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ARCHIVED - RPP 2007-2008
Human Resources and Social Development Canada

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Section III

Supplementary Information

Organisational Information

Organizational Information

HRSDC - Service Canada

Organizational Information

Departmental Links to Government of Canada Outcome Areas
Strategic outcome Program activity Link to Government of Canada Outcome area
Policies and Programs that meet the Human Capital and Social Development needs of Canadians Policy , Research and Communications
  • Sustainable economic growth
  • Income security and employment for Canadians
  • Inclusive society that promotes linguistic duality and diversity
  • An innovative and knowledge-based economy
Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and effective labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning Labour Market
  • Income security and employment for Canadians
  • Inclusive society that promotes linguistic duality and diversity
Workplace Skills
  • An innovative and knowledge-based economy
  • An innovative and knowledge-based economy
Safe, healthy fair, stable, cooperative, productive workplaces and effective international labour standards Labour
  • A fair and secure marketplace
  • Healthy Canadians with access to quality healthcare
  • Safe and secure communities
Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities Social Investment
  • Income security and employment for Canadians
  • Inclusive society that promotes linguistic duality and diversity
  • A prosperous global economy that benefits Canadians and the world
Children and Families
  • An innovative and knowledge-based economy
Housing and Homelessness
  • Sustainable economic growth
  • Inclusive society that promotes linguistic duality and diversity
Achieve better outcomes for Canadians through service excellence Seamless, Citizen-Centered Service
  • A Canada where service delivery is focussed on citizen needs
  • A Canada where service delivery is focussed on citizen needs
Collaborative, Networked Government Service
  • A Canada where service delivery is focussed on citizen needs

2007 - 2008 Main Estimates
  Budgetary Non- Budgetary  
Operating Grants Contributions and Other Transfer Payments Gross Budgetary Expenditures Less: Respendable Revenue Net Budgetary Expenditures Canada Student Loans Total Main Estimates Adjustments (Planned Spending not in Main Estimates) Total Planned Spending a
Strategic Outcome: Policies and programs that meet the human capital and social development needs of Canadians
Policy, Research and Communication 196.6 - - 196.6 137.7 58.9 - 58.9 0.9 59.8
Strategic Outcome: Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning
Labour Market 38.7 0.5 538.9 578.1 31.9 546.2 - 546.2 - 546.2
Workplace Skills 51.3 91.0 66.7 209.0 34.6 174.4 - 174.4 4.6 179.0
Learning 162.3 723.1 358.8 1,244.2 22.1 1,222.1 855.7 2,077.8 - 2,077.8
Sub-total 252.3 814.6 964.4 2,031.3 88.6 1,942.7 855.7 2,798.4 4.6 2,803.0
Strategic Outcome: Safe, healthy, fair, stable, cooperative, productive workplaces and effective inernational labour tandards
Labour 253.4 2.0 1.9 239.3 80.0 159.3 - 159.3 32.2 191.5
Strategic Outcome: Enhanced income security, access to opportunities, social inclusion and well being for individuals, families and communities
Social Investment 138.3 32,092.8 261.2 32,492.3 52.0 34,440.3 - 32,440.3 - 32,440.3
Children and Families 21.2 2,460.0 - 2,481.2 - 2,481.2 - 2,481.2 - 2,481.2
Housing and Homelessness 35.2 0.9 108.4 144.5 - 144.5 - 144.5 - 144.5
Sub-total 194.7 34,553.7 369.6 35,118.0 25.0 35,066.0 - 35,066.0 - 35,066.0
Strategic Outcome: Achieve better outcomes for Canadians through service xcellence (Service Canada)
Seamless, Citizen-Centred Service 2,475.0 - - 2,475.0 293.8 2,181.2 - 2,181.2 4.6 2,185.8
Integrity 1,028.8 - - 1,028.8 841.7 187.1 - 187.1 0.8 187.9
Collaborative, Networked Government Services 228.2 - 228.2 218.1 10.1 - - 10.1 0.2 10.3
Sub-total 3,732.0 - - 3,732.0 1,353.6 2,378.4 - 2,378.4 5.6 2,384.0
Total 4,611.0 35,370.3 1,335.9 41,317.2 1,711.9 39,605.3 855.7 40,461.0 43.3 40,504.3

Financial Tables

Table 1: Planned Spending and Full-Time Equivalents
  Forecasta Planned Spending
Program Activities (millions of dollars) 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Budgetary Main Estimates
Policy, Research and Communication 212.4 196.6 198.6 200.5
Labour Market 600.0 578.1 518.6 473.7
Workplace Skills 130.7 209.0 202.4 190.0
Learning 1,224.6 1,244.2 1,236.1 1,261.0
Labour 211.7 239.3 224.2 226.6
Social Investment 31,005.6 32,492.3 33,881.5 36,807.6
Children and Families 672.9 2,481.2 2,492.0 2,501.8
Housing and Homelessnessb 165.2 144.5 3.3 3.3
Seamless, Citizen-Centred Service 597.3 2,475.0 542.6 538.6
Integrity 1,104.1 1,028.8 1,026.3 1,024.8
Collaborative, Networked
Government Service
179.7 228.2 226.3 226.0
Gross Budgetary Main Estimates 36,104.2 41,317.2 40,551.9 43,453.9
Less: Respendable Revenue 1,727.0 1,711.9 1,707.0 1,706.4
Net Budgetary 34,377.2 39,605.3 38,844.9 41,747.5
Loans disbursed under Canada Student
981.5 855.7 749.3 607.0
Financial Assistance Act        
Supplementary Estimates (A)
Voted Items
National Homelessness Initiative - Reprofile 37.2 - - -
Operating budget carry-forward 25.2 - - -
Targeted Initiative for Older Worker and Expert Panel 10.7 - - -
Labour Market Development Agreement with Ontario - Work Force Adjustment 8.5      
Cree Regional Authority 7.0 - - -
Policy Research Initiative - Transfer from Privy Council Office 3.1 - - -
Universal Child Care Benefit 2.0 - - -
Labour Program Pressures 1.8 - - -
Canada Student Loan - Write off of debt due to the Crown 0.3 - - -
Energy Cost Benefit payments 0.3 - - -
Transfer from Treasury Board Secretariat - Funds for the Ontario Federal Council 0.2 - - -
Interdepartmental Partnership with the Official Language Communities - Transfer from Canadian Heritage 0.2 - - -
Spending Restraint (29.8) - - -
Transfer to Canada Revenue Agency - Funding related to National Collections Services & Collection Litigation and Advisory Services (18.2) - - -
Expenditure Review - Procurement Savings (4.8) - - -
Canada Student Loan Program - New Recovery Initiative - Collection Costs (4.8) - - -
National Early Learning - technical adjustment for early learning and child care programs (3.6) - - -
Government Advertising Plan (2.5) - - -
Reduced cost of the new Ministry - Smaller Cabinet (1.6) - - -
Transfer to Public Works and Government Services Canada - Federal Regional Councils (0.2) - - -
Youth Employment Strategy - Transfer to Canadian Heritage for Action Canada (0.2) - - -
Sub-Total 30.8 - - -
Statutory Items
Universal Child Care Benefit 1,610.0 - - -
Child Care - Payment to Provinces / Territories 650.0 - - -
Guaranteed Income Supplement 42.0 - - -
Allowance Payments 17.0 - - -
Transfer to Canada Revenue Agency - Payments to Private Collection Agencies (18.5) - - -
Old Age Security (10.0) - - -
Sub-Total - Statutory Items 2,290.5 - - -
Sub-Total Supplementary Estimates (A) 2,321.3 - - -
Supplementary Estimates (B)
Voted Items
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant 32.0 - - -
Transfer from the Office of the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada - Indian Residential School Resolution Canada - Common Experience Payment 7.7 - - -
Spending authorities available within vote (32.0) - - -
Transfer to Public Works and Government Services - National Accommodation Program funding related to the transfer of National Collection Services and Collection Litigation and Advisory Services (1.9) - - -
Transfer to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - To provide support to Health staff located at missions abroad for expenditures related to the Brussels Counsellor position (0.1) - - -
Sub-total - Voted Items 5.7 - - -
Statutory Items - Budgetary
Guaranteed Income Supplement 124.0 - - -
Canada Study Grants 30.7 - - -
Interests and liabilities under the Canada 17.7 - - -
Student Financial Assistance Act        
Federal Workers' Compensation 10.0 - - -
Liabilities under the Canada Student Loans Act 6.5 - - -
Old Age Security (131.0) - - -
Canada Education Savings Grant (65.0) - - -
Canada Learning Bond (23.0) - - -
Direct Financing Arrangement (8.8) - - -
Allowance Payments (2.0) - - -
Sub-Total - Statutory Items (40.9) - - -
Statutory Items - Non-Budgetary
Loans disbursed under the Canada Student (103.4) - - -
Financial Assistance Act        
Sub-Total Supplementary Estimates (B) (138.6) - - -
TB Vote 15 - Collective Agreements 6.9 - - -
TB Vote 10 - Internal Audit Policy 0.2 - - -
Freeze - National Early Learning (646.4) - - -
Other Freezes (21.8) - - -
Operating Budget Transfers (4.0) - - -
Sub-Total - Others (665.1) - - -
Planned Spending Items
Budget 2006        
Wager Earner Protection Program n/a 32.2 32.2 32.2
Foreign Credential Recognition Agency n/a 6.8 5.9 -
Forest Industry Competitiveness Strategy n/a 2.0 3.0 -
Internal Audit n/a 1.7 - -
Workplace Skills - Trades and Apprenticeship Strategy n/a - 2.6 -
Homelessness Partnering Strategy b n/a - 134.8 -
Understanding the Early Years - Adjustment n/a - 7.5 2.4
Allowance n/a - (30.0) (57.0)
Old Age Security n/a - - (1,149.0)
Guaranteed Income Supplement n/a - - (272.0)
Employee Benefit Plan Adjustment (18.5%) n/a 0.6 0.2 0.5
Total Other Planned Spending Items n/a 43.3 156.2 (1,442.9)
Total Planned Spending (Net) 36,876.3 40,504.3 39,750.4 40,911.6
Specified Purpose Accounts
Employment Insurance 15,851.1 16,423.6 16,711.4 16,873.2
Canada Pension Plan 26,550.0 27,881.1 29,285.3 30,784.5
Other Specifi ed Purpose Accounts 48.3 45.3 42.6 40.0
Departmental Employee Benefit Plan recoverable from Employment Insurance Account and Canada Pension Plan (166.6) (153.9) (153.4) (153.1)
Total HRSDC Consolidated 79,159.1 84,700.4 85,636.3 88,456.2
Less: Non-Respendable Revenue 623.0 675.9 722.6 769.6
Plus: Cost of services received without charge 35.8 34.5 33.0 31.9
Total HRSDC 78,571.9 84,059.0 84,946.7 87,718.5
Full Time Equivalents 23,905 23,437 23,004 22,665
a For 2006- 2007, the Main Estimates and the forecasts have been restated to integrate the former Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the former Social Development Canada under the approved 2007-2008 Program Activity Architecture.
b A new program, the Homelessness Partnering Strategy, was announced in December 2006 and is funded for two years (2007 - 2008 and 2008 - 2009).


Financial Highlights

Forecasts 2006 - 2007 to Planned Spending 2007 - 2008

Consolidated spending under Human Resources and Social Development authorities is expected to be $84,700.4 million in 2007 - 2008. This represents an increase of $5,541.3 million over the 2006 - 2007 forecasts of $79,159.1 million. The variance is mainly due to:

  • an increase of $1,890.1 million in net operating expenditures mainly due to:
    • new funding for administration of programs such as:
      • $1,922.9 million for Service Canada to deliver the lump sum payments recognizing the experience of residing at an Indian Residential School and its impact (Common Experience Payments);
      • $14.3 million related to Apprenticeship Incentive Grant to provide a cash grant to registered apprentices once they have successfully completed their fi rst or second year (level) of an apprenticeship program in one of the Red Seal trades;
      • $4.4 million to enable the Labour Program to respond to critical program pressures resulting from steadily increasing responsibilities;
      • $4.0 million for the Foreign Credential Recognition, mainly due to the planned funding for the Foreign Credential Recognition Agency announced in Budget 2006, for the establishment of a Canadian agency for assessment and recognition of foreign-trained immigrant credentials;
      • $3.2 million related to Wage Earner Protection Program, which is designed to pay certain employees of bankrupt companies their unpaid wages and vacation up to $3,000;
      • $3.2 million related to a freeze in 2006 - 2007 of resources related to the Canada Student Loans Program for New Service Provider; and
      • $3.0 million for other items.
    • These increases are offset by decreases of:
      • $25.2 million related to operating budget carry forward funding in 2006 - 2007;
      • $11.5 million related to reduced funding of the Government Advertising Plan;
      • $8.5 million for workforce adjustment costs related to the Labour Market Development Agreement with the Province of Ontario incurred in 2006 - 2007;
      • $6.6 million related to Canada Learning Bond and Canada Education Savings Grant funding profi le prepared in 2005;
      • $5.1 million for the Participation and Activity Limitation Survey;
      • $2.7 million related to a smaller Cabinet for the new ministry of Human Resources and Social Development;
      • $2.3 million related to the announcement on September 25, 2006 regarding effective spending,
      • $1.7 million in Canada Student Loans Program as a result of an operational review; and
      • $1.3 million for the World Urban Forum organized and hosted in 2006 only on behalf of the United Nations Human Settlements Program.
  • a decrease of $0.4 million for write-off of debt due to the Crown for Canada Student Loans Direct financing and the Government Annuities Account in 2006 - 2007.
  • an increase $26.1 million in voted grants and contributions due to the following:
    • new funding for programs such as:
      • $59.0 million for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant;
      • $37.0 million for the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers;
      • $30.1 million for reprofiles from 2006 - 2007 to 2007 - 2008, including $20.2 million for the Workplace Skills Strategy, $4.5 million for the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Strategy, $2.8 million for Understanding the Early Years, $2.6 million for Education Savings Incentive Pan-Canadian Communities Outreach;
      • $19.8 million for Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills which includes an increase of $5.2 million from the Budget 2005 announcement, an increase of $20.0 million resulting from a reprofi le from 2006 - 2007 and a decrease of $5.3 million further to the announcement of September 25, 2006 on Effective Spending;
      • $3.9 million to the New Horizons for Seniors Program as announced in Budget 2005;
      • $2.9 million for the Foreign Credential Recognition, including planned funding for the Foreign Credential Recognition Agency announced in Budget 2006, for the establishment of a Canadian agency for assessment and recognition of foreign-trained immigrant credentials;
      • $1.7 million related to Forest Industry Competitiveness Strategy announced in Budget 2006; and
      • $0.4 million for other items.
    • The preceeding increases are offset by the following decreases:
      • $66.2 million for the National Homelessness Initiative, which relates to unspent funds reprofi led to 2006 - 2007;
      • $39.4 million further to the announcement of September 25, 2006 on Effective Spending of which $33.2 million is related to the Summer Career Placement program* , $3.2 million to the Social Development Partnership Programs and $3.0 million related to the Canadian Policy Research Network;
      • $9.6 million related to the World Urban Forum organized and hosted in 2006 only, on behalf of the United Nations Human Settlements Program;
      • $6.9 million for Cree Regional Authority funding received for 2006 - 2007;
      • $3.6 million from the $4.7 million included in the 2006 - 2007 Main Estimates for Voisey's Bay. $1.1 million included in 2007 - 2008 Main Estimates results from a reprofi le from 2005 - 2006; and
      • $3.0 million related to Training Centre Infrastructure Fund.
  • An increase of $1,747.3 million in statutory program payments, mainly due to:
    • An increase of $36.9 million in Canada Student Loans Program as a result of:
      • an increase of $70.6 million related to Direct Financing under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act as a result of increased net program costs ($53.4 million) due to enhancements to existing debt management measures and the increased volume of loans forgiven due to the removal of timing restrictions associated with permanent disability or death as well as an increase related to Canada Student Loans Program Direct Financing ($17.2 million) related to the transitioning out of the existing Service Providers, following termination of the current contracts;
      • a decrease of $0.1 million related to interests under the Canada Student Loans Act;
      • a decrease of $7.8 million in liabilities under the Canada Student Loans Act. The variance is due to revised projections in the Guaranteed Loans portfolio in repayments. The Offi ce of the Chief Actuary has increased this portfolio compared to last year's projections and, as a result, the forecast for claims payments has increased,
      • a decrease of $11.3 million is related to interests under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act; and
      • a decrease of $14.5 million for the Canada Study Grant.
    • an increase of $30.0 million to the Canada Education Savings Grant;
    • an increase of $3.0 million to the Canada Learning Bond mainly due to revised assumptions in the take up rate and the fact that planned communication and outreach activities have not yet taken place;
    • an increase of $1,444.0 million for Income security statutory programs which include Old Age Security (increase of $979.0 million), Guaranteed Income Supplement (increase of $427.0 million and Allowance (increase of $38.0 million). These increases are explained by changes in the forecasted average rates of payment and in the population.
    • increased funding of $850.0 million for Universal Child Care Benefits, the fi rst element of Canada's Universal Child Care Plan. The Universal Child Care Benefit is a new taxable Benefit designed to assist Canadian families with young children, by supporting their child care choices through direct financial support;
    • a decrease $650.0 million in payments to provinces and territories related to the transition funding to phase-out the 2005 Early Learning and Child Care agreements signed by the previous government;
    • an increase of $28.7 million related to the Wage Earner Protection Program, which is designed to pay certain employees of bankrupt companies their unpaid wages and vacation pay up to $3,000;
    • an increase of $1.0 million in Workers' Compensation; and
    • an increase of $3.7 million in contribution to the employee Benefit plans.
  • a net decrease of $22.4 million in non-budgetary payments for loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act.
  • an increase of $572.5 million for planned Employment Insurance Account spending.
  • an increase of $1,331.1 million to the Canada Pension Plan. The increase in Benefits of $1,343.1 million refl ects forecasts of client population and average Benefit payments. This increase is offset by a decrease of $12.0 million in the Plan administration costs.
  • A decrease of $3.0 million to other specifi ed purpose accounts (Government Annuities Account and Civil Service Insurance Fund).

Planned Spending 2007 - 2008 to Planned Spending 2008 - 2009

For 2008 - 2009, the department's consolidated planned spending is anticipated to be $85,636.3 million, which represents an increase of $935.9 million from the 2007 - 2008 planned spending. The major changes are as follows:

  • a net decrease of $1,960.4 million in operating expenditures, mainly due to:
    • Funding for the following initiatives:
      • $1,926.9 million for the delivery of the lump sum payments recognizing the experience of residing at an Indian Residential School and its impacts (Common Experience Payments);
      • $6.2 million in funding of the Labour Program;
      • $5.5 million in Workplace Skills Initiative;
      • $1.9 million in Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program;
      • $1.7 million in Aboriginal Skills Employment Partnership;
      • $1.6 million in Official Language Minority Community;
      • $1.6 million for the Internal Audit Policy.
    • Decreases related to the multi-year funding profile for the following initiatives:
      • $7.0 million for Trades and Apprenticeship Strategy;
      • $3.5 million for Understanding the Early Years;
      • $1.4 million for the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers;
      • $1.1 million for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant;
      • $0.8 million for the Foreign Credential Recognition Agency;
      • $0.4 million due to the operational review of the Canada Student Loan Program;
      • $0.3 million transfer of the funding for Private Collection Agencies to the Canada Revenue Agency;
      • $0.3 million in Immigration Portal for the development of information for prospective and new immigrants on credential and skills assessment and employment opportunities;
      • $0.1 million in Universal Child Care; and
      • $0.1 million in Canada Action Plan against Racism.
  • a decrease of $71.6 million in voted grants and contributions, mainly due to:
    • Funding for the following initiatives:
      • $22.4 million for the National Learning contributions;
      • $12.0 million in Official Language Minority Communities;
      • $1.2 million for Voisey's Bay.
    • Decreases related to the multi-year funding profile for the following initiatives:
      • $32.0 million in Targeted Initiative for Older Workers from the $44.9 million approved in 2007 - 2008 to assist unemployed older workers in communities with ongoing high unemployment and/or affected by downsizing;
      • $10.8 million in Aboriginal Skills Employment Partnership;
      • $5.0 million in Understanding the Early Years;
      • $1.4 million due to a reprofile in grant for the National Learning Program;
      • $0.5 million for National Early Learning and Childcare;
      • $0.4 million for Kativik Regional Government.
    • offset by increases of $8.0 million for Apprenticeship Incentive Grant, $4.7 million for Workplace Skills Initiative, $1.0 million for the Forest Industry Competitiveness Strategy and $0.4 million for Foreign Credential Recognition.
  • an increase of $1,385.0 million in statutory payments mainly related to:
    • $1,374.0 million for Income Security Programs which include Old Age Security (increase of $1,075.0 million), Guaranteed Income Supplement (increase of $272.0 million) and Allowances (increase of $27.0 million);
    • $20.0 million for the Canada Education Savings Grant;
    • $10.0 million for the Universal Child Care Benefits;
    • $8.0 million for the Canada Leaning Bond;
    • offset by decreases of $9.0 million for the Federal Workers' Compensation, of $13.8 million in Canada Student Loans Program and of $4.2 million in contribution to employee Benefit plans.
  • a net decrease of $106.4 million in non budgetary payments for loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act which is primarily due to the impact of loan reimbursements from borrowers in the loan portfolio;
  • an increase of $287.8 million for the Employment Insurance (EI) Account mainly due to an increase in forecasted EI Part I Benefits of $295.0 million;
  • an increase of $1,404.2 million to the Canada Pension Plan mainly due to an increase in forecasted Canada Pension Plan Benefits of $1,403.0 million; and
  • a decrease of $2.7 million in the payments and other charges related to the Government Annuities Account.

Planned Spending 2008 - 2009 to Planned Spending 2009 - 2010

  • a net decrease of $37.8 million in operating expenditures, mainly due to:
    • Funding for the following initiatives:
      • $22.2 million for the Homelessness Partnering Strategy for which the funding was approved for two years (2007 - 2008 and 2008 - 2009);
      • $3.8 million for Foreign Credential Recognition;
      • $2.6 million for Trades and Apprenticeship Strategy;
      • $2.5 million in Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy;
      • $1.5 million in Voluntary Sector Strategy;
      • $1.5 million in Participation and Activity Limitation Survey;
      • $1.0 million related to the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers;
      • $0.3 million in the Forest Industry Competitiveness Strategy due to the end of funding in 2008 - 2009.
    • Decreases related to the multi-year funding profile for the following initiatives:
      • $1.2 million for the delivery of the lump sum payments recognizing the experience of residing at an Indian Residential School and its impacts (Common Experience Payments);
      • $0.9 million for Understanding the Early Years;
      • $0.5 million due to the operational review of the Canada Student Loan Program;
      • $0.3 million transfer of the funding for Private Collection Agencies to the Canada Revenue Agency;
      • $0.3 million in Universal Child Care;
      • $0.1 million in Immigration Portal for the development of information for prospective and new immigrants on credential and skills assessment and employment opportunities.
    • offset by an increase of $0.9 million for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant.
  • a decrease of $171.0 million in voted grants and contributions, mainly due to:
    • Funding for the following initiatives:
      • $109.3 million related to the Homelessness Partnering Strategy for which the funding was approved for two years;
      • $22.5 million in Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy;
      • $12.9 million in Targeted Initiative for Older Workers;
      • $8.1 million for Aboriginal Skills Employment Partnership;
      • $2.7 million for the Forest Industry Competitiveness Strategy;
      • $2.1 million for the Foreign Credential Recognition Agency.
    • Decreases related to the multi-year funding profile for the following initiatives:
      • $10.0 million for Workplace Skills Innovation Initiative;
      • $9.0 million in Foreign Credential Recognition;
      • $1.3 million in Voluntary Sector Strategy;
      • $0.5 million in Education Savings Incentives Pan-Canadian Community Outreach.
    • offset by increases of $7.0 million for Apprenticeship Incentive Grant and $0.4 million for Kativik Regional Government representing a reprofile from previous years.
  • an increase of $1,512.6 million in statutory payments mainly related to:
    • $1,481.0 million for Income Security Programs which include Old Age Security (increase of $1,179.0 million), Guaranteed Income Supplement (increase of $274.0 million) and Allowances (increase of $28.0 million);
    • $17.0 million in the Canada Student Loans Program;
    • $10.0 million for the Universal Child Care Benefits;
    • $8.0 million for the Canada Leaning Bond; and
    • offset by a decrease of $3.4 million in contribution to employee Benefit plans.
  • a net decrease of $142.3 million in non budgetary payments for loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act which is primarily due to the impact of loan reimbursements from borrowers in the loan portfolio;
  • an increase of $161.8 million for the Employment Insurance Account mainly due to an increase in forecasted Employment Insurance Part I Benefits of $169.0 million;
  • an increase of $1,499.2 million to the Canada Pension Plan mainly due to an increase in forecasted Canada Pension Plan Benefits of $1,499.0 million; and
  • a decrease of $2.6 million in the payments and other charges related to the Government Annuities Account.

*Under the new Canada Summer Jobs Initiative, $85.9M will be made available in 2007. The level of funding for not-for-profit organizations will be maintained at $77.3M.

Table 2 : Voted and Statutory Items Listed in Main Estimates
    (in millions of dollars)
Voted or Statutory Item   2007-2008 Main Estimates 2006-2007 Main Estimates
1 Operating expenditures 2,508.9 323.2
5 Grants and Contributions 1,155.8 825.4
(S) Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development - Salary and motor car allowance 0.1 0.1
(S) Minister of Labour - Salary and motor car allowance 0.1 0.1
(S) Old Age Security Payments 24,093.0 23,255.0
(S) Guaranteed Income Supplement Payments 7,413.0 6,820.0
(S) Allowance Payments 553.0 500.0
(S) Payments related to the direct financing arrangement under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 366.4 304.6
(S) The provision of funds for interest payments to lending institutions under the Canada Student Loans Act 0.1 0.1
(S) The provision of funds for liabilities including liabilities in the formof guaranteed loans under the Canada Student Loans Act 8.1 9.5
(S) The provision of funds for interest and other payments to lending institutions and liabilities under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 52.9 46.4
(S) Canada Study Grants to qualifying full and part-time students pursuant to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 136.1 119.9
(S) Supplementary Retirement Benefits – Annuities agents’ pensions - -
(S) Universal Child Care Benefit Payments 2,460.0 -
(S) Civil Service Insurance actuarial liability adjustments 0.1 0.1
(S) Payments of compensation respecting government employees and merchant seamen 59.0 48.0
(S) Canada Learning Bond payments to Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) trustees on behalf of RESP benefi ciaries to support access to post-secondary education for children from low-income families 25.0 45.0
(S) Canada Education Savings Grant payments to Registered Educations Savings Plans (RESPs) trustees on behalf of RESP benefi ciaries to encourage Canadians to save for post-secondary education for their children 540.0 575.0
(S) Contributions to employee benefi t plans 233.7 177.7
  Appropriations not required
- Operating expenditures – (Social Development) - 295.6
- Grants and contributions - (Social Development) - 946.6
  Items not required
- Payments to private collection agencies pursuant to Section 17.1 of the Financial Administration Act - 18.5
- Contributions to employee benefi t plans - (Social Development) - 66.4
- Labour adjustment benefi ts in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed by the Governor in Council to assist workers who have been laid off as a result of import co - -
  Total Budgetary 39,605.3 34,377.2
(S) Loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (Non-Budgetary) 855.7 981.5
  Total Department 40,461.0 35,358.7

Financial Highlights

The 2007 - 2008 Main Estimates total of $40,461.0 million for Human Resources and Social Development Canada represents a net increase of $5,102.3 million over the 2006 - 2007 Main Estimates amount of $35,358.7 million. The major changes are as follows:

  • An increase of $1,890.1 million in net operating expenditures mainly due to:
    • new funding for administration of programs such as:
      • $1,930.6 million for Service Canada to deliver the lump sum payments recognizing the experience of residing at an Indian Residential School and its impact (Common Experience Payments);
      • $14.3 million related to Apprenticeship Incentive Grant to provide a cash grant to registered apprentices once they have successfully completed their fi rst or second year (level) of an apprenticeship program in one of the Red Seal trades;
      • $6.2 million to enable the Labour Program to respond to critical program pressures resulting from steadily increasing responsibilities;
      • $2.4 million for Targeted Initiative for Older Workers to address the immediate needs of employed older workers in vulnerable communities and to undertake a feasibility study of measures to assist displaced older workers;
      • $1.4 million related to Universal Child Care Benefits as the fi rst element of Canada's Universal Child Care Plan. The Universal Child Care Benefit is a new taxable Benefit designed to assist Canadian families with young children, by supporting their child care choices through direct financial support.
    • As well as increases of $5.6 million related to the collective agreements and $3.8 million as a result of the transfer of the Policy Research Initiative from the Privy Council Office.
    • These are offset by decreases of:
      • $17.2 million related to the transfer of Private Collection Agencies to the Canada Revenue Agency. With the integration of the HRSD collection activities, approximately 95% of all government collection activities now rest with the Canada Revenue Agency. It signifies a first step towards moving the government of Canada to a consolidated debt management approach for collections;
      • $14.0 million related to reduced funding of the Government Advertising Plan;
      • $7.1 million related to the announcement on September 25, 2006 regarding Effective Spending;
      • $6.6 million related to Canada Learning Bond and Canada Education Savings Grant according to the funding profile approved in 2005;
      • $5.7 million related to Canada Student Loans Program New Recovery Initiative. End of funding under HRSDC for 2007-2008;
      • $5.1 million to reduce funding of the Participation and Activity Limitation Survey;
      • $4.8 million related to the government's Expenditure Review Committee Procurement Savings;
      • $3.9 million related to a Smaller Cabinet for the new ministry of Human Resources and Social Development;
      • $2.1 million due to a transfer to Public Works and Government Services Canada of accommodation space from HRSDC and for banking services;
      • $1.7 million in Canada Student Loans Program as a result of the operational review;
      • $1.3 million for the World Urban Forum organized and hosted in 2006 only on behalf of the United Nations Human Settlements Program; and
      • $4.7 million related to other items.
  • A decrease of $616.2 million in voted grants and contributions due to the following reductions:
    • $650.0 million to phase-out the 2005 Early Learning and Child Care agreements signed by the previous government;
    • $48.2 million further to the announcement of September 25, 2006 on Effective Spending of which $43.2 million is related to the Summer Career Placement program*, $2.0 million to the Social Development Partnership Programs and $3.0 million related to the Canadian Policy Research Network;
    • $29.0 million for Homelessness. The 2006 - 2007 Main Estimates were higher by $29.0 million as they included a reprofile of unspent funds from the 2004 - 2005 fical year of that amount;
    • $11.4 million related to Workplace Skills Innovation Initiative due to a reprofile from 2007-2008 to 2009-2010;
    • $11.0 million related to Training Centre Infrastructure Fund, including a decrease of $4.2 million further to the announcement of September 25, 2006 on Effective Spending;
    • $9.6 million related to the World Urban Forum organized and hosted in 2006 only, on behalf of the United Nations Human Settlements Program;
    • $3.6 million from the $4.7 million included in the 2006 - 2007 Main Estimates for Voisey's Bay. $1.1 million included in 2007 - 2008 Main Estimates results from a reprofile from 2005-2006; and
    • $0.6 million related to Understanding the Early Years which includes a decrease of $3.4 million further to the announcement of September 25, 2006 on Effective Spending and an increase of $2.8 million as per the multi-year funding profile.
    • The preceding reductions are offset by new funding for programs such as:
      • $91.0 million for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant;
      • $44.9 million for the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers;
      • $5.1 million for Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills which includes an increase of $5.2 million from the Budget 2005 announcement, an increase of $10.0 million resulting from a reprofile from 2006-2007 and a decrease of $10.1 million further to the announcement of September 25, 2006 on Effective Spending;
      • $3.9 million to the New Horizons for Seniors Program as announced in Budget 2005; and - $2.3 million is related to other items.
  • An increase of $3,954.2 million in statutory program payments, mainly due to:
    • An increase of $83.1 million in Canada Student Loans Program under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act as a result of:
      • an increase of $61.8 million related to Direct Financing under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act as a result of increased net program costs ($45.3 million) due to enhancements to existing debt management measures and the increased volume of loans forgiven due to the removal of timing restrictions associated with permanent disability or death as well as an increase related to Canada Student Loans Program Direct Financing (Statutory Operating - $16.5 million). The adjustment is primarily due to the Service Bureau forecast increased from previous years. This increase is mainly due to additional forecasted expenditures related to the transitioning out of the existing Service Providers, following termination of the current contracts;
      • a decrease of $1.4 million in liabilities under the Canada Student Loans Act. The variance is due to revised projections in the Guaranteed Loans portfolio in repayments. The Offi ce of the Chief Actuary has increased this portfolio compared to last year's projections and, as a result, the forecast for claims payments has increased;
      • an increase of $6.5 million is related to interest under the Student Financial Assistance Act. The adjustment amount for 2007 - 2008 is largely due to increases in the debt reduction forecast as well as the interest relief forecast for which the up-take following the Budget 2005 implementation is much larger than what was initially expected; and
      • an increase of $16.2 million for the Canada Study Grant, from $119.9 million to $136.1 million mainly due to higher than expected up-take of the new Canada Access Grant program proposed in Budget 2004, made effective August 2005.
    • A decrease of $35.0 million to the Canada Education Savings Grant, from $575.0 million to $540.0 million due to lower than expected take-up rate;
    • A decrease of $20.0 million to the Canada Learning Bond mainly due to revised assumptions in the take up rate and the fact that planned communication and outreach activities have not yet taken place;
    • An increase of $1,484.0 million for Income security statutory programs which include Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement and Allowance. This increase is explained by changes in the forecasted average rates of payment and in the population:
      • Old Age Security - Increase of $838.0 million. The forecasted average monthly rate for the Old Age Security basic has increased from $468.44 to $477.35, which accounts for an increase of $462.0 million. There is also an increase in the estimated number of benefi ciaries from 4,283,160 to 4,382,379, which accounts for an increase of $564.0 million and by an anticipated increase in the Old Age Security Benefit repayment which will reduce the Old Age Security Benefit payments by $188.0 million;
      • Guaranteed Income Supplement - Increase of $593.0 million. The forecasted average monthly rate has increased from $361.21 to $378.03 resulting in an increase of $324.0 million. The estimated number of benefi ciaries has increased from 1,573,397 to 1,634,112, accounting for an increase of $269.0 million;
      • Allowance Payments - Increase of $53.0 million. The average forecast monthly rate has increased from $418.79 to $449.32, accounting for an increase of $37.0 million. The estimated number of benefi ciaries increased from 99,492 to 102,563, accounting for an increase of $16.0 million.
    • New funding of $2,460.0 million for Universal Child Care Benefits, the first element of Canada's Universal Child Care Plan. The Universal Child Care Benefit is a new taxable benefit designed to assist Canadian families with young children, by supporting their child care choices through direct financial support; and
    • A decrease of $18.5 million related to the transfer of Private Collection Agencies to the Canada Revenue Agency. With the integration of the HRSDC collection activities, approximately 95% of all government collection activities now rest with the Canada Revenue Agency. It signifies a first step towards moving the government of Canada to a consolidated debt management approach for collections;
    • An increase of $11.0 million in Workers' Compensation. Expenditures will increase (mainly due to benefit payments made in Nova Scotia as a result of their Court of Appeal's decision related to chronic pain) by an amount of $5.4 million for 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. All other expenditures should rise at an ongoing rate of 2%;
    • A decrease of $10.4 million in contribution to the employee benefit plans mainly due to the decrease in the rate from 19.0% in the previous year to 18.5%.
  • A decrease of $125.8 million in non-budgetary payments for loans negotiated under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, from $981.5 million to $855.7 million as a result of a $113.9 million increase in loans disbursed due to higher than forecasted uptake on Budget 2004 measures intended to ease the transition to post-secondary education offset by a $239.7 million increase in loan repayments due to revised recovery assumptions.

*Under the new Canada Summer Jobs Initiative, $85.9M will be made available in 2007. The level of funding for not-for-profit organizations will be maintained at $77.3M.

Table 3: Services Received Without Charge
(millions of dollars) 2007-2008

Contributions covering employers' share of employees' insurance premiums and expenditures paid by Treasury Board2Secretariat


Salary and associated expenditures of legal services provided by the Department of Justice Canada

Total 2007 - 2008 Services received without charge 34.5

Table 4: Loans (Non-Budgetary)
(millions of dollars) Total Authority Planned Spending
2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act 878.1 855.7 749.3 607.0
Total 878.1 855.7 749.3 607.0

Table 5: Sources of Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenue
  Forecasta Planned Revenue
  2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
Respendable Revenue (millions of dollars)
Labour Market
Employment Insurance Recovery b Workplace Skills 59.6 31.2 28.2 27.1
Employment Insurance Recovery b Learning 33.3 34.7 26.7 19.7
Employment Insurance Recovery b Labour 24.6 22.2 23.6 22.3
Workers' Compensation - Other Government Departments 78.4 79.4 78.4 80.4
Employment Insurance Recovery b 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
  79.0 80.0 79.0 81.0
Social Investment
Canada Pension Plan Recovery 63.1 51.9 51.9 51.9
Policy, Research & Communication
Employment Insurance Recovery b 127.6 132.0 137.8 147.2
Canada Pension Plan Recovery 12.1 5.7 5.7 5.7
  139.7 137.7 143.5 152.9
Seamless, Citizen-Centred Service
Employment Insurance Recovery b 271.9 191.1 190.1 190.7
Canada Pension Plan Recovery 101.0 102.7 102.7 102.7
  372.9 293.8 292.8 293.4
Employment Insurance Recovery b 719.6 752.7 754.3 752.1
Canada Pension Plan Recovery 86.6 88.9 88.9 88.9
  806.2 841.6 843.2 841.0
Collaborative, Networked Government Service
Employment Insurance Recovery b 175.0 218.1 217.4 216.4
Total Respendable Revenue 1,753.4 1,711.2 1,706.3 1,705.7
Non-Respendable Revenue (millions of dollars)
Labour Market
Employee Benefit Plan recoverable from Employment Insurance 0.3 3.0 2.6 2.6
Workplace Skills
Employee Benefit Plan recoverablefrom Employment Insurance 2.2 3.5 3.0 2.3
Employee Benefit Plan recoverable from Employment Insurance 2.7 1.5 1.8 1.9
Canada Student Loans 449.5 517.6 564.6 611.8
  452.2 519.1 566.4 613.7
Labour - Service Fees 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5
Social Investment
Employee Benefit Plan recoverable from Canada Pension Plan 2.6 3.2 3.2 3.2
User Fees: Searches of the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security data banks to locate individuals 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
  2.7 3.3 3.3 3.3
Policy, Research and Communication
Employee Benefit Plan recoverable from Employment Insurance 9.8 7.7 8.0 8.6
Employee Benefit Plan recoverable from Canada Pension Plan 1.5 0.3 0.3 0.3
  11.3 8.0 8.3 8.9
Seamless, Citizen-Centred Service
Employee Benefit Plan recoverablefrom Employment Insurance 46.1 20.9 20.7 20.8
Employee Benefit Plan recoverable from CanadaPension Plan 9.0 9.2 9.2 9.1
  55.1 30.1 29.9 29.9
Employee Benefit Plan recoverable from Employment Insurance 84.3 90.3 90.5 90.2
Employee Benefit Plan recoverable Recovery from Canada Pension Plan 7.7 7.3 7.3 7.3
User fee: Social Insurance Number Replacement Card Fee 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
  93.9 99.5 99.7 99.4
Collaborative, Networked Government Service
Employee Benefit Plan recoverable Recoveryfrom Employment Insurance 0.5 7.1 7.0 7.0
Total Non-Respendable Revenue 620.5 675.9 722.6 769.6
Total Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenue 2,373.9 2,387.1 2,428.9 2,475.3

a For 2006 - 2007, the forecast has been restated to integrate the former Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the former Social Development Canada under the approved 2007 - 2008 Program Activity Architecture.
b Employment Insurance funds are only spent for Employment Insurance purposes.

Table 6 : Department's Regulatory Initiatives
Regulations Expected Results
Strategic Outcome: Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning
Housekeeping improvements to the Canada Student Loans Program regulatory framework. The Canada Student Loans Program is planning to move ahead with regulatory changes to make the program more effective and efficient to clarify the rules regarding certain benefits.
The legislative and regulatory framework of the Canada Student Loans Program has undergone frequent, almost yearly, changes since the inception of the program. Ongoing legislative and regulatory improvements are required in order to keep step with these changes.

Amendments to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations and the Canada Student Loans Regulations are required to implement the changes.

Examples of these changes include, but are not limited to:

  • Canada Study Grant for Female Doctoral Students
  • Recognition of Provincial Restrictions
  • Part-time loan limit
  • Eligibility Criteria
Strategic Outcome: Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning
Regulatory and legislative initiatives required to address Employment Insurance policy and operational priorities will be undertaken as necessary.  
Strategic Outcome: Safe, healthy, fair, stable, cooperative and productive workplaces and effective international labour standards
Wage Earner Protection Program Act - and Regulations The Wage Earner Protection Program Act was passed and received Royal Assent on November 25, 2005, but is not yet in force pending the introduction of amendments that are meant to ensure the Program operates as originally intended. Regulations will be developed specifying certain conditions of eligibility for the Program, clarifying the definition of wages protected under the Act, and establishing administrative procedures.
Workplace Violence Prevention Regulations These regulations are intended to prevent direct or indirect acts of violence in workplaces subject to federal jurisdiction.
Parts I (Industrial Relations), II (Occupational Health and Safety) and III (Labour Standards) of the Canada Labour Code The purpose of these regulations is to resolve a jurisdictional void that currently exists with respect to the application of labour laws to the nuclear facilities at Point Lepreau in New Brunswick.
Electronic alternatives Regulations for the Purposes of Subsection 254(1) of the Canada Labour Code These regulations will permit federally-regulated employers to issue pay statements to employees using electronic means.

Table 7: Details on Transfer Payment Programs
Over the three fiscal years (2007 - 2008 to 2009 - 2010), HRSDC will manage the following transfer payment programs in excess of $5 million:
1. Youth Employment Strategy
2. Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program
3. Canada Student Loans Program - Liabilities
4. Canada Student Loans Program - Interest Payments and Liabilities
5. Canada Student Loans Program - Direct Financing Arrangement
6. Canada Study Grants and Canada Access Grants
7. Canada Learning Bond
8. Canada Education Savings Grant
9. Old Age Security
10. Guaranteed Income Supplement
11. Allowance Payments
12. Social Development Partnership Program
13. New Horizons for Seniors
14. Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
15. Multilateral Framework for Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities
16. Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnerships
17. Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy
18. Aboriginal Human Resources Development Program - the Joint Voisey's Bay Employment and Training Authority
19. Sector Council Program
20. Foreign Credential Recognition Program
21. Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities
22. Homelessness Partnering Initiative
23. Workplace Skills Strategy
24. Universal Child Care Benefit
25. Apprenticeship Incentive Grant
26. Wage Earner Protection Program
27. Targeted Initiative for Older Workers

Further information on these projects can be found at

Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Youth Employment Strategy
Start Date:
End Date:

Transfer payments made under the Youth Employment Strategy (YES)2 are predominantly in the form of contributions from participating departments for wage subsidies for participant youth or for the development and delivery of youth support services. Such support services include client assessment and case management services and employability tools so as to help participants acquire needed skills. Transfer payments contribute directly to the program objectives by encouraging organizations to create meaningful skills-enhancement opportunities for youth.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:
  • Creation of employment and service initiatives for youth through partnerships with business, labour, industry, not-for-profit and voluntary organizations, Aboriginal and rural remote communities, and other levels of government.
  • The common key results commitments for all initiatives receiving funding under the YES are:
    • Youth clients will be served through work experiences or tailored interventions; and
    • A portion of youth participants will return to school to further their education/skills development and/or become employed or self-employed.
$ Million
HRSDC with Service Canada Total
Program Activity:
Employment Programs
Total Contributions 245.0 212.0 212.0 212.0
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 245.0 212.0 212.0 212.0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

An evaluation of the Youth Employment Strategy is underway. Summative evaluation preliminary results will be available end of summer 2007. When published the report will be posted at the following address:
1The terms and conditions of the current realigned Youth Employment Strategy are due to expire on March 31, 2008.
2 Youth Awareness is not part of the Strategy.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program1
Start Date:
April 1, 20061
End Date:
March 31, 2011

The Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program works through non-statutory grants and contributions. The key objectives of the Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program are:
  • to promote lifelong learning by reducing non-financial barriers to adult learning;
  • to facilitate the creation of opportunities for Canadians to acquire the learning, literacy and essential skills they need to participate in a knowledge-based economy and society.

Additional information can be found at:
Strategic outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

The program outputs, which will begin to be reported in year two of the program, will include:
  • Research and knowledge;
  • Pilot and demonstration projects;
  • Partnerships, networks, tools, materials and associated resources; and
  • Public awareness products.
The expected immediate program outcomes will be:
  • Improved dissemination, transfer and application of knowledge and information;
  • Increased capacity of funding recipients, other stakeholders and end-users; and
  • Increased awareness of the benefits of and opportunities for adult learning, literacy and essential skills.
$ Million
Program Activity:
Total Grants 22.8 22.0 18.3 18.3
Total Contributions 1.3 21.8 1.7 1.7
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 24.1 43.8 20.0 20.0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

A Performance Measurement and Evaluation Framework is under development in 2006-2007 in preparation for a formative evaluation in 2008.
1The Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program came into effect April 1, 2006 and integrates three former programs, the National Literacy Program, the Office of Learning Technologies, and the Learning Initiatives Program.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Canada Student Loans Program - Liabilities
Start Date:
End Date:

To track the claims submitted by financial institutions related to the Guaranteed Loan Portfolio which ended July 31, 1995.
Strategic Outcome(s):

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

To ensure claim payments are accurately reflected in financial reports.
$ million
Program Activity:
Total Grants        
Total Contributions (statutory) 16.0 8.2 5.9 3.9
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 16.0 8.2 5.9 3.9
Planned Audits and Evaluations:
Not Applicable


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Canada Student Loans Program - Interest Payments and Liabilities
Start Date:
End Date:

From August 1, 1995to July 31, 2000 the Canada Student Loans Program operated on a shared risk model with Canadian banks. This transfer payment represents interest subsidy, Interest Relief benefits, Debt Reduction in Repayment benefits, the amount of loans forgiven, risk premium and put-backs and administrative costs related to students who borrowed under the risk-shared regime.
Strategic Outcome(s):

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

Promote skills and learning by enhancing opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills and providing opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills resulting in becoming the best educated, most-skilled and most flexible workforce in the world. The Canada Student Loans Program encourages more students to attend Canadian colleges and universities by reducing the debt burden through interest subsidy, Interest Relief benefits, Debt Reduction in Repayment benefits, the amount of loans forgiven, risk premium and put-backs.
$ million




Program Activity:
Total Grants        
Total Contributions (statutory) 64.1 52.9 33.1 22.2
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 64.1 52.9 33.1 22.2
Planned Audits and Evaluations:
Not Applicable


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Canada Student Loans Program - Direct Financing Arrangement
Start Date:
End Date:

Provinces and territories may choose not to participate in the Canada Student Loans Program. These provinces and territories receive an alternative payment to assist in the cost of delivering a similar student financial assistance program. This transfer payment provides Alternative Payments to non-participating jurisdictions, Interest Relief and Debt Reduction in Repayment benefits to borrowers, and the value of loans forgiven according to prescribed criteria.
Strategic Outcome(s):

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:
  • Strengthening the quality and competitiveness of the post-secondary education system by providing stable and predictable funding to provinces and territories.
  • Working with provinces and territories to develop shared objectives and targets and enhance public accountability.
  • Providing opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills resulting in becoming the best educated, most-skilled and most flexible workforce in the world through alternative payments, interest relief, debt reduction in repayment benefits, and the amount of loans forgiven.
$ million
Program Activity:
Total Grants        
Total Contributions (statutory) 215.6 269.0 281.4 296.1
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 215.6 269.0 281.4 296.1
Planned Audits and Evaluations:

Not Applicable


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Canada Study Grant / Canada Access Grant
Start Date:
End Date:

Since 1995, the Government of Canada has offered the Canada Study Grant to encourage participation in post-secondary education by providing additional non-repayable assistance or reducing debt.

In August 2005, the Government of Canada introduced two Canada Access Grants, which provides up-front non-repayable assistance intended to improve access to post-secondary education and reduce financial barriers for students from low-income families and students with permanent disabilities.
Strategic outcomes:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

Provide targeted grants for eligible borrowers to increase access to post-secondary education by reducing financial barriers.

The Canada Study Grants are designed to address the education-related costs of students with dependants, women in certain doctoral programs, and high-need part-time students, and to accommodate students with permanent disabilities by covering the exceptional education-related costs associated with their disability.
$ million
Program Activity:
Total Grants (statutory) 150.6 136.1 138.0 140.4
Total Contributions        
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 150.6 136.1 138.0 140.4
Planned Audits and Evaluations:

None planned for 2007-08.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Canada Education Savings Program - Canada Learning Bond
Start Date:
End Date:
The Canada Learning Bond was introduced to encourage low-income families to open Registered Education Savings Plans and provide savings for their children's post-secondary education.

Further information regarding Canada Learning Bond can be found at:
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

The expected results of the Canada Education Savings Program are:
  • Increased awareness of the Canada Learning Bond;
  • Increased savings in Registered Education Savings Plans; and
  • Increased financial capacity of low-income families to attend post-secondary education.
The Canada Education Savings Program's long-term outcome is to increase the financial capacity of Canadians to attend post-secondary education through savings incentives. By increasing financial capacity, the Canada Education Savings Program contributes to the ultimate outcome of developing more skilled and knowledgeable Canadians who are able to fully participate in the workplace and society.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Total Grants (statutory) 22.0 25.0 33.0 41.0
Total Contributions* 0.7 3.6 3.6 3.1
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 22.7 28.6 36.6 44.1
Planned Audits and Evaluations:

A formative evaluation of the new Additional Canada Education Savings Grant and the new Canada Learning Bond is scheduled for 2007/2008.
* Referring to the Education Savings Incentive


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Canada Education Savings Program - Canada Education Savings Grant
Start Date:
End Date:
The Canada Education Savings Grant encourages Canadians to save for a child's post-secondary education through Registered Education Savings Plans.

Further information regarding the Canada Education Savings Grant can be found at:
Strategic outcome:
Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

The expected results of the Canada Education Savings Program are:
  • Increased awareness of the Canada Education Savings Grant.
  • Increased savings in RESPs; and
  • Increased financial capacity to attend post-secondary education;

The Canada Education Savings (CES) Program's long-term outcome is to increase the financial capacity of Canadians to attend post-secondary education (PSE) through savings incentives. By increasing financial capacity to attend PSE, the CES Program's ultimate outcome is to contribute to the development of more skilled and knowledgeable Canadians who are able to fully participate in the workplace and society.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Total Grants (statutory) 510.0 540.0 560.0 560.0
Total Contributions        
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 510.0 540.0 560.0 560.0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

A formative evaluation of the new Canada Education Savings Grant and the new Canada Learning Bond is scheduled for 2007/2008.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Old Age Security
Start Date: 1952 End Date: N/A

The Old Age Security pension is a monthly benefit available, if applied for, to most Canadians 65 years of age or over. Old Age Security residence requirements must also be met. An applicant's employment history is not a factor in determining eligibility, nor does the applicant need to be retired. Old Age Security pensioners pay federal and provincial income tax. (Higher income pensioners also repay part or all of their benefit through the tax system).
Strategic outcome:

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Expected Results:

Old Age Security will continue to provide the first level of income support for seniors. Work will continue to ensure that the benefit addresses the evolving nature of Canadian society and the needs of Canada's seniors.
$ Million
Program Activity:
Social Investment
Total Grants (statutory) 23,114.0 24,093.0 25,168.0 26,347.0
Total Contributions        
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 23,114.0 24,093.0 25,168.0 26,347.0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

A Summative Evaluation of Old Age Security will be initiated in 2006-07 with a completion date planned for 2008-2009. When published the evaluation will be posted on the following website:


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Guaranteed Income Supplement
Start Date:
End Date:

The Guaranteed Income Supplement is a monthly benefit paid to residents of Canadawho receive a basic, full or partial Old Age Security pension and who have little or no other income.
Strategic outcome:

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Expected Results:

The Guaranteed Income Supplement will continue to keep pace with inflation, along with the second installment of the increase announced in Budget 2005. Its implementation in January 2007 will increase benefits for single recipients by $18 per month and $29 for couples.
$ Million
Program Activity:
Social Investment
Total Grants (statutory) 6,986.0 7,413.0 7,685.0 7,959.0
Total Contributions        
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 6,986.0 7,413.0 7,685.0 7,959.0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

Planned Audits and Evaluations: The Terms of Reference for an Evaluation of Guaranteed Income Supplement Take-up are under development with a planned completion date of 2008-2009. An Evaluation of Guaranteed Income Supplement will also take place in the same time period. When published the evaluation report will be posted at the following address:


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
The Allowance
Start Date:
1975 - Allowance
1985 - Allowance for the Survivor
End Date: N/A

The Allowance may be paid to the spouse or common-law partner of an Old Age Security pensioner, or to a survivor. To qualify, an applicant must be between the ages of 60 and 64 and must have lived in Canada for at least 10 years after turning 18. An applicant must also have been a Canadian citizen or a legal resident of Canada on the day preceding the application's approval. To qualify, the combined yearly income of the couple, or the annual income of the survivor, cannot exceed certain limits which are established quarterly. The Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits are not included in their combined yearly income.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Expected Results:

The Allowance and the Allowance for the Survivor will continue to keep pace with inflation, along with the second installment of the increase to the Allowance announced in Budget 2005. Its implementation in January 2007 will increase benefits for Allowance recipients by $14.50 and for Allowance for the Survivor by $18.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Social Investment
Total Grants (statutory) 515.0 553.0 580.0 608.0
Total Contributions        
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 515.0 553.0 580.0 608.0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Social Development Partnerships Program 1
Start Date: April 1, 2003 End Date: March 31, 2008

The Social Development Partnerships Program provides grants and contributions funding to non-profit organizations working to meet the social development needs of persons with disabilities, children and their families, and other vulnerable or excluded populations in Canada
Strategic outcome:

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Expected Results:

The long-term expected results of the program are:
  • increased effectiveness of the non-profit sector in meeting the social development needs and aspirations of persons with disabilities, children and their families and other vulnerable or excluded populations; and,
  • improved quality and responsiveness of governments' social policies and programs.
The program's more immediate expected results are:
  • greater knowledge and awareness of social issues, and application of innovative solutions and best practices to improve social outcomes as they relate to persons with disabilities, children and their families, and other vulnerable or excluded populations;
  • greater collaborations, partnerships, networks to advance shared social goals and priorities; and
  • greater capacity within national social non-profit organizations to promote social development and inclusion.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Social Investment
Total Grants 1 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3
Total Contributions1 12.8 12.4 7.4 6.1
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 27.1 26.7 21.7 20.4
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

The summative evaluation of the SDPP is scheduled to begin in Fall 2006 and a draft report is expected in Fall 2007. When published the report will be posted at:
1 Note that funds for the Voluntary Sector Strategy, Understanding the Early Years and Early Childhood Development for Official Language Minority Communities are administered through the SDPP Terms and Conditions. Operating costs are not included.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
New Horizons for Seniors Program 1
Start Date:
October 1, 2004
End Date:
September 30, 2009
This program supports local projects across Canada that help seniors participate in social activities, pursue an active life and contribute to their communities.

The specific objectives are:
  • harness the skills, experience and wisdom of seniors to help themselves and their community;
  • reduce the risk of social isolation of seniors;
  • strengthen social foundations at the community level and invest in social wellbeing;
  • ensure all seniors are able to benefit from, and contribute to, the quality of life in their community through social participation and lifelong active living.
Strategic outcome:

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Expected Results:
  • Increased social participation, empowerment and inclusion of seniors;
  • Reduced isolation of vulnerable seniors;
  • Strengthen networks and associations between community members, community organizations and governments; and
  • Enhanced opportunities for building community capacity and partnerships to respond to existing or emerging social challenges.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Social Investment
Total Grants1 15.6 19.5 19.5 19.5
Total Contributions        
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 15.6 19.5 19.5 19.5
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

An evaluation framework and methodology report for the formative evaluation has been developed, and it is scheduled to be completed in 2007-2008.
1 Note: The total budget for this program was $15 million in 2005-06 comprised of $11.7 million in grants and $3.3 million in operating costs, $20 million in 2006-07 comprised of $15.6 million in grants and $4.4 million in operating costs and $25 million in 2007-08 and on-going comprised of $19.5 million in grants and $5.5 million in operating costs.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities 1
Start Date:
April 1, 2007
End Date:
March 31, 2009

The Opportunities Fund Program is designed to assist people with disabilities to return to work. People with disabilities who are unemployed and not normally eligible for Employment Insurance Part II Employment Programs can apply for assistance under the Opportunities Fund as can organizations or individuals who want project funding to help eligible people with disabilities find and maintain jobs.
Strategic outcome:

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Expected Results:
  • People with disabilities obtain employment or self-employment and have the skills necessary to maintain that new employment;
  • Effective and innovative activities are supported, such as, but not limited to, the following: encouraging employers to provide individuals with work opportunities and experience and to help individuals increase their employment skill level, as well as helping individuals to start their own business; and
  • The Opportunity Fund works in partnership with organizations for people with disabilities, as well as the private sector, to support innovative approaches to integrate individuals with disabilities into employment or self-employment and to address barriers to an individual's labour market participation.
The Opportunities Fund uses the indicators total number of clients served, number of clients employed, number of clients with enhanced employability and number of clients who have returned to school as measures of effectiveness.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Social Investment
Total Grants        
Total Contributions1 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.7
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.7
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

A summative evaluation of the Opportunities Fund program is currently underway with a target timeline for completion of late Fall 2007. When published it will be posted on the following website:
1 Note: The total cost for this program is $30 million, comprised of $26.7 million in contributions and $3.3 million in operating costs.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities 1
Start Date:
April 1, 2004
End Date:
March 31, 2008

The goal of the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities is to improve the employment situation of Canadians with disabilities, by enhancing their employability, increasing the employment opportunities available to them, and building on their existing knowledge base.
Strategic outcome:

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Expected Results:

Reporting under the Agreements will include selected societal indicators (employment income, educational attainment and employment rate of working age people with disabilities) and the following program indicators:
  • Number of participants in programs and services.
  • Number of participants completing a program or service where there is a specific start and end point to the intervention.
  • Number of participants who obtained or were maintained in employment where the program or service supports this activity.
$ Million
  Total Authority
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Program Activity:
Social Investment
Total Other Transfer Payments 222.01 222.0 222.0 222.0
Total Program Activity 222.0 222.0 222.0 222.0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

Measuring and reporting on program and societal indicators and undertaking evaluation activities will help to assess progress toward enhancing program effectiveness and improving the employment situation of people with disabilities.
1 The total cost for this program is $223 million, comprised of $222 million in other transfer payments and $1 million in operating costs.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnerships
Start Date:
End Date:

The Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership initiative is a targeted Aboriginal skills development program designed to promote maximum employment for Aboriginal people on major economic developments through a collaborative partnership approach. It is designed to address a broad spectrum of skills and learning needs and provide access to jobs.
Strategic Outcome:
Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

The overall objectives of the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership initiative:
  • Sustainable employment for Aboriginal people leading to lasting benefits for Aboriginal communities, families and individuals.
  • Promote maximum employment for Aboriginal people on major economic developments through a collaborative partnership approach.
  • Increased skills level in the Aboriginal workforce.
  • Increased direct and indirect employment for Aboriginals across Canada.
  • Decreased Aboriginal unemployment and dependency on social assistance.
  • Improved skills levels (i.e. literacy, numeracy, computer skills, post-secondary certification).
  • Increased Aboriginal business opportunities.
  • A more diversified workforce within communities.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Labour Market
Total Grants        
Total Contributions1 14.5 19.0 8.2 0
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 14.5 19.0 8.2 0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

An evaluation of the ASEP program is planned for completion by March 2008. When available the report will be posted at the following address:
There is no separate program audit planned for ASEP, however the program is included in the Departments horizontal audit. Currently, the program is included in the review of contribution agreements to determine how the Segregation of Duties directive is being applied.
1 The 2007-2008 Planned Spending includes a re-profile of $800K from fiscal year 2006-2007, and the 2008-2009 Planned Spending includes a re-profile of $5,263K from fiscal year 2005-2006 and $2,900K from fiscal year 2006-2007.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy (AHRDS)
Start Date:
End Date:

Transfer payments made under the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy are predominantly in the form of contributions to Aboriginal organizations. The Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy provides support to Aboriginal organizations to design and deliver:
  • Labour market development programs to assist Aboriginal people, including Aboriginal persons with disabilities, prepare for, obtain, and maintain meaningful and sustainable employment;
  • Special programs to assist Aboriginal Youth make successful transitions from school to work or to support their return to school, and;
  • Child care programs.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

To support Aboriginal organizations to develop and implement labour market, youth and child care programs that are designed to address the local and regional needs of Aboriginal peoples. This programming will:
  • assist Aboriginal individuals to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment, thereby resulting in savings to income support programs;
  • assist Aboriginal youth (a person normally from 15 to 30 years of age) in preparing for, obtaining and maintaining employment and in making a successful transition into the labour market, thereby resulting in increased employment; and
  • Increase the supply of quality child care services in First Nations and Inuit communities, thereby raising the availability of distinct and diverse services in these communities to a level comparable to that of the general population.
  • Assist 50,000 Aboriginal clients, of whom 16,000 are expected to find and keep work or become self employed, and approximately 5,000 will return to school. Approximately, 7,500 child care spaces will continue to be supported and occupied.

Program Activity:
Labour Market
Total Grants        
Total Contributions 257.0 250.2 249.3 227.1
Total - Transfer Payment Programs1 257.0 250.2 249.3 227.1
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

A formative evaluation of the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreements is underway. Results of the formative evaluation, as well as those of the summative evaluation, are planned for 2007-08. When published evaluation findings will be posted at:

An internal audit of selected AHRDAs will be conducted in fiscal year 2007-08 to measure the progress made on recommendations provided by previous audits.
1Expected result(s) and outcomes are based on total program funding through the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) and Employment Insurance Act Part II. The forecast and planned spending figures reflect only CRF program.


Transfer Payment
Name of transfer Payment Program:
Aboriginal Human Resources Development Program - the Joint Voisey's Bay Employment and Training Authority
Start Date:
End Date:

The purpose of the Joint Voisey's Bay Employment and Training Authority is to promote maximum employment opportunities for Aboriginal people at the Voisey's Bay mine and concentrator site as well as in related spin-off activities.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

To support the Aboriginal groups of Labrador to provide programs and services to assist Aboriginal individuals to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment associated with major developments in Labrador , building on the development at the Voisey's Bay site.

The main objective is to promote maximum employment for Aboriginal people through a collaborative partnership approach and provide Aboriginal people with the skills needed to take advantage of employment opportunities at the Voisey's Bay mine/concentrator site and other developments in Labrador as appropriate. Other expected results include;
  • Increased skills level in the Aboriginal workforce.
  • Increased direct and indirect employment for Aboriginals in Labrador .
  • Decreased Aboriginal unemployment and dependency on social assistance.
  • Improved skills levels (literacy, numeracy, computer skills, post secondary certification).
  • A more diversified workforce within communities.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Labour Market
Total Grants        
Total Contributions 4.7 1.2 0 0
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 4.7 1.2 0 0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:
The results from the evaluation of the Voisey's Bay project will be available in early 2007. When published the evaluation will be placed at the following address:


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Sector Council Program
Start Date:
End Date:

The Sector Council Program supports permanent industry-driven partnerships known as sector councils through financial contributions to both their infrastructure and projects.

Sector councils are partnerships of businesses, workers and learning institutions in a defined area of economic activity, which seek to identify and address current and anticipated human resources challenges facing their labour market

Operating at arms-length from governments, sector councils identify and respond to labour market trends, foster commitment to skills development for and in the workplace. Key sector council activities include:
  • Labour market information products that allow businesses to plan human resources and project investments;
  • National occupational standards that facilitate labour mobility (including apprenticeship), influence college curricula and promote health and safety in the workplace;
  • Targeted recruitment and skills development initiatives that increase labour force participation and integration of under-represented groups such as aboriginals and immigrants;
  • Curriculum tailored to industry needs;
  • Skills development tools, including e-learning;
  • Essential skills initiatives; and
  • Tools and approaches to integrate foreign trained workers.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

In the short-term, the Sector Council Program and Sector Councils will continue to work in partnership to:
  • develop new and innovative solutions to human resources and skills issues; by
    • increasing consensus and understanding of skills, occupational needs and labour market issues;
    • increasing availability and use of products and services to help industry address their HR issues;
    • enhancing labour market transition (facilitating labour market entry and career progression); and
    • enhancing collaboration, action, and investment by industry.
  • address current and emerging skills and HR issues by:
    • increasing sectoral capacity - by sharing best practices and innovative ideas between councils and across sectors and industries;
    • encouraging learning systems to be more responsive to the labour market - by developing educational curricula that develops and refines skills needed by industries and employers in Canada's labour market ; and,
    • promoting the workplace as a learning place - by encouraging employers and industry to increase training investment in their employees.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Workplace Skills
Total Grants        
Total Contributions 26.5 28.1 29.2 26.5
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 26.5 28.1 29.2 26.5
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

Phase 1 of 2 of the summative evaluation of the Sector Council Program is currently being finalized. The full evaluation is expected to be completed in the fall of 2007 and when published will be placed on the following website:


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Foreign Credential Recognition Program
Start Date:
End Date:
May 25, 2009

The Foreign Credential Recognition Program provides financial and strategic support to provincial and territorial partners and stakeholders, including Sector Councils, regulatory bodies, immigrant serving organizations and post secondary educational institutions, to develop a pan-Canadian approach to assessing and recognizing foreign credentials within targeted occupations and sectors of the economy to facilitate entry into, and mobility within, the Canadian labour market.

The Foreign Credential Recognition Program supports the research and project-based activities of partners and stakeholders to develop tools and processes to assess and recognize foreign credentials in targeted occupations and sectors. The goal of the program is to deliver on its mandate of improving the labour market outcomes of internationally trained workers in targeted occupations and sectors.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

The Foreign Credential Recognition program will support the development of coherent, transparent, fair and equitable foreign credential assessment and recognition processes to enhance labour market outcomes of foreign-trained individuals in targeted occupations and sectors.
In the short-term, the Program will work in partnership to:
  • increase the understanding, consensus and commitment on issues and potential solutions related to foreign credential recognition;
  • increase the knowledge of what works in developing a pan-Canadian process for foreign credential recognition;
  • identify sectors and occupations facing current and emerging critical shortages that could be addressed by interventions from the program; and
  • enhance national coordination of partnership activities with regards to foreign credential recognition.
In the medium and long-term, the program will work in partnership to:
  • increase the awareness, availability and use of tools and processes for employers and regulators to assess and recognize foreign credentials;
  • standardize pan-Canadian foreign credential recognition processes in targeted occupations and sectors;
  • improve the ability of sectors, employers and regulators to assess and recognize internationally trained workers; and
  • reduce the barriers to entering the labour market for internationally trained workers.
The program will work with partners and stakeholders to achieve these short, medium and long-term outcomes in order to meet its ultimate objective of improving labour market outcomes in targeted occupations and sectors of internationally trained workers.
$ Million

Program Activity:
Workplace Skills
Total Grants        
Total Contributions 14.8 17.6 18.0 6.9
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 14.8 17.6 18.0 6.9
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

A summative evaluation of the Foreign Credential Recognition Program will be completed in November 2007. When published it will be posted at the following website:


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities
Start Date:
End Date:

The objective of the Enabling Fund is to ensure continuity of activities and funding for the organizations that foster the development of human resources, economic growth, job creation and retention in Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC)

The Enabling Fund provides funding to OLMC designated organizations, the Regroupements de développement économique et d'employabilité and Community Economic Development and Employability Committees through contribution agreements. Contributions can be made under the Enabling Fund for the OLMC to support activities such as:
  • human resources planning, research, preparing and adopting community development plans;
  • creating, implementing and consolidating partnerships;
  • mobilizing community stakeholders;
  • developing and coordinating projects that foster the development and enhance the vitality and economic growth of those communities;
  • developing human resources and strengthening local and national structures to improve their capabilities in terms of governance, policy and support program development, the expansion of services to the community for community capacity building, and organizational administration and management.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:
  • Continued viability of the infrastructures and networks as mechanisms for government supporting OLMCs;
  • Improved knowledge of official language minority communities from community profiles - the information will be used to guide funding decisions, benchmarking and assessing progress and future evaluation;
  • Increased OLMC capacity, at the organization and network levels, to produce community development plans and projects.
  • Increase capacity of local human resources in official language minority communities to promote and implement their own development.
  • Increased community vitality, including economic and job growth in OLMC.
$ Million


Program Activity:
Labour Market
Total Grants        
Total Contributions 12.0 12.0 - -
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 12.0 12.0 - -
Planned Audits and Evaluations:

Audits will be completed as required. A formative evaluation is scheduled for completion in early 2008 and a summative evaluation is expected to be completed in Fall 2009. When published the evaluation will be posted at the following address:


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Homelessness Partnering Strategy
Start Date:
April 1, 2007
End Date:
March 31, 2009

Provides grants and contributions to not-for-profit organizations, individuals, municipal governments, Band and tribal councils and other Aboriginal organizations, public health and educational institutions, Régies régionales, for-profit enterprises, research organizations and research institutes to carry out research on homelessness to help communities better understand and more effectively prevent and reduce homelessness.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Expected Results:

By March 31, 2009, the Homelessness Partnering Strategy aims to achieve the following outcomes:
  • Contribute, with partners, to a more sustainable and comprehensive continuum of supports to help homeless Canadians move towards self-sufficiency and to prevent those at risk from becoming homeless through: increased investments in supportive and transitional housing and services, and strategic investments according to community plans; broader and enhanced engagement of partners; and increased knowledge and better informed policy, decision making and coordination of services.
$ Million
Program Activity
Homelessness Partnering Strategy
175.5 109.3 109.3 Nil
Total Grants 2.0 .9 .9 Nil
Total Contributions 173.5 108.4 108.4 Nil
Total Other Transfer Payments 0   0 Nil
Total Program Activity 175.5 109.3 109.3 Nil
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

A Summative Evaluation will be completed in 2007-2008. When published it will be available at the following website:
1Please note that forecast spending refers to the National Homelessness Initiative.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Workplace Skills Initiative
Start Date:
End Date:

The Workplace Skills Initiative will fund projects that test and evaluate promising, partnership-based, outcomes-focused approaches to skills development for employers and employed Canadians:
  • Central to these projects is the development of human capital in and for the workplace.
  • Projects will vary in scope and scale (e.g. firm vs. sector).
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises will be a key audience.
  • Projects will generate cumulative knowledge around skills development and best human resources models and practices.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

The Workplace Skills Initiative is expected to contribute towards:
  • Increased awareness among workplace partners across Canada of Workplace Skills Initiative and the importance of workplace skills;
  • Increased collaboration among workplace partners toward the development of models and instruments for workplace skills;
  • Increased knowledge, innovation, experimentation and dissemination of models and instruments for workplace skills among workplace partners.
$ Million
Program Activity:
Workplace Skills
Total Grants        
Total Contributions 3.1 23.3 28.0 18.0
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 3.1 23.3 28.0 18.0
Planned Audits and Evaluations:

Preliminary evaluation activities are expected to be underway in fiscal year 2007-2008. When published evaluation findings will be posted at the following web address;


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Universal Child Care Benefit
Start Date:
July 1, 2006
End Date:

Effective July 2006 families are receiving up to $1,200 per year for each child under six, taxable in the hands of the lower-income spouse. Payments are being made directly to families so that they can choose the child care that is best for their children and their family's needs. The Universal Child Care Benefit is provided in addition to existing federal programs such as the Canada Child Tax Benefit, the National Child Benefit Supplement and the Child Care Expense Deduction and will not affect the benefits families receive under these programs. Further information can be found at
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.
Expected Results:

For 2007 onward: 100% of eligible children under six years of age for whom their parents are receiving the Universal Child Care Benefit
$ Million
Program Activity:
Children and Families
Total Grants (statutory) 1,610.0 2,460.0 2,470.0 2,480.0
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 1,610.0 2,460.0 2,470.0 2,480.0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

Evaluation activities are to be undertaken in the first three years of this initiative. When published the report will be posted at the following web address:


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant
Start Date:
January 1, 2007
End Date:
  • The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant aims to promote access to apprenticeships and improve labour mobility by providing a $1,000 grant to registered apprentices in the Red Seal trades.
  • The grant has been designed to reward advancement in the first two years of an apprenticeship program.
  • Registered apprentices who have completed their first or second year of their apprenticeship program on or after January 1, 2007 will be eligible to apply.
  • The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant will provide an incentive for more Canadians to pursue apprenticeships and meet the future need for skilled trades people that is crucial to the sustained growth of the economy.
  • By focusing on the Red Seal trades, for which there are national occupational and training standards, the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant will also support inter-provincial mobility.
Strategic Outcome:
  • Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:
  • The Grant has been designed to meet the following objectives:
    • To increase access to apprenticeships in the Red Seal Program trades by helping apprentices to cover expenses such as the purchase of tools and other materials required for learning on-the-job and travel expenses associated with classroom training, etc.;
    • To encourage the apprentice's progression through the technical and on-the-job training requirements in the early years of their apprenticeship program, thus building the momentum towards certification; and ultimately,
    • To promote inter-provincial mobility by increasing the number of apprentices remaining in the Red Seal trades and getting their Red Seal.
$ Million
Program Activity:
Workplace Skills
Total Grants 32.0 91.0 99.0 106.0
Total Contributions        
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 32.0 91.0 99.0 106.0
Planned Audits and Evaluations:

Audits will be completed as required.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Wage Earner Protection Program
Start Date:
January 1, 2008
End Date:

The Wage Earner Protection Program Act provides the legislative basis for the Wage Earner Protection Program – a Program designed to restore wages and vacation pay owing to workers whose employers are declared bankrupt or are subject to receivership under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, up to an amount equaling four weeks' maximum insurable earnings under the Employment Insurance Act (currently $3,076). The Program was developed because current provisions of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act do not provide certain and timely payment of wages owing to workers whose employers are insolvent.

The Wage Earner Protection Program Act was contained in Bill C-55, which set out a comprehensive reform of Canada's insolvency laws, including the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act. Passage of Bill C-55 was expedited with unanimous, all-party consent in both Houses of Parliament, and the Bill received Royal Assent on November 25, 2005, and became Chapter 47 of the Statutes of Canada, 2005.
Strategic outcome:

Safe, Healthy, Fair, Stable, Cooperative, Productive Workplaces and Effective International Labour Standards.
Expected Results:

Better protection of workers whose employers have been declared bankrupt or are subject to receivership.
$ Million
Program Activity: Social Investment        
Total Grants (statutory) - 28.7 28.7 28.7
Total Contributions        
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total Program Activity   28.7 28.7 28.7
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

None planned for fiscal year 2007-2008.


Transfer Payment
Name of Transfer Payment Program:
Targeted Initiative for Older Workers
Start Date:
October 2006
End Date:
March 31, 2009

The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers is a federal-provincial/territorial cost-shared initiative providing support to unemployed older workers in communities affected by significant downsizing or closures, or ongoing high unemployment, through programming aimed at reintegrating them into employment. In situations where there is little likelihood of immediate employment, programming may be aimed at increasing the employability of older workers and ensuring they remain active and productive labour market participants while their communities undergo adjustment.

Provinces and territories are responsible for identifying affected communities to target for activities, design and delivery of projects, and monitoring and reporting on projects.

To be eligible to participate in the Initiative, older workers must be unemployed, legally entitled to work in Canada, lack skills needed for successful integration into new employment, live in an eligible community, and normally be aged 55 - 64.

Projects must include employment assistance activities such as résumé writing, interview techniques, counselling and job finding clubs, and at least two other employability improvement activities such as prior learning assessment, skills training, or assistance to start a small business. As well, they must offer income support to participants in the form of allowances, wages or wage subsidies, and involve at least 25 hours per week of activity for participants.

Where possible and appropriate, activities will support community economic development strategies and activities. As an example, skills development activities may prepare participants for emerging employment opportunities. Census Metropolitan Areas with a population greater than 250,000 are not eligible for Initiative programming.

Targeted Initiative for Older Workers is a two-year interim program that has been put in place while a feasibility study is undertaken to evaluate current and potential measures to address the changes faced by displaced older workers.
Strategic Outcome:

Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Expected Results:

The shared outcomes of partners are to help unemployed older workers reintegrate into employment. Where there is little likelihood of immediate employment, outcomes would be to increase their employability, and assist them to remain active and productive in their labour market while their communities undergo adjustment.
$ Million
HRSDC Forecast

Program Activity:
Employment Programs
Total Contributions 8.0 45.0 12.9 0
Total Other Transfer Payments        
Total - Transfer Payment Programs 8.0 45.0 12.9 0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

An evaluation of this initiative will start in 2007 with completion in spring 2009. When published the report will be posted at the following web address:
1 Planned Spending 2007-2008 includes a re-profile of $8.52M from fiscal year 2006-2007.

Table 8: Foundations (Conditional Grants)
In 2007 - 2008, HRSDC will contribute or is reporting on the following Grants:
1. Canadian Council on Learning
2. The Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation
3. The Peter Gzowski Foundation for Literacy
4. The Winnipeg Foundation

Further information on these projects can be found at

Name of Foundation: Canadian Council on Learning
Start Date:
March 30, 2004
End Date:
March 31, 2009
Total Funding:
$85 million 1covering 5 years

To promote and support evidence-based decision making in all areas of lifelong learning by informing Canadians regularly on Canada's progress on learning outcomes, and promoting knowledge and information exchange among learning partners.

Strategic Outcome:
  • Enhanced Canadian Productivity and Participation through Efficient and Inclusive Labour Markets, Competitive Workplaces and Access to Learning
Summary of Annual Plans of Recipient:
  • At arm's length from government, the Canadian Council on Learning will improve the overall stage of knowledge and information on lifelong learning by focusing on the thematic areas of: Aboriginal Learning, Adult Learning, Early Childhood Learning; Health and Learning; Structured Learning; and Work and Learning.
  • It will report to Canadians annually on the state of the Post Secondary Education system; the state of learning in Canada on the basis of the evolving work of its Knowledge Centres; and on a particular cross-cutting issue each year (e.g., literacy in 2007). In addition, it will continue to develop and refine a national Composite Learning Index as a basis for benchmarking and tracking Canada 's overall learning performance over time.
  • It will increase knowledge and information on learning through sponsored research, workshops and roundtables, and the development of an on-line Journal of Applied Research on Learning.
  • It will disseminate and exchange knowledge and exemplary practices on a pan-Canadian basis through thematic reports, conferences, regular newsletters and the development of a virtual library.
  • It will improve availability of learning data through collection of data relevant to learning themes and catalogue of provincial and territorial datasets.
$ million
Conditional Grant(s)1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

The formative evaluation completed on September 30, 2006 is to be followed up by a summative evaluation in 2008. When published evaluation findings will be posted at the following web address:

URL to Recipient Site:
1A one-time grant was provided to Canadian Council on Learning in fiscal year 2004-05. All funds are to be dispersed by March 31, 2009.


Name of Foundation: The Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Funding:
$2.5 billion

The Budget Implementation Act, 1998, provides for the creation of the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation. The Act establishes that the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development is responsible for tabling the Foundation's annual report before Parliament and provides for the $2.5B endowment made to the Foundation in 1998.

The endowment is managed in accordance with the Funding Agreement between the Foundation and the Government of Canada, as represented by the Ministers of Finance and Human Resources and Social Development.

The objective of the foundation is to increase access to post-secondary education so that Canadians can acquire the skills needed to participate in a changing economy and society by granting scholarships to students who are in financial need and who demonstrate merit.

Strategic outcome:
  • Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Summary of Annual Plans of Recipient:
  • Approximately 100,000 students with demonstrated financial need benefit from millennium bursaries annually with award bursaries averaging $3,000.
  • Approximately 20,000 additional students from low-income families who have demonstrated financial need benefit from millennium access bursaries annually (beginning in 2005-2006) with award bursaries averaging $2,000.
  • Distribute annual millennium entrance awards to over 1,800 post-secondary students and in-course excellence awards to up to 1,200 post-secondary students, valued at $4,000 or $5,000 depending on the type of award, to students who demonstrate exceptional merit and community service.
$ million
Conditional Grant(s) 343.0 348.0 349.0 350.0
Administration 21.1 26.2 30.0 32.0
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

The Foundation's annual audit will be conducted in the first quarter of 2007-2008, and program reviews and audits of granting processes will be conducted in three provinces.

URL to Foundation site:
1 Figures based on calendar year. Preliminary figures, not audited.


Name of Foundation: The Peter Gzowski Foundation for Literacy
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Funding:
$5 million1

The purpose of this foundation is to provide one time funding and a vehicle for corporations and private citizens, who supported Peter Gzowski's work in literacy, to make donations in his name. The intent is to support increased public awareness of, and support for, literacy issues; leveraged funds; promotion of literacy and its importance; and literacy activities that support the promotion of literacy and leverage funds for literacy throughout Canada.

Strategic Outcome:
  • Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Summary of Annual Plans of Recipient:
  • National coordination of the PGI Golf tournaments for Literacy which support literacy activities.
  • Literacy activities which support the raising of funds and public awareness for literacy at the local level.
  • Literacy activities that support the promotion of literacy and leverage funds for literacy throughout Canada.
$ million
Conditional Grant(s) Nil Nil Nil Nil
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

Annual audits as required under new Treasury Board guidelines for foundations

URL to Foundation site:
1 The amount of $5 million was paid in 2003-2004. Therefore, no further funding will be provided to the Foundation. Negotiations will proceed to amend reporting obligations in order to meet the Office of the Auditor General and Treasury Board guidelines.


Name of Foundation: The Winnipeg Foundation
Start Date:
February 28, 2003
End Date:
Total Funding:
$1 million1

The purpose of this foundation is to help support existing and innovative family literacy initiatives in Manitoba, more specifically to create and increase the availability of materials and resources to the family literacy field in the province. This includes the Literacy for Life endowment challenge fund which will support existing literacy activities and innovative family literacy initiatives at the grassroots level.

Strategic outcome:
  • Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.
Summary of Annual Plans of Recipient:
  • Income generated by the fund will be allocated as grants to qualifying community Family Literacy Programs and to programs in the 20 branches of the Winnipeg Public Library.
  • 88 community grants have been approved to date for a total of $239,430.
$ Million
Conditional Grant(s) $.177M 1 Nil Nil Nil
Planned Audit and Evaluation:

Annual audits as required under new Treasury Board guidelines for foundations.

URL to Foundation site:
1 Federal payments are contingent on matching funds raised by The Winnipeg Foundation. A total of $822,720 out of $1 million has been paid to the Winnipeg Foundation from February 28, 2003 to the end of the 2005-06 fiscal year. The final cost-matched payment of $177,280 was paid out in 2006-07. No further funding will be provided to the Winnipeg Foundation. Negotiations will proceed to amend reporting obligations in order to meet the Office of the Auditor General and Treasury Board guidelines.

Table 9 : Horizontal Initiatives
During fiscal year 2007 - 2008, HRSDC will be involved in the following horizontal initiatives. Unless otherwise mentioned in the list,
HRSDC acts as the lead Department for these initiatives.
1. Youth Employment Strategy
2. Sector Council Program
3. Labour Market Development Agreements
4. Foreign Credential Recognition Program
5. Canada Student Loans Program
6. National Child Benefit
7. Multilateral Framework for Early Learning and Child Care
8. Early Childhood Development Agreement
9. Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership Program
10. Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy
11. Action Plan for Official Languages (Privy Council Office is the lead)
12. Homelessness Partnering Initiative
13. Targeted Initiative for Older Workers
Supplementary information on Horizontal Initiatives can be found at

Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
Youth Employment Strategy
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocation:

The Youth Employment Strategy supports Canadian youth as they move into the world of work. The Strategy plays a role in developing Canada's workforce of the future by providing young Canadians with access to programs and services to help them gain the skills, knowledge, career information and work experience they need to find and maintain employment and in making a successful transition into the labour market.

YES has been streamlined based on information and knowledge gained through research and program evaluations which indicated the need to keep pace with the changing labour market and needs of youth, especially youth facing barriers to employment. The realigned YES features three key programs for youth aged 15-30 years: Career Focus, Skills Link and Summer Work Experience. For the period 2007-2008, the estimated YES investment is planned to be $309.1 million ($276.4 million CRF program funds and $32.7M in operating resources).
Shared Outcome(s):
  1. The shared outcomes of partners are:
  • Number of youth served
  • Number of youth employed / self-employed
  • Number of youth returning to school
Governance Structure(s):

The Government of Canada's support to young Canadians is a shared responsibility and a partnership effort among several departments and organizations. Through YES, HRSDC with Service Canada and 12 other federal government departments work cooperatively with other levels of government, Aboriginal organizations, educational institutions, and private sector, not-for-profit and voluntary sectors to deliver YES initiatives.

YES has in place an umbrella Results-based Management and Accountability Framework (RMAF) that represents a commitment amongst the thirteen participating federal departments and agencies to undertake ongoing collection of common performance management data. This is to ensure effective overall performance management of the program.

As lead department, HRSDC chairs and is responsible for the coordination and management of an Interdepartmental Operations Committee that is responsible for reporting on the implementation of YES. The Evaluation Steering Committee is another YES interdepartmental committee. There is also a Communications Sub-Committee reporting to the Operations Committee.

YES initiatives are delivered nationally, regionally and locally using a variety of funding instruments such as contribution agreements and some direct delivery methods. Transfer payments are primarily provided by participating departments through contribution agreements and service delivery agreements in support of participant's remuneration and overhead costs.

Youth Protocols for joint planning mechanisms have been signed with Newfoundlandand Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Manitoba.
$ million
Names of Programs Federal Partners Involved in each Program Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2007-2008: Expected Results for 2007-2008:
1. Career Focus 1. Human Resources and Social Development Canada with Service Canadaa On-going $13.0 M Service Canada Projected Range of Results
  • Clients Served:
  • 400 - 600
  • Employed or Self-Employed: 300 - 375
  • Return to School 10 - 30
  • Contribution Agreements:
  • 80 - 110
  • Funds Leveraged:
  • $2 - 4 M
  • Clients Served: 454
  • Employed or Self-Employed: 90% or 408
  • Return to School: 10% or 45
  • Contribution Agreements: 14
  • Funds Leveraged:
Over the full course of the agreements, the total sector contribution is predicted to be $16,013,522. For 2007-08 it would be $10,812,694. (Agreements run from mid 05-06 to March 2008)
This would equate to approximately $8M sector (recipient) contribution for 2006-07
Targets are not set by HRSDC for other government departments, but results are reported in the DPR.
2. Agriculture and Agri-FoodCanada $1.1 M
3. Canadian Food Inspection Agency $0.1 M
4. Canadian International Development Agency $6.4 M
5. Canadian Heritage $0.9 M
6. Environment Canada $3.3 M
7. Industry Canada $9.8 M
8. National Research Council $5.4 M
9. Natural Resources Canada $0.6 M
2. Skills Link 1. Human Resources and Social Development Canadawith Service Canadaa On-going $167.5 M HRSDC with Service Canada
  • Clients Served -14,000 - 16,000
  • Employed or Self-Employed - 5,950 - 6,250
  • Return to School - 1,250 - 1,350
  • Contribution Agreements -
  • 1,100 - 1,300
  • Funds Leveraged - $65 - 80M
Targets are not set by HRSDC for OGD's, but results are reported in the DPR
2. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation $1.0 M
3. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada $14.0 M
3. Summer Work Experience 1. Human Resources and Social Development Canada with Service Canadaa On-going $ 54.2 M HRSDC with Service Canada
This program is under review as part of the government's commitment to on-gong program expense review.
2. Canadian Heritage $9.8 M
3. Industry Canada $10.0 M
4. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada $10.0 M
5. Parks Canada $2.0 M
    Total:N/A Total:$309.1 Ma  
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable): N/A

John Atherton
Director General
Active Employment Measures
Employment Programs Policy and Design Directorate
(819) 994-6916
Sharon Shanks
Director General
Aboriginal & Youth Programs Directorate
(819) 953-4662
Approved by:

Karen Jackson
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment Programs Policy and Design
Telephone: (819) 997-9236
Date Approved:

March 20, 2007
a HRSDC planned spending reflects Consolidated Revenue Fund.


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
Sector Council Program
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada(HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocation:
$141.2 million over seven years and $26.5 million ongoing

The Sector Council Program supports permanent industry-driven partnerships known as sector councils through financial contributions to both their infrastructure and projects.

Sector councils are partnerships of businesses, workers and learning institutions in a defined area of economic activity, which seek to identify and address current and anticipated human resources challenges facing their labour market

Operating at arms-length from governments, sector councils identify and respond to labour market trends, foster commitment to skills development for and in the workplace. Key sector council activities include:
  • Labour market information products that allow businesses to plan human resources and project investments;
  • National occupational standards that facilitate labour mobility (including apprenticeship), influence college curricula and promote health and safety in the workplace;
  • Targeted recruitment and skills development initiatives that increase labour force participation and integration of under-represented groups such as aboriginals and immigrants;
  • Curriculum tailored to industry needs;
  • Skills development tools, including e-learning;
  • Essential skills initiatives; and
  • Tools and approaches to integrate foreign trained workers.
Shared Outcome(s):

While the specific goals of the Sector Council may vary, depending on the particular needs of the sector, some interests and objectives are common.

In the short-term, the Program and Sector Councils will continue to work in partnership to:
  • develop new and innovative solutions to human resources and skills issues; by
    • increasing consensus and understanding of skills, occupational needs and labour market issues; o increasing availability and use of products and services to help industry address their human resources issues;
    • enhancing labour market transition (facilitating labour market entry and career progression); and
    • enhancing collaboration, action, and investment by industry.
  • address current and emerging skills and human resources issues by:
    • increasing sectoral capacity - by sharing best practices and innovative ideas between councils and across sectors and industries;
    • encouraging learning systems to be more responsive to the labour market - by developing educational curricula that develop and refine skills needed by industries and employers in Canada's labour market; and
    • promoting the workplace as a learning place - by encouraging employers and industry to increase training investment in their employees.
Governance Structure(s):

The Sector Council Program works in partnership with the aforementioned organizations to deliver on its mandate; and as such, the Program is in a "shared accountability regime". Some of the program outcomes that the Sector Council Program is mandated to achieve are directly linked to the performance of its partners and therefore, the accountability for achieving these outcomes is shared.

Note: There are also national organizations with the mandate to address skills issues. While they do not form sector councils, they often work with industrial/occupational sector councils to address issues related to one or more councils.
$ million
Federal Partners Involved in Each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2007-2008 Expected Results for 2007-2008
1. HRSDC a. Sector Council Program $141.2 million over 7 years $28.1 million Refining and broadening the impact of the Sector Council Program, testing new and innovative approaches to sectoral skills development
$141.2 million
$28.1 million
Results to be Achieved by Non-federal Partners (if applicable): N/A
Contact Information:

Éric Parisien
Sector Council Division
(819) 994-4360
Approved by:

Karen Jackson
Assistant Deputy Minister
Workplace Skills Branch
(819) 997-9236
Date Approved:

March 20, 2007


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
Labour Market Development Agreements
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
First provincial agreement was signed in December 1996
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocation:
$1.95 billion per year

Labour Market Development Agreements are designed to assist unemployed Canadians prepare for, find and maintain employment. These agreements seek to achieve labour market program objectives such as improving client labour market outcomes, ensuring better coordination of federal and provincial programs to reduce duplication, and to more effectively meet the needs of regional and local labour markets.

Pursuant to sections 57 and 63 of the Employment Insurance Act, Labour Market Development Agreements have been signed with all of the provinces and territories, in the form of either a co-managed or transfer agreement. A transfer agreement was signed with Ontario in November 2005, which came into effect on January 1, 2007. Labour Market Development Agreements are indeterminate agreements and are not subject to renewal, however, each agreement contains certain provisions for either party to give notice of termination. Part II of the Employment Insurance Act requires the federal government to "work in concert" with provinces and territories in designing, implementing and evaluating Employment Benefits and Support Measures. Employment Benefits and Support Measures reduce dependency on insurance benefits and social assistance by helping individuals obtain and maintain employment. For further information on Employment Benefits and Support Measures spending, please refer to the Monitoring and Assessment Report at the following URL:

The Employment Insurance Commission is mandated in section 3(1) of the Employment Insurance Act to provide the Minister responsible for the Employment Insurance program with an annual report on the usage, impact and effectiveness of the program. The 2006 Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report continues an annual examination of Employment Insurance from the perspective of the economy, communities and individual workers. The report examines the use of the program, the program's impacts and effectiveness, the use of active re-employment measures, and the interaction between Employment Insurance and the workplace for the fiscal year April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006.

The Employment Benefits and similar provincial and territorial programs delivered under the Labour Market Development Agreements help unemployed Employment Insurance insured Canadians gain work experience, improve job skills or start new businesses, as well as encourage employers to provide opportunities for work experience. The first of four employment benefits is the Skills Development benefit which provides financial assistance to help eligible individuals pay for the cost of skills training and related expenses, while they are enrolled in a training program. The second is the Self-Employment benefit which provides eligible individuals with financial support and assistance in business planning while they begin to establish and operate their businesses. Thirdly, the Job Creation Partnerships benefit provides eligible individuals with opportunities to gain valuable work experience on projects developed in conjunction with industry, other levels of government, or community groups. Finally, Targeted Wage Subsidies help eligible individuals who are experiencing difficulty accessing employment due to employment barriers. Employers receive a temporary wage subsidy as an incentive to hire individuals they would not normally hire in the absence of a subsidy.

The Support Measures and similar provincial and territorial programs delivered under the Labour Market Development Agreements, provide funding to organizations, businesses and communities for three types of activities: The first measure, Employment Assistance Services helps unemployed individuals prepare for, obtain and maintain employment by providing them with services such as counselling, job search techniques, action planning, job placement, and labour market information. The second support measure is Labour Market Partnerships which provides funding to assist employers, employee and employer associations and communities, to improve their capacity to deal with human resource requirements and to implement labour force adjustments. Finally, Research and Innovation helps support experimental activities which identify improved methods of helping Canadians prepare for and maintain employment, as well as be productive participants in the labour force.

Summative evaluations of Employment Benefits and Support Measures, which are aimed at providing information on the impact of active measures in helping participants prepare for, obtain and maintain employment, are currently underway in several jurisdictions. Results from the British Columbia, Quebec, Alberta, Ontario, Nunavut and Newfoundland and Labrador summative evaluations are discussed in the Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Reports available at Other summative evaluations are currently underway and where available, findings will be presented in the 2007 Monitoring and Assessment Report and published at:
Shared Outcome(s):

The shared outcomes of partners are to help unemployed Employment Insurance insured Canadians gain work experience, improve job skills or start new businesses, and to provide funding to organizations, businesses and communities that provide employment services to unemployed Canadians.

Three measurement indicators will be used to assess the performance of these programs:
1. Employment Insurance Clients Served: Represents active claimants and former Quebec claimants.
2. Returns to Work: Represents those insured participants (active and former Part I claimants) who have been referred to and participated in an Employment Insurance Act Part II activity and who have subsequently returned to employment.
3. Unpaid Benefits: Measures the difference between the individual's entitlement to regular Employment Insurance Act Part I benefits and the actual benefits paid out as the result of Employment Insurance active claimants who have been referred and participated in an Employment Insurance Act Part II activity and who have returned to employment before exhausting their employment insurance entitlement.
Governance Structure(s):
  • Under the co-managed arrangement, HRSDC and the respective province and territory share responsibility for the design of labour market development programs and services, while HRSDC (through Service Canada) continues to be responsible for the management and delivery of the Employment Benefits and Support Measures through its network of local offices. Each provincial and territorial government of co-managed agreements has assumed joint responsibility for the planning and evaluation of active employment measures through a Joint Management Committee, and Joint Evaluation Committee.
  • Under transfer agreements, the delivery of similar benefits and measures is the responsibility of the respective province and territory.
  • A formula based on socio-economic indicators allocates Employment Insurance funds to co-managed regions for Employment Benefits and Support Measures, and to transfer provinces and territories for similar benefits and measures.
  • Under the agreements with transfer provinces and territories, the Government of Canada also provides an annual contribution towards the administrative costs incurred by the province or territory.
  • Joint Management Committees, and Joint Implementation Committees are used by various regions and provinces, while all save Quebec have Joint Evaluation Committees. In Quebec, the province conducts the evaluations.
  • Provinces and territories and the Government of Canada agree on the importance of ensuring that the public be notified of their respective roles, and particularly the financial contribution of the Government of Canada and the responsibility of the provinces and territories with regard to active employment measures under these Agreements.
  • HRSDC remains responsible for the implementation of activities under its employment benefits and support measures that are pan-Canadian in scope and not covered by Labour Market Development Agreements, such as activities in support of inter-provincial labour mobility and national sectoral partnerships, but will consult with provinces and territories regarding the implementation of these activities that impact the citizens of the provinces and territory.
  • HRSDC may also intervene in response to economic crises using funding that is incremental to funding commitments that have been made within the context of the Labour Market Development Agreement.
  • HRSDC retains responsibility for Employment Insurance benefits under Employment Insurance Act Part I (passive support).
$ million
Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2007-2008a Expected Results for 2007-2008a
Co-Managed LMDAs
Employment Benefits and Support Measures
  • Skills Development
  • Self-Employment
  • Job Creation Partnerships
  • Targeted Wage Subsidies
  • Employment Assistance Services
  • Labour Market Partnerships
  • Research and Innovation
$532.3M $532.3M Employment Insurance Clients Served
It is expected that these investments will assist 50,000 - 60,000 active claimants.
Returns to Work
It is anticipated that 35,000 - 40,000 Employment Insurance clients (active and former) will become employed or self-employed.
Unpaid Employment Insurance Act Part I benefits
The return to work of the active claimants before the end of their benefit period will result in $135.0 M - 145.0 M in unpaid Employment Insurance Act Part I benefits.
TOTAL   $532.3M $532.3M  
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):
Provincial / territorial governments - Transfer Labour Market Development Agreements
Under transfer agreements, the delivery of similar Employment Benefits and Support Measures programs is the responsibility of the devolved provinces and territories (NB, QC, ON, MB, SK, AL, NWT, and NU).
  Total Allocation Planned Spending
for 2007-2008
Expected Results
for 2007-2008
Transfer LMDAs $1,417.7M

Includes Ontario as a result of signed agreement which came into effect
January 1, 2007.
$1,417.7M Employment Insurance Clients Served
It is expected that these investments will assist 275,000 - 295,000 active claimants and former Quebec claimants.

Returns to Work
It is anticipated that 140,000 - 155,000 Employment Insurance clients (active and former) will become employed or self employed.

Unpaid Employment Insurance Act Part I benefits
The return to work of the active claimants before the end of their benefit period will result in $635.0M - 665.0M in unpaid Employment Insurance Act Part I benefits.

John Atherton
Director General
Labour Market and Official Language Minority Communities
Employment Programs Policy and Design
Telephone: (819) 994-6916
Approved by:

Karen Jackson
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment Programs Policy and Design
Telephone: (819) 997-9236
Date Approved:

March 20, 2007
a Above Planned Spending and Expected Results exclude Pan-Canadian activities as these are not delivered through Labour Market Development Agreements.


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
Foreign Credential Recognition Program
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocation:
$64.1 million over 6 years and $6.9 million ongoing

The Foreign Credential Recognition Program provides financial and strategic support to provincial and territorial partners and stakeholders, including Sector Councils, regulatory bodies, immigrant serving organizations and post secondary educational institutions, to develop a pan-Canadian approach to assessing and recognizing foreign credentials within targeted occupations and sectors of the economy to facilitate entry into, and mobility within, the Canadian labour market.

The Foreign Credential Recognition Program supports the research and project-based activities of partners and stakeholders to develop tools and processes to assess and recognize foreign credentials in targeted occupations and sectors. The goal of the Program is to deliver on its mandate of improving the labour market outcomes of internationally trained workers in targeted occupations and sectors.
Shared Outcome(s):

As the actual implementation of Foreign Credential Recognition rests with partners and stakeholders, the program primarily plays a support role in the development of tools and processes to assess and recognize foreign credentials. Efforts focus on achieving the following short-, medium- and long-term outcomes in support of the program's overarching ultimate objective.
In the short term, the program will work in partnership to:
  • increase the understanding, consensus and commitment on issues and potential solutions related to Foreign Credential Recognition;
  • increase the knowledge of what works in developing a pan-Canadian process for Foreign Credential Recognition;
  • identify sectors and occupations facing current and emerging critical shortages that could be addressed by interventions from the program; and
  • enhance national coordination of partnership activities with regards to Foreign Credential Recognition.

In the medium and long term, the program will work in partnership to:
  • increase the awareness, availability and use of tools and processes for employers and regulators to assess and recognize foreign credentials;
  • standardize pan-Canadian Foreign Credential Recognition processes in targeted occupations and sectors;
  • improve the ability of sectors, employers and regulators to assess and recognize internationally trained workers; and
  • reduce the barriers to entering the labour market for internationally trained workers.
The program will work with partners and stakeholders to achieve these short-, medium- and long-term outcomes to meet its ultimate objective of improving labour market outcomes in targeted occupations and sectors of internationally trained workers.
Governance Structure(s):

Foreign Credential Recognition is an area of shared jurisdiction with provinces and territories. In turn, provinces and territories have delegated this responsibility to over 400 regulatory bodies. This means some Foreign Credential Recognition Program outcomes are linked directly to the operations of its partners and explains why the accountability for achieving these outcomes is a shared responsibility.

Federally, a committee of senior officials from 15 departments meet regularly to ensure policy and program coherence to improve the labour market outcomes of internationally trained workers. This committee is co-chaired by Human Resources and Social Development Canada and Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The departments include Human Resources and Social Development Canada, Canadian Heritage, Health Canada, Industry Canada, Citizenship and Immigration, Privy Council Office, Western Economic Diversification, Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Treasury Board Secretariat, Infrastructure Canada, Public Service Human Resources Management Agency, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Environment Canada, Statistics Canada and Labour.
$ million
Federal Partners
Involved in
Each Program
Names of
Spending for
Expected Results for
1. HRSDC a. Foreign Credential Recognition $64.1 million
over six years
17.6 million Further developing and
strengthening the Foreign Credential Recognition program
Results to be Achieved by Non-federal Partners (if applicable):
Please see shared outcomes.
Contact Information:

Corinne Prince-St. Amand
Director General
Immigrants and Foreign Workers
(819) 997-9217
Approved by:

Karen Jackson
Assistant Deputy Minister
Workplace Skills Branch
(819) 997-9236
Date Approved:

March 20, 2007


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
Canada Student Loans Program
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada(HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocated:

The purpose of the Canada Student Loans Program is to promote accessibility to post-secondary education for individuals with demonstrated financial need by lowering financial barriers through the provision of loans and grants and to ensure Canadians have an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills to participate in the workplace and community. Since 1964, the Canada Student Loans Program has assisted millions of students in their pursuit of post-secondary education.

In August of 2000, the Canada Student Loans Program shifted from the risk-shared financing arrangements that had been in place with financial institutions between 1995 and 2000 to a direct student loan financing regime. This meant that the Program had to redesign the delivery mechanism in order to directly finance student loans. In the new arrangement, the Government of Canada provides the necessary funding to students and currently two service providers have contracts to administer the loans.

Information for the public on saving, planning and paying for post-secondary studies and specific information for Canada Student Loans Program clients (including information on learning opportunity selection, financial planning, and how to apply for, maintain and repay student loans) can be accessed at:
Shared Outcome(s):
Maintain the Government's commitment to accessible post-secondary education by:
  • lowering financial barriers to post-secondary education through the provision of financial assistance to eligible Canadians; and
  • ensuring a more manageable debt burden for borrowers.
Governance Structure(s):

The Government of Canada has entered into Integration Agreements with four provinces (Ontario, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador) in order to create a "one-student-one-loan" service approach. These four integrated provinces accounted for over 60% of the Canada Student Loans Program borrowers.

The administration of the current Program is the product of a co-operative effort between Human Resources and Social Development Canada, Service Canada, Canada Revenue Agency, participating provinces and the Yukon Territory, two Service Providers and Public Works and Government Services Canada. These agents are responsible for conducting one or more activities during the loan lifecycle. Program documents and communications tools are typically prepared with the input and approval of both federal and participating provincial and territorial governments. Quebec, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut do not participate in the Canada Student Loans Program. These jurisdictions receive an alternative payment to assist in the cost of delivering a similar student financial assistance program.

Effective management of the Program and of relations with third-party agents is the primary responsibility of the Canada Student Loans Program. Program activities include, for example, client relations for escalated cases and comptrollership.

The application and needs assessment for the Program is delivered by provincial student assistance offices, which also administer provincial aid. The participating provinces and the Yukon Territory:
  • determine individual eligibility for loans and Canada Access Grants based on federal criteria;
  • assess students' financial needs based on federal criteria;
  • issue loan certificates;
  • administer and deliver Canada Study Grants; and
  • designate educational institutions that students may attend with Canada Student Loans Program assistance.
While the Canada Student Loans Program provides the guidance and direction on how the Program is to be delivered, the Service Providers assume responsibility for managing the loans once the loan agreement is signed and submitted for processing. Service Providers' responsibilities include:
  • verifying loan agreements;
  • managing the in-study interest-free period;
  • negotiating and handling loan repayment; and
  • managing debt management, including counselling borrowers on debt management options, receiving and assessing applications, and managing the loans .
Public Works and Government Services Canada is responsible for disbursing loans to the borrowers and to Educational Institutions, for any funds directed to pay for tuition.

Canada Revenue Agency Non-Tax Collection Services is the agent responsible for debt collection. Delinquent guaranteed and risk-shared loans become debts to the Crown when the Government of Canada buys back the debt from financial institutions. Canada Revenue Agency Non-Tax Collection Directorate becomes responsible for directly financed loans after the Service Provider has attempted collection of a set period of time and the borrower has either not made payments on their loan or is unwilling to repay. These activities may also be conducted by private collection agencies under contract to Canada Revenue Agency. These private collection agencies must abide by Canada Revenue Agency collection guidelines when carrying out the recovery of Crown debts.
$ million
Federal Partners Involved in each program Names of

Spending for
Expected Results for

Loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act $1.9B
$790.4 M

Loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act $2.0 B
  • Estimated number of Canadians to benefit from the Canada Student Loans Program (includes loans, grants and non-repayable in-study interest subsidies): 455,000 a
  • Estimated number of Canadians to benefit from Canada Study Grants and Canada Access Grants: 80,000 b
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable): N/A

Rosaline Frith
Director General
Canada Student Loans Program
(819) 994-2377
Approved by:

Deborah Tunis
A/Assistant Deputy Minister
(613) 957-7444
Date Approved:

March 19, 2007
For information regarding your loan or loan repayment, please visit: or
a Please note that the number is estimated as loans are awarded based on client eligibility and demonstrated need.
b Please note that the number is estimated as grants are awarded based on client eligibility and demonstrated need.


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
National Child Benefit
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocation:
Statutory: $3.5 billion projected for 2006-2007

The National Child Benefit1 contributes to a larger federal, provincial and territorial strategy, the National Children's Agenda, designed to help Canadian children.

Through the National Child Benefit, the Government of Canada is working with provincial and territorial governments to provide income support, as well as benefits and services, for low-income families with children. The initiative also includes a First Nations component.
Shared Outcome(s):
The National Child Benefit initiative has three goals:
  • Help prevent and reduce the depth of child poverty;
  • Promote attachment to the labour market by ensuring that families will always be better off as a result of working; and
  • Reduce overlap and duplication by harmonizing program objectives and benefits and simplifying administration.

Annual National Child Benefit Progress Reports include information on the level of spending by all jurisdictions. There is a data collection process to which all participating jurisdictions contribute in order to present comparable information on National Child Benefit initiatives. The data submitted by each jurisdiction is reviewed jointly to ensure consistency in reporting. To obtain the most recent Progress Report or for further information, please visit the federal, provincial and territorial National Child Benefit website:

Federal Spending:

The Government of Canada contributes to the National Child Benefit initiative through a supplement to its Canada Child Tax Benefit. In addition to the base benefit of the Canada Child Tax Benefit, which is targeted to both low- and middle-income families, the National Child Benefit Supplement provides extra income support to low-income families with children. Federal spending on the Canada Child Tax Benefit is tracked by the Canada Revenue Agency, which is responsible for the delivery of the National Child Benefit Supplement.

The federal government provided $2.9 billion through the National Child Benefit Supplement in 2004-05. By 2007-2008, total annual federal support delivered through the Canada Child Tax Benefit system, including the National Child Benefit Supplement, is projected to reach $9.5 billion, including a projected $3.7 billion through the National Child Benefit Supplement.

Provincial and territorial and First Nations Spending:

Under the National Child Benefit, provinces, territories and First Nations provide benefits and services that further the goals of the initiative. The National Child Benefit Progress Report: 2004, reports that in 2003-2004, provinces, territories and First Nations reinvested about $697 million in available social assistance savings plus another $183 million in additional funds into benefits and services for low-income families with children. This includes First Nations reinvestments in programs and services which are estimated to be $53.2 million in 2003-2004.

Indicators and Impacts:
The National Child Benefit Progress Report: 2004 includes an analysis of both societal level indicators, which measure areas such as low income and labour force attachment and do not infer that any changes are the result of the initiative, and direct outcome indicators, which measure only those changes that are directly attributed to the National Child Benefit.
With respect to societal level indicators, the report shows that the proportion of families with children living in low income has declined significantly since the mid-1900s, decreasing from 17.6 percent in 1996 to 11.4 percent in 2002, based on Statistics Canada's post-tax low-income cutoffs. During this period, the number of children living in low income decreased from 1,304,000 in 1996 to 839,500 in 2002, a decrease of approximately 464,500 children.
Further, the report estimates that in 2002, as a direct result of the National Child Benefit:
  • 106,000 children in 45,900 families were prevented from living in low income, a reduction of 9.7 percent. This means that in 2002, there were 9.7 percent fewer families with children living in low income than there would have been without the National Child Benefit.
    - These families saw their average disposable income increase by an estimated $2,400, or 9.8 percent.
  • For those families with children who remained in low-income situations, the National Child Benefit improved their disposable income by an average of $1,200 (7 percent). This means that the low-income gap (the additional amount of income needed by low-income families to reach the low-income line) was reduced by 14.9 percent.

In addition, in June 2005, federal, provincial and territorial governments released a synthesis report of a comprehensive evaluation of the first three years of the National Child Benefit initiative (1988-99, 1999-00, 2000-01). The evaluation compiled evidence from a number of studies and showed that the National Child Benefit is meeting its objectives of helping to prevent and reduce the depth of child poverty, supporting parents as they move into the labour market by ensuring they are better off working, and reducing overlap and duplication of government programs.

For a complete discussion of indicators, please see Chapters 5 and 6 of the National Child Benefit Progress Report: 2004. For a discussion of evaluation results, please see the Evaluation of the National Child Benefit Initiative: Synthesis Report. These reports are available free of charge on the National Child Benefit website, at:
Governance Structure(s):

The National Child Benefit Governance and Accountability Framework outlines the key characteristics of the federal, provincial and territorial partnership: cooperation, openness, flexibility, evolution and accountability. As a co-operative effort among governments, the National Child Benefit combines the strengths of a national program with the flexibility of provincial and territorial initiatives designed to meet the specific needs and conditions within each jurisdiction.

With respect to accountability, under the Governance and Accountability Framework, federal, provincial and territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services have committed to sharing data on reinvestment initiatives and reviewing results and outcomes achieved in order to identify best practices. federal, provincial and territorial governments have also agreed to report annually to the public with a primary focus on performance of the initiative. To date, six annual progress reports have been published, as well as a synthesis report on a comprehensive evaluation of the first three years of the initiative.

The Federal Role:

Under the National Child Benefit, the Government of Canada provides additional income support to low-income families with children via the National Child Benefit Supplement component of the Canada Child Tax Benefit. Canada Revenue Agency delivers these benefits to families.

Human Resources and Social Development Canada is responsible for policy development with respect to the National Child Benefit initiative, and the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development represents the Government of Canada in this federal/provincial/territorial initiative.

The Canada Child Tax Benefit (including the National Child Benefit Supplement) is a tax measure, and is administered by Canada Revenue Agency.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Citizenship and Immigration Canada have roles in reinvestments and investments.

The Provincial and Territorial Role:

Under the National Child Benefit, provinces, territories and First Nations provide benefits and services that further the goals of the initiative. The National Child Benefit is designed so that provinces, territories and First Nations have the flexibility to develop and deliver programs and services that best meet the needs and priorities of their communities. As part of this flexibility, provinces and territories may adjust social assistance or child benefit payments by the full or partial amount of the National Child Benefit Supplement. This approach has resulted in families on social assistance being no worse off in terms of their level of benefits, while providing additional funds for new or enhanced provincial and territorial programs benefiting low-income families with children.

It is important to note that, as the National Child Benefit initiative has matured, the majority of provinces and territories no longer recover increases to the National Child Benefit Supplement. This means that the vast majority of children living in low-income families, including those on social assistance, are currently receiving some or all of the National Child Benefit Supplement.

Under the National Reinvestment Framework, provincial and territorial governments, along with First Nations, have committed to re-allocating available social assistance funds into benefits and services for children in low-income families that further the goals of the initiative. Jurisdictions have focused reinvestments primarily in five key areas:
  • Child Benefits and Earned Income Supplements;
  • Child Care;
  • Early Childhood Services and Children-at-Risk Services;
  • Supplementary Health Benefits;
  • Youth Initiatives, and
  • Other Benefits and Services.
First Nations Role:

The federal government is responsible for ensuring programs for First Nations children on reserve are comparable to those available to other Canadian children. Under the National Child Benefit, First Nations have the flexibility to reinvest savings from adjustments to social assistance into programs and services tailored to meet the needs and priorities of individual communities. Some 500 First Nations participate in the National Child Benefit and implement their own programs.
$ million
Federal Partners2 Involved in Each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned
for 2007-2008
Expected Results for 2007-2008
1. Canada Revenue Agency* National Child Benefit Supplement Ongoing $3.5 billion (projected) Continued progress on the goals of the National Child Benefit initiative, as described in "Shared Outcomes", above.
Results Achieved by Non-federal Partners(if applicable): N/A
Contact Information:

Lenore Duff, A/Director
Economic Security
Strategic Policy - Children and Families
Phone (613) 957-7277
Approved by:

Andrew Treusch
Sr. Assistant Deputy Minister
Strategic Policy
(819) 953-3729
Date Approved:

March 14, 2007
1 The Government of Quebec has stated that it agrees with the basic principles of the National Child Benefit. Quebec chose not to participate in the initiative because it wanted to assume control over income support for children in Quebec; however, it has adopted a similar approach to the National Child Benefit. Throughout this text, references to joint federal, provincial and territorial positions do not include Quebec.
2 While Human Resources and Social Development Canada is responsible for policy development with respect to the National Child Benefit initiative, the Canada Child Tax Benefit (including the National Child Benefit Supplement) is a tax measure, and is administered by Canada Revenue Agency. In addition, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Citizenship and Immigration Canada have roles in reinvestments and investments.


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
Multilateral Framework on Early Learning and Child Care
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
March 2003
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocation:
$350 million in 2007-2008

In March 2003, federal, provincial and territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services, reached agreement on a framework for improving access to affordable, quality, provincially and territorially regulated early learning and child care programs and services. Under the Multilateral Framework, the Government of Canada is providing $1.05 billion over five years through the CST to support provincial and territorial government investments in early learning and child care. This initiative complements the September 2000 Early Childhood Development Agreement.

The objective of this initiative is to further promote early childhood development and support the participation of parents in employment or training by improving access to affordable, quality early learning and child care programs and services.

Early learning and child care programs and services funded through this initiative will primarily provide direct care and early learning for children in settings such as child care centres, family child care homes, preschools, and nursery schools. Types of investments can include capital and operating funding, fee subsidies, wage enhancements, training, professional development and support, quality assurance, and parent information and referral. Programs and services that are part of the formal school system are not included in this initiative.

Governments also committed to transparent public reporting that will give Canadians a clear idea of the progress being made in improving access to affordable, quality early learning and child care programs and services, beginning with a baseline report in November 2003.

Information about the initiative, including the text of the Multilateral Framework on Early Learning and Child Care, is available on the federal, provincial and territorial Web portal on early childhood development and early learning and child care at
Shared Outcome(s):

The objectives of the initiative, as outlined in the Multilateral Framework on Early Learning and Child Care are:
  • to promote early childhood development; and
  • to support the participation of parents in employment or training by improving access to affordable, quality early learning and child care programs and services.
Governance Structure(s):

The Multilateral Framework for Early Learning and Child Care recognizes that provinces and territories have the primary responsibility for early learning and child care programs and services.

Implementation of the commitments outlined in the Multilateral Framework has been tasked to a Working Group comprised of officials from all jurisdictions (including Québec, which participates as an observer). This Working Group reports to Deputy Ministers Responsible for Social Services, and is jointly chaired by Human Resources and Social Development Canada and Saskatchewan.
Results to be Achieved by Non-federal Partners (if applicable):

Provincial and territorial governments have agreed to invest the funding provided in regulated early learning and child care programs for children under the age of six. Early learning and child care programs and services funded through this initiative will primarily provide direct care and early learning for children in settings such as child care centres, family child care homes, preschools, and nursery schools. Investments can include capital and operating funding, fee subsidies, wage enhancements, training, professional development and support, quality assurance, and parent information and referral. Programs and services that are part of the formal school system are not included in this initiative.

Governments also committed to transparent public reporting that will give Canadians a clear idea of the progress being made in improving access to affordable, quality early learning and child care programs and services, beginning with a baseline report in November 2003 and annual reporting in November 2004.

The Government of Quebec supports the general principles expressed in the Early Learning and Child Care Initiative but did not participate in developing the Initiative because it wants to retain sole responsibility for social matters. However, it receives its share of funding granted by the Government of Canada and makes significant investments in programs and services that benefit families and children
Contact Information:

Glennie Graham
Director, Child and Youth Policy Division
(613) 957-4610
Approved by:

Andrew Treusch
Sr. Assistant Deputy Minister
Strategic Policy
(819) 953-3729
Date Approved:

March 14, 2007


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
Early Childhood Development Agreement
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
September 2000 with funding beginning April 2001
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocation:
$500 million for 2007-2008

In September 2000, First Ministers reached agreement on the federal, provincial and territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement, to improve and expand early childhood development supports for young children (prenatal to age 6) and for their parents.

The Government of Quebec supports the general principles expressed in the Early Childhood Development Initiative but did not participate in developing the Initiative because it wants to retain sole responsibility for social matters. However, it receives its share of funding granted by the Government of Canada and makes significant investments in programs and services that benefit families and children.

Information about the Agreement, including the text of the First Ministers' communiqué on Early Childhood Development, is available on the federal, provincial and territorial web portal on early childhood development and early learning and child care at
Shared Outcome(s):

The objectives of the initiative, as outlined in the Early Childhood Development Agreement are:
  • to promote early childhood development so that, to their fullest potential, children will be physically and emotionally healthy, safe and secure, ready to learn, and socially engaged and responsible; and
  • to help children reach their potential and to help families support their children within strong communities.
Governance Structure(s):

In the Early Childhood Development Agreement, First Ministers recognized that provinces and territories have the primary responsibility for early childhood development programs and services.

Federal, provincial and territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services and Ministers of Health are responsible for implementation of the commitments in the Agreement. Implementation has been tasked to a Working Group comprised of officials from all jurisdictions (including Quebec, which participates as an observer). The Working Group reports to Deputy Ministers Responsible for Social Services. The Working Group is jointly chaired by HRSDC and Saskatchewan.
Federal Partners Involved Public Health Agency of Canada
Results to be Achieved by Non-federal Partners (if applicable):

Provincial and territorial governments are investing the funds transferred to them by the Government of Canada in any or all of the following four areas of action outlined in the Early Childhood Development Agreement:
  • promoting healthy pregnancy, birth and infancy;
  • improving parenting and family supports;
  • strengthening early childhood development, learning and care, and;
  • strengthening community supports.
All participating federal, provincial and territorial governments have committed to three reporting requirements:
  • Each government released a first report on Early Childhood Development programs and expenditures for the 2000-2001 fiscal year, providing a baseline against which new investments can be tracked.
  • In fall 2002, governments began annual reporting, using a shared framework with comparable program indicators, to track progress in improving and expanding early childhood development programs and services within the four areas for action.
  • In fall 2002, governments began regular reporting on children's well-being, using a common set of outcome indicators.

Within the Government of Canada, responsibility for implementation of the commitments outlined in the Early Childhood Development Agreement is shared jointly between Human Resources and Social Development Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Contact Information:

Glennie Graham
Child and Youth Policy Division
Telephone: 613-957-4610
Approved by:

Andrew Treusch
Sr. Assistant Deputy Minister
Strategic Policy
(819) 953-3729
Date Approved:

March 14, 2007


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership Program
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocation:
$85 Million

The Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership program is a six year initiative with a total funding allocation of $85 million. It is targeted at developing the skills of Canada's Aboriginal workforce, promoting maximum employment for Aboriginal people on major economic developments across Canada and providing lasting benefits for Aboriginal communities, families and individuals. The entire initiative is geared to providing Aboriginal people with the skills needed to participate in economic opportunities such as northern mining, oil and gas, and hydro development projects across Canada.

A key feature of the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership program is that a partnership must be established that includes significant funding contribution from the private sector, the provincial or territorial government as well as a commitment from all of the local Aboriginal communities. The partnership must also develop a comprehensive Aboriginal human resources training-to-employment plan for the large scale economic development project that will cover a broad continuum ranging from basic skills, literacy and academic upgrading, through job-specific training and apprenticeships to retention counselling and other on-the-job supports. The plan must have a commitment from the major employer to provide at least 50 long-term (sustainable) jobs for Aboriginal people.

There will be a number of major projects under development over the next decade as oil and gas, mining, forestry and hydro-electric projects are launched or expanded across Canada. There will be a wide range of employment opportunities, including the skilled trades and opportunities in secondary and service industries which offer good potential for sustainable employment. Training needs will be high, as many jobs now require higher education and computer skills. Within its current funding capacity, the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership Program is supporting nine such projects.
Shared Outcome(s):

Long term sustainable employment for Aboriginal people on major economic developments, thereby resulting in increased employment and savings to income support programs.
Governance Structure(s):
  • Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership is a national, centrally managed program with support from Service Canada. It promotes the maximum employment of Aboriginal people through a collaborative approach.
  • The implementation of the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership projects involve close collaboration with regional Service Canada officials and requires involvement of other federal departments, provincial governments, Aboriginal groups and the private sector.
  • Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership proponents receive direct support through a contribution agreement and HRSDC negotiates a multi-year contribution agreement based on a human resources development plan. Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership proponents are responsible for interim and final financial and performance reports.
$ million
Federal Partners Involved in Each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2007-2008 Expected Results for
1. HRSDC a. Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership $85 million(program and operating) $20.8 million (program and operating) Key Project Outcomes
  • 1,750 Aboriginal clients served
  • 1,500 interventions completed
  • 1,000 clients returned to employment following an ASEP intervention
  • $1,000,000 in savings to Social Assistance
$20.8 M
Results to be achieved by Non-federal Partners ( if applicable):
Contact Information:

Keith Conn, DG
Aboriginal Affairs Directorate
Employment Programs Policy and Design
(819) 956-8860
Approved by:

Karen Jackson
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment Programs Policy and Design
(819) 997-8551
Date Approved:

March 20, 2007


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy (AHRDS)
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Federal Funding Allocation:

The Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy was originally approved in 1999 for a five-year period with $1.6B committed for labour market and skills development. In the Fall of 2003 the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy was approved for another five years (2004-09). The Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy is a pan-Aboriginal human resources and skills development strategy that provides support to Aboriginal organizations (80 Human Resources Development Agreement holders to date), to design and deliver :
  • labour market development programs to assist Aboriginal people, including Aboriginal persons with disabilities, prepare for, obtain, and maintain meaningful and sustainable employment;
  • special programs to assist Aboriginal youth make successful transitions from school to work or to support their return to school; and
  • child care programs.
As part of a broader Aboriginal agenda, the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy will assist to improve Aboriginal people's skills, facilitate their participation in the labour market, and, thus, close the gap in employment outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.
Shared Outcome(s):
  • Assist Aboriginal clients to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment, thereby resulting in Employment Insurance and Social Assistance unpaid benefits.
  • Assist Aboriginal youth to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment and to make a successful transition into the labour market, thereby resulting in increased employment.
  • Assist Aboriginal persons with disabilities to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment.
  • Increase the supply of quality child care services in First Nations and Inuit communities, thereby raising the availability of distinct and diverse services in these communities to a level comparable to that of the general population.
Governance Structure(s):
  • Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy agreements are managed by Service Canada
  • The governance structure is being reviewed as part of the renewal process and will be reported in the Departmental Performance Report.
  • Another component of the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy is the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Council, launched in January 1998, to enable Aboriginal organizations to build a broad network with leaders of the federal and provincial government and the private sector. Private-sector leadership is at the core of the Council and leaders from key economic sectors work in partnership as champions of the Council and its issues.
$ million
Federal Partners Involved in Each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2007-2008 Expected Results for 2007-2008
1. HRSDC   Total : On going $348.5M1
  • Number of Aboriginal clients served: 50,000
  • Total interventions: 60,000
  • Number of Aboriginal clients employed following intervention: 16,000
  • Employment Insurance unpaid benefits: $15M
  • Social assistance unpaid benefits: $5.5M
  • Number of Aboriginal Youth employed following an intervention: 6,000
  • Number of Aboriginal Youth who returned to school following an intervention: 2,000
  • Child care spaces created and supported: 7,500
  • Urban Aboriginal clients served: 6,000
  • Number of Urban Aboriginal clients who returned to work following an intervention: 2,000
  • Number of Urban Aboriginal clients who returned to school following an intervention: 650
  • Number of Aboriginal clients with disabilities served: 1,200
  • Number of Aboriginal clients with disabilities employed following an intervention: 250
Results to be Achieved by Non-federal Partners (if applicable):

There are 80 Agreements with Aboriginal organizations across Canada. The xpected results above are an aggregate total of the results to be achieved by the 80 agreement holders for 2007-2008.
Contact Information:

Keith Conn
Director General,
Aboriginal Affairs,
Employment Programs
Policy and Design
(819) 997-8551
Approved by:

Karen Jackson,
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment Programs Policy and Design
(819) 997-9236
Date Approved:

March 20, 2007
1 The planned spending figures reflect Consolidated Revenue Fund and Employment-Insurance Act Part II.


Horizontal Initiative
Name of Horizontal Initiative:
Homelessness Partnering Strategy
Name of Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
April 1, 2007
End Date:
March 31, 2009
Total Federal Funding Allocation:
$269.6 M over two years


The new Homelessness Partnering Strategy (replaces the National Homelessness Initiative) makes strategic investments in community priorities and includes a planning process that encourages cooperation between governments, agencies and community-based organizations to find local solutions for homeless people and those at-risk. The Homelessness Partnering Strategy is designed to provide supports to 61 designated communities and some small, rural and Aboriginal communities to develop community-based measures that assist homeless individuals and families move toward self-sufficiency. Although the responsibility for homelessness programs falls under Human Resources and Social Development Canada, most Homelessness Partnering Strategy program components are delivered by regional staff, now part of Service Canada.

Under the new Homelessness Partnering Strategy, the Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative is more flexible to allow land exchanges. Community groups can exchange, under certain conditions, a federal property received under the Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative for another similar, and more suitable, property.

The Homelessness Partnering Strategy will:

  • help communities build on their successes and focus on interventions to help prevent and break the cycle of homelessness;
  • achieve results for Canadians by focusing on attaining self-sufficiency and not just temporary measures;
  • require that federal money be targeted more at the development of transitional and supportive housing and at improving programs that help homeless people become self-sufficient such as skills training, health and substance abuse treatment;
  • enhance the partnership approach with provinces and territories, communities and the private and voluntary sectors to strengthen capacity and build sustainability;
  • carry out research to foster a better understanding of homelessness as well as collect and disseminate best practices to assist in designing the most effective responses.

For more information, please visit the Homelessness Partnering Strategy website:


In December 1999, the Government of Canada launched the National Homelessness Initiative, a three-year initiative with a budget allocation of $753 million to develop new programs and to enhance existing programs to address the issue of homelessness in Canada. In February 2003, the Government extended the National Homelessness Initiative for an additional three years with a budget allocation of $405 million. In November 2005, the Government announced a one-year extension (2006-2007) of the National Homelessness Initiative with a budget allocation of $134.8 million to sustain communities through investments in successful homelessness initiatives. On December 19, 2006, the Government announced the new Homelessness Partnering Strategy which will take effect on April 1, 2007 and continue until March 31, 2009 with a budget allocation of $269.6 million.

Shared Outcome(s):

Enhanced income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities.

Governance Structure(s):

The Homelessness Partnering Strategy community-based program is delivered via two models:

  • community entity model: Under this model, the Community Advisory Board recommends projects to the community entity (an incorporated organization) which is the decision-making body responsible for approving project proposals and determining the eligibility of projects. HRSDC is responsible for managing the contribution agreement and all related activities. The community, in consultation with Service Canada, has designated responsibility for program delivery to a specific local organization; and
  • shared delivery model: Under this model, the Community Advisory Body reviews project proposals and makes recommendations to HRSDC which manages the contribution agreement and all related activities. Both Service Canada and the community work in partnership to support funding priorities, resulting in a joint selection and decision-making process. The Minister approves the project proposals.

In Quebec, unlike other provinces and territories, the Homelessness Partnering Strategy stream - Homelessness Partnership Initiative - is delivered under a formal Canada-Quebec agreement, in collaboration with the Province of Quebec.

The community entity model and the shared delivery model deliver the components of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy, specifically the Homelessness Partnership Initiative. In addition, regions are actively involved in setting the agenda of the Homelessness Accountability Network and the delivery of the Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative.

The Homelessness Partnering Strategy recognizes that the prevention and reduction of homelessness requires collaboration among all levels of government, particularly the federal and provincial and territorial governments. Provinces and territories will be invited to enter into bilateral agreements with the federal government and, where provinces and territories concur, tripartite arrangements with municipalities could also be negotiated. The Canada-Quebec Agreement serves as a model that will be adapted for other jurisdictions. Partnering agreements will offer provinces and territories the opportunity to participate in community planning and priority-setting at the outset. Agreements will support the alignment of federal, provincial and territorial investments to enhance linkages between social services and housing and address the operational sustainability of community projects. This partnering approach will ensure that all of the necessary tools and supports are in place for homeless people to secure housing and supports that effectively meet their needs and for those at-risk of homelessness to attain housing stability.

The Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative is a Homelessness Partnering Strategy program co-managed by Public Works and Government Services Canada and Human Resources and Social Development Canada, with advice and support from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
$ million
Federal Partners Involved in Each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2007-2008 Expected Results for 2007-2008
1. Human Resources and Social Development a. Homelessness Partnership Initiative $ $ *
  • Homelessness Partnership Initiative communities will be required to demonstrate cost matching with other partners.
  • Increased availability and access, for homeless people, to a range of services and facilities along the continuum (i.e., emergency, transitional and supportive housing).
  b. Homelessness Accountability Network $ $ *
  • Increased knowledge (e.g., best practices, research findings) exchanged among community service providers, researchers, and all levels of government working on issues of homelessness.
2. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Federal Interlocutor Division a. Urban Aboriginal Strategy/ Homelessness Partnership Initiative $ $ *
  • Better coordination and complementarity among Government of Canada policies and programs to address Aboriginal homelessness and other related issues.
3. Public Works and Government Services Canada a. Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative $
[Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative funding is administered by Public Works and Government Services Canada]
$ 3M
  • Enhanced capacity of communities to provide facilities to homeless individuals and families
    Total $ Total $109.3M  
Results to be Achieved by Non-federal Partners (if applicable): N/A
Contact Information:

Jim Young
A/Director of Corporate Affairs and Accountability Housing and Homelessness Branch
Telephone: (819) 956-6857
Approved by:

Bayla Kolk
A/Assistant Deputy Minister
Housing and Homelessness Branch
Telephone: (819) 956-9646
Date Approved:

March 19, 2007
* $106.3M will be allocated among these three components subject to approval of the Treasury Board Submission for the Homelessness Partnering Strategy.


Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
Targeted Initiative for Older Workers
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
October 2006
End Date:
March 31, 2009
Total Federal Funding Allocation:
$70 million

The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers is a federal-provincial/territorial cost-shared initiative providing support to unemployed older workers in communities affected by significant downsizing or closures, or ongoing high unemployment, through programming aimed at reintegrating them into employment. In situations where there is little likelihood of immediate employment, programming may be aimed at increasing the employability of older workers and ensuring they remain active and productive labour market participants while their communities undergo adjustment.

Provinces and territories are responsible for identifying affected communities to target for activities, design and delivery of projects, and monitoring and reporting on projects.

To be eligible to participate in the Initiative, older workers must be unemployed, legally entitled to work in Canada, lack skills needed for successful integration into new employment, live in an eligible community, and normally be aged 55 - 64.

Projects must include employment assistance activities such as résumé writing, interview techniques, counselling and job finding clubs, and at least two other employability improvement activities such as prior learning assessment, skills training, or assistance to start a small business. As well, they must offer income support to participants in the form of allowances, wages or wage subsidies, and involve at least 25 hours per week of activity for participants.

Where possible and appropriate, TIOW activities will support community economic development strategies and activities. As an example, skills development activities may prepare participants for emerging employment opportunities. Census Metropolitan Areas with a population greater than 250,000 are not eligible for programming under this initiative.

The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers is a two-year interim program that has been put in place while a feasibility study is undertaken to evaluate current and potential measures to address the changes faced by displaced older workers.
Shared Outcome(s):

The shared outcomes of partners are to help unemployed older workers reintegrate into employment. Where there is little likelihood of immediate employment, outcomes would be to increase their employability, and assist them to remain active and productive in their labour market while their communities undergo adjustment.

Three measurement indicators will be used to assess the performance of this initiative. Participant results will be measured in 2008-09.
1. Participants obtain employment Represents unemployed older workers who participated in the initiative and found employment during or shortly after their intervention.
2. Participant employability improved Represents individuals who have become more employable by improving their skills to help them find work.
3. Participation extended in labour market Represents individuals who, as a result of the project, have remained in the labour force longer.
Governance Structure(s):

Under this federal-provincial/territorial initiative, one agreement (signed by representatives of both governments) will be signed with each participating province or territory.

The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers is a 70% federal, 30% provincial/territorial cost-shared initiative.

Provinces and territories are responsible for designing and delivering projects.

All project proposals are approved by the Minister of HRSD.

HRSDC is responsible for the evaluation of the initiative.
$ million
Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2007-2008 Expected Results for 2007-2008a
TOTAL   $70M $46.5M  
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):

Provincial / territorial governments

Under federal-provincial/territorial agreements, participating provinces and territories will identify affected communities to target for activities, design and deliver projects, monitor, and report on projects.
  Total Allocation Planned Spending
for 2007-2008
Expected Results
for 2007-2008
Participating provinces and territories $70M $46.5M TIOW is a two-year initiative. Participant results will be measured in 2008-2009.

John Atherton
Director General
Employment Programs Policy and Design
Approved by:

Karen Jackson
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment Programs Policy and Design
Date Approved:

March 20, 2007

Table 10:2007 - 2009 Sustainable Development Strategy


The Sustainable Development Strategy for Human Resources and Social Development Canada was tabled in Parliament on December 20, 2006. As a large department, with a broad labour market and social mandate, the Department has an important role to play in supporting the Government's efforts. The Sustainable Development Strategy incorporates green operations and long-term sustainability through its vision of:

Advancing sustainable development by supporting a strong, inclusive labour market and society, and by being an example of sustainability in the provision of Government of Canada services to Canadians in a manner that reduces the impact on the environment

Sustainable Development Strategies are a key element of the Government of Canada's approach to sustainable development: the means to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable Development Strategies communicate the ways in which federal departments and agencies integrate environmental, economic, and social factors in decision-making. This fourth round is co-led by Environment Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada, and Treasury Board Secretariat. Federal guidance for this round aims to enhance coherence, coordination and results reporting among departments.

Within their respective mandates, departments and agencies will work together to support the achievement of six government-wide sustainable development goals: clean air, clean water, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable communities, sustainable development and use of natural resources, and governance for sustainable development. HRSDC commitments are aligned to these goals and integrated with business priorities.

The Strategy has a two pronged approach: it focuses on the application of a sustainable development lens while developing policies and programs through a select number of Signature Projects, and greening of its day-to-day operations. Over the course of the Strategy, key departmental priorities are:

  • building energy;
  • reducing vehicle emissions;
  • green procurement;
  • green processing of its operations;
  • collaboration with communities for sustainability; and
  • development of the signature projects as examples of sustainable development in policy making and program design.

The Department is committed to reducing its environmental impact while ensuring that communities across the country can access benefits and services from the broad spectrum of service offerings available. Our Green Operations, largely led by Service Canada, will focus on activities such as infrastructure energy saving initiatives, energy conserving lighting, decreasing office equipment energy use, recycling, fleet optimization, eco-driving or carpooling, green hotel usage, green procurement, e-waste management, simplifi cation of program delivery document requirements and e-paycheque related initiatives.

HRSDC's longer term approach for this Sustainable Development Strategy is to select a focused number of meaningful projects to advance sustainable development knowledge from the policy and program design perspective. These Signature Projects will allow to review programs and identify areas where all three sustainable development areas - economic, environmental and social - are addressed. HRSDC will undertake signature projects in the following three areas focused on people, partnerships and knowledge:

  • People: Supporting initiatives that help Canadians invest in themselves, by providing access to learning, income security, and supporting efficient and inclusive labour markets to improve the sustainability of communities.
  • Partnerships: By leveraging knowledge and people to develop partnerships and identify new opportunities to encourage sustainable employment in particular as it relates to the environment.
  • Knowledge: Generating an information base to ensure social, environmental and economic factors inform decision-making.

To ensure successful implementation of this strategy, the departmental governance mechanisms will be strengthened by identifying "Champions" for both the policy and program components, and the green operations. Through effective communication practices, awareness campaigns, training of policy analysts, monitoring of the related activities, integrating the Strategy with the business planning and reporting the results to the Parliament, the Department will be able to provide robust governance structure to this strategy.


The following table provides an overview of the planned activities and their expected results:
Department Priority Activity Expected Results for 2007 - 2008 a
Building Energy Energy Conserving Lighting Initiative Increased use of energy conserving lighting
Decreasing our office equipment energy use Reduced energy use for building office equipment
Recycling Initiative Increased volume of recycled materials
Reduction in Vehicle Fleet Optimization Initiative Reduced vehicle fleet Green House Gas emissions
Carpooling Initiative - Vanier-Portage Shuttle Bus Service Increased carpooling
Eco-driving Initiative Increased sustainable vehicle usage awareness among staff
Green Procurement Green Hotel Usage Initiative Increased departmental purchases of 'green' or sustainable products or services
E-Waste Initiative Increased procurement with E-Waste clause
Sustainable Procurement Initiative Increased departmental purchases of 'green' or sustainable products or services
Regional Offices Phonebook Reduction Initiative Reduced acquisition of paper materials
Green Processing Processing Automation Initiative Reduced energy and paper use through service process automation
Simplification of Program Delivery Document Requirements Decreased service delivery processing requirements
Paper Reduction Initiative Reduced quantity of paper is used for printing
Collaboration with Communities Promoting Environmentally Friendly Service Delivery Channels Reduced mail processing
Strengthening the Environmental Assessment Function Funding proposals are pre-screened
Encouraging Staff Volunteerism in Local Communities Increased number of volunteering activities by employees
Facilitating Recycling in Service Canada Centres Increased volume of recycled materials in Service Canada Centres
Signature Projects Partnerships - Promote work with the Environmental Career Organization:
Building Environmental Aboriginal Human Resources Growth Phase 1 Project Results of the national steering committee and advisory groups guide the subsequent phases of the project
Contaminated Sites Labor Market Study Supply Side Preliminary findings of the project are reported
Knowledge - Develop the pilot website - "Indicators of Well-being in Canada" Key "Indicators of Well-being in Canada" are made available for policy, program and service delivery improvement
People -Supporting Signature Projects with the Pan-Canadian Innovations Initiative:
British Columbia Reclamation and Prospecting Teams project Participants gain skills and have a positive perception of the mineral exploration, mining, and environmental protection sectors as a source of employment
New Brunswick Partners Building Futures project Assisting and encouraging participating women formerly on Social Assistance to continue apprenticeship training in order to obtain employment as skilled journey-persons in non traditional trades
Strengthened Management Measures Identification of Champions for Sustainable Development Champions for Sustainable Development are identified and play a leadership role to implement the Strategy
Development of an Action Plan to implement the Sustainable Development Strategy Action Plan is developed with milestones and timelines for the deliverables in the Strategy
Development of a internal Communication Plan Employees of the Department learn about various aspects of the Strategy
Organizing lectures and other awareness activities in the Department Increased levels of awareness is created among the employees
Delivery of Sustainable Development Leadership training course modules for policy analysts in partnership with Canada School of Public Service and Health Canada Sustainable development training modules for policy analysts are developed to start the training process
Conducting Training Sessions with Administrative Assistants for green procurement Increased awareness is created among administrative staff for green procurement
Reporting results to the Parliament Through departmental reporting processes, results are reported to the Parliament
a Commitments are to be achieved over three years period.

Table 11 : Internal Audits and Evaluation


HRSDC and Service Canada

At this time, the HRSDC and Service Canada Internal Audit Plans as well as the HRSDC and Service Canada Evaluation Plans are being developed, with approval anticipated in early 2007 - 2008. The audit plan will meet the requirements of the 2006 Treasury Board's Policy on Internal Audit and align with the Program Activity Architecture. The Evaluation plans will be developed based on a number of risk factors:

  • For HRSDC: program spending, Treasury Board Secretariat requirements, timing of last impact evaluation, Government priority, public interest and program complexity.
  • For Service Canada: link to transformational priorities, Federal Accountability Act and Treasury Board Secretariat requirements, joint evaluation requirement with policy departments, timing of last evaluation and service delivery spending.

Below is a listing of audit and evaluation projects, identified in the 2006 - 2007 Transitional Plans which will be carried over into 2007 - 2008. Several of these projects are nearing completion and will be presented to the respective Management Audit and Evaluation Committee for review and approval in the coming year.

HRSDC Internal Audit
Name of Internal Audit Audit Type Status Expected Completion Date
Occupational Safety Assurance and Health Assurance Field work in progress Spring 2007
World Urban Forum Program Audit Program Audit at Field work stage Spring 2007
Values and Ethics Assurance Terms of Reference being developed Summer 2007
Understanding the Early Early Implementation Years Review Field work completed Draft report under development Spring 2007
International Agreements and Operations Assurance (Program Design/Policy & Compliance) Planning phase Field work to commence Winter 2007 Summer 2007
Gs & Cs - Proposal Assurance (Compliance) Assurance (Compliance) To be launched Fall 2007
Gs & Cs - Claims and Assurance Payment Processing Assurance (Compliance) To be launched Fall 2007
CanadaPension Plan - Retirement Assurance (Program Design/Policy) To be launched Fall 2007
Please Note: Once approved, HRSDC internal audits reports are posted on the website below.


Service Canada Internal Audit

Service Canada's internal audit function is entering its second year of operation. It is positioned to accomplish its goal to provide Service Canada, in compliance with the Treasury Board's Policy on Internal Audit, with a fully functioning and effective Internal Audit Branch by the end of 2008. As well, Service Canada will establish a Risk-based Audit Plan for 2007 - 2008.

This plan will outline key audit activities that will evaluate and contribute to the improvement of risk management, control, and governance processes within Service Canada. The Annual Audit Plan will be presented to senior management and be approved by the Audit and Evaluation Committee early in the new fiscal year. Several audit projects will be carried over from the 2006 - 2007 fiscal year as outlined below:

  • Annual Audit of the Old Age Security Program Expenditures for 2006-2007 Fiscal Year;
  • Review of General Computer Controls;
  • Review of the Old Age Security Process;
  • Review of Compensation and Benefits;
  • Review of the Procurement Process;
  • Review of the G&C Process;
  • Review of the Accounts Receivable Process;
  • Review of the Other Processes in the Departmental Financial Statements;
  • Financial and activity Monitoring;
  • Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreements;
  • Spot Audits;
  • Forensic Audits/Special Services;
  • System Under Development Audit - Canada Pension Plan / Old Age Security Information, Technology Renewal.
HRSDC Evaluation
Name of Evaluation Evaluation Type Status Expected Completion Date
5-week Seasonal Work Pilot Summative Results analysis in progress Summer 2007
Evaluation of New-entrants and Re-entrants Formative Methodology development phase Summer 2007
Three Pilot Projects - Seasonal Workers Summative Methodology development phase Winter 2008
Evaluation of CanadaNew Brunswick Labour Market Development Agreement Summative Results analysis in progress, will be completed by Summer 2007
Evaluation of Canada/Nova Scotia Labour Market Development Agreement Summative Methodology development phase Winter 2007
Evaluation of Canada/ Prince Edward Island Labour Market Development Agreement Summative Methodology development phase Winter 2007
Evaluation of Canada/Manitoba Labour Market Development Agreement Summative Terms of Reference in progress Summer 2008
Evaluation of Canada/ Alberta Labour Market Development Agreement Summative Validation of results Summer 2007
Evaluation of Canada/ Saskatchewan Labour Market Development Agreement Summative Results analysis in progress Summer 2007
Evaluation of Canada/ Yukon Labour Market Development Agreement Summative Methodology development phase Spring 2008
Evaluation of Canada/ NTWT Labour Market Development Agreement Summative Terms of Reference in progress Fall 2008
Evaluation of Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreements Formative Results analysis in progress Fall 2007
Evaluation of Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnerships Formative Results analysis in progress Fall 2007
Evaluation of Voisey's Bay Pilot Project Formative Results analysis in progress Summer 2007
Evaluation of Youth Employment Strategy - Phase II Summative Terms of Reference in progress Winter 2007
Sector Council Program Evaluation - Phase II Summative Methodology development phase Fall 2007
Training Centre Infrastructure Fund Pilot Program Summative Methodology development phase Winter 2007
Workplace Skills Innovation Initiative Baseline Data Collection Methodology development phase Summer 2007
Evaluation of Canada Student Loans Program Interim Formative Summer 2007
Evaluation of Office of Learning Technologies Summative Results analysis in progress Summer 2007
Evaluation of Canada Education Savings Grant Summative Methodology development phase Winter 2007
Evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety Formative Terms of reference in progress Spring 2008
Evaluation of Workplace Equity Strategic Results analysis in progress Summer 2007
Evaluation of Fed Workers Compensation Program Formative Project being re-scoped Summer 2007
International Trade Labour Program Evaluation Formative Results analysis in progres Summer 2007
Evaluation of the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities - Phase II Summative Results analysis in progress Winter 2007
Evaluation of the Social Development Partnerships Program Summative Methodology development phase Winter 2007
Evaluation of the Manitoba Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities Formative Contract has been signed, Methodology is in progress Winter 2007
Evaluation of the Prince Edward Island Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities Summative Terms of Reference in progress Winter 2007
Evaluation of the Nova Scotia Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities Summative Terms of Reference in progress Winter 2007
Evaluation of New Horizons for Seniors Formative Methodology development phase Spring 2008
Evaluation of Guaranteed Income Supplement Take up Special Initiative Methodology development phase Summer 2008
Evaluation of CanadaPension Plan - Disability Summative Methodology development phase Summer 2008
Evaluation of Old Age Security Summative Methodology development phase Fall 2008
Evaluation of Understanding the Early Years Initiative Formative Terms of Reference in progress Spring 2008
Universal Child Care Benefits Evaluation Framework Terms of Reference in progress Summer 2007
Enabling Fund Official Language Formative Terms of Reference in progress Winter 2007
Evaluation of Voluntary Sector Initiatives - Phase I Summative Results analysis in progress Summer 2007
Evaluation of Voluntary Sector Initiatives - Phase II Summative Results analysis in progress Winter 2007
Evaluation of the Voluntary Sector Strategy Evaluation Framework Terms of Reference in progress Summer 2007
Please Note: Once approved, HRSDC evaluations are posted on the website below.


Service Canada Evaluation

Evaluation was a newly created function within Service Canada late in the 2005 - 2006 fiscal year. In 2006 - 2007, considerable effort was devoted to building evaluation capacity and the development of a risk-based evaluation plan following extensive internal and external consultations and reviews. Early versions of the plan were reviewed and discussed by the Audit and Evaluation Committee (April 2006), and other senior management committees in May and July 2006 before the 2006 - 2007 plan was approved at the Audit and Evaluation Committee in October 2006.

In 2006 - 2007, evaluation effort was targeted towards obtaining lessons learned and early impacts arising from new service delivery offerings (Pleasure Craft Licensing and Passport Receiving Agent), pilot initiatives (Multi-Language Service Initiative) and client segment strategies (Persons with Disabilities). Evaluations now underway in Service Canada examine program relevance and will provide early findings of results achieved on clients served and the organization. Additionally, they are focused on providing lessons learned that can be used in developing future service delivery offerings that target the fulfillment of Service Canada's vision of excellence in service delivery to contribute to better policy outcomes for Canadians. As Service Canada builds its evaluation capacity, the range of evaluations covering services and programs will expand to meet the requirements of the Federal Accountability Act and the TBS Evaluation Policy.

The following table provides an initial listing of evaluations started in 2006 - 2007 that will carry-over into the 2007 - 2008 fical year:

Name of Internal Audit Audit Type Status Expected Completion Date
Multi-Language Service Initiative Pilot Framework Pilot Evaluation Fieldwork Starting March 06 March 2007 - Fall 2007
Passports (Phase I) - (Phase II) Framework Formative and Implementation Underway Starting early 2006 - 2007 March 2007 - Fall 2007
Pleasure Craft Licensing Formative/Lessons Fieldwork May 2007
In-Person Service Experience Model Formative and Summative Evaluation of Pilots Preliminary Methodology Developed TBD