Export Search Results to Text File
This screen allows you to export the results of your query into ASCII text files, which can be imported into Microsoft Excel or many other software packages for you to perform further analysis of the results.
Due to the complexity of the information stored in the database, you will have to download several files to get the entire query result.
A note about the files available below:
Please select the number format you wish to download. The English number format utilizes comma separated values. These files are able to be opened correctly in English installations of spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel. The French file format utilizes semicolon separated values. These files contains numeric values formatted using the Canadian (French-speaking) decimal format for numbers which is typically defined in the regional settings for the application opening the files and are able to be opened correctly in French installations of spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel.
Due to the complexity of the data returned by the DFRP, you will have to download several files to get the entire query result.
Please note that some column titles in the DFRP text files have been updated in English and French. If you currently use automated processes to import these files into your internal system(s), the revised titles may affect the import integrity. To obtain a list of changes, please contact DFRP-ADMIN-RBIF@tbs-sct.gc.ca.
Property Data
- Property Records - This file contains the property records returned by your query. This contains information such as the name, location, custodian organization, and use of the property.
- Property/Parcel Records - This file contains the property records returned by your query. This contains information such as the name, location, custodian organization, and use of the property.
Please note that if a property is parcelled, each parcel will have a record in the file. A non-parcelled property will only have one record of a parcel number 0. A parcelled property will have its records of a non-zero parcel number. For example, if a property is parcelled into three parcels, there will be three records for the property in the file, with each record of a parcel number 1, 2, or 3 respectively. If interested in getting the count of the properties based on the file, open it with Microsoft Excel, find the row number of the first data record (it is normally 17) and that of the last data record (for example, 505), type in a blank cell the formula, =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(A17:A505,A17:A505)>0,1)), where "A17" represents the first column (i.e., the DFRP Property Number column) at row 17 and "A505" the first column at row 505, and press the Enter key. Then the cell will show you the count of properties.
Building Data
- Building Records - This file contains the building records returned by your query, with the exception of the structure use types and tenant records.
- Building Use Type Records - This file contains the Use Types of each building returned by your query. There may be multiple Use Types specified for each building.
- Building Tenant Records - This file contains the tenant records for each building returned by your query. The tenant record includes the name of the tenant, and the floor area they occupy.
- Version:
- 42