Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Symbol of the Government of Canada

ARCHIVED - RPP 2007-2008
Department of National Defence

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Section IV: Additional Information

Appendix A –Legislation and Regulations Administered

The Minister of National Defence is responsible to Parliament for many statutes, and is assigned relevant responsibilities in theadministration of many laws and regulations. The comprehensive list is available at:

Appendix B –Key Partners and Stakeholders

DND and the CF work with many partners in Canada and abroad that help support the Defence mission, programs and activities. The broad scope of the Defence mandate is reflected in the complexity and diversity of its partners and stakeholders. Toview the comprehensive list of Defence partners and stakeholders, visit:

Appendix C – Defence Strategy Map

The DND/CF Strategy Map and an explanation of its causally linked strategic objectives is located at:

Appendix D – Contacts 

Plans and Priorities Information

Lieutenant-General W.J. Natynczyk, CMM, CD
Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2

Telephone: (613) 992-6052

Facsimile: (613) 992-3945

Financial Information

Rear-Admiral B.M. Weadon, CMM, CD
Acting Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services)
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2

Telephone: (613) 992-5669

Facsimile: (613) 992-9693

General Inquiries

Ms Josée Touchette

Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)

National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2

Telephone: (613) 996-0562

Facsimile: (613) 995-2610

Email: information


Internet sites on the World Wide Web

Department of National Defence

Office of the Judge Advocate General

Office of the Ombudsman for National Defence and the Canadian Forces

National Search and Rescue Secretariat

Defence Research & Development Canada

Communications Security Establishment

Defence Planning and Management


Defence Plan On-Line

Appendix E – List of Acronyms


ACP - S Airlift Capability Project – Strategic

ACP - T Airlift Capability Project – Tactical

ADDN - Automated Defence Data Network

ADM (HR-Civ) - Assistant Deputy Minister ( Human Resources – Civilian)

ADR - Alternate Dispute Resolution 

AEU - Air Expeditionary Units

AFCCIS - Air Force Command and Control Information System

AHSVS  - Armoured Heavy Support Vehicle System

AoA - Add-on-Armour

AOR - Area of Responsibility

APS - Active Protection Systems

ASD - Alternative Service Delivery


C  - Contribution

C/O - Close Out

C2   - Command and Control

C2IS - Command and control information system

C4I - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence

C4ISR  -  Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Canada COM - Canada Command 

CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Forces Command 

CAP - Capital Assistance Program

CAS - Chief of the Air Staff

CATS  - Contracted Airborne Training Services

CBP - Capability Based Planning 

CBRN - Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear

CCG - Canadian Coast Guard 

CCMAT - Canadian Centre for Mine Action Technologies

CCTG  - Composite Contingency Task Group

CDA - Canadian Defence Academy

CDI - Chief of Defence Intelligence 

CDS - Chief of the Defence Staff

CEFCOM  - Canadian Expeditionary Forces Command

CF  - Canadian Forces

CF EW/SIGINT -  CF Electronic Warfare/Signal Intelligence  

CF ITP -  CF Integrated Training Plan

CF JHQ  - Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters

CFACC -  Combined Forces Air Component Command

CFB - Canadian Forces Base

CFCS  - Canadian Forces Command System

CFDS - Canada First Defence Strategy 

CFIOG  -  Canadian Forces Information Operations Group

CFLC -  Canadian Forces Liaison Council

CFLRS  - Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School

CFPSA -  Canadian Forces Personnel Support Agency

CFPSU  - Canadian Forces Protective Services Unit

CFUTTH - Canadian Forces Utility Tactical Transport Helicopter 

CIC - Cadet Instructor’s Cadre

CIS  - Communication and information systems

CLS - Chief of the Land Staff

CM  - Capability Management

CMP - Chief of Military Personnel

CMS -   Chief Maritime Staff

COSPAS-SARSAT - Cosmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov"-"Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking 

CRF - Consolidated Revenue Fund

CRTI  - Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Research and Technology Initiative

CS -  Computer Systems

CSE - Communications Security Establishment

CSS - Centre for Security Science

CTTC - Counter-Terrorism Technology Centre



D - Definition

DART - Disaster Assistance Response Team

DDSM - Director Defence Strategic Management

DFO - Department of Fisheries and Oceans

DMC -  Defence Military Committee

DND -   Department of National Defence

DOMSSP  - Directorate Omnibus Mounted Soldier Survivability Project

DP -  Defence Plan 

DRDC  -  Defence Research and Development Canada



EBP - Employee Benefit Plan

EN -  Engineering

EPA - Effective Project Approval

ERC - Expenditure Review Committee

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

ESA - Essential Services Agreements



FELEX  - Frigate Life Extension

FFH - Helicopter Carrying Frigate

FMT - Foreign Military Training  

FTE - Full Time Equivalent

FWSAR  - Fixed Wing Search And Rescue

GGO - Greening of Government Operations

GL  - General Labour 

HCM   -Halifax-Class Modernization 

HR -   High Readiness

HUMINT - Human Intelligence



I - Implementation

IC2S - Integrated Command and Control System

ICSAR - Interdepartmental Committee on Search and Rescue

IED -  Improvised Explosive Device

IM Gp - Information Management Group

IM  - Information Management

IRM - Integrated risk management

ISR -  Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

ISTAR - Intelligence Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance

IT - Information Technology



JCR - Junior Canadian Rangers 

JIIFC  - Joint Information and Intelligence Fusion Capability

JSF - Joint Strike Fighter

JSS  - Joint Support Ship 

JTF  - Joint Task Forces

JTFN  -  Joint Task Force North



LAV - Light Armoured Vehicles 

LFC - Land Force Command

LFC2S - Land Force Command and Control System

LFRR -  Land Force Reserve Restructuring

LSAS -  Local Situational Awareness Systems

LUVW - Light Utility Vehicle Wheeled



MAATS -  Military Automated Air Traffic System

MAF - Management Accountability Framework

MASIS  - Material Acquisition And Support Information System

MCDV - Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel

MCOIN - Maritime Command Information Network

MFO  - Multinational Force and Observers 

MGS - Mobile Gun System

MHLH  -  Medium-To Heavy-Lift Helicopter 

MHP -Maritime Helicopter Project

MIMDEX  -  Maritime Information Management and Data Exchange 

MMEV  -  Multi Mission Effects Vehicle

MMHS  -  Military Message Handling System

MOSART  - Military Occupation Structure Analysis, Redesign and Tailoring

MOU  -  Memorandum of Understanding

MRRS - Management, Resources and Results Structure

MSOC- Marine Security Operations Centres

MSS - Mission Support Squadron

MSVS - Medium Support Vehicle System

MTAP - Military Training Assistance Program



NAFO - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization 

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NBC - Nuclear, Biological and Chemical

NORAD - North American Aerospace Defence

NORTHCOM  - Northern Command

NSS - National Search and Rescue Secretariat



OEF - Operation Enduring Freedom

OGDs  - Other Government Departments

OSS - Operational Support Squadron



PAA - Program Activity Architecture

PAT - Personnel awaiting training

PD  - Project Director 

PG -  Purchasing and Supply

PMF - Performance Management Framework

PMSC - Protected Military Satellite Communications 

PPA - Preliminary Project Approval

PRL - Primary Reserve List

PRT - Provincial Reconstruction Team 

PSAT-CIP  - Public Security and Anti-Terrorism-Critical Infrastructure Program

PSFD  - Production, Sustainment and Follow-On Development 

PWGSC - Public Works and Government Services Canada

PY  - Person years



R&D  -  Research and Development

R&S  -  Readiness and Sustainment

RCMP  -  Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RDS - Ready Duty Ship 

RFID  - Radio frequency identification

RPP- Report on Plans and Priorities 



S  - Statutory

S&T - Science and Technology

SAR NIF- Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund

SAR - Search and Rescue

SCSC - Single-Class Surface Combatant

SD  - Sustainable Development  

SDS - Sustainable Development Strategy 

SEER  - Strategic Exercise and Experimentation Reserve 

SIGINT - Signals Intelligence

SNMG - 1 Standing NATO Maritime Group 1

SNMG - Standing NATO Maritime Group

SO  - Ship Operations

SR -   Ship Repair

SR -   Standard Readiness 

SRBA - Supplementary Retirement Benefit Act

SWE -   Salary Wage Envelope



TBS - Treasury Board Secretariat

TC -  Transport Canada 

TCCCS - Tactical Command and Control Communications System

TDP - Technical Demonstration Program 

TSSUs - Tactical Self-Sufficient Units

TTCP -   Technical Co-operation Program



U.S. - United States

UAVs - Unmanned aerial vehicles

UN - United Nations

USN - United States Navy 



VCDS - Vice Chief of Defence Staff



WLAV - Wheeled Light Armoured Vehicle

1 National Defence Act, Article 18 (1)
2 Refers to any one of the following Chief of Staff, Chief of Maritime Staff, Chief of Land Staff, Chief of Air Staff who report directly to the Chief of the Defence Staff.
3 The "field force" consists of the combat arms, combat support, and combat service support elements from which deployable task forces are generated.
4 Affiliated Battle Groups will be organized, structure, equipped and trained as they will be employed on expeditionary operations. They will be composed of a mixture of light and LAV infantry companies, an armoured reconnaissance squadron, an engineer squadron, an artillery battery, military police and combat service support elements. The restructure of the Regular Force, combined with equipment modernization, forms a cornerstone of institutional capability investments and is key to positioning the Land Force to meet its force generation and force employment requirements.
5 The "operating environment" is the combination of operational and tactical circumstances in which the Land Force is expected live, move and fight, and it exists on both the physical and moral planes. The contemporary operating environment is a complex battlespace with a mix of geographical, environmental and human factors that significantly complicates the conduct of operations.
7 The Strategic Joint Staff (SJS) is the functional authority on operations in the Defence planning process, and represents Operations in many of the new strategic governance bodies at Defence.