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ARCHIVED - Correctional Service Canada

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Section 2 - Analysis of Program Activities by Strategic Outcome

CSC has one Strategic Outcome:
The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders, in communities and institutions, contribute to public safety.

2.1 Custody


Program Activity 1:
2008-09 Financial Resources
($ millions)
2008-09 Human Resources
Planned Actual Difference
1,670.82 1,759.50 1,571.81 10,990 10,848 (142)

The Custody Program Activity encompasses all activities related to the provision of reasonable, safe, secure and humane custody of inmates. This includes a wide range of activities that address health and safety issues as well as the provision of basics such as food, clothing, accommodation and health services. It also includes security measures within institutions including drug interdiction, and appropriate control practices to prevent security incidents.

Expected Results
Offenders in institutions are provided reasonable, safe, secure and humane custody
Targets Performance
1. Rate of escapees from federal institutions[51] Reduce CSC successfully met the expected target. The number of escapees was reduced from 33 in 2007-2008 to 24 in 2008-2009; it is also at an all time low for the past five years.
2. Rate of inmate deaths by other than natural causes[52] Reduce CSC did not meet the expected target. The number of inmate deaths by other than natural causes increased from 10 in 2007-2008 to 17 in 2008-2009.
3. Rate of assaultive behaviour Reduce CSC did not meet the expected target. Assaults on both staff and inmates by inmates have increased compared to 2007-2008, as indicated in Section 1 of this report.

Benefits for Canadians

CSC’s performance against the Custody program activity contributes to making institutions safer and more secure with a reduced presence of drugs. This is critical for creating an environment where offenders can concentrate on becoming law-abiding citizens, thereby ultimately enhancing public safety for all Canadians.

Performance Analysis

CSC has succeeded in meeting one of its targets associated with this activity though it fell short of achieving the other two, as described in the table above.

To achieve the Custody program activity target results, CSC had the following plans in its 2008-2009 Report on Plans and Priorities[53]:

  • Continue to increase safety and security of CSC's institutions;
  • Improve capacity to deliver essential physical health care services to inmates;
  • Improve capacity to deliver mental health care to offenders in institutions;
  • Implement the Correctional Officer Deployment Standards;
  • Ensure CSC's ability to deal with a potentially growing number of radicalized offenders, including terrorists; and
  • Improve interception and interventions to reduce the presence of drugs in institutions.

CSC has accomplished most of these plans through a series of important milestones and activities identified in its 2008-2009 Report on Plans and Priorities[54] and the CSC Transformation Agenda[55].

Despite delays, the accomplished plans with respect to this activity contributed to CSC’s Strategic Outcome, as well as its commitments in relation to its five priorities. This was done through the initiatives, which helped create safe conditions within institutions that are critical to enabling offenders to focus on programs and activities that will change their behaviour. Although CSC did not achieve its entire target results, which is difficult for correctional operations with a constantly changing offender population, some of these activities began producing immediate impact, such as the rate of escapes which is at an all time low for the past five year, whereas others may be measurable in later years.

To continue to increase safety and security of CSC institutions in 2008-2009, CSC carried out activities such as the acquisition and distribution of stab-resistant vests to designated front line correctional staff and the implementation of a smoke-free environment in all federal institutions. CSC made good progress with respect to other activities in 2008-2009, including an aggressive expansion of its intelligence capacity - both in the community and at the institutional level. It is anticipated that this will yield dividends in 2009-2010 and beyond.

To improve the capacity to deliver essential physical health care services to inmates in 2008-2009, CSC developed and began implementing a recruitment and retention strategy for health care professionals. CSC also initiated the Accreditation Canada’s Primer Process.[56] As a first step, CSC completed staff and client (inmate) questionnaires regarding health service processes and delivery. The accreditation process is a multi-year cycle for examining and improving the quality of health services provided to clients. CSC continues to develop specific approaches for health care services and delivery for women and Aboriginal offenders.

To improve the capacity to deliver mental health care to offenders in institutions in 2008-2009, CSC:

  • Enhanced clinical screening and mental health assessment processes at intake. This process was implemented in 2008-2009. As introduced in the previous section of this document, over 1300 offenders received mental health screening in 13 of the 16 identified intake sites.
  • Provided primary mental health care in all institutions by hiring 57[57] additional staff.
  • Ensured consistent standards and approaches in CSC mental health treatment centres by supporting quality improvement activities and enhancing staff training and professional initiatives. As such, additional resources were provided to treatment centres for accreditation, psychiatric services and professional staff development.
  • Provided additional training to all CSC psychologists in suicide risk assessment, given by an expert in forensic suicide assessment and prevention.

In today's institutions, challenges include the increase in the number of offenders with histories of violence, gang or organized crime affiliations and offenders entering the institutions with high levels of substance abuse and medical needs. To respond to its obligation to ensure the safe and efficient operations of these institutions, CSC implemented the Correctional Officer Deployment Standards on April 1, 2009, which was developed to allow for the consistent deployment of security staff to security activities, taking into account the various institutional types. CSC also began automating the scheduling development and deployment through the Scheduling and Deployment System, which will be completed in 2009-2010. This is to improve the ability to effectively schedule and manage the Correctional Officer complement and assure consistency, transparency, equity and efficiency in managing the distribution of security resources.

To ensure CSC's ability to deal with a potential growing number of radicalized offenders, including terrorists, in 2008-2009 CSC closely monitored trends related to this matter, began a three-year plan for the enhancement of its secure information sharing and has initiated information sessions for staff.

To i mprove interception and interventions to reduce the presence of drugs in institutions, in 2008-2009, CSC assessed the feasibility of introducing imaging system to detect possession of contraband and reviewed the existing inmate visiting protocols in an effort to better control access to the institutions, thus intervening to reduce the introduction of drugs into the institution. The implementation of a pilot of an external threat detector system to prevent intruders from approaching institutional perimeters was delayed until the fall of 2009. Other delays occurred in building the capacity to exchange pertinent information between the institution and community police in relation to drug trafficking. The necessary additional Community Security Intelligence Officers and Regional Security Intelligence Analysts will be all staffed in 2009-2010.

Lessons Learned

Rates of assaultive behaviour in institutions has not been reduced

Over the last ten years, CSC has seen a significant change in the offender population profile. Offenders now have more extensive histories of violence and are more likely to have mental health problems. They continue to exhibit a high prevalence of substance abuse problems and infectious diseases, and as the offender population ages, the prevalence of health problems increases. Aboriginal offenders continue to be over-represented and to be assessed as higher risk and higher need. Changes in legislation have resulted, for example, in requirements for CSC to manage more offenders associated with gangs and organized crime, and offenders under Long Term Supervision Orders.

While gains have been made with respect to drug interdiction (the use of and trade of drugs are believed to be contributing factors to assaultive behavior), the data suggests that the same effect has not been noted on the assaultive behaviours themselves for the incarcerated population.

Our analysis indicates that the elimination of tobacco may have contributed to some of this behaviour. Seizures of contraband were up significantly, and reports of some inmates facing considerable challenges, despite smoking cessation programs, have been observed.

In addition, we have noted with respect to riots in two of our medium-security institutions have revealed that changes to the physical infrastructure will have, and must have, positive effects on the management and control of such disturbances. Furthermore, the emergency response capacity and training in remote sites needs to be reviewed and enhanced. Other actions that are anticipated to reverse the trend in this area are increases in the use of Violence Prevention Programs, a continued focus on drug interdiction, changes to the disciplinary process and offender accountability as a result of proposed legislative amendments, and a renewed strategy for identifying, as well as resolving population management challenges.

Rates of death other than natural causes has not been reduced

CSC has with great determination increased awareness of self-harming behaviour and continues to see a decrease in the number of suicides in custody. In addition, a recent report into deaths in custody has resulted in a comprehensive action plan by the Correctional Service of Canada.

2.2 Correctional Interventions


Program Activity 2:
[Correctional Interventions]
2008-09 Financial Resources
($ millions)
2008-09 Human Resources
Planned Actual Difference
439.08 467.00 519.34 3,699 3,654 (45)

The Correctional Interventions Program Activity encompasses all activities related to the delivery of correctional interventions and programs in institutions and communities designed to successfully reintegrate offenders into society as law-abiding citizens. It includes the development of individualized correctional plans for offenders, offender case management, the provision of cultural and spiritual services, engagement of the community, the provision of targeted correctional programs designed to address criminogenic factors and to sustain behavioural improvements of offenders, as well as the provision of offender education and employment training.

Expected Results
Offenders’ individualized risks and needs are addressed
Targets Performance
1. Percentage of offenders granted discretionary release[58]; Increase CSC met some of the expected targets for this indicator. The overall percentage of discretionary releases decreased in the last year, from 29.98% (8,152) in 2007-2008 to 28.22% (8,332) in 2008-2009. This is due mainly to the decrease in the number of day paroles, from 2,285 in 2007-2008 to 2,131 in 2008-2009, while statutory releases increased, from 5,486 in 2008-2008 to 5,764 in 2008-2009. Full paroles increased, from 159 in 2007-2008 to 220 in 2008-2009.
2. Percentage of offenders granted parole at earliest possible parole date. Increase CSC met some of the expected targets for this indicator. The percentage of offenders granted parole at earliest possible parole date decreased for Day Parole, from 44.42% (2,096) in 2007-2008 to 40.07% (1,936) in 2008-2009, and increased for Full Parole, from 3.18% (150) in 2007-2008 to 4.26% (206) in 2008-2009.

Benefits for Canadians

CSC’s performance against the above-mentioned plans contributed to the protection and safety of Canadians by assisting the rehabilitation of offenders and their reintegration into the community as law-abiding citizens through the provision of programs in institutions and in the community.

Performance Analysis

The decrease in the number of granted day paroles may be a result of the trend toward shorter sentences over the past ten years. Shorter sentences give little time for CSC to engage offenders and address their criminogenic needs. Consequently, CSC has less time to prepare offenders for early releases under conditions where they present a low risk to public safety.

Moreover, it should be noted that while the number of day paroles has decreased, the number of offenders granted first release at their Full Parole has increased.

To achieve the Correctional Interventions program activity target results, CSC had the following plans in its 2008-2009 Report on Plans and Priorities:

  • Expand measures to reduce violent reoffending;
  • Improve capacity to address the unique needs and risks of Aboriginal offenders, including Aboriginal women offenders;
  • Enhance internal and horizontal collaboration on Aboriginal community development issues (Strategic Plan for Aboriginal Corrections);
  • Enhance community partnerships; and
  • Enhance the employability of offenders prior to release.

CSC has accomplished all of these plans through a series of important activities identified in its 2008-2009 Report on Plans and Priorities[59] and Transformation Agenda[60]. To this end, CSC:

  • Promoted the Community Maintenance Program as an aftercare strategy for offenders who have participated in institutional Violence Prevention and Substance Abuse programming;
  • Implemented the Alternatives, Attitudes and Associates program in the Community;
  • Implemented the Violence Prevention Program for Women;
  • Implemented the Aboriginal Relapse Prevention Maintenance Program for Aboriginal women offenders;
  • Developed an Aboriginal offender’s employment strategy;
  • Implemented employment skills assessment tools for all offenders;
  • Developed an integrated education program and employment model as part of the correctional planning process;
  • Engaged a broader range of stakeholders in making use of existing engagement initiatives, including grants and contributions, Community Forum programs, the Outreach Fund and the Speakers Bureau; and
  • Facilitated the development of a Strategic Plan for the National Executive Committee of the Citizen Advisory Committees to guide their activities for the next three years.

With these measures, CSC provided the appropriate programs, at the right time, and to the appropriate group of offenders, in both the institutions and the communities, which helped bring positive changes in behaviour and level of risk to public safety to successfully reintegrate offenders back into Canadian communities. Although the successful completion of key activities did not fully produce the target results expected, some of these activities began producing immediate impact, whereas others may be measurable in later years.

Lessons Learned

The correctional mandate continues to depend on the support and engagement of Canadians, Canadian communities and the non-for profit sector. Over the last decade, the diversity of Canadian communities coupled with changing lifestyles and communication technologies has resulted in changes to the willingness, capacity and methodology with which these groups interact with government and participate in service delivery in achieving public safety. As such, the Service needs to continuously reinvigorate its processes for engaging Canadians in the effective delivery of appropriate interventions to Canadians. This includes strengthening its ability to attract and retain individual volunteers; building the capacity of existing key stakeholders; forging partnerships with new stakeholders; exploring new technologies for providing information to the public and for consulting with them; and strengthening its capacity to share information with victims.

As highlighted by the Review Panel Report, the needs of long-term offenders and lifers continue to require attention with CSC’s correctional programming models to ensure that the interventions available respond in timely ways to the changing profile of the lifer population, with attention to providing meaningful employment and correctional programming while incarcerated. Notwithstanding the challenges of managing these long sentences, the Service will need to strengthen its existing cadre of services for lifers to encourage greater participation in adaptation to prison programming and involvement with education and employment initiatives in preparation for release and transition back to the community. In addition, given that the lifer population is increasingly diverse in terms of the nature of the crimes and the level of criminal entrenchment, these services need to be tailored to differing groups of lifers and their respective needs.

CSC offers a wide range of programs that are designed to encourage and assist offenders to become law-abiding citizens. A significant lesson learned through a recent evaluation of Correctional Programs is how to directly link multiple activities to public safety results and the reduction of crime.

Additionally, CSC has re-structured the Correctional Program Referral criteria to include actuarial risk measures and to prioritize the need for offenders serving shorter sentences. As discussed above, the decrease in day parole releases may be a result of, at least in part, the inability to complete programs prior to the eligibility dates. Research has repeatedly demonstrated that Correctional Programs reduce recidivism. Recent evaluations of Correctional Programs have demonstrated that new models and methods of program delivery could improve staff competencies, offender performance, and program effectiveness. CSC will continue to learn valuable lessons as it evaluates an Integrated Correctional Program Model (ICPM) in 2011.

2.3 Community Supervision


Program Activity 3:
[Community Supervision]
2008-09 Financial Resources
($ millions)
2008-09 Human Resources
Planned Actual Difference
121.50 126.80 131.65 831 963 132

The Community Supervision Program Activity encompasses all activities related to the supervision of eligible offenders in the community, including the provision of a structured and supportive environment during the gradual reintegration process through Community Residential Facilities, Community Correctional Centres and Aboriginal Healing Lodges, as well as the provision of limited specialized services for offenders with mental health needs in the community.

Expected Results
Re-offending in the community is reduced
Targets Performance
1. Percentage of offenders under community supervision who incur new convictions; Reduce CSC successfully met the expected target. This percentage was reduced from 7.25% (1,186) in 2006-2007 to 6.57% (1088) in 2007-2008[61]; it is also at an all time low for the past five years.
2. Percentage of offenders under community supervision who incur new convictions for violent offences; Reduce CSC successfully met the expected target. This percentage was reduced from 1.39% (227) in 2006-2007 to 1.22% (202) in 2007-2008[62]; it is also at an all time low for the past five years.
3. Percentage of offenders under community supervision who incur new convictions for non-violent offences; Reduce CSC successfully met the expected target. This percentage was reduced from 5.87% (959) in 2006-2007 to 5.35% (886) in 2007-2008[63]; it is also at an all time low for the past three years.
4. Percentage of offenders under community supervision who incur suspensions. Reduce CSC did not meet the expected target. The percentage of suspensions resulting in revocation remained steady from 51.66% (3,532) in 2006-2007 to 51.12% (3,557) in 2007-2008[64].  The percentage of suspensions also remained steady, from 35.79% (6,837) in 2006-2007 to 35.98% (6,958) in 2007-2008[65].

Benefits for Canadians

CSC’s performance against the above-mentioned targets contributed to the protection and safety of Canadians through the safe and humane supervision of eligible offenders in the community.

Performance Analysis

To achieve the Community Supervision program activity target results, CSC had the following plans in its 2008-2009 RPP:

  • Improve the safety and security of staff working in the community;
  • Improve the safety and security of staff and the public with respect to offender supervision;
  • Improve capacity to deliver mental health care to offenders under community supervision; and
  • Enhance the employment results for released offenders.

CSC has accomplished most of these plans through a series of important activities identified in its 2008-2009 Report on Plans and Priorities[66] and Transformation Agenda[67]. To this end CSC:

  • Continued with the pilot test project for electronic monitoring.
  • Expanded its Security Intelligence Network (SINet) to Parole Officers.
  • Delivered Community Mental Health awareness training to front line staff in the community. Almost 400 front line community staff received an initial two-day mental health training and approximately 165 received a supplementary one-day training (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or effective Interventions Strategies).
  • As noted earlier, under the Community Mental Health Initiative, over 650 offenders with serious mental disorders received services in 2008-2009. This includes 379 offenders who received community mental health services and 288 who received enhanced discharge planning in institutions and mental health treatment centres. In addition, a total of 43 contracts for specialized services for offenders with mental health disorders served 775 offenders.
  • Enhanced services to the community for special subgroups of offenders, including women and Aboriginals. Under the Community Mental Health Initiative, approximately 13% of referrals for community services and discharge planning services were for women offenders, and approximately 27% were for Aboriginal offenders.
  • Developed new criteria for locating Community Correctional Centres and Parole Offices in the community.
  • Implemented a revised policy for tandem supervision visits to address community staff safety concerns.
  • Launched the Community Staff Safety Pilot Program, in the Greater Ontario and Nunavut District that involves the use of Portable Alarm Devices with Global Positioning Systems technology for community staff members.
  • Delivered safety training for non-parole office staff.
  • Undertook joint collaboration, where appropriate, with provincial and territorial correctional systems in areas such as training, information sharing and specialized services and resources. This collaboration covered subject matters such as Community Corrections, Health Services, Mental Health, Incident Investigations, Programs, etc.

In general, these measures helped maintain a level of supervision that contributed to public safety, by focusing on offenders’ needs such as the provision of housing, health services, employment support services and programs. Although the successful completion of key activities did not fully produce the target results expected, some of these activities began producing immediate impact, whereas others may be measurable in later years. It is also important to note that the community offender population has increased in 2008-2009.

The results for offenders under community supervision who incur suspensions and are returned to custody may have remained steady, but it is important to recognize that all suspensions are interventions in the pursuit of public safety. Suspension warrants are issued when CSC does not consider the offender to be an acceptable risk in the community to himself or others. Parole is suspended following a particular event, including violation of their release conditions, which require a risk re-assessment or new information that has a potential impact on the level of risk. Suspension allows CSC to re-assess the level of risk. Not all suspension warrants lead to revocation of release. Suspensions are often used to hold offenders in custody while a further assessment of their risk is being conducted. Sometimes, CSC will impose additional measures, programs and conditions to assure better management of the offender’s risk to public safety.

Also in an effort to provide structured and supportive supervision during the gradual reintegration process, as well as recognizing the important role that identification documents play in offender reintegration (i.e. securing employment, securing accommodation, opening a bank account, and so on), CSC entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (Homelessness Partnering Secretariat) in April 2008 to implement an offender Identity Document (ID) pilot project.

Pursuant to the Memorandum, CSC received $80,000 from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and entered into a Contribution Agreement with the Ontario Halfway House Association (OHHA) whose duties were to:

  • Meet with the participants needing a birth certificate and/or a SIN card to help them complete the application forms;
  • Send the applications to the relevant organizations for processing; pay the application fees;
  • Maintain data/statistics on the project; and
  • Interview the participants (Approximately 400 offenders) three months following their release in order to determine to what extent the ID documents were useful to them in finding basic necessities such as accommodation and employment.

While a formal assessment of the ID pilot will be done following its completion in September 2009, positive preliminary indications have prompted CSC to explore future and expanded initiatives to address offender ID issues.

Lessons Learned

Initiatives to enhance pre-release planning for targeted offenders and introducing specialized High Risk Offender Teams to provide additional support and monitoring in the community have contributed to public safety.

Moving forward, CSC will, based on these results, further define and refine the selection criteria for offender participation in the Electronic Monitoring program in order to enhance its effectiveness.



Program Activity 4:
Special Operating Agency / Revolving fund
2008-09 Financial Resources
($ millions)
2008-09 Human Resources
Planned Actual Difference
0.00 18.20 8.50 425 492 67

CORCAN[68] is a Special Operating Agency of CSC that employs federal offenders for its workforce and, in doing so, provides them with working skills and working habits necessary to compete in the workforce once released from federal custody.

Further information about CORCAN, including its annual reports, can be found at:

Benefits for Canadians

Employment and employability are recognized as major factors in an offender’s ability to pursue a crime-free life. In 2008-2009, more than 70% of offenders at admission had unstable work histories; more than 70% have not completed high school and more than 60% had no trade or skill knowledge.[69] Without the means to earn a living upon release, an offender’s rehabilitation is jeopardized.

Performance Analysis

The CORCAN program continued to be an integral part of CSC’s offender reintegration strategy. Over two million hours of employment and training continue to be provided each year as a complement to other reintegration programs. Up to 20% of the offender population continue to be active in CORCAN training and there can be a long waiting list. The requirement for employment skills training will continue to be in high demand from offenders. CSC will be reviewing the combination of employment programs offered at different institutions. A realignment of employment programs will be undertaken to ensure the appropriate training is delivered at appropriate institutions with respect to security levels. The goal will be to have employment training delivered to offenders as close to their release date as possible. This will ensure a skilled and motivated offender ready to begin their job search.

Lessons Learned

This year CSC held two symposia with community employers to engage them on best practices that can be used to link offenders with employment opportunities.

CSC has learned the following:

A critical issue in terms of successful offender reintegration is the urgent need for a continuity of employability interventions in the community.

With respect to employment, relationships with employers have been the greatest challenge, but also remain the most important factor in securing employment for offenders immediately upon release in the community.

Despite the incredible challenge of operating in a time of economic uncertainty, CSC will continue to work with employers to develop jobs that trained offenders can bridge into upon release

2.5 Internal Services

This Program Activity entails all corporate and administrative services that support the effective and efficient delivery of operational programs and activities across the organization such as human resources management services, financial management services, and information management services.

Improvements in Internal Services are measured annually by Treasury Board Secretariat through its Management Accountability Framework[70].

Results from the 2008-2009 Management Accountability Framework assessment (Round VI) were very encouraging for CSC. For the 21 indicators against which CSC was assessed, eight areas of management were rated as strong, 11 rated as acceptable, two rated as opportunity for improvement and none rated as attention being required. These results are similar to 2007-2008.

To achieve improvements in the Internal Services program activity, CSC had the following plans in its 2008-2009 RPP:

  • Achieve an effective and representative workforce;
  • Enhance CSC’s Training and Development Capacity;
  • Contribute to the improvement of the health of CSC’s Workforce and promote effective and responsive labour relations;
  • Enhance physical infrastructure;
  • Enhance Information Management/Information Technology infrastructure;
  • Enhance organizational capacity to adjust to changing government priorities and direction;
  • Ensure CSC’s financial sustainability;
  • Enhance National Victim Services Program; and
  • Improve the greening of CSC’s operations.

Benefits for Canadians

CSC’s performance against the above-mentioned plans contributed to the protection and safety of Canadians through strengthened management practices. By achieving these plans, CSC advanced the efficiency and effectiveness of how it manages its operations in all its activities, to improve its ability to deliver on commitments and accountabilities and public safety results. As such, more rigorous financial transactions and ensuring controls are working to maximize the benefits Canadians obtain from their investment in their Correctional Service.

CSC has also achieved better results for Canadian victims by enhancing its National Victim Services Program, thus providing victims with better support and information to understand and contribute to the correctional decisions regarding the perpetrator. CSC continues to focus on enhancing the services at the federal level to respond to victims’ needs based on the legislative mandate and in collaboration with the National Parole Board (NPB), federal partners and stakeholder groups. The mandate of the existing National Victims Advisory Committee, established by Justice Canada, Policy Centre for Victims Issues, has been expanded to include CSC/NPB consultation in support of the provision of information to victims. The National Office for Victims is leading a strategy to reach out to Aboriginal victims, in collaboration with federal partners. An extensive evaluation plan on services provided to victims is in place i.e. CSC/NPB conducted a survey for victims in summer 2009. CSC also meets regularly with its federal, provincial and territorial partners responsible for services to victims to ensure resources are maximized, duplications avoided, gaps eliminated and to improve the exchange of information.

CSC has also benefited Canadians by achieving its plans toward an effective and representative workforce, enhancing its Training and Development capacity, and contributing to the workforce health improvement, including promoting effective and responsive labour relations.

CSC has advanced toward being a more responsive organization by enhancing its Information Management/Information Technology infrastructure as well as enhancing its organizational capacity to adjust to changing government priorities and direction. This was achieved through activities which included:

  • The installation of a Security Intelligence Network in all institutions;
  • The development of a process to test and monitor CSC’s Information Technology disaster recovery capacity for mission-critical applications;
  • The implementation of an integrated and risk-based business planning process; and
  • The implementation of a revised Program Activity Architecture to assist with improved resource allocation, activities-based reporting, accountabilities and corporate evaluations.

As a result of the above accomplishments, CSC achieved stronger management practices and was in a better position to deliver services for the safety of Canadians.

Performance Analysis

CSC contributed to public safety by achieving better results with respect to its Internal Services program activity, which includes all corporate and administrative services that support the effective and efficient delivery and evaluation of operational programs and activities across the organization.

This was done through key activities identified in its 2008-2009 Report on Plans and Priorities[71] and Transformation Agenda[72], which helped build stronger Internal Services and overall management functions that are critical to achieving and sustaining the gains made in the other Program Activities. For example CSC:

  • Developed an Aboriginal Employee Recruitment Strategy;
  • Developed a succession planning framework for executive groups and executive feeder groups, and refined the Performance Management Plan for executives;
  • Implemented the following redesigned programs, such as the Correctional Training Program, the Parole Officer Orientation Program, the Women-Centered Training Program and the Revised Women-Centered Training-Refresher Program;
  • Implemented the Informal Conflict Management System;
  • Developed and implemented the ethics strategy;
  • Reassessed current construction needs to respond to critical population management requirements; to this end CSC:
    • Reviewed the CSC Long-Term Capital Plan, and developed a revised resourcing strategy for a sustainable long-term plan; and
    • Refined population forecast information and demographics.
  • Ensured Security Intelligence Networks were installed in institutions to support Security Intelligence Officers;
  • Developed a process to test and monitor CSC’s Information Technology disaster recovery capacity for mission-critical applications;
  • Implemented integrated and risk-based business planning;
  • Implemented a revised Program Activity Architecture to assist with improved resource allocation, activity-based reporting, accountabilities and corporate evaluations;
  • In collaboration with central agencies, secured funding for the National Capital Accommodation and Operations Plan as well as funding for the implementation of approved recommendations of the Independent Panel report;
  • Increased number of registrations of victims of federally sentenced offenders.
  • Increased the number of notifications provided to victims of federally sentenced offenders; and
  • Improved the timeliness of the investigative process related to incidents in both the institutions and the community.

Lessons Learned

After the first full year of providing dedicated information services to victims, it is evident that continued energy and attention is required to respond to the changing requirements of this population, to integrate their needs into other correctional processes and to ensure that CSC maintains its capacity to service this unique population of clients. In particular, there remains a high need to communicate with Canadians about the entitlements of those victimized by offenders under federal correctional jurisdiction. Furthermore, there remain specific challenges with respect to managing the information provided to the Service by victims as it relates to decision-making. As the number of victims accessing information from the Service continues to grow, it is imperative that the capacity to meet their legislative entitlements is properly maintained. In order to do so, CSC will continue to explore methods for streamlining its operations while at the same time working with Treasury Board to review the long-term resource requirements, due to be reviewed in 2011-2012.