Title: Five-Year Business Survival Rate

Source: The business survival rate covers the period from 1998 to 2008 and was calculated by ACOA in March 2011 using Statistics Canada data.

This trend chart contains data showing the survival rate of ACOA-assisted firms versus comparable firms. The Y axis is the percentage of firms surviving, while the X axis is the duration of survival.

Year 1, ACOA-assisted firms, 71.9 percent; comparable firms, 70.2 percent.
Year 2, ACOA-assisted firms, 63.8 percent; comparable firms, 57.4 percent.
Year 3, ACOA-assisted firms, 56.4 percent; comparable firms, 49 percent.
Year 4, ACOA-assisted firms, 52.4 percent; comparable firms, 42.7 percent.
Year 5, ACOA-assisted firms, 48.5 percent; comparable firms, 37.5 percent.