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ARCHIVED - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

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Summary of Transfer Payments by Program Activity for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada*

($ millions) Forecast Spending 2007-2008 Planned Spending 2008-2009 Planned Spending 2009-2010 Planned Spending 2010-2011
* For the above table, and supporting Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPP) templates (for those TPPs over $5 million in 2008-2009), forecast spending reflects the authorized funding levels to the end of the fiscal year 2007-2008 (not necessarily forecast expenditures).

For the above table only:
Planned spending reflects funds already brought into the department's reference levels as well as amounts to be authorized through the Estimates process (for the 2008-2009 through to 2010-2011 planning years) as presented in the Annual Reference Level Update. It also includes notional allocations to grants and contributions of the adjustments in future years for funding approved in the government fiscal plan, but yet to be brought into the Department's reference levels (captured under the "Adjustments" section).

For the supporting Details on Transfer Payments Program (TPP) templates (for those TPPs over $5 million in 2008-2009):

Planned spending however, reflects only the funding as presented in the 2008-09 Annual Reference Level Update
Business Risk Management 5.0 12.1 12.1 12.1
Innovation and Renewal 193.5 31.3 31.3 31.3
National Farm Products Council 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total Statutory Grants 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2
Total Voted Grants 193.5 38.4 38.4 38.4
Total Grants 198.7 43.6 43.6 43.6
Business Risk Management 1,164.4 1,611.1 591.1 591.1
Food Safety and Food Quality 71.4 24.9 24.9 24.9
Markets and International 24.7 24.8 24.8 24.8
Environment 111.0 45.6 45.6 45.6
Innovation and Renewal 147.4 181.5 134.2 122.9
Rural and Cooperatives Secretariats 7.8 5.9 4.2 4.2
Total Statutory Contributions 1,124.4 1,553.3 582.5 582.5
Total Voted Contributions 402.3 340.6 242.3 231.0
Total Contributions 1,526.7 1,893.9 824.7 813.5
Total Statutory Grants & Contributions 1,129.6 1,558.5 587.7 587.7
Total Voted Grants & Contributions 595.8 379.0 280.7 269.4
Total Grants & Contributions 1,725.4 1,937.5 868.3 857.1
Adjustments (Planned Spending not in Main Estimates):
Total adjustment (including 2007-2008 Supplementary Estimates and Initiatives to be approved for future years)
1,150.1 325.1 1,313.5 1,307.7
Total Grants & Contributions 2,875.4 2,262.6 2,181.9 2,164.8

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program (Voted)

Start Date: December 14, 2006

End Date: March 31, 2011

Description: The Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program (ABIP) is an initiative designed to strengthen the capacity of Canadian science providers and industry through the creation of networks for research, technology development, and commercialization of agricultural bioproducts and bioprocesses.

Strategic Outcome(s): Innovation for Growth

Expected result(s): - Signed agreements that support the establishment, development and operation of bioproducts research networks;
- Leading-edge research and development related to feedstock production including crop platforms and cropping systems suitable for conversion to bioproducts;
- Leading-edge research and development related to effective and efficient technologies for biomass conversion, and agricultural bioproduct diversification.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Innovation and Renewal  
Total Grants  
- -
Total Contributions 0.9
11.5 11.5
Total Transfer Payment Program 0.9 20.7 11.5 11.5

Planned Audits: Internal Auditing: An audit of the ABIP Program is not scheduled for fiscal year 2007-08. Any future internal audit will depend on overall departmental operational requirements, as well as the nature and the degree of risks identified through the annual risk assessments for all departmental programs.

Recipient Auditing: The ABIP Secretariat will adopt a risk-based approach to the selection of contributions for audit. The audit risk of each contribution agreement will be assessed annually. The intent is to audit contributions where the ABIP Secretariat has identified some specific concerns.

Planned Evaluations: An impact evaluation is proposed to be conducted in FY 2010/11.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF) (Voted) (Grants and Contributions to facilitate adaptation and rural development within the agriculture and agri-food sector)

Start Date: April 1, 2004

End Date: March 31, 2009

Description: The purpose of the ACAAF program is to position Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector at the leading edge to seize new opportunities. It is based on a three-pillar approach, including:
Pillar I: "Industry-Led Solutions to Emerging Issues";
Pillar II: "Capturing Market Opportunities By Advancing Research Results";
Pillar III: "Sharing Information to Advance the Sector".

The ACAAF Program was developed as the successor to the Canadian Adaptation and Rural Development (CARD) II Fund.

Strategic Outcome(s): Innovation for Growth

Expected result(s):
- Expanded sector capacity to respond to current and emerging issues and better positioned to capture market opportunities.
- An actively and continuously engaged sector that works together to contribute to future agriculture and agri-food policy directions.
- Enhanced future government or industry initiatives through sector-led, tested and piloted projects.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Innovation and Renewal  
Total Grants 41.7
- -
Total Contributions 3.1
Total Transfer Payment Program 44.8 33.4    

Planned Audits: Using a risk assessment model, one or two National projects recipients will be selected for compliance audits.

Planned Evaluations: The ACAAF Evaluation began during the 2007-2008 fiscal year and it is assessing the relevance, success/progress and cost effectiveness of ACCAF in meeting the sector's needs and the Department's objectives. The final evaluation report will be finalized and available early in the 2008-2009 fiscal year.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: AgriInsurance Program (Statutory)

Start Date: April 1, 2008

End Date: March 31, 2012

Description: Under Growing Forward, AgriInsurance is one of four core federal-provincial-territorial Business Risk Management programs available to Canadian producers. AgriInsurance includes the Production Insurance (PI) program which will aim to reduce financial impact on producers of production losses caused by uncontrollable natural perils. PI is a statutory program under the AgriInsurance.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s): Expected Results for the Production Insurance Program are: Increased number of new programs and options available to farmers, including new plans for horticulture and livestock sectors. Increased producer participation in provinces and territories that have amended existing plans and that are implementing new plans and options.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 407.0
227.3 227.3
Total Transfer Payment Program 407.0 388.7 227.3 227.3

Planned Audits: Information was not available regarding a scheduled internal audit of Production Insurance Program. AAFC Audit and Evaluation Plan to be finalized by March 31, 2008.

Planned Evaluations: Production Insurance Program Evaluation was completed in 2007-08. There is no planned evaluation of the Production Insurance Program in 2008-09

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: AgriInvest Cost of Production Element (Statutory)

Start Date: April 1, 2008

End Date: March 31, 2012

Description: The AgriInvest Cost of Production Element will assist producers with additional federal-only contributions to their AgriInvest accounts, without requiring producers to make a matching contribution.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s):
- Reduce producers income loss through participation in Business Risk Management programs
- A sector that is proactive in managing financial risks

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 39.5
- -
Total Transfer Payment Program 39.5 100.0 - -

Planned Audits: No internal audits are curently planned for 08/09

Planned Evaluations: None currently planned for 08/09

As required, the allocations to Grant versus Contribution may be adjusted and these would be reflected in the Supplementary Estimates, the Departmental Performance Report and Public Accounts.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: AgriInvest Program (Statutory)

Start Date: December 19, 2007

End Date: March 31, 2013

Description: A savings account for producers, supported by governments, that provides coverage for small income declines and replaces the top tier (15 per cent) of margin-based assistance.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s): Investments that help mitigate risks or improve market income.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 1.7
159.5 159.5
Total Transfer Payment Program 1.7 159.5 159.5 159.5

Planned Audits:
- No internal audits are curently planned for 08/09
- Annual Cost Sharing Audit

Planned Evaluations: None currently planned for 08/09

Effective April 1, 2008, the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program is being replaced by the AgriStability and AgriInvest programs. Not reflected in the table above is the 2007-08 Forecast Spending amount for the CAIS program, which is $607.5 million. As required, the allocations to Grant versus Contribution may be adjusted and these would be reflected in the Supplementary Estimates, the Departmental Performance Report and Public Accounts.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: AgriStability Program (Statutory)

Start Date: December 19, 2007

End Date: March 31, 2013

Description: An improved margin-based program providing support when a producer experiences larger income losses (i.e. declines of more than 15 per cent).

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s):
- Producers practicing business risk management and strategic planning.
- Income stabilization.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants  
- -
Total Contributions -
54.2 54.2
Total Transfer Payment Program - 655.2 54.2 54.2

Planned Audits
- No internal audits are currently planned for 08/09
- Annual Cost Sharing Audit

Planned Evaluations: None currently planned for 08/09

Effective April 1, 2008, the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program is being replaced by the AgriStability and AgriInvest programs. Not reflected in the table above is the 2007-08 Forecast Spending amount for the CAIS program, which is $607.5 million.

As required, the allocations to Grant versus Contribution may be adjusted and these would be reflected in the Supplementary Estimates, the Departmental Performance Report and Public Accounts.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the department’s reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Payments in connection with the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Statutory) - Advance Payments Program

Start Date: 1997

End Date: On-going under the AMPA legislation

Description: The Advance Payments Program (APP) guarantees provides cash advances to eligible producers (recent amendments to AMPA increased the interest free portion of advances from $50,000 to $100,000, and the maximum advance from $250,000 to $400,000) to enable them to produce and market their agricultural products when market conditions are most ideal. Amendments also now allow livestock producers the ability to receive an advance under AMPA.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s) are to:
- Provide producers with greater access to credit, to assist with production costs.
- Improved cash flow and marketing opportunities.
- Provide producers with greater access to credit to assist with input costs.
- Improved cash flow.
- Better farming practices by providing greater access to working capital.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants  
- -
Total Contributions 164.8
137.5 137.5
Total Transfer Payment Program 164.8 137.5 137.5 137.5

Planned Audits: Formal audits of participating producer organizations in the APP are completed each fiscal year. Our current target for formal audits is 6 producer organizations for 2008-09, but may increase by 1 or 2 depending on the number of new producer organizations which will be added and be delivering the APP.

Planned Evaluations: An evaluation of APP was conducted and tabled in Parliament in 2005 by the Minister. AMPA legislation requires to have an evaluation completed every 5 years. Following the 2005 evaluation, cross-Canada consultations took place in order to make the appropriate changes to the APP, from which, the legislative amendments were made to the program. The next evaluation of AMPA will most likely take place early in the fiscal year 2009-2010.

The amended legislation under AMPA provides for the amalgamation of the Enhanced Spring Credit Advance Program (ESCAP) and Advance Payments Program under one statutory program. Forecast Spending for 2007-08 reflects the authorities for both the ESCAP Program and the AMPA Program to accommodate a full transition into the AMPA Advanced Payments Program effective April 1, 2008.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Facilitating the Disposal of Specified Risk Materials (Voted)

Start Date: December 14, 2006

End Date: March 31, 2009

Description: The federal government continues to provide BSE related assistance to Canada's cattle industry to support its efforts to recover from the impacts of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) first discovered in Canada in May 2003. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has implemented an enhanced feed ban, which is a significant step towards eliminating BSE from the national cattle herd.

This program will help the beef industry mitigate the cost of adapting to the July 12, 2007 enhancements to the feed ban enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. The enhancements regulate the disposal of specified risk material (SRM) and adequate disposal infrastructure is required.

Cost-shared federal-provincial programs are in place and offer $127.5 million in financial assistance to the industry (federal: $76.5 million; provincial: $51 million). The program is administered provincially and federal funds are used to support projects that have been approved through the provincial government process.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s): Expected results are enhancing the canadian infrastructure for disposal of Specified Risk Material and the capabflity for Canada to address BSE concerns.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants  
- -
Total Contributions 33.0
Total Transfer Payment Program 33.0 38.5    

Planned Audits: At this time there are no planned audits.

Planned Evaluations: A planned evaluation for SRM program is targeted by the 3rd quarter of the 08-09 fiscal year.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canadian Farm Families Options Program (Voted)

Start Date: June 23, 2006

End Date: March 31, 2010

Description: The Options program is a pilot program that provides short-term financial assistance to low-income farm families and provides eligible clients with access to farm business assessment and training services that could help them increase their long-term on- and off-farm income opportunities. Income payments are issued to eligible applicants based on information on the 2005 and 2006 tax years. Eligible applicants commit to completing a Renewal activity, either a Farm Business Assessment or Canadian Agricultural Skills Service, or an approved equivalent by November 20, 2008.

Strategic Outcome(s): Innovation for Growth

Expected result(s): Increased awareness of Options Program and Renewal services; enhanced ability to explore business planning and training opportunities; increased business management capacity, and opportunities seized to increase farm family incomes.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Innovation and Renewal  
Total Grants 76.0
- -
Total Contributions 32.0
2.0 -
Total Transfer Payment Program 108.0 16.0 2.0 -

Planned Audits: No planned audits for 2008-09.

Planned Evaluations: An evaluation of the Options program will be completed by March 31, 2010.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the department’s reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Canadian Cattlemen's Association Legacy Fund (Statutory)

Start Date: June 27, 2005

End Date: March 31, 2015

Description: The purpose of the Legacy Fund is to support the Canadian beef sector to develop markets for beef cattle, beef cattle genetics, beef and beef products in a post-BSE environment. A grant totalling $50 million over 10 years will be provided to the Canadian Cattlemen's Association on behalf of the beef sector.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s): Growth in traditional, existing, new and emerging markets for Canadian beef and genetics products; maximize the total value realized by the Canadian beef and cattle genetics industry through optimization of genetics products values, carcass values, and live cattle values; and increase the awareness of a Canadian beef identity / brand.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants 7.0
5.0 5.0 
Total Contributions -
- -
Total Transfer Payment Program 7.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

Planned Audits: No planned audits at this time.

Planned Evaluations: The contract with CCA requires a mid-term and a final evaluation.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Cover Crop Protection Program (Voted)

Start Date:June 13, 2007

End Date: March 31, 2011

Description: The Cover Crop Protection Program (CCPP) provides financial assistance as a direct payment to the producers whose lands are affected by excess moisture or flooding. The federal funding is being provided to producers based on their inability to seed a commercial crop on or before the seeding deadline specified by the Production Insurance (PI) program in their particular province.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s):
- Increased capacity of affected producers to meet increased costs associated with land restoration and amelioration due to flooding.
- Reduced soil erosion by increasing the affected acres seeded to cover crops through the promotion of information in order to educate producers.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants 22.1
7.1   7.1 
Total Contributions  
- -
Total Transfer Payment Program 22.1 7.1 7.1 7.1

Planned Audits: At this time there are no planned audits.

Planned Evaluations: At this time there are no planned evaluations.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agricultural Disaster Relief Program (ADRP) / AgriRecovery (Statutory)

Start Date: December 6, 2007

End Date: March 31, 2011

Description: The ADRP will allow governments to quickly develop and implement initiatives of up to $20 million each in federal funding in response to disasters affecting Canada's agriculture industry. ADRP will assist eligible recipients in quickly returning to a pre-event level of business operations and/or containing long-term impacts when Disasters occur.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s): ADRP will ensure that eligible recipients will have the funds necessary to:
- undertake short-term measures to more quickly return their income stream to its pre-disaster level;
- minimize/contain any long-term impacts of a disaster, thereby mitigting further damages and losses which could result in requests for a larger investment of government money;
- address timing-of-payment weaknesses in ongoing BRM programming (i.e. AgriInvest, AgriStability and AgriInsurance), where these BRM programs are not able to provide a quick response to a disaster, while reducing the financial impact on these BRM programs and
- address other gaps in the existing BRM programs and other disaster-related programming.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants 62.7
Total Contributions -
- -
Total Transfer Payment Program 62.7 108.4 - -

Planned Audits: Internal - An audit of the ADRP was not scheduled for 2007-2008. Any future internal audits will depend on the Office of Audit and Evaluation and will depend on the nature and the degree of risks identified through the annual risk assessment for all department programs.
Field audits - will be conducted as stipulated in the program RMAF/RBAF (estimated 30 field audits conducted on the criteria detailed in the RMAF/RBAF).

Planned Evaluations: Nature and timing of the evaluation of ADRP will be set in accordance with the Policy on Evaluation, the Policy on Transfer Payments and MRRS Policy.

As required, the allocations to Grant versus Contribution may be adjusted and these would be reflected in the Supplementary Estimates, the Departmental Performance Report and Public Accounts.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: EcoAgriculture Biofuels Capital Initiative (Voted)

Start Date: March 29, 2007

End Date: March 31, 2011

Description: The ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital initiative (ecoABC) is a four-year, $200 million federal initiative that provides repayable contributions of up to $25 million per project for the construction or expansion of renewable transportation biofuel production facilities.

Strategic Outcome(s): Innovation for Growth

Expected result(s): The objective of ecoABC is to provide agricultural producers with an opportunity for equity investment in biofuel production facilities, and to facilitate achieving the federal government's renewable fuel content targets of 5% in gasoline by 2010 and 2% in diesel by 2012 through domestic production.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Innovation and Renewal  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 16.3
53.3 57.4
Total Transfer Payment Program 16.3 75.0 53.3 57.4

Planned Audits: No audits are planned for 2008-2009.

Planned Evaluations: A formative evaluation is planned for 2008-2009

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agriculture and Agri-food Sector Assistance - Environment (under the Agricultural Policy Framework - Non-Business Risk Management Terms and Conditions - Voted)

Start Date: April 1, 2003

End Date: March 31, 2008 (proposed extension until March 31, 2009)

Description: The purpose of the Environment programs is to support the adoption of management practices on farms across Canada, which are beneficial to the environment and economically sustainable.

Strategic Outcome(s): Health of the Environment

Expected result(s) are to:
- Provide for the ongoing use of agri-environmental information, planning and management tools to support the stewardship ethic of producers.
- Support the implementation of environmental farm plans and support the adoption of environmental Beneficial Management Practices (BMP) by agricultural producers in the management of land, water, air and biodiversity

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Environment  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 156.2
- -
Total Transfer Payment Program 156.2 45.6 - -

Planned Audits: Environmental Farm Planning Program/National Farm Stewardship Program

Planned Evaluations: National Water Supply Expansion Program Evaluation

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agriculture and Agri-food Sector Assistance - Food Safety and Food Quality (under the Agricultural Policy Framework - Non-Business Risk Management Terms and Conditions - Voted)

Start Date: April 1, 2003

End Date: March 31, 2008 (proposed extension until March 31, 2009)

Description:The objective of the program is to assist industry in developing and implementing government-recognized food safety, traceability and quality process control systems throughout the agri-food continuum, in order to:
- protect human health by reducing exposure to food hazards;
- increase consumer confidence in the safety and quality of food produced in Canada;
- increase industry's ability to meet or to exceed market requirements for food safety and food quality; and to
- provide value-added opportunities through the adoption of food safety and food quality systems.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s): Development and adoption of industry-led and government recognized national on-farm food safety process control systems by all commodities in the primary production sector; development and participation in national food safety systems, developed by industry and recognized by government, by other sectors of the agri-food continuum.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Food Safety and Food Quality  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 110.1
- -
Total Transfer Payment Program 110.1 24.9 - -

Planned Audits: The current Canadian Food Safety & Quality (CFSQP) Audit Plan provides for nine project-specific compliance audits.

Planned Evaluations: None planned.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Control of Diseases in the Hog Industry- Circovirus Initiative (Voted) - Phase I - Circovirus Inoculation Strategy

Start Date: September 27, 2007

End Date: March 31, 2009

Description: The Circovirus Inoculation Strategy (CIS) is an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) initiative aimed at providing assistance in minimizing the overall potential effect of the Porcine Circovirus Associated Diseases (PCVAD) on the Canadian hog herd. AAFC is to provide financial assistance towards the identification and mitigation of the virus.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s):
- The detection of PCVAD within the Canadian Hog Herd.
- Inoculation of the Canadian hog population against PCVAD.
- Early detection of concentrated areas of PCVAD
- By mapping the areas of positive diagnostic tests baseline data as to the spread of the disease can be developed for future surveillance of the hog herd.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 14.3
- -
Total Transfer Payment Program 14.3 10.8 - -

Planned Audits: None at this time

Planned Evaluations: No planned evaluations at this time.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agriculture and Agri-food Sector Assistance - International (Canadian Agriculture and Food International Program) (under the Agricultural Policy Framework - Non-Business Risk Management Terms and Conditions - Voted)

Start Date: April 1, 2003

End Date: March 31, 2008 (proposed extension until March 31, 2009)

Description: The purpose of the CAFI program is to provide support to industry to gain and expand international recognition for Canada and enhance market opportunities for Canadian agriculture and food products. The program replaces and improves on AAFC's Agri-Food Trade Program (AFTP).

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s):
- Gaining recognition and building markets
- Improved market access
- Enhanced capacity that responds to identified industry needs

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Markets and International  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 24.7
- -
Total Transfer Payment Program 24.7 24.8 - -

Planned Audits: No audits are planned for fiscal year 2008-2009.

Planned Evaluations: An evaluation of the CAFI Program will be completed in 2008-2009.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agri-Opportunities Program (Voted) (New Opportunities for Agriculture Initiatives)

Start Date: December 14, 2006

End Date: March 31, 2011

Description: A $134 million program, ending March 2011, that focuses on new innovative value-added agricultural, agri-food and agri-based products, services or processes that are currently not commercially produced or available in Canada and that are ready to be introduced into the marketplace. The program provides repayable contributions for commercialization projects that are expected to increase market opportunities for the Canadian agricultural industry across the value chain and to increase demand for primary agricultural products.

Strategic Outcome(s): Innovation for Growth

Expected result(s) are to: promote new opportunities for agriculture through assistance to help the sector diversify or move into promising new markets with prospects for long term sustainability. Expected results include:
- increased number of facilities established, modernized or expanded;
- increased number of new products, processes and services that are brought to market;
- increased knowledge and skills of recipient organizations;
- increased demand for primary agricultural products;
- increased number of new revenue streams among recipient organizations;
- increased level and quality of employment for recipient organizations and
- increased participation in value added industries.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Innovation and Renewal  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 3.4
43.7 31.1
Total Transfer Payment Program 3.4 40.8 43.7 31.1

Planned Audits: No audits are planned for fiscal year 2008-2009.

Planned Evaluations: A formative evaluation is planned for 2008-2009

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Orchards & Vineyards Transition Program (Voted)

Start Date: October 25, 2007

End Date: March 31, 2011

Description: The program will fund plant removal which is the very first step towards replanting orchards and vineyards or planting other crops to help producers compete in the changing global markets. The program will also respond to the market pressure by funding strategic planning activities which will increase the industry's knowledge and help the industry make decisions. The program will operate in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

Strategic Outcome(s): Innovation for Growth

Expected result(s) are to: ensure acreage is readily available for replant of more marketable crops, and to develop an improved understanding of the opportunities for the orchards and vineyards sector. This will encourage producers to make the adjustments necessary to become more competitive.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Innovation and Renewal  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 1.4
9.9 9.2
Total Transfer Payment Program 1.4 15.2 9.9 9.2

Planned Audits: Recipient audit will be determined based on audit work plan. The need for an internal audit will be determined by the Office of Audit and Evaluation.

Planned Evaluations: A summative evaluation will be conducted during fiscal year 2010-11.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Plum Pox Eradication Program (Voted)

Start Date: April 19, 2004

End Date: March 31, 2011

Description: The purpose of this seven-year program (2004-05 to 2010-11) is to eradicate the Plum Pox Virus (PPV) in Canada while ensuring the viability of the industry. This program is a follow-up of the expired three-year program (2001-02 to 2003-04) which showed that the eradication of PPV was possible. 2007-08 was year 4 of the 7-year program. Surveillance for the virus continued by sampling trees in the quarantine area. Infected tees and trees in infected blocks that met the removal threshold were removed. Producers were financially assisted for the loss of trees.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Expected result(s): Eradication of the Plum Pox Virus in Canada while maintaining the viability of the industry.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Business Risk Management  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 5.8 8.6 8.6 8.6
Total Business Risk Management 5.8 8.6 8.6 8.6
Program Activity:  Innovation and Renewal        
Total Grants        
Total Contributions 3.1 - - -
Total Innovation and Renewal 3.1 - - -
Total Transfer Payment Program 8.9 8.6 8.6 8.6

Planned Audits: No planned audits.

Planned Evaluations: No planned evaluations.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Contributions in support of Rural Canada and of development in the area of Co-operatives (under the Agricultural Policy Framework - Non-Business Risk Management Terms and Conditions - Voted)

Start Date: April 1, 2003

End Date: March 31, 2008 (proposed extension until March 31, 2009)

Description:The purpose of the programs are to carry out plans for Rural and Cooperative development. The programming covers the following three initiatives:
- the renewal and strengthening of the Canadian Rural Partnership which includes the transfer payments program "Models for Rural Development", and "The Partnership Initiative" (formerly the Networking Initiative), both of which focus on approaches to rural development, and building partnerships.
- the Rural Community Capacity Building Program, which places a focus on tools, services, knowledge, and processes.
- the Co-operatives Development Initiative (CDI) ($12.4 million from 2003-04 to 2007-08). In 2006, additional funding was provided to CDI to provide support for co-op development projects to enable farmers to capture new biofuels and other value-added opportunities - Ag-CDI funding (G&Cs): $3.75 million for 2006-07 to 2008-09.

Strategic Outcome(s): Innovation for Growth

Expected result(s): The Rural Secretariat of AAFC has been mandated, through the Canadian Rural Partnership (CRP), with developing, coordinating and implementing a cross-government approach to better understand the issues and concerns of rural Canadians, and to encourage federal departments and agencies to make, as appropriate, adjustments to their policies, programs and services to reflect the unique needs of rural communities. One of the objectives for the renewal and strengthening of the Canadian Rural Partnership is to evolve programming to support community-based solutions to rural challenges. The objective of the Co-operatives Secretariat is to coordinate the interaction between government and the co-operative sector and to ensure federal policies take into consideration the specific attributes of co-operatives and their contribution to public policy objectives. The expected outcome is an expanded use of the co-operative model to enhance economic growth and social development of Canadian rural and urban society.

The Models for Rural Development involve testing and evaluating models or approaches that address rural development and community capacity building to identify what works and what does not, in order to inform governments for future policy and programming decisions. The Rural Community Capacity Building Program supports the creation and dissemination of tools, services, knowledge, and processes (including but not exclusive to the engagement of rural community development organzations in the achievement of CRP objectives). The objective of the Co-operative Development Initiative aims at improving co-operative development capacity by supporting advisory services, and by researching and demonstrating innovative uses of the co-operative model.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Rural and Cooperatives  
Total Grants -
- -
Total Contributions 9.2
Total Transfer Payment Program 9.2 5.9 - -

Planned Audits: No planned audits for 2008-09.

Planned Evaluations: Although not planned by OAE, the Co-operatives Secretariat is planning to undertake an independent evaluation of CDI in 2008-09.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.

Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TPPs) for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Agriculture and Agri-food Sector Assistance - Science and Innovation (under the Agricultural Policy Framework - Non-Business Risk Management Terms and Conditions - Voted)

Start Date: April 1, 2003

End Date: March 31, 2008 (proposed extension until March 31, 2009)

Description: The purpose of the Science and Innovation TPP is to accelerate innovation adoption in agriculture. Science and innovation are the cornerstone of efforts to make the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector the world leader in food safety, innovation and environmentally responsible production and to support its future success and prosperity. Advances in agri-food science and technology are accelerating the development of a wide range of new industrial, health and nutritional products obtained from plants, animals and microorganisms.

Strategic Outcome(s): Innovation for Growth

Expected result(s): Continued funding for approximatley 20 existing projects with additional funding for 1 new project. Program wind-down activities and transition to new programming in Growing Forward.

($ millions) Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:  Innovation for Growth  
Total Grants  
Total Contributions 49.3
- -
Total Transfer Payment Program 49.3 6.9 - -

Planned Audits: Audit of two projects planned for 2008-2009 fiscal year (estimated cost $60k).

Planned Evaluations: No planned evaluation of the Program. Chapter evaluation performed in 2007-08 included the Science and Innovation program.

Planned spending for 2008-09 to 2010-11 reflects only the funding presented in the 2008-09 ARLU. It does not include any additional amounts that may be brought into the Department's reference levels.