Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Symbol of the Government of Canada

ARCHIVED - National Defence

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Financial Highlights

The financial information presented within this report is intended to serve as a general overview of Defence's financial position and operations. The Department's financial statements can be found on Defence web site at:

Condensed Statement of Financial Position

For the Period ending March 31, 2009
(in thousands of Dollars) Percentage
2009 2008
Assets Total Assets 5% 36,155,540 34,304,900
Liabilities Total Liabilities 3% 51,118,741 49,807,921
Equity Total Equity -3% (14,963,201) (15,503,021)
Total 5% 36,155,540 34,304,900

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Condensed Statement of Operations

For the Period ending March 31, 2009
(in thousands of Dollars) Percentage
2009 2008
Expenses Total Expenses 10% 18,501,793 16,819,879
Revenues Total Revenues 4% 524,240 504,484
NET COST OF OPERATIONS 10% 17,977,553 16,315,395

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) Group

Financial Highlights Charts

Financial Highlights Charts - Assets by Type

Total assets were $36.2 billion at the end of 2008-09, an increase of $1.9 billion (5%) over the previous year's total assets of $34.3 billion. Tangible Capital Assets comprised 82% of total assets at $29.7 billion. Inventories represented $5.5 billion (15%) while Prepaid Expenses represented $0.8 billion (2%) of total assets.

Financial Highlights Charts - Liabilities by Type

Total liabilities were $51.1 billion at the end of 2008-09, an increase of $1.3 billion (3%) over the previous year's total liabilities of $49.8 billion. Canadian Forces Pension and Insurance Accounts represent the largest portion of liabilities at $45.4 billion or 89% of total liabilities.

Financial Highlights Charts - Expenses by Program Activity

Total expenses for the Department of National Defence were $18.5 billion in 2008-09. The majority of expenses, $14.2 billion or 76%, were spent in support of the program activity undertaken to Generate and Sustain Relevant, Responsive and Effective Combat-Capable Integrated Forces.

Financial Highlights Charts - Revenues by Program Activity

The Department's total revenues amounted to $524.2 million for 2008-09, an increase of $19.8 million (4%) over the previous year's total revenues of $504.5 million. Almost half or $265.2 million (51%) of the revenue was derived from the program activity undertaken to Contribute to Canadian Government, Society and International Community in Accordance with Canadian Interests and Values. Another $220.7 million (42%) of the revenue was related to the Generate and Sustain Relevant, Responsive and Effective Combat-Capable Integrated Forces program activity.

Supplementary Information Tables

The following information is available on the Treasury Board Secretariat's website at:

  • Table 1: Sources of Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenue
  • Table 2: Details on Project Spending (Capital Equipment Program) over $30M
  • Table 3: Status Report on Major Crown Projects
  • Table 4: Summary of Transfer Payment Programs by Activity
  • Table 5: Sustainable Development Strategy
  • Table 6: Green Procurement
  • Table 7: Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits
  • Table 8: Internal Audits and Evaluations

Other Items of Interest

The following information can be found on the Defence website at

  • National Defence Organization Chart
  • Legislation and Regulations Administered
  • Key Partners and Stakeholders
  • Overview of Delivery Mechanisms
  • Summary of Financial and Human Resources
  • Contribution of Defence Priorities to Strategic Outcomes
  • Defence Program Activity Architecture Chart
  • Relationship Between Defence Priorities and Program Activities
  • Departmental Link to Government of Canada Outcome Areas
  • Cost Estimates for CF Domestic and Continental Operations
  • Cost Estimates for CF International Operations
  • Reserve Force
  • Reserve Force Expansion Annual Strength Report
  • Regular Force Attrition Trend
  • Work Environment
  • Distribution of Actual Spending by Strategic Outcome
  • Summary of Capital Spending by Program Activity
  • Capital Construction Program (Spending over $60M)
  • Details on Transfer Payment Programs over $5M
  • Details on Transfer Payment Programs (Narrative)
  • Expenditure Management Review
  • Internal Services
  • Selected Defence Portfolio HR and Financial Resources
    • Reserve Force
    • National Search and Rescue Secretariat
    • Communications and Security Establishment Canada
    • Defence Research and Development Canada
    • The Office of the Judge Advocate General
    • The Office of the Ombudsman for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces



ADM(FinCS) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services)

ADM(IM) - Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management)

ANA - Afghan National Army

ANP - Afghan National Police

ANSF - Afghan National Security Forces

AODP - Apprenticeship and Operational Development Program


C4ISR - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Canada COM - Canada Command

CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Forces Command

CDMA - Conference of Defence Ministers of the Americas

CEFCOM - Canadian Expeditionary Force Command

CFB - Canadian Forces Base

CIC - Cadet Instructors Cadre

CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency

CF - Canadian Forces

CFDS - Canada First Defence Strategy

CFRG - Canadian Forces Recruiting Group

CRPG - Canadian Ranger Patrol Group

CSPS - Canada School of Public Service

CTF - Combined Task Force


DFAIT - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

DND - Department of National Defence

DPR - Departmental Performance Report


EDIS - DND Estimated Expenditures by Electoral District and Province

EPA - Effective Project Approval

ERC - Expenditure Review Committee


FOC - Full Operational Capability

FTE - Full-Time Equivalent


GHG - Greenhouse Gas

GPS - Global Positioning System

GST - Goods and Services Tax


HR - Human Resources

HRMS - Human Resources Management System


ICSAR - Interdepartmental Committee on Search and Rescue

IED - Improvised Explosive Device

IEDD - Improvised Explosive Device Disposal

IM/IT - Information Management / Information Technology

IOC - Initial Operational Capability

IRB - Industrial and Regional Benefits

IRP - Integrated Relocation Program

ISAF - International Security Assistance Force

ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulations


JCR - Junior Canadian Rangers

JIATF(S) - Joint Interagency Task Force (South)

JPSU - Joint Personnel Support Unit

JTF - Joint Task Force

JTFN - Joint Task Force North


LAV - Light Armoured Vehicle


M&R - Maintenance and Repair

MDA - MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding

MSOC - Marine Security Operations Centre

MTAP - Military Training Assistance Program


NATO - North American Treaty Organization

NORAD - North American Aerospace Defense Command

NSS - National Search and Rescue Secretariat


O&M - Operations and Maintenance

OAG - Office of the Auditor General

OGD - Other Government Department

OGGO - Office of Greening Government Operations

OMLT - Operational Mentor and Liaison Team

OSI - Operational Stress Injury

OSISS - Operational Stress Injury Social Support


PAA - Program Activity Architecture

PMO - Project Management Office

PPA - Preliminary Project Approval

PWGSC - Public Works and Government Services Canada


RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RFP - Request for Proposal

RPP - Report on Plans and Priorities

RPSR - Revised Pay System for the Reserves


SAR - Search and Rescue

SDS - Sustainable Development Strategies

SNMG1 - Standing NATO Response Force Maritime Group One

SOIQ - Solicitation of Interest Qualification


TB - Treasury Board

TLD - Third Location Decompression


UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

UN - United Nations

UOR - Unforcasted Operational Requirements


VAC - Veteran Affairs Canada


WFP - World Food Program


YFR - Yearly Flying Rates

YOS - Year of Service

Contact Listing

Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Information
Vice-Admiral J.A.D. Rouleau, CMM, MSM, CD
Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: (613) 992-6052
Facsimile: (613) 992-3945

Financial Information
Mr. Kevin Lindsey
Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services)
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: (613) 992-5669
Facsimile: (613) 992-9693

General Inquiries
Ms. Josée Touchette Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: (613) 995-2534
Facsimile: (613) 992-4739
TTY/TDD: 1 800 467-9877

Internet Sites on the World Wide Web
Department of National Defence
Office of the Judge Advocate General
Office of the Ombudsman for National Defence and the Canadian Forces
National Search and Rescue Secretariat
Defence Research and Development Canada
Communications Security Establishment Canada
Defence Planning and Management

[1] For further information on the Legislation and Regulations for which the Minister of National Defence is responsible, please see Section III: Other Items of Interest - Legislation and Regulations Administered.

[2] The Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Forces (CF) and the organizations and agencies that make up the full Defence portfolio are collectively referred to as Defence.

[3] Capital Spending is included in Departmental Spending

[4] Explanatory notes are provided in Section III: Other Items of Interest - Summary of Financial and Human Resources.

[5] The civilian workforce includes employees from the Department of National Defence and the following Defence Portfolio organizations: Communications and Security Establishment Canada (CSEC), National Search and Rescue Secretariat (NSS), and the Office of the Ombudsman (OMB).

[6] Trained effective strength refers to the number of personnel trained to an employable standard for their occupation.

[7] Choke point is defined as any natural or artificial feature or structure that creates a constricted route thereby restricting manoeuvre or movement.

[8] In this sub-section of the report, civilian(s) refers to individuals who are not on active duty in the armed services or members of a fighting force. Civilians may include, but are not limited to, members of the civilian workforce employed with the Department of National Defence, civilians employed with or by other government organizations such as diplomats, development specialists and corrections officers, as well as police seconded from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and provincial and municipal forces across the country.

[9] Canada's Engagement in Afghanistan, Report to Parliament, March 2009

[10] Ibid.

[11] Canada's Engagement in Afghanistan, Report to Parliament, March 2009

[12] Ibid

[13] IEDs are insurgents' weapon of choice and have contributed to over 55 percent of CF fatalities from 2002 through to the end of the fiscal year.

[14] Canada's Engagement in Afghanistan, Report to Parliament, March 2009

[15] Ibid

[16] Trained effective strength refers to the number of personnel trained to an employable standard for their occupation.

[17] Collective Work Description: A work description that records the work assigned to a number of identical positions at the same occupational group and level. This type of work description can describe identical work across organizational boundaries.

[18] Report of the Expert Panel on Integrated Business and Human Resources Planning in the Federal Public Service

[19] Refers to science advisors "reaching back" to seek specialized support or direct assistance from resources not present at the site.