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Table 9: Green Procurement

Meeting Policy Requirements

1.  Has the department incorporated environmental performance considerations in its procurement decision-making processes?

Yes. Environmental performance consideration has been incorporated in the department’s procurement decision-making processes.

2.  Summary of initiatives to incorporate environmental performance considerations in procurement decision-making processes:

Infrastructure Canada recently repatriated certain key contracting and procurement functions from its shared services providers, giving the department more control of its procurement practices and facilitating implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement. During the reporting period of 2008-2009, Infrastructure Canada worked with Public Works and Government Services Canada’s Client Engagement Sector to analyze its spending patterns, and to identify opportunities for improved procurement practices. In 2009-2010, Infrastructure Canada’s Contracting and Procurement Unit is exploring options for updating its contracting systems to identify and track all green procurement.  This will allow the department to set targets based on spending from past years. In the meantime, the department continues to consider green procurement objectives when purchasing the following commodities:

Computers, printers and photocopiers:

  • Purchasing or leasing energy-efficient equipment from companies with environmental programs that have recycled content and a recycling program;
  • Using multi-function machines to reduce energy consumption;
  • Using recycled toner cartridges;
  • Developing a standard policy on personal, versus shared printers; and
  • Ensuring default settings on the printers and photocopiers are to print double-sided, and print in black ink only.


  • Using products that meet or exceed environmental norms established by Public Works and Government Services Canada; and
  • Re-using and recycling old furniture.

 Office Supplies:

  • Using paper that is 30% recycled or higher;
  • Ensuring business cards are printed on recycled paper and bear the Eco Logo symbol; and
  • Ensuring nameplates are printed on 100% recycled paper and placed in re-usable plastic holders.

Travel and Meetings:

  • Using government travel services and encouraging travelers to use sustainable methods of transportation and to select Green hotels;
  • Promoting Green meetings within the department;
  • Participating in the EcoPass Public-Transit Program;
  • Encouraging staff to use other modes of transportation such as cycling and walking, by making showers available at the 90 Sparks Street, Ottawa office location.


  • Implementing material recycling in all locations;
  • Implementing a program in place at 90 Sparks where the employees can drop off used batteries; and
  • All defective and end-of-life telecommunications devices and accessories are sent to the vendors for recycling, where about 20% are re-used as telecommunication devices. 


  • Using green clauses for service contracts.

3.  Results achieved:

Infrastructure Canada’s contracting and procurement team has received analysis reports on amounts spent, and has met with Public Works and Government Services Canada’s Client Engagement Team to investigate areas of procurement that could be “greener”. The IM/IT division at Infrastructure Canada has developed a standard criteria for the use of personal printers versus shared printers. Templates for letterhead were created electronically, to allow letterhead logo to be used with standard recycled paper stock.  

4.  Contributions to facilitate government-wide implementation of green procurement:

Infrastructure Canada’s Contracting Manager is a member of the Green Procurement Forum, and participated in the “From Strategy to Practice – Focusing Our Efforts” forum on April 23, 2009, where departments shared challenges and focused on new procurement strategies that will continue to incorporate green procurement requirements into our business processes and tools.

Infrastructure Canada continues to use Standing Offers and other procurement tools that have green procurement imbedded in them.

Green Procurement Targets

5.  Has the department established green procurement targets?

In progress. To identify specific targets, Infrastructure Canada is in the process of implementing a contract management system that allows tracking and reporting on green procurement.

6.  Are these green procurement targets the same as those identified in your Sustainable Development Strategy (Table 8)?

Not applicable.

7.  Summary of green procurement targets:

Not applicable.

8.  Results achieved:

Not applicable.