Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Former Employees - Reports - President, Parliamentary Secretary and Exempt Staff - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Employees | Reporting periods

Storeshaw, Mike, Director of Communications

Travel Expenses - March 2 - June 1, 2007
Date(s) Purpose  Total Cost
* Total includes all applicable taxes
007 to 2007 Accompany the Minister to meetings $673.79
2007 to 007 Accompanying the Minister in Pakistan and Afghanistan for meetings $8,304.15
2007 to 2007 Provide communications support to a gov't announcement $952.68
*  Total:  $9,930.62

Hospitality Expenses - March 2 - June 1, 2007
Date Event Description  Cost
** Total includes all applicable taxes
007 Lunch meeting with United National and Government officials $76.78
**  Total:  $76.78

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