Figure 3: Incident Flow (Departmental View)

There are three distinct identifiable sections; Under departments / Area of responsibility, Incident discovery/reporting and situational awareness/response. Under the heading of departments / Area of responsibility, Affected federal departments, public safety or partners report into GC CIRT. Other departments and TBS are identified for situational awareness. The GC CIRT then shares information with GC CTEC, RCMP/CSIS and DND/CF.

Within the Incident discovery/reporting heading, GC CIRT will log & receive action plan followed by trending /situational awareness. The GC CTEC will proactively detect for incidents and requires confirmation of incident at the affected federal department. If confirmed an incident, the information is then reported to the GC CIRT by the affected department. The information RCMP/CSIS and DND/CF received from the GC CIRT and/or GC CTEC will go thru and assessment phase and further by an investigation if required. From the log & receive action plan followed by trending /situational awareness the information may go to the CRU located in the situational awareness/response section of the diagram. From the CRU, the flow of information continues to the Containment mitigation, recovery and lessons learned. The trending / situational awareness is provided to other departments and TBS for situational awareness.

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