Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Former Employees - Reports - Senior Level Employees - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Employees | Reporting periods

Meredith, Daphne, Assistant Secretary, Corporate Priorities and Planning Sector

Travel Expenses - September 2 - December 1, 2004
Date(s) Purpose  Total Cost
* Total includes all applicable taxes
2004 to 2004 Meeting with Quebec Federal Council. $490.90
/2004 to /2004 Visit with CFIA Officials and Meeting with Vancouver Federal Council $2,166.75
*  Total:  $2,657.65

Hospitality Expenses - September 2 - December 1, 2004
Date Event Description  Cost
** Total includes all applicable taxes
2004 Information sharing, updating and question taking forum for ADMs of Corporate and Policy wIthin Economic Sector Portfolio Departments $53.50
/2004 Business meeting with on Expenditure Review with officials from the Privy Council Office and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada $34.52
/2004 Business meeting with on Expenditure Review with Officials from Privy Council Office and Industry Canada $34.53
**  Total:  $122.55

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