Killarney East

  • Photo of property 83054
A map of the area immediately surrounding DFRP Property Number 83054


  • Property Number:

  • Custodian:

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Official Contact:

  • Interest

    Crown Owned
  • Restriction:

    No Restriction
  • Primary Use:

    Transportation Marine
  • Address:

    Part SW ¼ Section 33, Rutherford
  • Place Name:

    no data
  • Municipality:

  • Province/Territory:

  • Federal Electoral District:

    Nickel Belt
  • Coordinates

    45.968155, -81.488859, Accurate within ± 10m
  • Census Classification

  • Land Area:

    4.4919 ha
  • Building Count:

  • Floor Area:

    91 sq. m.
  • Record Created On

    September 19th, 2000
  • Record Last Modified On

    October 2nd, 2021


Structure Number Custodian Structure Name Structure Address Floor Area (sq. m.) Building Occupancy Level
083054Fisheries and Oceans CanadaBoathouseLot 6, on S. Side of Commissioner St.22Fully Occupied
106747Fisheries and Oceans Canada974 - Killarney East Light TowerPart SW ¼ Section 33, Rutherford10Fully Occupied
107316Fisheries and Oceans CanadaFog BuildlingLot 6, on S. Side of Commissioner St.59Fully Occupied

Heritage Buildings

Structure Number Structure Name Heritage Designation(s) Link to listing on the Directory of Federal Heritage Designations
106747974 - Killarney East Light TowerRecognized Federal Heritage BuildingLight Tower

The relationship between the Directory of Federal Real Property (DFRP) and the Directory of Federal Heritage Designations (DFHD) is not one-to-one as some heritage designations are not captured by building but rather by property.

Approximately 85% of the recognized and classified federal heritage buildings listed in the DFHD are matched in the DFRP. Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada and Parks Canada are continuing to work with federal custodians to reconcile the remaining records.

Contaminated Sites

Federal Site IdentifierStatusSite NameHighest Step Completed
83054001ClosedKillarney East (s. of Radio Beacon Bldg and around light house09 - Confirmatory Sampling and Final Reporting

Payment In Lieu of Taxes

Taxation AuthorityPayment
Killarney, Municipality$1,523.39

Source: PWGSC, REAL ESTATE DIVISION, Municipal Grants Information System

Taxation Year: 2022

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Photo of property 83054