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Green Procurement

Green Procurement

1.   How is your department planning to meet the objectives of the Policy on Green Procurement?

The DND and the CF are committed to applying the principles of green procurement by integrating environmental performance considerations into material acquisition and support (MA&S) policies, decision-making processes and practices in a manner that supports the concept of sustainable development, satisfies legal and policy requirements, reinforces performance management and is relevant to the DND and CF mission.

In support of TBS Contracting Policy Notice 2006-1 - Policy on Green Procurement, DND/CF issued, on December 1st 2006, DAOD 3015-0 - Green Procurement and on 2 November 2007, DAOD 3015-1 - Management of Green Procurement. These directives apply to employees of the Department of National Defence and are orders that apply to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Forces. DAOD 3015-0 confirms the requirement for the DND and the CF to apply the principles of green procurement by integrating environmental performance considerations into DND and CF material acquisition and support (MA&S) policies, decision-making processes and practices in accordance with the TBS Policy on Green Procurement and the DND/CF DAOD 3000-0, Materiel Acquisition and Support. The supporting DAOD 3015-1 explains how the green procurement policy is to be implemented, and defines the roles and responsibilities in respect of the management of green procurement in the DND and the CF; specific topics include operating principles, costing, integration of environment performance considerations, monitoring and reporting, and responsibilities.

2.   Has your department established green procurement targets?

Yes  X


In Progress

3.  Describe the green procurement targets that have been set by your department and indicate the associated benefits anticipated.

The Defence Sustainable Development Strategy 2006 is the DND/CF action plan and is based on the hierarchy of strategic and operational direction through the Defence chain of command.  At the highest level, broad strategic commitment to the development and implementation of the SDS is provided through the Report on Plans and Priorities and through the Defence Plan.  The Department’s progress on meeting its SDS commitments is reported to Government as an integral part of the annual Departmental Performance Report.   The SDS Strategic commitments (land use management, infrastructure and procurement) are the key indicators upon which the Department relies to measure and report its progress in meeting its sustainable development goals and objectives. Strategic commitment 3 addresses the implementation of a proactive and comprehensive Green Procurement programme across Defence and meets the recently promulgated Federal Government Policy on Green Procurement by:

  • supporting the federal Green Procurement agenda (SC..3.1) through leadership, collaboration and participation in federal interdepartmental commodity group management teams relevant to Defence's operational requirements;
  • developing and integrating, where appropriate, Green Procurement modules and messages into all existing training (SC.3.2);
  • eliminating or reducing specified nationally procured high-risk hazardous materials (HRHM) from use and examining the feasibility of expanding the scope of this initiative to include locally-procured HRHM (SC3.3); and
  • acquiring, using and maintaining greener vehicles (SC.3.4).

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel) Group