2012-2013 Expenditure profile

This line graph shows the nineteen-year trend of National Film Board’s total spending. The X axis shows fiscal years. The Y axis shows dollar values in thousands of dollars. The period covered is divided into fiscal years of actual spending (historical reference (1995-96) and 2008-09 to 2010-11), and long term projection (2011-12 to 2014-15).

The graph has two lines, one for Voted (including supplementary estimate) forecast spending and the other for Reference level. The two lines are parallel to each other with forecast spending slightly higher until 2011-12.

Reference levels have consistently decreased from $72,989K in 1995-96 to $66 782K in 2012-13. Forecast spending from 2012-13 until 2014-15 remains at the same level at $66 782K.