase Decrease N/A



2 $_____

3 $_____




2 $_____

3 $_____


Utilities (heat, hydro, water)


2 $_____

3 $_____


Home insurance


2 $_____

3 $_____


Transportation (including parking)


2 $_____

3 $_____




2 $_____

3 $_____


Other (please specify)


2 $_____

3 $_____



Section B - Preparation you received BEFORE YOU STARTED  teleworking

B1. Who initiated your teleworking arrangement?

1 -  myself           2  - my supervisor           3  - I participated in a pilot project

B2. Is your immediate supervisor supportive of teleworking? (Please check the appropriate box)

1 - Extremely supportive  2        3        4 - Neutral      5      6      7 - Not at all supportive

B3. Did you receive a copy of the Treasury Board Secretariat policy or a Departmental policy on telework? 

1 - Yes        2  -  No

B4. Before you started teleworking, did you receive training/information/counselling from your department on the possible impacts or the practical considerations of teleworking?

1 - Yes        2  -   No  Go to question B6

B5. What aspects of the telework policy were covered in the training/information you received from your department? (Please check all items that apply)

1 - advantages of telework

2 - disadvantages of telework

3 - productivity (no loss of output)

4 - suitability to certain types of employees

5 - employer's responsibilities

6 - employee's responsibilities

7 - need for a telework arrangement document

8 - supervisor's right to say no

9 - consultation with unions

10 - employee participation is voluntary

11 - arrangement can be terminated any time with

reasonable notice

12 - practical considerations of telework

13 - other (specify) __________________________

B6. Did your department inform you:

a) of your responsibility to ensure that your teleworkplace is adequately equipped from a safety and health point of view?

1 - Yes   2 - No   3  - Don't remember

b) that, in teleworking, your collective agreement (or terms and conditions of employment) continues to apply?

1 - Yes   2 - No    3 - Don't remember

B7a. Did you consult with your union prior to starting telework?

1 - Yes    2 - No    3 - N/A (I am not in a unionized position)

B7b. Did you share the details of your telework arrangement with your union?

1 - Yes  2 - No   3 - N/A (I am not in a unionized position)


  Section C - Equipment you use in teleworking

C1. We are interested in knowing about the equipment you use in your teleworkplace. Please see list below. If you do not use any electronic equipment on the days you telework, please check this box and go to Section D.

  • In the first two columns, please put a check-mark next to each of the equipment items to show if you USE or DO NOT USE the item on your teleworking days.
  • For each item you do use, please indicate HOW IMPORTANT you think the item is in performing your telework effectively.
  • For each item you do use, please indicate if it is SUPPLIED BY YOURSELF or SUPPLIED BY YOUR EMPLOYER.


Usage of equipment

Importance in my Work

Supplied by

















Fax machine


Voice mail or answering machine


Business phone line


E-mail or network


Other (specify)


C2a. Can you perform your job effectively on your telework days with the electronic equipment provided by your employer?

1   - Yes -  Go to question C3        2  -  No

C2b. If you answered NO to C2a, please indicate which of the following reduces your effectiveness. Check all that apply.

1 - more equipment is needed 
      1a -  in addition to what I provide
      1b -  in addition to what both my employer and I provide

2 - lack of training

3 - equipment failure

4 - confidentiality and security

5 - other (please specify) 

6 - N/A

C3. Was it easy to obtain from your employer the electronic equipment you needed for teleworking?

1 - Yes

2 - No - Please explain why

3 N/A

C4. When you experience problems with your equipment, is the level of technology support you receive adequate to quickly resolve the problems?

1 - Yes      2  - No      3 - No support available      4 - N/A (I did not experience problems)


Section D - Impacts that teleworking has had on you

Teleworking can have impacts on an employee's personal and professional life. We are interested in whether you have experienced any change since you started to telework in any of the areas listed below. For each item, please indicate how you rate any change using the scale provided below.


Much better













D1. Flexibility to coordinate my work schedule with my personal responsibilities


D2. My overall stress level


D3. The balance between my work and my personal life


D4. Control over my work environment (heat, light, air circulation, etc.)


D5. General health


D6. Social interaction with my co-workers


D7. Interaction with my colleagues on work-related matters


D8. Coordinating schedules with members of my work team


D9. Interruption in my work (from colleagues, family members, personal business, etc.)


D10. Job satisfaction


D11. Advice and guidance from my supervisor


D12. (If applicable), my ability to give direction/feedback to the employees that I supervise


D13. The availability of my supervisor when I experience difficulties with the work I am doing on my telework days


D14. (If applicable), service to my clients


D15. Feedback on my job performance from my supervisor


D16. Career opportunities


D17. My sense of belonging to my organization (my department, branch, etc.)


D18. Attendance at important work meetings



Section E - Impacts that telework has had on your work

Listed below are some factors related to the quality and quantity of the work you produce, in other words, your productivity on the job. For each of these items, please indicate if you have noted any change since you started to telework.















E1. Meeting my deadlines


E2. Volume/quantity of work I produce


E3. Quality of the work I produce


E4. Punctuality (starting work on time)


E5. Completing my work without having to work overtime


E6. Absenteeism

- time off due to illness

- time off due to family related reasons






















E7. My overall work productivity (for all work days, in and away from the office)



Section F - Personal evaluation of telework

F1. How satisfied are you with teleworking? (Please check the appropriate box)

1 - Extremely satisfied    2     3     4 - Neutral    5     6     7 - Extremely satisfied dissatisfied

F2. For you, what have been the one or two principal benefits, if any, of teleworking?

a) In your personal life?

b) In your professional life?

F3. For you, what have been the one or two principal problems, if any, of teleworking?

a) In your personal life?

b) In your professional life?

Section G - General information

G1. On average, how long does it take to get to your official workplace (one way)?

________ minutes

G2. How do you usually commute to work when you are not teleworking?

1 - Drive alone (if so, how many kilometres is your daily drive from home to work one way)? ________ kms

2 - Travel with others (car-pool, public transportation, get dropped off, etc.)

3 - Walk or use bicycle

4  - Other

G3. Since you started teleworking, do you still have office space for your personal use at your official workplace?

1 - Yes        2 -  No        3 - Don't know

G4. If sharing space in your official workplace ever became a condition of your teleworking, would you be willing to share (e.g. sharing a workstation)?

1 - Yes        2 - No          3 - Don't know

G5a. Have you suffered any work-related injury at your teleworkplace since you started teleworking?

1  - No - Go to question G6
2 -  Yes (If yes, please describe):_________________________________________________________________

G5b. If you suffered any injury, did you submit a "Workers Compensation Board Report"?

1 - Yes        2 - No

G6. Do you have any suggestions for improving telework in your organization?


Section H - Demographic Data

Your answers to the questions below will help us to better interpret the data in the rest of the questionnaire.

H1. Gender:

1 - Male        2 - Female

H2. What is your age group?

1 - less than 24

2 - 25 - 34

3 - 35 - 44

4 - 45 - 54

5 - 55 and over

H3. Do you consider yourself disabled?

1 - Yes     2 - No

H4. How long have you been working for the federal government?

__________ years

H5a. Which federal department (or agency, board, commission, etc.) do you work for?


H5b. How long have you been working in your current job?

________ years       __ Under one year

H5c. Are you:

1 - a term employee

2 - an indeterminate (permanent) employee

H6. How many persons, besides yourself, live in your household? In the left side box, please indicate the number of people. In the right side box, please put a check mark if any of the individuals require special care because of age/disability/sickness.

Children (0-5 years) -                   __ special care needed

Children (6 years and over)           __ special care needed

Adult(s)                                        __ special care needed

H7. If you are responsible, during your telework hours, for providing care for any of the
  above individuals, does this activity interfere with your work?

                                                             Yes              Partly              No              N/A

a) children (0-5 years)                              1                    2                   3                     4
b) children (6 years and over)                    1                    2                   3                     4
c) adult(s)                                               1                    2                   3                     4 

H9. What is your present occupational group and level (e.g. CR-02, ES-01, PM-04, etc.)?

1 - Yes   2 - No

H10. What is the geographical location of your official workplace?

1 - Yukon
2 - British Columbia
3 - Saskatchewan
4 - National Capital Region (NCR)
5 - Quebec (excluding NCR)
6 - New Brunswick
7 - Prince Edward Island
8 - Northwest Territories
9 - Alberta
10 - Manitoba
11 - Ontario (excluding NCR)
12 - Nova Scotia
13 - Newfoundland/Labrador
14 - Outside Canada

H11. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

1 - some high school or less

2 - high school

3 - community college/technical school/post-secondary training

4 - university degree(s)


2. Non-Documented Teleworkers

Section B - Preparation you received before you started teleworking

B1. Did you receive a copy of the Treasury Board Secretariat policy or a Departmental policy on telework?

1 Yes 2 No

B2. Before you started teleworking, did you receive training/information/counselling from your department on the possible impacts or the practical considerations of teleworking?

1 -  Yes        2 - No - Go to question B4

B3. What aspects of the telework policy were covered in the training/information you received from your department? (Please check all items that apply)

1 - advantages of telework

2 - disadvantages of telework

3 - productivity (no loss of output)

4 - suitability to certain types of employees

5 - employer's responsibilities

6 - employee's responsibilities

7 - need for a telework arrangement document

8 - supervisor's right to say no

9 - consultation with unions

10 - employee participation is voluntary

11 - telework arrangement can be terminated any time with reasonable notice

12 - practical considerations of telework

13 - other (specify) _______________________

B4. Did your department inform you:

a) of your responsibility to ensure that your teleworkplace is adequately equipped from a safety and health point of view?

1 - Yes         2 - No         3 - Don't remember

b) that, in teleworking, your collective agreement (or terms and conditions of employment) continues to apply?

1 - Yes         2 - No         3 - Don't remember

B5. Did you consult with your union prior to starting telework?

1 - Yes         2 -  No         3 -  N/A (I am not in a unionized position)

B6. Is your immediate supervisor supportive of teleworking? (Please check the appropriate box)

1- Extremely supportive    2      3      4 - Neutral      5      6      7- Not at all supportive

B7. Are you aware that the TBS telework policy specifies that each teleworker shall be given a document signed by the supervisor, setting out the details of the telework arrangement?

1 - Yes         2 -  No

B8. Has your supervisor ever offered to provide you a signed telework arrangement document, confirming in writing the details of your telework?

1 - Yes         2 -  No

B9. Why do you telework without a signed telework arrangement document? (Check as many as apply. Use the explanations space to list any other reasons or provide any further explanations on the reasons given.)

1 - unaware this was a requirement

2 - less paperwork for my supervisor and me

3 - my supervisor would not sign such a document

4 - because my telework schedule is not a regular one

5 - other colleague(s) is (are) doing it without a signed document

6 - because I knew I would telework only for a short period of time




B10. a) Do you plan to continue teleworking?

1- Yes        2 - No - Go to Section C

b) If yes, do you plan to get from your supervisor a signed telework arrangement document in the near future

1 - Yes      

2 - No (if not, are there any other reasons(s) than the one(s) already mentioned in B9?  Id so please explain

3 - Don' know 


Section C - Equipment you use in teleworking

C1. We are interested in knowing about the equipment you use in your teleworkplace. Please see list below. If you do not use any electronic equipment on the days you telework, please check this box and go to Section D.

  • In the first two columns, please put a check-mark next to each of the equipment items to show if you USE or DO NOT USE the item on your teleworking days.
  • For each item you do use, please indicate HOW IMPORTANT you think the item is in performing your telework effectively.
  • For each item you do use, please indicate if it is SUPPLIED BY YOURSELF or SUPPLIED BY YOUR EMPLOYER.


Usage of

Importance in my Work

Supplied by

















Fax machine


Voice mail or answering machine


Business phone line


E-mail or network


Other (specify)


C2a. Can you perform your job effectively on your telework days with the electronic equipment provided by your employer?

1 - Yes - go to question C3        2 - No

C2b. If you answered NO to C2a, please indicate which of the following reduces your effectiveness. Check all that apply.

1 - more equipment is needed 1a in addition to what I provide

2 - lack of training 1b in addition to what both my employer and I provide

3 - equipment failure

4 - confidentiality and security

5 - other (please specify) _______________________________________________________________________________

6 - N/A

C3. Was it easy to obtain from your employer the electronic equipment you needed for teleworking?

1 - Yes

2 - No - Please explain why _______________________________________________________________________________

3 - N/A

C4. When you experience problems with your equipment, is the level of technology support you receive adequate to quickly resolve the problems?

1 - Yes         2 - No         3 - No support available         4 - N/A (I did not experience problems)


3. Supervisors of Documented Teleworkers

This survey is designed to be as easy as possible to complete. In most cases, all you have to do is check the box beside the answer. Where a written answer is needed, please reply as briefly as possible.

 Section A - Telework situations

1.1 If you have ever approved a telework request, on what specific criteria did you base your approval? If you have approved such a request, check all applicable responses in the left column. If you have not approved any request, check applicable responses in the right column.

1 - no specific criterion

2 - the employee's type of work

3 - the employee's ability to work independently

4 - the employee's prior performance

5 - the group and level of the employee

6 - the employee's years of service

7 - accommodation of a disabled person

8 - other, please specify:


9 - I did not have the opportunity to make such a decision

10 - I do not have the authority to approve such a request.  

1.2 If you have ever denied an employee's request to telework, please indicate the reason(s).

1 - additional costs for equipment

2 - impact on client service

3 - the employee's type of work

4 - confidentiality of work documents

5 - the employee's lack of autonomy

6 - other, please specify :

7 does not apply

1.3 Did you receive the following information from your department?



a) Copy of the publication entitled "The Telework Pilot Program in the Public

Service" or a copy of your department's telework policy


b) Information/counselling/advice from your department on implementing



c) Information related to health and safety at the employee's teleworkplace


1.4 How useful was the information you received on telework?

1- Extremely useful    2 - Very useful     3 - Useful     4 - Somewhat useful     5 - Not at all useful

1.5 How many of your employees telework? Indicate the number below. If you no longer supervise teleworkers, check the box and go to question 1.8.

Number: _______ employee(s)                   Does not apply: I no longer supervise teleworkers

1.6 What are the occupational groups of your teleworkers (e.g.: AU, PM, SI, CR). Please list the groups.

________     ________        ________        ________        ________        ________        ________       

1.7 What are your employees' telework patterns? Check all applicable responses.

1 - telework their entire work week

2 - telework part of their work week

3 - telework occasionally, depending on the task at hand

1.8 What costs did your department pay to facilitate telework for your employees (costs that would not have been paid if none of your employees had teleworked)?



Less than

$200 to

$1 000 to 
$2 999

$3 000 to 
$4 999

$5 000 or 

Do not 

a) Average cost per teleworker for electronically equipping the teleworkplace








b) Other (training, etc.); please specify:








1.9 In your opinion, have these costs been recouped or will they be recouped ? If yes, how? Check all applicable responses.

1 - Yes, through an increase in quantity/quality of work

2 - Yes, through reduced absenteeism

3 - Yes, through savings on office space

4 - Yes, through another means; please specify:

5 - No, I do not believe the costs can be recouped

6 - Does not apply

1.10 If one of your employees decided to stop teleworking, would you have office space available at the official workplace for that employee?

1 - Yes         2 - No         3 - Does not apply

1.11 In order to accommodate your employees who telework, did you have to make any work-related changes in your unit (e.g. distribution of work, scheduling of meetings, etc.)? Please specify briefly any changes made.


Section B - Impact of telework on your unit

2.1 We would like to know if telework has had any impact on your teleworkers, on yourself and on their colleagues who do not telework. Please indicate if there have been any changes related to any of the following aspects since one or more of your employees began teleworking. For each item, please indicate how you rate any change using the scale provided.




















Impacts on your employees who telework 

a) Motivation at work


b) Interaction with their colleagues on work-related matters


c) Ability to respond to clients' requests, if applicable


d) Attendance at important work-related meetings


e) Meeting their deadlines


f) Quality of their work


g) Quantity of work


h) Punctuality at the official workplace


i) Absenteeism


j) Career opportunities


Impacts on you


k) Your way of establishing work objectives with your teleworking employees


l) Communicating your instructions, advice, counselling to teleworking employees


m) Communicating feedback on their work to teleworking employees


n) Your way of assessing their work


o) Your overall productivity


Impacts on teleworkers' colleagues


p) Their motivation at work


q) Coordination of their work with the teleworker, if applicable


r) Their overall productivity



Section C - Evaluation of telework

3.1 In your opinion, what are the main advantages of telework (if any) for your organization?

3.2 In your opinion, what are the main disadvantages of telework (if any) for your organization?

3.3 Do you have any suggestions for improving telework in your organization? Please specify.



3.4 In general, are you supportive of telework?

1 - Extremely supportive    2   3     4 - Neutral    5    6    7- Not at all supportive


Section D - Demographic data

Information that you provide in this section will help us to carry out a more detailed statistical analysis covering all questionnaires.

4.1 How long have you been an employee of the federal public service?

             ______ years

4.2 What is your current occupational group and level (e.g. CR-O5, ES-04, EX-02, FI-03, SI-04)?


4.3 How long have you held a supervisory position?

               ______ years

4.4 How long have you been supervising teleworkers?

              ______ months

4.5 Do you telework?

1 - Yes         2 - No

4.6 Are you:

1 - Male        2 - Female

4.7 What is the highest level of education you have completed?

1 - High school or lower

2 - Post-secondary

3  - University

4.8 What is the geographical location of your position?

1 - Yukon
2 - Northwest Territories
3 - British Columbia
4 - Alberta
5 - Saskatchewan
6 - Manitoba
7 - National Capital Region (NCR)
8 - Ontario (excluding the NCR)
9 - Quebec (excluding the NCR)
10 - New Brunswick
11 - Nova Scotia
12 - Prince Edward Island
13 - Newfoundland/Labrador
14 - Outside Canada


4. Dependent Colleagues

This survey is designed to be as easy to complete as possible. In most cases, all you have to do is check the box beside your answer. Where a written answer is needed, please reply as briefly as possible. NOTE: N/A means not applicable

Section A - General information about the working situation of the teleworker in your work unit and your interaction with him/her

A1. On average, how many days per week does the teleworker work at home?

_____ days per week         ______ Don't know

A2. Which of the following best describes his/her telework pattern?

1 - regular schedule (e.g. every Monday and Tuesday)

2 - flexible schedule (e.g. different days each week or different weeks each month)

3 - ad hoc (when suitable)

4 - other (please specify) _____________________________________

A3. Using the scale provided, please indicate to what extent your ability to do your own work depends upon the work of this teleworker.

1- To a great        2        3       4 - To a moderate extent      5       6       7 - Not at all

If your answer is between 1 and 5 on the scale, please describe the relationship between your work and the teleworker's.



A4. Did you receive any information on the possible impacts that working with a teleworker might have on you and your work?

1 - Yes. If so, what major aspects did the information cover?


2 - No. If no, what sort of training or information could have helped you to better prepare for working  teleworker?

A5a. How do you communicate with this teleworker on the days he/she teleworks? (Please check all items that apply and rate their importance in the appropriate column.)

Means of Communication

Telephone / voice mail / answering machine


Fax machine

Other (specify)  

















A5b. In general, are the means you use to communicate with the teleworker satisfactory? Please 
indicate your rating using the scale provided.

1 - Extremely satisfactory    2    3    4 - Neutral     5     6     7 - Extremely unsatisfactory

If you answered 5, 6 or 7, please explain why you find the mean(s) unsatisfactory.


A6. On the days your colleague is teleworking, how frequently do you communicate with him/her for each of the following reasons?


Rarely or

Less than 
once a day

Once a day

More than 
once a day

a) to give instructions or feedback





b) to receive instructions or feedback





c) other work-related matters





d) non work-related matters






Section B - Impacts that working with a teleworker has on you

Has there been any change in the areas listed below as a direct result of working with a teleworker? For each item, please indicate the degree of change, using the scale provided. Please note that the word "before" in the scale refers to the time before your colleague began teleworking.


Much better















B1. Satisfaction with my job


B2. Satisfaction with my work environment


B3. Involvement / commitment to my job


B4. Work-related stress


B5. My absenteeism from work



Section C - Impacts that teleworking with a teleworker has had on your work

Has there been any change in the following aspects of work as a result of your colleague teleworking? For each of the items listed, please indicate if there was a change by checking the appropriate box. For aspects where you answered "better or worse than before", please explain briefly the nature of the change in the explanation column.


Better than before

No change from before

Worse than before

Explain briefly

C1. Volume / quantity of work I produce





C2. Quality of work I produce





C3. Complexity of tasks assigned to me





C4. Variety of tasks assigned to me





C5. Interesting / challenging work given to me





C6. My ability to meet deadlines





C7. Having to work overtime





C8. Frequency of being asked to do urgent jobs





C9. Teamwork





C10. Service to our clients, if applicable





C11. Other (specify)





C12. To what extent would you agree with the following statements? (Please use the scale provided below)


Agree very













a) Telework has a positive impact on the morale of my work unit.


b) Being able to telework is a privilege.



Section D - Your experience with the teleworker

D1. What have been the most difficult adjustments you have had to make since working with a teleworker? (eg. scheduling meetings with the teleworker, answering the teleworker's phone, dealing with extra workload, etc).



D2. a) Briefly, from your perspective, what have been the main advantages, if any, of working with a teleworker?



b) Briefly, from your perspective, what have been the main disadvantages, if any, of working with a teleworker?



D3. As a colleague of a teleworker, do you have any suggestions that would improve / facilitate working with a teleworker?




Section E - Demographic Data

Your answers to the questions below will help us to better interpret the data in the rest of the questionnaire.

E1. What is your present occupational group and level (eg. CR-02, ES-04, SI-03, etc.)?_

E3. What is your age group?

1-  less than 24
2 - 25 - 34
3 - 35 - 44
4 - 45 - 54
5 - 55 and over

E2. Gender:

1 - Male     2 - Female

E4. Which federal department (or agency, board, commission, etc.) do you work for?


E5. How long have you been working:

a) in your current job?

______ years     _______under one year

b) with the teleworker?

______ years _______  under one year

E6. Did you ever ask your current supervisor if you could telework yourself?

1 - No        2 - Yes

2 - Yes. If yes, did your supervisor approve your request?     2 - 2 No. If no, why was it denied?