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ARCHIVED - 2008-2009 DPRs - Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

Name of Recipient: Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI)

Start Date: December 14, 2006

End Date: March 31, 2022

Total Funding: $15.0M

Description: To encourage independent policy research benefitting the Canadian agricultural sector. The conditional grant for CAPI will ensure continued success in building an inclusive and forward looking dialogue on the future of Canadian agriculture, and provide a stable and sustained forum to discuss issues of importance to the industry.

Strategic Outcome(s): Security of the Food System

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:

CAPI submitted their Business and Research Plans for 2008-09 but the annual report containing information on the results achieved relative to the 2008-09 Business and Research Plan is due July 31, 2009 under the agreement.

2007-08 Results
CAPI undertook major new projects in our three key thematic areas: health, sustainability, and competitiveness.

  1. Retained a project team of experts to research examples of integrated health and food initiatives around the world. The team published its findings in a report called "Finding Common Ground: Food for a Healthy Population and a Healthy Agri-Food Sector."
  2. Set up a project to encourage a renaissance in rural economies in Canada, both in the agri-food sector and other areas. The project was called "Growing Canada's Rural Economies."
  3. Launched a project on the financial performance of farm businesses in Canada. The objective of the Farm Income Project was to determine which performance measures the government should develop and publish on a regular basis to provide an indication of the relative financial position of farmers.
  2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
$ millions Actual
Authorities Actual Spending Variance(s) between Actual and Planned
Program Activity:
Business Risk Management
15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -

Comments on Variance(s):
The CAPI agreement was signed on March 31, 2007 and the full amount was paid to the client in the 2006-07 fiscal year in the form of an endowment to be drawn down at the rate of $1 million per year for 15 years ending March 31, 2022. The CAPI Business and Research plan for 2009-10 will be received by the end of June 2009.

Significant Evaluation Findings and URL to Last Evaluation:
A Performance Evaluation will be done in 2010.

Significant Audit Findings and URL to Last Audit:
The annual audit for the year ending March 31, 2008 was received July 31, 2008, was reviewed by departmental experts and CAPI was provided comments.

URL to Recipient's Site

URL to Recipient's Annual Report:
2007-08 Annual Report
The 2008-09 Annual Report is due July 31, 2009.

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Canadian Heritage

Table 4: Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

  • Endowment Fund-Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities
  • Global Centre for Pluralism
  • Grant to the 2010 Games Operating Trust
  • National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
  • The Trans Canada Trail Foundation

Name of Recipient: Endowment Fund-Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities

Start Date: 2001-2002

End Date: Perpetual

Total Funding: $10 million

Description: Thanks to an endowment funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities was created in March 2002 for the purpose of becoming a national centre of expertise to better understand the challenges that official-language minority communities face as well as the trends in their environments. Although it is housed at the Université de Moncton, it has a national mission. It carries out activities related to official-language minority communities through revenues generated by the Endowment Fund and other revenues.

The goal of the Institute is to increase research on issues related to minority official-language communities. More and improved research will ensure that leaders of minority-language communities and officials responsible for developing public policy will have a better understanding of the issues that affect the development of Canada's Francophone and Anglophone minority communities.

Strategic Outcome(s): Canada is an inclusive society built on inter-cultural understanding and citizen participation.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:

  • Research capacity has increased nationally. Experts across Canada were connected to encourage collaboration, leading to an increased pool of researchers who study linguistic minorities. Ties between researchers were encouraged, and information on research opportunities communicated.
  • The Institute's efforts in both academic and applied research are well recognized as quality work.
  • Research results are recognized as pertinent and useful, especially in the field of education. In most cases, stakeholders have the impression that governments, communities and other researchers use the results.
  • The Institute is very visible at seminars and conferences, and publishes its results in academic reviews at the national level.

Program Activity: Community development and capacity-building
($ millions)
0 0 0 0 0 0

Comments on Variance(s): No variance

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: A Formative Evaluation was conducted in 2008-2009, which examined many aspects of the Institute including governance, administration and communication. The evaluation also helped explore different options to improve the Institute's efficiency and capacities.

The evaluation demonstrated the relevance of the Institute's role as the national centre of expertise for research on linguistic minorities.

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: Not available.

URL to Recipient's

Name of Recipient: Global Centre for Pluralism

Start Date: 2006-2007

End Date: Perpetual

Total Funding: $30 million

Description: The Global Centre for Pluralism is a not-for-profit organization founded by the Aga Khan Development Network that addresses a global gap in institutions that advocate pluralism as a foundation for new governance, peace, and human development.

Strategic Outcome(s): Canada is an inclusive society built on inter-cultural understanding and citizen participation.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: The Centre reported on deliverables outlined in the funding agreement for the Global Centre for Pluralism, including the 2007-2008 Annual Report and its Corporate Plan. The activities of the Centre were focused on activating the Centre's governance structure and developing leadership capacity, opening a temporary office while beginning redevelopment work on the Centre's future home (at 330 Sussex Drive in Ottawa), and developing the Centre's program capacity.

Program Activity: Participation in community and civic life
($ millions)
$30M 0 0 0 0 0

Comments on Variance(s): No variance

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: Not available.

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: Not available.

URL to Recipient's Site:

Name of Recipient: Grant to the 2010 Games Operating Trust

Start Date: 2004-2005

End Date: Perpetual

Total Funding: $55 million

Description: In accordance with the Multi-Party Agreement (MPA), the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia each contributed $55 million to the Legacy Endowment Fund, which is managed by the 2010 Games Operating Trust. The 2010 Games Operating Trust Society is the legal entity that oversees the business activities of the 2010 Games Operating Trust. The Legacy Endowment Fund supports the maintenance and operating expenses of specific 2010 Winter Games sporting venues and of charitable and not-for-profit organizations conducting high-performance amateur sport and coach development programming at those venues and elsewhere in Canada. The three legacy facilities receiving funds are the Richmond Oval (Richmond, BC), Whistler Olympic Park and the Whistler Sliding Centre (Resort Municipality of Whistler, BC). This commitment by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia ensures that Canadians will continue to use the venues and benefit from sport programming well beyond 2010. (

The Board of Directors of the 2010 Games Operating Trust Society consists of eight representatives from the signatories to the MPA (Government of Canada, the Province of British Columbia, the Canadian Olympic Committee, the Canadian Paralympic Committee, the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC), the City of Vancouver, the City of Richmond, and the Resort Municipality of Whistler). The 2010 Games Operating Trust Society will oversee and manage this Trust until an agreed-upon future date or until the end of the Monarchy.

Sustainable social, economic, cultural and sports benefits for Canadians are the overall strategic goal for hosting the Olympic Games. Beyond maintaining and operating the three principle venues, the 2010 Games Operating Trust will provide the needed funding to continue high performance programming for Canadian athletes at these venues and elsewhere in Canada.

Strategic Outcome(s): Canada is an inclusive society built on intercultural understanding and citizen participation.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:

The growth of the Legacy Endowment Fund since its creation in 2004-2005 will ensure continued use of the venues and will support sport programming, leaving a sustainable legacy for all Canadians beyond 2010. The interest earned on this investment since 2004-2005 has been used to recapitalize on the Fund. The 2010 Games Operating Trust Society approved distributions for operational and capital maintenance costs from the Legacy Endowment Fund to the venue owners/operators starting in December 2007, when the first of the three legacy venues, Whistler Olympic Park, was officially opened and operational. During 2008, the remaining two legacy venues-the Whistler Sliding Centre and the Richmond Olympic Oval-were also officially opened. Sporting test events were held at all three legacy venues during 2008 to ensure they were competition-ready.

The following tables outline the annual distributions approved by the 2010 Games Operating Trust Society from the Legacy Endowment Fund to the venue owners/operators and the fund balances as of December 31, 2008.

(thousands) 2007
in 2007
in 2008
City of Richmond $2,192 $1,950 0 * $1,950 $4,142
VANOC (WOP & WSC) $2,192 $1,950 $2,497 $4,447 $6,639
  $4,384 $3,900 $2,497 $6,397 $10,781
* $2,497 will be payable to the City of Richmond upon completion of the venue owner agreement with VANOC.
In February 2009, the Trustee declared the 2009 distribution to be $2,233 payable to the City of Richmond and VANOC.

Fund Balance
(thousands) Fund
Balance 31-Dec-07
Net of Expenses
and Unrealized
Declared in 2008
Balance 31-Dec-08
Richmond Olympic Oval $49,941 $1,765 -$9,812 -$2,497 $39,397
WOP & WSC $49,941 $1,765 -$9,812 -$2,497 $39,397
Contingency Fund $24,971 $882 -$4,906 $0 $20,947
  $124,853 $4,412 -$24,530 -$4,994 $99,741
The Net Investment loss on the Fund in 2008 was approximately 16%. The Trust's capital management objectives are monitored on a quarterly basis and as of December 31, 2008 the Trust has met its capital management objectives.

Program Activity: Participation in community and civic life
($ millions)
0 0 0 0 0 0

Comments on Variance(s): No variance.

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: Not available.

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: Not available.

URL to Recipient's Site: No URL site for the 2010 Operating Trust Society was known on the date of publication of this report; however, information on the Trust and Legacy venues can be found at:

Name of Recipient: National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation

Start Date: 2003-2004

End Date:2009-2010

Total Funding: $22 million

Description: The National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (NAAF) promotes the development and education of Aboriginal peoples and their professional advancement in Canadian society through the implementation of such initiatives as: Blueprint for the Future, Post-Secondary Education Program, the National Aboriginal Achievement Awards, and Taking Pulse. Overall, the Foundation's programs are made possible through the support of the federal government, corporate sponsors, charitable foundations and individual donors.

The Foundation's core focus continues to be providing scholarships for Aboriginal students. NAAF is the largest supporter of Aboriginal education outside the federal government. In 2003-2004, Canadian Heritage provided a $12M endowment for the establishment of an Aboriginal Post-Secondary Scholarship Program. An additional endowment of $10M was approved in March 2007. Investment revenues of the endowment are used to award scholarships and bursaries to Aboriginal post-secondary students across Canada.

This Endowment Fund encourages higher levels of achievement in education to help Aboriginal Canadians gain the skills and learning needed to contribute fully to the economic life of their communities and Canadian society. More specifically, the scholarship program assists Status Indian, Non-Status Indian, Métis and Inuit post-secondary students engaged in fields of study that support and contribute to Aboriginal self-government and self-reliance goals.

Strategic Outcome(s): Canada is an inclusive society built on intercultural understanding and citizen participation.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: Investment revenues from the endowment in the amount of $550,000 provided funding for 261 bursaries to Aboriginal post-secondary students, which included 134 Métis, 122 First Nation, and 5 Inuit recipients.

Program Activity: Participation in community and civic life
($ millions)
0 0 0 0 0 0

Comments on Variance(s): No variance.

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: Not available

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: Not available

URL to Recipient's Site:

Name of Recipient: The Trans Canada Trail Foundation

Start Date: December 2003

End Date: March 2010

Total Funding: $15 million

Description: The Trans Canada Trail Foundation leads an initiative based on widespread voluntary support to establish a national recreational trail that runs through every Canadian province and territory, linking hundreds of communities. The federal grant for this project is used solely to establish a fund to achieve the following objectives: to administer a program of grants to community-based groups in support of trail-building capital projects (thereby leveraging additional support from other sources); to provide planning for and coordinate development of the Trail; and to establish Trail Pavilions and signage along the route.

The Trail will connect Canadians from all regions of the country with each other, their environments, and with Canada's cultural and natural diversity.

Strategic Outcome(s): Canadians express and share their diverse cultural experiences with each other and the world.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: The Trail helps strengthen Canada's national tourism brand. Over 80% of Canadians live within 30 minutes of the Trans Canada Trail, and over 70% (more than 14,000 km) of the Trail is already built. The remaining 30% of the Trail to be completed is among the most complex development in the Trail's history. The status of the Trail for 2008-2009 is as following:

  • Quebec is more than 95% completed;
  • Prince Edward Island, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut are 100% completed;
  • Ontario has more than 60% completed;
  • Manitoba and British Columbia are about 80% completed, while Yukon, Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Alberta are close to 60% complete.

Program Activity: Access to Canada's Culture
($ millions)
0 0 0 0 0 0

Comments on Variance(s): The total grant of $15 million was paid to the Foundation in 2003-2004. No variance.

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: A performance evaluation is scheduled for May 2010.

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: Not available.

URL to Recipient's Site:

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Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Table 6: Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

Name of Recipient: The Gairdner Foundation

Start Date: March 28, 2008

End Date: March 31, 2028

Total Funding: $20,000,000

Description: CIHR provided the Gairdner Foundation with a $20M grant in the form of an endowment to promote exceptional achievement in health research. In recognition of the significant endowment from the Government of Canada, the Gairdner Foundation renamed its awards as the "Canada Gairdner International Awards", helping to brand Canada internationally as a global leader in health research.

Strategic Outcome(s): 2.0 People and Research Capacity

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: The first six Canada Gairdner International Awards (valued at $100,000 each) and the first ever Canada Gairdner Global Health Award (valued at $100,000) were issued to outstanding health researchers during the 2008-09 fiscal year.

Program Activity: 2.1 Researchers and Trainees
($ millions)
$ - $ 20.0 $ - $ - $ - $ -

Comments on Variance(s): N/A

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:


Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:


URL to Recipient's Site:

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Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Table 4: Up-Front Multi-Year Funding (formerly the Foundations [Conditional Grants] table)
Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy

Table 4.1: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

Name of Recipient: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

Start Date: March 31, 2005

End Date: N/A

Total Funding: $50 million

Description: The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, created by an Act of Parliament in 1984, is an independent, not-for-profit think tank on Canada's relations with Asia. The Foundation functions as a knowledge broker, bringing together people and knowledge to provide current and comprehensive research, analysis and information on Canada's trans-Pacific relations. It promotes dialogue on economic, security, political and social issues, fostering informed decision making in the Canadian public, private and non-governmental sectors. The Foundation also provides grants to support policy research and informed discussion on Canada's relations with Asia. The Foundation is funded primarily by the proceeds of an endowment of $50 million from the Government of Canada.

Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA-The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.

Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient

  • Advanced policy issues related to the Asia Pacific Gateway through a number of research activities, publications and convening activities.
  • Produced surveys and publications on Canadians living overseas.
  • Issued a variety of publications on the Global Asia theme, focused in particular on bilateral educational partnerships with India and two-way economic ties with China.
  • Disseminated research and analysis through a wide range of publications, roundtables and briefings.

($ millions)
Actual Spending
Actual Spending
Planned Spending
Total Authorities
Actual Spending
Planned and
50.0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Comment on Variance: N/A

Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s)/Future Plans: A summative evaluation was completed and approved by the DFAIT Departmental Evaluation Committee on April 20, 2009. The evaluation's four main recommendations were:

  1. Use Web and interactive tools to better position the Foundation in the competitive market of ideas on Asian policy.
  2. Cooperate with other organisations to leverage limited resources.
  3. Involve the Board of Directors more extensively in decision making and fundraising, and improve the composition of the Board.
  4. Monitor the effectiveness of policy activities and whether the intended target audience is being reached.

The Foundation's management response to each of the above points was:

  1. A new website has been launched.
  2. Collaborative efforts with other organisations are already under way.
  3. The Foundation is committed to greater involvement of the Board of Directors in the governance of the Foundation and to recruiting appointees from areas and specialties not currently represented on the Board.
  4. The Foundation agreed to incorporate client feedback (e.g. survey results) in the design of programs and research projects.

Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s)/Future Plans: An audit of the management of the Foundation Fund (section 4 of the Conditional Grant Agreement) was performed by DFAIT's Inspection Division in 2008. The audit found that the Foundation has:

  • managed the investment of the Endowment Fund in a prudent manner with the objective of preserving the principal amount over the long term;
  • established an Investment Committee that overseas matters related to the investment management of the Fund;
  • established a Statement of Investment Policy and not engaged in or invested in prohibited investments and trading activities as outlined in 4.10 of the Agreement; and
  • appointed an independent investment firm to provide investment advice.

The audit recommended that:

  • the maximum investment in bonds should be less than or equal to 88%; and
  • the Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures should be revised to ensure the preservation of the principal amount of the Fund.

The Foundation will undertake another compliance audit in FY 2009-10 to attest to the other sections of the Conditional Grant Agreement. The cost of the compliance audit will be $50,000.

As per the Conditional Grant Agreement, and to ensure compliance with that agreement, a compliance audit of the Foundation, at the expense of DFAIT, will be conducted in the last quarter of 2008-09. The audit will include environmental effects, a review of the effectiveness and adequacy of internal controls, and verification of performance information, propriety, and compliance with this agreement and the Act.

The Foundation also undertakes independent audits as part of its annual reporting cycle.

URL to Recipient's Site:

URL to Recipient's Annual Report:

Table 4.2: Centre for International Governance Innovation

Name of Recipient: Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

Start Date: January 30, 2003

End Date: N/A

Total Funding: $30 million

Description: CIGI supports world-leading research in the area of global governance, particularly in the area of global economic and financial governance, and furthers Canada's interest in having a stable and well-governed global economic system by bringing together academics, policy analysts and researchers from around the world to discuss and carry out research on current topics and trends.

Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA-The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.

Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: (from Annual Report 2008)

  • Published 29 papers and reports and 11 books, and hosted 105 public events, workshops and conferences.
  • Focused efforts on the food crisis, emerging powers such as China and India, the G8 and G20 summits and reform, and climate change.
  • Further developed strategic global networks to raise the quality of CIGI policy research.

($ millions)
Actual Spending
Actual Spending
Planned Spending
Total Authorities
Actual Spending
Planned and
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Comment on Variance: N/A

Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s)/Future Plans: A positive evaluation, with main recommendations focused on the need for a strategic plan and improved management for results. This CIGI-funded evaluation is not posted online.

Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s)/Future Plans: N/A

URL to Recipient's Site:

URL to Recipient's Annual Report:

Table 4.3: Forum of Federations

Name of Recipient: Forum of Federations

Start Date: March 29, 2001

End Date: March 31, 2011

Total Funding: $30 million2

Description: The conditional grant provided by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) to the Forum of Federations provides concrete help to the Forum's efforts to promote programs of mutual cooperation and affords Canada the opportunity to play a more prominent role in shaping federalism worldwide. These programs are designed to help develop best practices in countries with federal systems of government, provide expertise and promote exchanges with other countries interested in federal approaches, and help Canada to assume an international leadership role on work related to federal political systems. The Forum's independence, and its ability to draw on both Canadian experience and international resources, is the best existing mechanism internationally to provide this exploration of federalism. This grant also covers Canada's annual $50,000 contribution as a member of the Forum's Strategic Council, an advisory body to the Forum's Board of Directors consisting of partner governments that have signed a framework arrangement with the Forum.

Funding of Forum activities reaffirms to the world Canada's commitment to the Forum, thus encouraging other governments to partner with the Forum, further promoting its internationalization. The drawdown nature of the grant anticipates an increase in funding from other partner governments that will diminish Canada's financial commitment in the future as the sole or principal source of funding, while concurrently sending a clear message to foreign governments that Canada supports the important work of the Forum and is committed to its becoming a global organisation. The pursuit of internationalization will help to further the Forum's reputation and prominence by integrating a broader base of federal experiences and continuing to attract high-quality international personnel.

On the domestic front, the Forum reflects a core value of our national political identity: Canada's commitment to open federalism. Now that the Forum has established its credibility on the international stage, we anticipate that its neutral status and expertise could continue to pave the way for further activities in the domestic arena, including as a source of ideas on flexible federalism through its new Canada Program.

Strategic Outcome: CANADA'S INTERNATIONAL AGENDA-The international agenda is shaped to Canada's benefit and advantage in accordance with Canadian interests and values.

Program Activity: Diplomacy and Advocacy

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:

Geographic Programming: North America: The Forum's Canada Program examined issues of federal-provincial/state governance related to internal markets and environmental assessment. The Forum continued its work with the Government of Mexico to develop a five-year plan, focusing primarily on the intergovernmental relations and public security sectors. Programming in the United States was limited in this period. South America: Cooperation with the Fiscal Forum of Brazilian States continued, with Brazil becoming an official partner government of the Forum in December 2008. The Forum focused its work with Argentina on issues of fiscal federalism, including revenue sharing, and the foreign relations of constituent units. The situation in Bolivia continues to be monitored. Europe: At the request of Germany, the Forum assisted government officials in benchmarking in federalist states. A joint partnership was established with Expo Zaragoza to co-host a meeting on water governance that was held in Spain in July 2008. In March 2009, the Forum organized a conference on intergovernmental relations and horizontal cooperation together with the Gimenez Abad Foundation, and partnered with the European Union to host a conference on foreign policy of regions and constituent units in Brussels. High-level meetings with government and parliamentary officials were held as part of an exploratory mission to Italy, and a similar mission to Russia was also undertaken. Asia: In Nepal, the Forum is implementing a multi-year program with Swiss and German funds to provide technical advice to the Constituent Assembly on how to design and implement federal government structures, and is providing "Federalism 101" (provision of documents, translations, etc.) support to civil society. The Forum pursued funding of work with civil society in Sri Lanka on "Federalism 101" and service delivery at the local government level, and has identified that engaging female politicians will be an important focus moving forward. The Forum participated in a Government of Canada-sponsored mission to Pakistan that has led to a request for a proposal from the German government; a multi-year program proposal has been submitted to the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs for consideration. Pacific: A three-year program is being developed in Australia based on the new commonwealth government's priorities (including health care, Aboriginal issues and climate change). The Forum continues to monitor the situation in the Philippines, Micronesia, and Indonesia in order to identify potential program opportunities. Middle East: Work in Iraq continued. Africa: The Forum continued to pursue activity in its priority African states: Sudan (federal governance awareness and training, including technical support to the Fiscal and Financial Allocation and Monitoring Commission); Ethiopia (enhancing federalism, with a focus on fiscal federalism and intergovernmental relations and conflict, through academic development, training and policy research, technical assistance and outreach); and Nigeria (intergovernmental relations and service delivery, fiscal federalism and constitutional review).

Global Dialogue Program: The 2008-09 Global Dialogue Program featured two themes: (1) "Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries" (international roundtable); and (2) "Intergovernmental Relations in Federal Countries" (country roundtables). Twelve countries were examined under both headings, including Canada, with the latter theme also including the European Union in its review. Highlights of the various exchanges have been incorporated into country chapters of Volume 7 of the Program's booklet series, entitled Dialogues on Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries, which was published in 2008.

Operations: Arrangements for the continuation of seconded personnel from Switzerland and Germany have been concluded. The German version of the Forum's Federations magazine was introduced in early 2008.

($ millions)
Actual Spending
Actual Spending
Planned Spending
Total Authorities
Actual Spending
Planned and
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Comment on Variance: N/A

Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s)/Future Plans: As outlined in the Grant Agreement, an independent third-party evaluation of the Forum's activities was undertaken in 2008. The purpose of this evaluation was to measure the overall performance of the Forum in achieving the outcomes outlined in the Agreement, and to assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the grant and the fund as a longer-term financing mechanism. The release of the report, originally scheduled to be completed by March 31, 2008, was delayed until June 2008 due to the postponement of the Forum's Board of Directors meeting.

The evaluation was largely positive in tone, although general in scope of analysis. While the evaluation highlighted various ways in which the Forum has successfully broadened its international network and programming, developing a niche role as both a source and a centre for the exchange of knowledge and experience on federal governance, the evaluation failed to raise certain issues and challenges that are pertinent to the Government of Canada's ongoing relationship with the Forum (i.e. the Forum's ability to internationalize both its partnership and funding bases while also ensuring that current partner countries such as Canada are provided an adequate level of domestic programming).

Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s)/Future Plans: In consultation with the Office of the Inspector General, the Intergovernmental Relations and Domestic Outreach Bureau determined that an audit of the conditional grant provided to the Forum was not required in 2008-09.

The independent performance (value for money) audit required to ensure the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the Forum's activities has been scheduled for 2009-10. DFAIT had initially suggested that the Forum consider including this component in the third-party evaluation; however, no deadline was identified for this audit. Once completed, the report will be made public and a copy sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

URL to Recipient's Site:

URL to Recipient's Annual Report:

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Environment Canada

Table 6: Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

1. Name of Recipient: Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)

2. Start Date: March 2001 (Sustainable Development Technology Fund) and April 2007 (NextGen Biofuels Fund)

3. End Date: June 2015 (Sustainable Development Technology Fund) and September 2027 (NextGen Biofuels Fund)

4. Total Funding: $1.05 billion (Environment Canada's share is $525 million)5

5. Description

  • Sustainable Development Technology Fund: To stimulate the development and demonstration of Canadian technologies aimed at climate change, clean air, clean water and clean soil
  • NextGen Biofuels Fund: To establish first-of-kind, large, demonstration-scale facilities for the production of next-generation renewable fuels

6. Strategic Outcome(s): Canadians and their environment are protected from the effects of pollution and waste

7. Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: In 2008, under the Sustainable Development Technology Fund, SDTC announced that 34 projects were approved for funding in 2008, with SDTC providing $105 million or 30 percent of the total eligible project value of $355 million. Since its inception, SDTC has provided $376 million for 154 projects, with a total project value of $1.3 billion and the potential for 5 to 12Mt of CO2 emission reductions annually by 2012. Under the new NextGen Biofuels Fund, SDTC received one formal application in 2008 and expects four more in 2009. Currently, SDTC is tracking 100 companies as potential applicants, but there were no allocations in 2008. As expected, project disbursement payments from the Sustainable Development Technology Fund are projected to increase as the number of completed projects increases. Disbursement payments are projected to be $85 million in 2010 and $60 million in 2009, compared to $41 million in 2008 and $28 million in 2007. As of December 2008, $126 million has been disbursed under the Sustainable Development Technology Fund. As required by legislation, SDTC submitted its annual report documents on time to both Environment Canada and Natural Resources Canada and posted these on the SDTC website, making them available to the public.

($ millions)
14. Program Activity: 8. Actual
9. Actual
10. Planned
11. Total
12. Actual
13. Variance(s)
Canadians adopt sustainable consumption and production approaches - - 12.5 12.5 12.5 -
- (S) 1.6 - (S) 19.0 (S) 19.0 (19.0)
Total Program Activity - 1.6 12.5 31.5 31.5 (19.0)
Totals may differ between and within tables due to rounding of figures.

15. Comments on Variance(s): The above financial data pertain to the NextGen Biofuels Fund only. The variance is due to a statutory payment of $19.0 million issued over and above the planned $12.5 million included in Environment Canada 's Main Estimates. The last payment to SDTC for the Sustainable Development Technology Fund occurred in 2005.

16. Significant Evaluation Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting Year and Future Plan: As per Funding Agreement Three for the Sustainable Development Technology Fund, SDTC has engaged an independent third party to conduct its second interim evaluation. The evaluation report will be submitted by June 20, 2009, for operations up to December 31, 2008, and will assess whether the Fund is meeting its purposes and objectives, and whether adjustments to the program can and should be made. The "Evaluation by Canada" is optional at any time. There was no evaluation in 2008 of the NextGen Biofuels Fund, since it is new. The first of three interim evaluations for that fund is required in November 2012.

17. Significant Audit Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting Year and Future Plan: There was no performance audit in 2008, except for the standard financial audit required for the financial data in the SDTC annual report. However, the "Value-for-money (Performance) Audit" for the Sustainable Development Technology Fund will be initiated in the 2009-2010 fiscal year (which is equivalent to once every five years, as per Funding Agreement Three).

18. URL to Recipient's Site:

1. Name of Recipient: Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Green Municipal Fund (GMF); formerly known as the Green Municipal Enabling Fund and the Green Municipal Investment Fund

2. Start Date: February 2000

3. End Date: In perpetuity

4. Total Funding: $550 million (Environment Canada's share is $275 million)

5. Description: The intent of the GMF is to encourage investment in environmental municipal infrastructure. Specifically, the priorities of the fund are to have a positive impact on the health and quality of life of Canadians by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving local air, water and soil quality, and promoting renewable energy by supporting environmental studies and projects within the municipal sector.

The GMF is co-funded equally by Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada, which manage the fund at arm's length, creating a strong partnership between the FCM and the Government of Canada. The FCM Board of Directors, formally designated as the decision-making body for the funds, is advised by a 15-member council that includes five federal appointees. The council plays a key role, supported by the FCM Secretariat and the GMF Peer Review Committee.

Created in Budget 2000 with an endowment of $125 million, the Green Municipal Enabling Fund and Green Municipal Investment Fund were doubled in Budget 2002 with an additional $125 million.

The $50 million Green Municipal Enabling Fund provided grants to support feasibility studies to increase municipal expertise and knowledge of leading-edge environmental technologies and practices. The $200 million Green Municipal Investment Fund has provided loans and loan guarantees to leverage municipal investment in innovative environmental infrastructure projects.

Budget 2005 announced $300 million of additional funding for the 2004-2005 fiscal year.

With Budget 2005, the two funds were merged into one fund known as the Green Municipal Fund, combining the $250 million from the old funds with the new $300 million into a revolving fund. This fund supports grants, loans and loan guarantees, and is consistent with the purpose and intent of the original agreements. Of the total amount in this fund, $150 million is to be used exclusively to provide loans for the cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields.

The amount of GMF financing available to municipalities is directly related to the environmental benefits and/or innovation of the projects undertaken, with grant-loan combinations of up to 80 percent of eligible costs available for projects with exceptional environmental benefits.

6. Strategic Outcome(s): Canadians and their environment are protected from the effects of pollution and waste

7. Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: Findings on the results achieved by the recipient are available in the recipient's annual report.

($ millions)
14. Program Activity: 8. Actual
9. Actual
10. Planned
11. Total
12. Actual
13. Variance(s)
Canadians adopt sustainable consumption and production approaches - - - - - -
Totals may differ between and within tables due to rounding of figures.

15. Comments on Variance(s): The Green Municipal Fund is administered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, as per the Funding Agreement (2005).

16. Significant Evaluation Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting Year and Future Plan: N/A

17. Significant Audit Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting year and Future Plan:

  • A progress report was provided to the Green Municipal Fund Council on June 12, 2009, regarding the status of the performance audit (section 11.07) and review (section 11.05). The final report will be provided to Council for approval in September 2009.
  • In section 11.05 of the Funding Agreement, it stipulates that the FCM agrees to obtain and make public and forward to each Minister, for tabling in Parliament, an independent review using recognized evaluation standards on the following timelines: an initial review within six months following March 31, 2009, and subsequent reviews every five years from the date of the first review.
  • In section 11.07 of the Funding Agreement, it stipulates that the FCM agrees to have carried out an independent performance (value-for-money) audit to ensure the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which funds have been used. An initial audit must be carried out within six months following March 31, 2009, with subsequent reviews every five years from the date of the first review.

18. URL to Recipient's Site:

1. Name of Recipient: Nature Conservancy of Canada

2. Start Date: March 2007

3. End Date: In perpetuity (until the total funding is expended)

4. Total Funding: $225 million

5. Description: The Nature Conservancy of Canada works to ensure the long-term protection of biodiversity by placing funds into a stewardship endowment to support the ongoing management and restoration of habitat and the recovery of species at risk. The Conservancy focuses on working with private landowners to secure ecologically significant lands that have been identified as priorities for conservation action. To that effect, the Conservancy acquires and preserves land through one of four methods: land purchase, land donations, conservation easements or relinquishment of rights. The goal of the program is to secure 200,000 hectares of private land for conservation.

6. Strategic Outcome(s): Canada's natural capital is restored, conserved and enhanced

7. Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: A statutory payment was issued to the Nature Conservancy of Canada as per the Government's commitment in the 2008 Budget. As of the end of March 2009, the Conservancy has drawn $116 million under the federal allocation. To date, the Conservancy has raised more than $90 million in matching funds and pledges from private and other public sources, and received donations of conservation lands and easements valued at $88 million from private landowners, for a total of $178 million. The organization is on track to more than match the federal investment of $225 million over the life of the program. The Conservancy and its partners have now secured more than 102,000 hectares of land, through more than 324 land transactions. These lands are found in every province and provide habitat for at least 74 species at risk.

($ millions)
14. Program Activity: 8. Actual
9. Actual
10. Planned
11. Total
12. Actual
13. Variance(s)
Biodiversity is conserved and protected - 70.2 - 46.1 46.1 (46.1)
Totals may differ between and within tables due to rounding of figures.

15. Comments on Variance(s): This conditional grant was fully accounted for in the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Payments made under the grant are based on the Conservancy's fiscal year, which commences on July 1, 2009. Installments under the grant were $70.2 million in 2007-2008 and $46.1 million in 2008-2009.

16. Significant Evaluation Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting Year and Future Plan: No program evaluation has been conducted to date. The first annual progress report spanning April 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008, was received from the Conservancy on May 14, 2009, and was deemed to be satisfactory. Program evaluations are to be carried out no less frequently than every five years from the date of the agreement and when the fund has been expended.

17. Significant Audit Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting Year and Future Plan: A financial audit, dated June 30 2008, was conducted by Ernst & Young to inform the first annual progress report on the program, spanning April 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008. The auditor's report indicated that "...the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund as at June 30, 2008 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the fifteen-month period then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles … except for the effect of adjustments, if any, which we might have determined to be necessary had we been able to obtain detailed supporting documentation for expenses incurred by Ducks Unlimited Canada" as per the sub-agreement between the Conservancy and Ducks Unlimited Canada. (Note: Ducks Unlimited Canada employs a "pooling and deeming" accounting process to allocate funds and track the progress of their various programs. Since the Natural Areas Conservation Plans Annual Progress Report, Environment Canada has indicated "acceptance as appropriate" of Ducks Unlimited's pooling and deeming system, therefore allowing the auditor's disclaimer about Ducks Unlimited to become a non-issue. This has been reviewed by Environment Canada's Finance and Audit and Evaluation branches.)

18. URL to Recipient's Site:

1. Name of Recipient: Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences

2. Start Date: February 2000

3. End Date: March 2011

4. Total Funding: $110 million (a one-time $60 million grant to be disbursed over six years was received in 2001; a second grant of $50 million to be disbursed by the end of March 2011 was received in 2004)

5. Description: To invest strategically in excellent university-based research in climate and atmospheric sciences to do the following:

  • provide relevant scientific information to support federal policymaking;
  • generate better knowledge of climate change and its impacts on the natural environment;
  • provide results to help Canada respond to its international environmental commitments; and
  • ensure a supply of skilled human resources to meet future environmental challenges.

6. Strategic Outcome(s): Weather and environmental predictions and services reduce risks and contribute to the well-being of Canadians

7. Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: In 2008-2009, the Foundation assessed 73 requests for short-term research projects and nine requests for network supplements. It funded 29 projects for two years, for an application success rate of 40 percent. Seven network supplements were approved, to enhance the outreach, research integration and coordination, and data management and communications activities of existing networks. The competition addressed priorities outlined in the Government's Science and Technology Strategy, Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada's Advantage, and other federal policy documents. The competition also encouraged interdisciplinary projects associated with northern climate, water resources, extreme weather, ice and snow, and air quality. In accordance with the Foundation's communications strategy, staff worked with university offices to optimize publicity on grants.

($ millions)
14. Program Activity: 8. Actual
9. Actual
10. Planned
11. Total
12. Actual
13. Variance(s)
Improved knowledge and information on weather and environmental conditions influences decision-making - - - - - -
Totals may differ between and within tables due to rounding of figures.

15. Comments on Variance(s): N/A

16. Significant Evaluation Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting Year and Future Plan: Mandatory evaluation of the Foundation is planned for 2010.

17. Significant Audit Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting Year and Future Plan: The Foundation tracks the progress, management and outputs of networks and projects through meetings, reports and audits. During 2008, the Foundation received independent performance audit reports on one project and one network, and commissioned two more.

18. URL to Recipient's Site:

1. Name of Recipient: Clayoquot Biosphere Trust

2. Start Date: February 2000

3. End Date: In perpetuity

4. Total Funding: $12 million (Environment Canada does not report on the financial activities of the Trust.)

5. Description: To create an endowment fund for the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust—the cornerstone of the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The Trust will use the income from the endowment fund to support local research, education and training in the Biosphere Reserve region.

6. Strategic Outcome(s): Canada's natural capital is restored, conserved and enhanced

7. Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: Findings on the results achieved by the recipient are available in the recipient's Funded Project Archives.

($ millions)
14. Program Activity: 8. Actual
9. Actual
10. Planned
11. Total
12. Actual
13. Variance(s)
Canadians adopt approaches that ensure the sustainable use and management of natural capital and working landscapes - - - - - -
Totals may differ between and within tables due to rounding of figures.

15. Comments on Variance(s): The Fund is administered by the Trust

16. Significant Evaluation Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting Year and Future Plan:

  • Trust core priorities were identified and reaffirmed during this reporting period to increase the Trust's overall focus: Connecting People and Place, a Biosphere Centre and Practising Sustainability. Signature projects were identified in relation to specific priorities.
  • The Trust secured two funding agreements as a result of intensified fund development efforts.
  • Evaluations of community events and initiatives supported by the Trust over this period indicated a high level of community awareness of the Trust and satisfaction with activities undertaken.
  • Changes to internal policy and procedures were introduced to address perceived deficits in project tracking and reporting processes, resulting in more accountability and efficiencies.

17. Significant Audit Findings by the Recipient During the Reporting Year and Future Plan:

  • Erosion of the Trust's principal as a result of poor market performance and fund withdrawals has resulted in plans for significant reduction in operating budgets and intensified revenue generation. The Clayoquot Biosphere Trust Society, which is required under the Funding Agreement to maintain the original value of the Trust, as adjusted using the Canadian Consumer Price Index, is taking steps to rectify the situation.
  • Canada Revenue Agency revoked the Trust’s charitable status, which meant the Trust no longer complied with the Funding Agreement. The Trust appealed the Canada Revenue Agency decision and proposed revisions to the CBT’s Constitution to clarify the purpose and activities of the Society and assist with the reinstatement of charitable status. The Society’s Board of Directors voted to make the changes and was subsequently advised that Canada Revenue Agency has retroactively reinstated the Society’s charitable status based on these changes. 

18. URL to Recipient's Site:

5. Of the $1.05 billion, $550 million is for the Sustainable Development Technology Fund and $500 million is for the NextGen Biofuels Fund, all of which is shared equally between Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada.

Top of Page

Health Canada

Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

1. Name of Recipient: Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF)

2. Start Date: 1996-1997

3. End Date: N/A

4. Total Funding: $151.5M

5. Description:

Total federal funding for the CHSRF is as follows (CHSRF's programs also receive funding from other sources): 

1996 - $66.5 M endowment (received over five years) to establish the CHSRF;

1999 - $25 M one-time grant to support a ten-year program to develop capacity for research on nursing recruitment, retention, management, leadership and the issues emerging from health system restructuring (Nursing Research Fund or NRF); and a $35 M one-time grant to support the CHSRF's participation in the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); and

2003 - $25 M one-time grant to develop a program to equip health service professionals and their organizations with the skills to find, assess, interpret and use research to better manage the Canadian health care system (Executive Training for Research Application or EXTRA) over a thirteen-year period.

CHSRF's mission is to support evidence-informed decision-making in the organization, management and delivery of health services through funding research, building capacity and transferring knowledge.

CHSRF's work contributes to Health Canada's aim of strengthening the knowledge base to address health and health care priorities. More specifically, CHSRF's programs further the development of health human resources, provide health managers with tools to improve primary and continuing care, and support nursing research from a health system perspective.

6. Strategic Outcome(s): Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians

7. Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:

Research Granting and Commissioned Research
The Foundation continued with its Research, Exchange and Impact for System Support (REISS) grant competition, with five programs of research approved for funding as part of the 2008 competition. The total value of the funding was $4.8 million of which the Foundation's contribution was $1.9 million. The 2009 competition call for applications was launched in September 2008. The new research competition - Linking Evidence to Action on Decisions (LEAD) - was launched in September 2008. Ten applications were received, and the Foundation will fund up to three LEAD initiatives with a maximum contribution to each project of $250,000 over two years. Matched funding is required from the host organization and other co-sponsors.

In 2008, two commissioned research projects were completed, and two new projects were launched. Three projects were launched under the Foundation's (decision support and knowledge support) synthesis program.

As part of its work with the Foundation's partners around Listening for Direction III, the final LfD reports were disseminated broadly, beginning with their launch at the 2008 Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) conference.

With respect to the Nursing Research Fund (NRF), in 2008 the fund contributed $2,324,399 toward nursing research:

  • $748,275 to ongoing REISS Programs funded under the nursing theme; one additional nursing-focused REISS program was recommended in the 2008 competition, which began its funding in January 2009
  • $11,247 in development funds for invited teams to prepare nursing theme REISS full-scale applications
  • $216,078 in co-sponsorship funds for projects funded under the nursing theme of the Partnerships for Health System Improvement competition of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research; this includes funds for four ongoing and two new nursing-focused projects recommended in the 2008 competition
  • $169,168 for new and ongoing nursing-related postdoctoral awards; three new nursing-related awards were recommended in the 2008 postdoctoral awards competition
  • $610,250 for nursing-focused regional training centres
  • $473,200 for nursing-focused chair awards
  • $74,986 for the evaluation of the Nursing Research Fund award
  • $21,195 for other nursing-related projects and awards

The Foundation consulted with nursing stakeholders and opinion leaders throughout the year to communicate the wind-down of this program in 2009, and has been actively engaged with the nursing community to discuss next steps.

Building Research Capacity
The Foundation awarded nine CHSRF/CIHR Postdoctoral Awards in 2008. Three of these awards were funded from the NRF.

The Regional Training Centres (RTC) along with a number of other key participants, funders, decision makers, students and faculty, collaborated in a special issue of Healthcare Policy focusing on the experiences, successes, challenges and lessons learned in the RTC journey.

The Foundation presented its ninth annual Health Services Research Advancement Award. This award is presented annually to an individual, team or organization that has contributed significantly to the Canadian health services research community and to advancing evidence-informed decision-making.

A special project was launched by the Foundation to examine the experiences of junior and senior faculty working in applied health services and policy research in Canadian academic settings.

The Foundation, in collaboration with the U.S. Commonwealth Fund, supported the eighth Harkness Associate Award competition which selected two Canadian Harkness Associates. CHSRF also organized (and prepared the briefing book for) the annual Canadian Harkness Policy Briefing Tour for all fellows.

Decision Maker Capacity Building, Knowledge Exchange and Transfer
In 2008, the Executive Training for Research Application (EXTRA) program welcomed a new cohort of 28 fellows including five interdisciplinary teams and four fellows from government ministries. For the first time, the cohort included four policy fellows approved from Health Canada. Since EXTRA's inception in 2003, three cohorts of fellows have graduated. EXTRA's 2008 CEO Forum attracted 20 chief executivesfrom across Canada and the United Kingdom. The forum focused on issues and opportunities related to mandates for access and quality. In 2008 the EXTRA program began work on publishing a book that will share the knowledge and experience of the EXTRA program and present some early results in improving decision-making in Canada's healthcare system. A team was also commissioned to do an EXTRA/SEARCH Canada (SEARCH - Swift, Efficient Application of Research in Community Health) case study evaluation.

Over 150 decision makers, researchers, healthcare professionals, students, and patients participated in a teamwork workshop - a two-day session of frank and open dialogue about strategies, tools, challenges, and tips for improving teamwork and interprofessional collaboration in healthcare.

Five sessions of Researcher on Call - a series of interactive teleconference calls that bring researchers and decision makers together to discuss timely and interesting topics relevant to Canada's health system -were held in 2008.

In 2008, the CHSRF produced and released two Mythbusters publications. Information reflected in this series was presented at two international conferences, and one issue of Mythbusters was translated into Spanish for the Madrid Public Health Agency. Two issues of the Mythbusters companion piece, Evidence Boost, were published in 2008. One of these issues was reprinted in the Canadian journal Healthcare Policy. CHSRF completed its Mythbusters Teaching Resource - a tool to help instructors teach summary-writing to their students. A professor with Dalhousie University's master's program in community health and epidemiology developed with the Foundation's assistance a Mythbusters assignment for its health services systems course. The Foundation launched the first-ever Mythbusters Award, open to students of Canadian universities. This award is designed to provide students with the opportunity to prepare a user-friendly summary of the research evidence behind some of today's major debates in Canadian health services management and policy.

Twenty-one issues of Insight and Action, a digest that aims to share knowledge about knowledge exchange, were produced this year.

Four new installments of the Promising Practices in Research Use series were produced in 2008. The series highlights healthcare organizations that have invested time, energy, and resources to improve their ability to use research.

Foundation staff published four columns in Healthcare Quarterly in 2008.

Leveraging of Federal Investments in CHSRF
The total amount of CHSRF funds spent on partnership eligible programming in 2008 was $5.47 million. This includes payments made towards ongoing multiyear activities as well as new activities for which 2008 payments were made. The total amount of partnership contributions on these same activities was $7.36 million. In other words, for every $1 of Foundation funding spent, $1.35 was contributed by partners. When considering partnership contributions from an overall CHSRF funding envelope perspective, the leverage is even more impressive. Considering that total CHSRF program spending was $20.5 million, and total partner contributions were $7.4 million, the CHSRF's net draw on the endowment of $18.9 million yielded a leveraged ratio of 1:1.08; that is, $1.08 was spent on the Foundation's objectives for every $1 spent from the Foundation's capital in its endowment. The CHSRF partnered with 44 direct partners in 2008 and entered into 24 new partnership agreements in 2008 with an additional 14 under negotiation at the end of the year.

Five-Year Strategic Plan
Throughout 2008 the Foundation transitioned into its four strategic priorities that were guiding CHSRF's core programming activities at the Foundation. At the 9 December 2008 board meeting, trustees approved the 2009-2013 strategic plan which was developed based on the board's input and staff consultations with key stakeholders across the country. This resulted in the following revised vision, mission and strategic priorities:

Our vision
Timely, appropriate and high-quality services that improve the health of all Canadians

Our role and mission
The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation works to improve the health of Canadians by:

  1. Capturing the best evidence about how healthcare and other services can do more to improve the health of Canadians.
  2. Filling critical gaps in evidence about how to improve the health of Canadians, by funding research and evaluation.
  3. Supporting policymakers and managers to develop the skills necessary to apply the best evidence to improve the health of Canadians.

Our strategic priorities

  1. Engaging and supporting citizens
  2. Accelerating evidence-informed change
  3. Promoting policy dialogue

14. Program Activity:
($ millions)
8. Actual

Jan 1 '06 to
Dec 31 '06

9. Actual

Jan 1 '07 to
Dec 31 '07

10. Planned

Jan 1 '08 to
Dec 31 '08

11. Total

Jan 1 '08 to
Dec 31 '08

12. Actual

Jan 1 '08 to
Dec 31 '08

13. Variance(s)
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

15. Comments on Variance(s): The conditional grant was paid to CHSRF in instalments prior to the 2008-2009 reporting period.

16. Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:

A CHSRF-commissioned independent evaluation of the NRF was completed in 2008. The final report, incorporating the Foundation's response, was posted on the Foundation's web site. The evaluation includes important lessons and results that are of direct interest to the wider nursing community (including researchers and decision makers), the original sponsors of the NRF (the Government of Canada and Canadian nursing leadership), and the Foundation. The evaluation team noted the many successes and positive outcomes of the investments made through the NRF, as well as identifying areas that could be improved.


The EXTRA Program Summative Evaluation Report was received in March 2009, marking the halfway point of the ten-year program launched in 2004. Evaluation results indicate that EXTRA Fellows have increased their level of research evidence use over the period of the two-year fellowship and the data clearly show that EXTRA Fellows acquire new skill sets and competencies in finding, using and applying research evidence in their work. As well, the evaluation data indicate that EXTRA Fellows have significantly increased the level of research evidence use in their organizations, including: effecting a change in the organizational culture, developing strategies for colleagues to use and apply evidence, engaging in change management strategies based on the intervention project, improving the diffusion and use of research evidence tools, and increasing the awareness of evidence based decision-making and its value in the host organizations.

17. Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:

The final recommendations from the 2005 internal controls review and the 2007 audit of funded projects were implemented in 2008. In addition, the Foundation undertook an internal controls review of its information systems in 2008 which showed that the Foundation's information systems were sound and secure. The recommendations from this internal controls review will be implemented in 2009.

The 2008 external financial and pension plan audits showed no major concerns, with the auditors reporting clean audits with no evidence of fraud or illegal acts.

In Health Canada's Audit and Accountability Bureau 2008 audit report, the Foundation received high praise for its sound management and investment frameworks.

The Foundation will continue to conduct its internal controls reviews as outlined in its five-year Internal Audit Plan. In 2009, it is anticipated that the Foundation will conduct an internal controls review of purchases, investments, insurance policies, and capital assets.

18. URL to Recipient's Site:

See also:

1. Name of Recipient: Mental Health Commission of Canada -- Conditional Grant to support Research Demonstration Projects in Mental Health and Homelessness

2. Start Date: April 1, 2008

3. End Date: March 31, 2013

4. Total Funding: $110M

5. Description:

In Budget 2008, the federal government announced its intent to provide $110 million in funding to the MHCC to support five research demonstration projects in mental health and homelessness over five years (2008-2013). These research demonstration projects will focus on developing best practices and a broader knowledge base with respect to mental health and homelessness, and will strive to make real improvements in the lives of Canada's most vulnerable.

Expected results of this initiative will be:

  • the development of a knowledge-base accessible to all jurisdictions;
  • the identification of effective approaches to integrating housing supports and the Basket of Necessary Services or other "prerequisites";
  • the development of Best Practices and Lessons Learned; produce data that is reflective of mental health issues among Canada's homeless population;
  • the identification of unique problems and solutions for diverse ethno-cultural groups within this population;
  • and support improvements at each project site to address fragmentation through improved system integration and support.

6. Strategic Outcome(s): Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians

7. Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:

Since submitting their Project Précis to Health Canada in October 2008 which outlined the projects principles, objectives, community engagement and project design, the Commission has engaged host cities of Montreal, Moncton, Toronto, Vancouver, and Winnipeg. in the planning of each site. The Request for Applicants (RFA) closed on January 31, 2009 and feedback has been provided to the site applicants prior to finalizing contracts and grants. The Commission plans to have all five projects in place by 2009/10, with evaluations planned for 2011/12.

14. Program Activity: Canadian Health System
($ millions)
8. Actual
9. Actual
10. Planned
11. Total
12. Actual
13. Variance(s)
$0 $0 $110M $110M $110M nil

15. Comments on Variance(s): N/A

16. Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: As per the terms and conditions of the funding agreement, the Commission must carry out an Independent Evaluation within 5 years and 180 days to measure the Commission's overall performance in achieving the purpose of the Grant funding. It is expected that this initiative will be included as part of the overall performance evaluation for the Commission which is scheduled for 2010-2011.

17. Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: As outlined in the funding agreement, the Commission must engage an independent auditor to conduct a full audit of its financial statements each Fiscal Year. The 2008-09 audited financial statements have now been completed and were presented at the Board Meeting for approval on May 31, 2009.

18. URL to Recipient's Site:

1. Name of Recipient: Canada Health Infoway (Infoway)

2. Start Date: March 9, 2001

3. End Date: N/A

4. Total Funding: $1.6B*

*Infoway received $1.2 B as lump-sum grants between 2001 and 2004. The $400 M allocated in 2007 was subject to new conditions - these funds flow to Infoway on an as-needed basis.

5. Description:

Canada Health Infoway Inc. (Infoway) is a federally funded, independent, not-for-profit corporation with a mandate to foster and accelerate development and adoption of electronic health information communication technologies with compatible standards on a pan-Canadian basis.

Since 2001, the federal government has committed the following funding allocations: $500 million in 2001 in support of the September 2000 First Ministers' Action Plan for Health System Renewal to strengthen a Canada-wide health infostructure (with the electronic health record - EHR - as a priority); $600 million in the First Ministers' Health Accord of February 2003, to accelerate implementation of the EHR and Telehealth; $100 million as part of Budget 2004 to support development of a pan-Canadian health surveillance system; and $400 million as part of Budget 2007 to support continued work on EHRs and wait times reductions.

It is anticipated that Infoway's approach, where federal, provincial and territorial (F/P/T) governments participate as equals, toward a goal of modernizing the health information system, will reduce costs through coordination of effort and avoidance of duplication. For example, in 2008-2009 Infoway and 11 jurisdictions jointly issued a national request for proposals for telehealth video conference equipment from which six manufacturers were chosen.

6. Strategic Outcome(s): Accessible and sustainable health system responsive to the health needs of Canadians

7. Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:

Investment Strategy - Infoway is a strategic investor, with a funding formula covering up to 100% of territorial and 75% of provincial project development and implementation costs. Infoway provides a portion of system development costs and supports project oversight while P/T partners are responsible for actual system development, implementation and overall funding, including ongoing operational costs. In 2008-2009 Infoway approved $136.5 million in new projects, bringing its cumulative value of investments to $1.576 billion. By the end of the year, 138 projects had been completed and 145 were under way, for a total of 283 projects since Infoway's inception.

Electronic Health Records - Infoway's goal for EHRs, endorsed by all jurisdictions is that: "by 2010 every province and territory and the populations they serve will benefit from new health information systems that will help transform their health care systems.  Further, by 2010, 50% of Canadians and by 2016, 100% of Canadians will have their electronic health record available to their authorized health professionals." Infoway estimates that as of March 31, 2009, the core components of an EHR were in place for 17% of Canadians.

Telehealth - Infoway is working to implement solutions that facilitate the delivery of health information and services between patients and providers over distance, with a focus on Aboriginal, official language minority, northern and remote communities. Telehealth strategic plans are in place in most jurisdictions, and, in 2008-2009, Infoway approved $20.6 million in new telehealth projects, bringing cumulative telehealth project approvals to $97.56 million.

Public Health Surveillance - Canada Health Infoway continues to support development and implementation of a pan-Canadian Public Health Surveillance System (Panorama). Panorama will facilitate identification, management and control of infectious diseases that pose a threat to the public's health by providing public health professionals with software tools to manage cases, outbreaks, immunization, materials/vaccine inventories, notifications and workload. In 2008-2009, Infoway approved $12.6 million in public health surveillance projects, bringing cumulative approvals to $132.4 million. The first production release of Panorama is scheduled to be complete and available to jurisdictions on June 30, 2009. A second release of the product is currently targeted for completion by the late fall of 2009.

Patient Access to Quality Care (PAQC) - As a result of the 2007 budget, Infoway created a new, $50 million investment program. PAQC supports investments to demonstrate how technologies can improve access to care and reduce wait times when deployed in an integrated manner. In 2008-2009 funding for the new program began to flow to jurisdictional demonstration projects. In 200-2009, new project approvals totaled $28.2 million, bringing cumulative approvals to $28.7 million.

14. Program Activity: Canadian Health System
($ millions)
8. Actual
9. Actual
10. Planned
11. Total
12. Actual
13. Variance(s)
$0* $38.7M $122.99M $122.99M $122.9M 0

15. Comments on Variance(s): The federal government has invested $1.6 billion in Infoway to date, $1.2 billion of which was provided as lump-sum grants between 2001 and 2004. As part of Budget 2007, $400 million was earmarked in the fiscal framework for 2006-2007. These funds were payable on passage of the Budget Implementation Act 2007 and Royal Assent, authorizing the Minister of Health to make a statutory payment directly from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Payment is made on an as-needed basis, on receipt of Infoway's annual Cash Flow Statement. In 2008-2009, one payment was made for $122.99 million out of the $400 million.

* The pace at which funding is expended is at the discretion of Infoway and is largely driven by the rate of progress of its P/T partners. Total annual spending in relation to all federal allocations (i.e. 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007) is as follows:
  • $117.8 M in 2005-2006
  • $174.6 M in 2006-2007
  • $271.7 M in 2007-2008
  • $251.76 M in 2008-2009

16. Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:

In March 2009, Infoway released an independent performance evaluation of its public health surveillance system investment program. The evaluation found that Infoway has met, or is expected to meet, the majority of the expected outcomes.

Infoway also released an independent evaluation of the emerging benefits as a result of its diagnostic imaging investment program. The evaluation found that efficiencies and cost-savings as a result of investments to date are increasing productivity of the health care system.

In fiscal year 2009-2010, Infoway is expected to release an independent third-party evaluation to measure its performance in achieving objectives of the 2007 funding agreement.

17. Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:

In 2008-2009, Health Canada's Audit and Accountability Bureau (AAB) conducted an audit of Transfer Payments to Infoway, which encompassed allocations totaling$1.6 billion under the 2001, 2003, 2004 and 2007 funding agreements. The audit report found that Infoway was in compliance with the terms and conditions of the funding agreements and did have an effective management control framework in place.Annual financial and compliance audits were completed by independent third parties. Financial auditor Ernst and Young stated that the financial statements fairly represented Infoway's financial position, and the results of its operations and cash flows. The annual compliance report was carried out by Mallette and the auditor stated that Infoway complied in all material respects with the key terms and conditions of funding agreements.

18. URL to Recipient's

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Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

Table 4: Up-Front Multi-Year Funding (formerly Foundations (Conditional Grants))

Name of Recipient: The Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

Start Date: Royal Assent June 18, 1998

End Date: 2010

Total Funding: $2.5 billion

Description: The endowment is managed in accordance with the Funding Agreement between the Foundation and the Government of Canada, as represented by the Ministers of Finance and Human Resources and Skills Development.

The objective of the foundation is to increase access to post-secondary education so that Canadians can acquire the skills needed to participate in a changing economy and society by granting scholarships to students who are in financial need and who demonstrate merit.

Strategic Outcome(s): Enhanced Canadian productivity and participation through efficient and inclusive labour markets, competitive workplaces and access to learning.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:

  • Awarded 88,858 bursaries averaging $3,000 to post-secondary students based on financial need.
  • In 2008, 3,198 millennium excellence entrance and national in-course excellence awards were awarded, valued at $4,000 or $5,000, depending on the type of award.
  • Continued implementation of program improvements recommended as a result of the Foundation's mid-term review. In 2008, some 28,688 access bursaries were awarded with a cumulative value of $50.4 million.
  • Research program into the determinants of access to higher education and the effect of current student financial assistance programs on students' behaviour - completed the following in 2008:
    • Continuation of Millennium Research Series and other publications;
    • Implementation of seven Millennium Pilot Projects (longitudinal research projects on means to improve access and persistence).
Note: Results and figures are based on the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation's fiscal year which runs from January 1 to December 31.
Program Activity:
($ millions)
a) Planned
b) Actual
Variance(s) between a) and b)
Conditional Grants 330.1 358.0 345.0 N/A 341.2 3.8
Administration 22.5 24.8 26.0 N/A 29.3 (3.3)

Comments on Variance(s): The majority of the conditional grant variance is accounted for by withdrawals of students in the bursary program and some under spending in access. The balances are transferred to the following year’s program allocations.

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: N/A

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:
The Foundation's annual audit was conducted in the first quarter of 2009.
The Office of the Auditor General conducted an audit of the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation and of the Canada Student Loans Program in 2007. They found that the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation's bursary programs are well managed and that the Foundation has the necessary controls in place to ensure that eligibility for bursaries is assessed correctly and that payments are issued in the right amounts to the right people. They also found that the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation obtains reasonable assurance that the provinces and territories are fulfilling their responsibilities in delivering the programs. Furthermore, the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation was found to collect adequate information to report its achievements against objectives and meet its obligation to report the results of its activities to Parliament.
URL to Auditor General:
URL to Treasury Board Evaluation of Foundations:

URL to Recipient’s Site:
Comment: Figures based on calendar year.

Name of Recipient: Canadian Council on Learning

Start Date: March 30, 2004

End Date: March 31, 20101

Total Funding: $85 million 1

1 A one-time grant was provided to CCL in fiscal year 2004-2005. All funds are to be dispersed by March 31, 2009. The mandate was extended to March 31, 2010 with no additional funding.

Description: To promote and support evidence-based decision making in all areas of lifelong learning by informing Canadians regularly on Canada's progress on learning outcomes, and promoting knowledge and information exchange among learning partners.

Strategic Outcome(s): Policies and programs that meet the human capital and social development needs of Canadians.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: In support of its mandate to promote knowledge exchange and inform Canadians on learning issues and outcomes, the Canadian Council on Learning in 2008/09 accomplished the following:

Informing Canadians

  • Released its third “State of Learning Report”, encompassing chapters on learning in early childhood, secondary and post-secondary school, through adulthood, in the workplace and for Aboriginal Peoples, with a special feature on literacy.
  • Published an extensive survey of Canadian Attitudes Towards Learning (SCAL).
  • Released the third edition of the internationally recognized pan-Canadian Composite Learning Index (CLI), which tracks progress in learning at the community and national levels.
  • Released the third issue of their comprehensive report on the Post Secondary Education (PSE) sector.
  • Increased the accessibility of information on learning through innovative use of new media technologies, such as a regular electronic publication, Lessons in Learning, as well as an e-bulletin (The Learning Link), serving a rapidly growing audience as measured by internet traffic and document downloads from the Canadian Council on Learning website.

Knowledge Mobilization and Exchange

  • Supported the five national Knowledge Centres, which brings together leading academics, practitioners and stakeholders to engage in knowledge exchange and dissemination of exemplary practices in the following areas: Aboriginal Learning, Adult Learning, Early Childhood Learning; Health and Learning; and Work and Learning.
  • Sponsored national and provincial knowledge exchange initiatives (symposia, conferences, roundtables, workshops) on key learning issues.
  • Maintained the on-line peer-reviewed journal: Journal of Applied Research on Learning (JARL). [ URL: ]
  • Released the ECHO - a new online application that allows users to create and store cognitive assessments (including literacy and problem-solving) and survey information. (Used by Ontario as part of CCL’s evaluation of the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Student Success/Learning to 18 Strategy.)
  • Fostered the development of knowledge on learning through its adjudication and support of research projects, the establishment of a research-in-residence program, and publication of a catalogue of provincial/territorial data on learning as a resource for research.

Program Activity: Policy, Research and Communication
($ millions)
a) Planned
b) Actual
Variance(s) between a) and b)
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

Comments on Variance(s): N/A

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: In accordance with CCL's funding agreement with the Department, CCL engaged an independent external agency to conduct a summative evaluation of CCL’s achievements since its inception in 2004. The evaluation found that: CCL has successfully identified knowledge gaps, creating knowledge exchange networks, created partnerships, and improved the volume, quality and relevance of research and information on learning; and that CCL operates in a cost-effective manner, complementing the work of other organizations. The evaluations also noted a number of challenges to CCL’s success such as effectively engaging various stakeholders such as provincial and territorial governments as well as clearly articulating its mandate, role and responsibilities to stakeholders and Canadians. A full copy of the evaluation is available at:

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: No audit was performed in 2008-2009

URL to Recipient’s Site:

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Industry Canada

Table 4: Up-Front Multi-Year Funding (formerly Foundations [Conditional Grants])

Industry Canada is responsible for administering funding agreements with the following foundations.

An Innovative Economy

  • Canada Foundation for Innovation
  • Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
  • CANARIE Network (formerly CA*net)
  • Council of Canadian Academies
  • Funding for Seven Centres of Excellence
  • Genome Canada
  • Perimeter Institute
  • Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation
  • Precarn Incorporated, Phase 4

Competitive Industry and Sustainable Communities

  • Canadian Youth Business Foundation

An Innovative Economy

Canada Foundation for Innovation
Start Date: April 25, 1997 End Date: December 31, 2012 Total Funding: $4.24 billion
The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is an arm’s-length, independent corporation that funds research infrastructure. The CFI’s mandate is to strengthen the capacity of Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals and not-for-profit research institutions to carry out world-class research and technology development that benefits Canadians.
Strategic Outcomes:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
CFI-funded infrastructure projects are located in 64 municipalities across Canada. Increasingly, researchers from elsewhere in the host province and abroad are using this infrastructure, which serves as a magnet for investment and talent. CFI supports national S&T objectives and strengthens Canada’s capacity for innovation by:
  • Supporting economic growth and job creation, as well as health and environmental quality through innovation
  • Increasing Canada’s capability to carry out important world-class scientific research and technology development
  • Expanding research and job opportunities for young Canadians
  • Promoting productive networks and collaboration among Canadian post-secondary educational institutions, research hospitals and the private sector
($000) Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Science and Innovation Sector — Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation - 26,700 77,700 77,700 77,700 -
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
CFI has completed the following evaluation activities in 2008–09: CFI has scheduled the following evaluation activities for 2009–10:
  • Overall Performance Evaluation to be finalized by March 31, 2010
  • Need for New/Renewal of Research Infrastructure to be finalized by March 31, 2010. This study forms a component of the Overall Performance Evaluation (Special Study)
  • International Comparison Study to be finalized by March 31, 2010. This study forms a component of the Overall Performance Evaluation (Special Study)
  • 4 to 6 Outcome Measurement Study visits to be completed by March 2010
Other evaluation activities include:
  • Annual analysis of more than 3,000 project progress reports
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
CFI has completed the following audit/monitoring activities for 2008–09:
  • Audited financial statements are available in the CFI Annual Report (once tabled in Parliament by the Minister of Industry)
  • Contribution Audits — 25 CFI-funded projects
  • Monitoring Visits — 9 visits conducted at recipient institutions
  • Annual Financial Reports — reviewed 1,472 interim and final financial reports for ongoing CFI-funded projects
CFI has scheduled the following audit/monitoring activities for 2009–10:
  • Value-for-Money (Performance) Audit to be finalized by March 31, 2010
  • Financial statement audit (annually)
  • Contributions Audits — 26 audits of CFI-funded projects
  • Monitoring Visits — 12 visits at recipient institutions
  • Annual Financial Reports (annually) — anticipate in excess of 1,600 interim and final financial reports
Recipient’s Site:
Recipient’s Annual Report:


Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
Start Date: April 1, 2002 End Date: December 2012 Total Funding: $50 million

The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) is a not-for-profit corporation that supports networks of some of the best Canadian and international researchers in conducting long-term research on scientific, social and economic issues of vital importance to Canada.
Strategic Outcomes:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
CIFAR continues to support research across its 12 innovative research programs with 305 researchers. These programs include quantum information processing, genetic networks and integrated microbial biodiversity.

In 2008–09, CIFAR launched the Junior Fellow Academy, designed to cultivate new generations of research leaders. Currently there are 12 junior fellows in place.*
($000) Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Science and Innovation Sector — Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation - 5,0000 5,000 5,000 5,000 -
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
CIFAR will be undertaking a program evaluation to be finalized by June 30, 2010.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
CIFAR provides audited financial statements in its annual report. A performance audit will be undertaken in 2009–10 with results due by June 30, 2010.
Recipient’s Site:
Recipient’s Annual Report:

* These figures are as of March 31, 2009.

NOTE: CIFAR’s 2008–09 fiscal year ends in June 2009. Therefore final data for that year are not yet available. This table includes results for the period starting April 2008 and ending March 2009.


CANARIE Network (formerly CA*net)
Start Date: March 2002 End Date: March 31, 2012 Total Funding: $120 Million
CANARIE Inc. operates and develops Canada’s advanced, high-speed backbone network that facilitates the development and use of next-generation technologies. In partnership with advanced research networks in every province, it connects research facilities, educational institutions, hospitals and other science facilities to each other and to their international peers. It is an essential tool for researchers and educators engaged in collaborative work.
Strategic Outcomes:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
Achievements included the launch of the Network-Enabled Program v2 (NEP-2) and growing the number of organizations benefiting from the CANARIE Network via the Infrastructure Extensions Program. CANARIE invested in new network equipment to support the research community’s need for more bandwidth. The organization demonstrated leadership in initiating a Green IT workshop with national and international subject matter experts to define objectives and requirements of a planned Green IT pilot project.

These initiatives support CANARIE objectives to expand the advanced research network and develop, demonstrate and implement next-generation technologies in support of innovation and research.

CANARIE continued to work with partners in provincial networks, federal labs, academia, the private sector, as well as with international peer networks, to promote network development and innovation, identify technology and policy issues, and facilitate collaboration.
($000) Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity: Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications Sector — S&T and Innovation 24,000 15,000 15,000 28,000 28,000 (13,000)
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
The $28-million payment is the third instalment of the $120-million conditional grant for CANARIE’s Advanced Network. The amount paid is based on CANARIE’s cash flow requirements, reported annually to the Minister before an instalment is issued.
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
A program evaluation will be undertaken by March 31, 2012, and a performance audit will be undertaken by June 30, 2010, prior to the end of the program.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
At the request of Industry Canada, a successful compliance audit of the CANARIE Inc. grant was conducted in 2008.
URL to Recipient’s Site:
URL to Recipient’s Annual Report:


Council of Canadian Academies
Start Date: July 2005 End Date: 2015 Total Funding: $30 million
The Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) is an arm's-length, not-for-profit organization that was established to assess the state of scientific knowledge underpinning key public policy issues. Its founding members are the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. The Government of Canada provided a $30-million, one-time conditional grant in July 2005 from Budget 2005, which entitles the government to 5 assessments per year. Each assessment will likely take 18 months to 2 years to complete.
Strategic Outcomes:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
  • The CCA released two assessment reports: Small is Different: A Science Perspective on the Regulatory Challenges of the Nanoscale, and Energy and Gas Hydrates, Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges for Canada in July 2008. The nanotechnology report stimulated broad discussions in the media on the potential or perceived health impacts of nanotechnology and reinforced Health Canada’s efforts to protect the health and safety of Canadians through regulation of the introduction of nanomaterials and substances in products. The Gas Hydrates report is engaging Canadians in an informed public dialogue on Canada’s future energy policy options. For example, the report was used to set the context for the first Canadian Workshop on Arctic Gas Hydrates, held in Calgary, March 16–17, 2009, to solicit considered professional opinion on future directions for gas hydrate research and development in Canada.
  • As of the end of the fiscal year, CCA assessments were underway on the following topics: groundwater sustainability in Canada; private sector innovation in Canada; strengths and weaknesses of university-based research community in the areas of management, business and finance in Canada; and the state and comprehensiveness of animal health risk assessment in Canada.
($000) Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity:
Science and Innovation Sector — Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation
-       - -
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
As a follow-up to the compliance audit of the Funding Agreement with the CCA done in July 2007 covering the period from the date of the signing of the agreement to March 31, 2007, technical amendments to the Funding Agreement were made and Industry Canada worked with the CCA to implement improvements identified in the audit. The CCA began developing a strategy to undertake a performance evaluation of its activities and projects, which is due in 2010.
URL to Recipient’s Site:
URL to Recipient’s Annual Report:


Funding for Seven Centres of Excellence
Centre of Excellence: Start Date: End Date: Total Funding:
1. University of British Columbia (Brain Research Centre) January 2008 March 2012 $15,000,000
2. St. Michael’s Hospital (Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute) January 2008 March 2011 $15,000,000
3. Dalhousie University (Life Sciences Research Institute) January 2008 March 2011 $15,000,000
4. Canada School of Energy and Environment January 2008 March 2010 $15,000,000
5. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario (the Heart and Stoke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery) January 2008 March 2012 $15,000,000
6. National Optics Institute January 2008 March 2011 $15,000,000
7. McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute) January 2008 March 2010 $15,000,000
The federal government is targeting $105 million to areas where Canada has potential to be a world leader, such as energy, environmental technologies, information technologies and health sciences.
Strategic Outcomes:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
  1. University of British Columbia (Brain Research Centre — BRC)
    • Construction of the facility is still on track for commissioning of the facility by March 2012
    • BRC has a strong commercialization record, including the filing of numerous patents and new company start-ups
    • Progress is being made to develop and expand BRC’s laboratories to support its strong research capacity
  2. St. Michael’s Hospital (Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute — LKSKI)
    • In 2008–09, LKSKI recruited 6 researchers and a Vice-President, Education
    • LKSKI also launched a successful international student exchange program
  3. Dalhousie University (Life Sciences Research Institute — LSRI)
    • LSRI continued to support both applied research and commercialization activities
    • Construction of the facility remains on track and is scheduled to be completed in March 2011
  4. Canada School of Energy and Environment (CSEE)
    • CSEE successfully launched its first proof-of-principle competition with 10 projects receiving funding
  5. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario (Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery (HSFCSR)
    • HSFCSR made progress in its recruitment efforts by attracting a number of world-class research personnel, including 10 research scientists
    • HSFCSR undertook 31 projects aimed at advancing the knowledge of the determinants of stroke recovery and the development of new therapeutics and interventions in stroke recovery
  6. National Optics Institute (INO)
    • INO expanded its operations outside of Quebec through agreements with McMaster University and the Alberta Research Council. The Institute also secured an international partnership with Bayerischer Lazeertrum GmbH, Germany
  7. McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute — MNI)
    • MNI successfully launched its first competition, with 37 projects selected for funding
    • MNI has been able to further develop its clinical trials program, increase student involvement in the research program, and facilitate commercialization and business development
($000) Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity:
Science and Innovation Sector — Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation
105,000 - - -
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
No evaluations relative to this funding have been conducted and none are yet planned.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
No audits relative to this funding have been conducted to date.

However, each of the Centres undergoes an annual audit of its financial statement as part of its Annual Report to the Minister.

A compliance audit of the Montreal Neurological Institute is scheduled to be completed by November 30, 2009. Compliance audits for the other Centres will be conducted in the coming years.
Links to Recipient’s Site:
  1. University of British Columbia (Brain Research Centre (BRC))
  2. St. Michael's Hospital (Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (LKSKI))
  3. Dalhousie University (Life Sciences Research Institute (LSRI))
  4. None
  5. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario (Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for StrokeRecovery (HSFCSR))
  6. National Optics Institute (INO)
  7. McGill University (Montreal Neurological Institute ( MNI))
Links to Recipient’s Annual Report:
  1. University of British Columbia (Brain Research Centre (BRC))
  2. St. Michael's Hospital (Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (LKSKI))
  3. Not available
  4. Not available
  5. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario (Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for StrokeRecovery (HSFCSR))
  6. National Optics Institute (INO)
  7. Not available


Genome Canada
Start Date: March 2000 End Date: March 2010 Total Funding: $840 million
Genome Canada is an independent corporation with 6 regional genomics centres across Canada. Genome Canada, the primary funding and information resource concerned with genomics and proteomics in Canada, has enabled Canada to become a world leader in key areas such as agriculture, environment, fisheries, forestry, health and new technology development, as well as ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social issues related to genomics (GE3LS).
Strategic Outcomes:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
The Geee! In Genome travelling exhibition, now on its second tour, included stops in Edmonton and Red Deer, Alberta; Thunder Bay, Ontario, and Thetford Mines, Quebec. The exhibition presented the ABCs of genomics and proteomics, examined how the science of genomics is changing our lives, and introduced historical and Canadian researchers in the science of genomics. Throughout the exhibition, ethical issues and questions were raised and visitors recorded their own opinions and views.

Genome Canada announced 12 new genomics and proteomics research projects in the areas of bio-products and crops. The projects were supported from funds provide in Budget 2008.

Genome Canada–funded researchers contributed to an international effort to sequence the bovine genome. Results of this research provide new information about mammalian evolution as well as cattle-specific biology and could lead to research that could result in more sustainable food production.
($000) Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity:
Science and Innovation Sector — Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation
- 6,700 - 29,500 29,500 (29,500)
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Genome Canada announced 12 new genomics and proteomics research projects in the areas of bio-products and crops. The projects were supported from funds provided in Budget 2008.
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
An evaluation was finalized in 2008–09.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
A performance audit was finalized in 2008–09.
URL to Recipient’s Site:
URL to Recipient’s Annual Report:


Perimeter Institute
Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2012 Total Funding: $50 million
The Perimeter Institute is an independent, resident-based research institute devoted to foundational issues in theoretical physics at the highest levels of international excellence.
Strategic Outcomes:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
In 2008–09, the Perimeter Institute (PI) continued to offer a dynamic, multidisciplinary environment with maximum research freedom, collaboration opportunities and growing scientific programs. It has increased its research activities, and expanded its educational programs and products reaching students, teachers and the general public.
  • Researchers in the Institute’s 6 research programs contributed 203 new publications that received 925 citations.
  • 14 post-doctoral fellows from the world’s leading institutions were selected to join the Institute.
  • A new Sabbatical Leave Program was launched, enticing 18 leading researchers to spend leaves of absence at the Institute.
  • In addition to building its team of resident scientists, PI is becoming a second research home to leading physicists from around the world through the new Distinguished Research Chair program. The first 10 of a planned 30 Chairs have already been announced and include Prof. Stephen Hawking.
  • The Institute launched Perimeter Scholars International, a new masters-level course designed to make highly qualified people into leaders in theoretical physics in an intense, interactive learning environment.
  • PI hosted 23 conferences, workshops and summer schools and presented over 220 scientific talks.
  • The first in a series of “Perimeter Explorations” in-class resources was acquired by over 3,000 educators across Canada and internationally, impacting well over 100,000 students.
  • PI’s activities for youth and the general public were honoured with the NSERC Michael Smith Award for Science Promotion, one of the country’s highest honours for outreach.
($000) Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity:
Science and Innovation Sector — Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation
- 10,543 - 13,496 13,496 (13,496)
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Variance is due to increased activities by the Institute.
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
No evaluations relative to this funding have yet been conducted. However, an evaluation will be completed by March 31, 2011.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
No audits relative to this funding have yet been conducted. However, a compliance audit will be conducted in 2009–10 and a performance audit will be finalized by October 31, 2010.
URL to Recipient’s Site:
URL to Recipient’s Annual Report:
Not available

NOTE: PI 2008–09 fiscal year ends in July 2009. Therefore final data for that year are not yet available. This table includes results for the period starting April 2008 and ending March 2009.


Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation
Start Date: March 31, 2002 End Date: Ongoing Total Funding: $125 million
The Foundation supports research and the dissemination of research findings in the humanities and human sciences, such as Canadian studies, history, international relations, journalism, law, peace and conflict studies, philosophy, political economy, political science, sociology, and urban and community studies.
Strategic Outcomes:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
The Trudeau Foundation offered 9 Mentorships, 15 Scholarships and 5 Fellowships in 2008–09. In addition, under its Public Interaction Program, the Foundation hosted events designed to facilitate knowledge dissemination, such as the Annual Trudeau Conference on Public Policy, the Trudeau Lectures, the Mentors-Scholars Retreat and the Summer Institute.
($000) Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity:
Science and Innovation Sector — Science and Technology (S&T) and Innovation
- - - - - -
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
Although not required, the Foundation chose to undertake a preliminary evaluation in 2005 to ensure that it was meeting its objectives under the Funding Agreement. The evaluation was very thorough and most of its recommendations were implemented. A first Summative Evaluation of the Foundation’s work, conducted in 2008–09 by an external review panel of independent experts, was submitted to the Minister of Industry by March 31, 2009. The next evaluation will be undertaken in 2013–14.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
The Foundation provides audited financial statements in its annual report.
URL to Recipient’s Site:
URL to Recipient’s Annual Report:


Precarn Incorporated, Phase 4
Start Date: April 1, 2005 End Date: March 2010 Total Funding: $20 million
Precarn is Canada’s national organization for the development and commercialization of intelligent systems and robotics. In the Precarn model for commercializing R&D, a private sector technology developer enters into a formal collaborative agreement with Precarn. This agreement incorporates a commercialization plan and a marketing strategy for the technology under development. Precarn also identifies which university or research institute is best suited to be an R&D partner. An agreement is then entered into with another company that is a potential user of the technology under development. This second company provides feedback and suggestions for improvement and is often the first customer for the technology developed in the project.
Strategic Outcomes:
An innovative economy
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
($000) Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity:
Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications Sector — S&T and Innovation
- - - - - -
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Precarn was provided with a lump-sum conditional grant of $20 million in Budget 2005 in the first year of the period 2005–10. No target for annual program spending or authority was stipulated with the grant. Program funding for each year is contracted with companies on a case-by-case basis following a peer-reviewed request for proposal process to select the most projects with the largest potential benefit for Canada. As a result of this competitive process, Precarn’s annual program spending is not determined in advance but is determined by the number and size of successful projects approved each year.
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
An independent Summative Evaluation of Precarn Phase 4 will be undertaken before March 31, 2010.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
The latest audit of Precarn’s Phase 3 in 2004 showed that Precarn’s activities resulted in 41 new start-ups, 200 new services and products, the training of 1,700 highly qualified people; stimulated a private sector investment of $220 million; and represented a Net Present Value of between $215 million and $1.2 billion.
URL to Recipient’s Site:
URL to Recipient’s Annual Report:


Competitive Industry and Sustainable Communities

Canadian Youth Business Foundation
Start Date: April 1, 2002 End Date: September 2009 Total Funding: $17.5 million
The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) supports and develops youth entrepreneurship. The youth business program provides loans, mentorship support and an interactive website to entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 34.
Strategic Outcomes:
Competitive industry and sustainable communities
Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:
For the 2008–09 period, the CYBF helped 441 young entrepreneurs start their own businesses by providing them with business loans and the support of a volunteer mentor.
2 lump sum payments: $7.5 million in 2002–04 and $10 million in 2005–09


Actual Spending 2006–07 Actual Spending 2007–08 Planned Spending 2008–09 Total Authorities 2008–09 Actual Spending 2008–09 Variances Between Planned Spending and Actual Spending
Program Activity:
Small Business and Marketplace Services and Regional Operations — Economic Development
- - - - - -
Comment(s) on Variance(s):
Significant Evaluation Findings and URL(s) to Last Evaluation(s) / Future Plans:
The 2004 evaluation of the CYBF found that the work of the CYBF is relevant and fills an identifiable market gap and that it delivers its programs in a cost-effective manner.
The next evaluation of the CYBF will be performed by September 30, 2010.
Significant Audit Findings and URL(s) to Last Audit(s) / Future Plans:
A 2007 compliance audit found that the CYBF was in compliance with the spirit of its funding agreement with Industry Canada and that it was committed to realizing the objectives outlined within.
URL to Recipient’s Site:
URL to Recipient’s Annual Report:
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Natural Resources Canada

Table 4: Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

Name of Recipient: Federation of Canadian Municipalities' (FCM) Green Municipal Fund (GMF)

Start Date: Budget 2000

End Date: In perpetuity

Total Funding: $550M*


The Government of Canada endowed the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), a non-profit organization, with $550 million* to establish the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) to provide a long-term, sustainable financing for municipal governments and their partners. The GMF invests in plans, studies and projects that provide the best examples of municipal leadership in sustainable development and that can be replicated in other Canadian communities.

The intent of the GMF is to encourage investment in environmental municipal infrastructure. Specifically, the priorities of the fund are to have a positive impact on the health and the quality of life of Canadians by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, improving local air, water and soil quality and promoting renewable energy by supporting environmental studies and projects within the municipal sector. Additional considerations include the potential for economic and/or social benefit.

Under the GMF agreement, the Government of Canada (represented by NRCan and Environment Canada) participates in governance of this revolving fund, along with representatives from the public and private sectors, including municipal officials and technical experts, through a Peer Review Committee and an advisory Council. The FCM Board of Directors approves projects based on the Council's recommendations.

*NRCan's share is $275M

Strategic Outcome(s): Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: As of March 31, 2009, the GMF had approved over $402 million for 735 plans, studies and projects with a total project value of $2.6 billion.

Program Activity: Clean Energy
($ millions)
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Comments on Variance(s):

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:

URL to Recipient's Site:

URL to Recipient's Annual Report:

Name of Recipient: Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)

Start Date: April 2002

End Date: June 2015

Total Funding: $550 million

Description: To stimulate the development and demonstration of Canadian technologies aimed at climate change, clean air, clean water and clean soil.

Strategic Outcome(s): Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: (within departmental overall plans):

Since 2001, SDTC's mandate has been expanded twice, and the foundation now manages two separate funds. The original fund, called the Clean Tech Fund, received a total federal endowment of $550M to provide funding for the development and demonstration of technologies focussing on climate change, clean air, water and soil (of which at least $50 million will be directed at hydrogen technologies and $50 million at clean fossil fuel projects). In 2007, a new $500M NextGen Biofuels Fund was established to provide capital support for next-generation renewable fuel facilities, reported separately.

NRCan is not responsible for reporting specifically on SDTC progress and results. However, as the designated minister under the SDTC Act, the Minister of NRCan tables the SDTC annual report in Parliament. This report is available at the SDTC website at The following is a general summary of SDTC accomplishments. Further details will be available once the 2008 Annual Report is published.

To date, the SD Tech Fund has allocated $376 M in funds towards 154 projects. The fund has dispersed $126 M and to date 24 have been completed. The Latest information on projects is available from the 2008 Annual Report that can be found on its website per the link below.

Program Activity: Clean Energy**
($ millions)
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Comments on Variance(s):

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:

URL to Recipient's Site:

URL to Recipient's Annual Report:

** NRCan share only

Name of Recipient: Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) for the NextGen Biofuels Fund™

Start Date: April 1, 2007

End Date: Agreement ends Sept 30, 2027; last disbursement of funds to SDTC by March 31, 2015

Total Funding: $500M ***


SDTC is managing the NextGen Biofuels Fund™, which will support up to 40% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $200M per project for the establishment of first-of-kind, large-scale demonstration next-generation renewable fuel production facilities to encourage the future sustainability and success of renewable fuels. Next-generation renewable fuels are derived from non-traditional renewable feedstocks, such as forest biomass, fast-growing grasses, and agricultural residues, and are produced with non-conventional conversion technologies.

Since next-generation technologies are capital equipment intensive, they constitute a greater debt financing risk. The support provided by the NextGen Biofuels Fund™ will encourage the retention and growth of technology expertise and innovation capacity for next-generation renewable fuels production in Canada.

Of the $500M in total funding, $200M is statutory and the remaining $300M is appropriated funding.

*** The funding is equally divided between NRCan and Environment Canada.

Strategic Outcome(s): Canada is a world leader on environmental responsibility in the development and use of natural resources.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient:

SDTC Corporate Plans for each year released in October of preceding year. Executive summaries are posted on the website below.

To date, SDTC has received one formal Application for Funding (AFF) under the NextGen Biofuels Fund (NGBF). At this time SDTC is tracking approximately 100 companies as potential applicants both from Canada and abroad. Of these, four have expressed a strong interest in submitting an application in 2009.

The NextGen Biofuels Fund adopted a Project Assurance Process based on best practices used by multi-national companies. From end to end, there are seven phases and five decision gates. The NGBF also assembled a roster of biofuels Experts to assist with the in-depth due diligence exercises required to assess applications for funding. A Project Review Committee was also created in order to support the review of applications for funding. The SDTC Board of Directors approved the NextGen Biofuels Fund Evaluation Framework.

Program Activity: Clean Energy – Statutory
($ millions)
0.0 1.6 0.0 19.0 19.0 0.0

Program Activity: Clean Energy – Appropriation
($ millions)
0.0 0.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 0.0

Comments on Variance(s):

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: Three interim evaluations will be performed by an independent 3rd party (Nov 30, 2012, Nov 30, 2017 and Nov 30, 2022); a final evaluation by Sept 30, 2027. Canada may choose to evaluate the Foundation at any time over the life of the agreement to determine whether it is fulfilling its objectives.

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan: The agreement with SDTC requires the Foundation to hire an auditor to audit the accounts and financial statements and appoint an Audit Committee to oversee the financial management of the Foundation. It also stipulates that Canada or the Auditor General may undertake a compliance audit at any time over the life of the Fund.

URL to Recipient's Site:

URL to Recipient's Annual Report:

Top of Page

Western Economic Diversification Canada

Table 4: Up-Front Multi-Year Funding

Name of Recipient: Primrose Lake Economic Development Corporation

Start Date: March 30, 2007

End Date: March 31, 2027

Total Funding: $15,000,000

Description: Create a community controlled trust fund for economic development

Strategic Outcome(s): SO 2 - Economically viable communities in Western Canada with a high quality of life.

Summary of Results Achieved by the Recipient: Over the past year the Board was active at getting organized and completing the research and payout of the Elders component of the parallel agreement with the province. By year end a total of 192 Elders or their estates were recognized through this process. The Board also continued building Board capacity through providing governance training for its members, and began developing a policy framework to guide operations. All interest earned in the trust was re-invested in the trust at year-end or directed towards outstanding legal obligations associated with the establishment of the non-profit corporation and negotiations with the federal government.

Program Activity:
($ thousands)
$15,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Comments on Variance(s): Not applicable

Significant Evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:
WD agreement requires that an evaluation be completed by March 2012.

Significant Audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year and future plan:
No audits performed to date. Date for an audit in the future has not yet been identified.

URL to Recipient's Site: Not applicable