Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Former Employees - Reports - President, Parliamentary Secretary and Exempt Staff - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Employees | Reporting periods

Jolicoeur, Lise, Special Assistant, President's Office

Travel Expenses - September 2 - December 1, 2005
Date(s) Purpose  Total Cost
* Total includes all applicable taxes
2005 to 2005 Accompany the Minister to meetings in Winnipeg, St-John's, Charlottetown and Halifax $2,552.75
2005 to 2005 Accompany the Minister to meetings and government announcements in Saskatoon, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto $3,094.03
2005 to /2005 Accompany the Minister to Government of Canada announcements in Winnipeg $2,030.06
/2005 to /2005 To accompany the Minister to a Government of Canada announcement in Winnipeg $2,071.37
*  Total:  $9,748.21

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