Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada's Program Activity Architecture (PAA)

This image is the Program Activity Architecture of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) for 2012-2013.

Across the top of the horizontal chart is a list of the department's strategic outcomes:

The Government
Good governance and co-operative relationships for First Nations, Inuit and Northerners.

The People
Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit.

The Land and Economy
Full participation of First Nations, Inuit and Métis individuals and communities in the economy.

The North
Self-reliance, prosperity, and well-being for the people and communities of the North.

Office of the Federal Interlocutor
Socio-economic well-being of Métis, Non-Status Indians and urban Aboriginal people.

Under the strategic outcomes is a list of the program activities that support each strategic outcome, and sub-activities that support these program activities.

The Government
The program activity of Governance and Institutions of Government is supported by sub-activities First Nation Governments; and Institutions and Organizations.

The program activity of Co-operative Relationships is supported by sub-activities Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government; Specific Claims; Inuit Relations; and Consultation and Engagement.

The program activity of Treaty Management is supported by sub-activities Implementation of Modern-treaty Obligations; Management of Treaty Relationships; and Management of Other Negotiated Settlements.

The People
The program activity of Education is supported by sub-activities Elementary and Secondary Education; and Post-Secondary Education.

The program activity of Social Development is supported by sub-activities Income Assistance; National Child Benefit Reinvestment; Assisted Living; First Nations Child and Family Services; and Family Violence Prevention.

The program activity of Managing Individual Affairs is supported by sub-activities Registration and Membership; Management of Moneys; Estate Management; and Treaty Annuities.

The program activity of Residential Schools Resolution is supported by sub-activities Common Experience Payments; Independent Assessment Process; Commemoration; and Support to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The Land and Economy
The program activity of Aboriginal Economic Development is supported by sub-activities Aboriginal Entrepreneurship; Activation of Community Assets; and Strategic Federal Investments and Partnerships.

The program activity of Federal Administration of Reserve Land is supported by sub-activities Additions to Reserve; Registration of Rights and Interests in Reserve Lands; Clarity of Reserve Boundaries; and Environmental Management.

The program activity of Community Infrastructure is supported by sub-activities Water and Wastewater Infrastructure; Education Facilities; Housing; Community Infrastructure Assets and Facilities; and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

The North
The program activity of Northern Governance and People is supported by sub-activities Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations; Nutrition North; and Climate Change Adaptation.

The program activity of Northern Science and Technology is supported by sub-activities Northern Contaminants; and Science Initiatives.

The program activity of Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management is supported by sub-activities Oil and Gas; Mines and Minerals; Contaminated Sites; Land and Water Management; and Environmental Management.

Office of the Federal Interlocutor
The program activities are Urban Aboriginal Strategy, Métis and Non-Status Indian Organizational Capacity Development, and Métis Rights Management.

Internal Services
The sub-activities are Governance and Management Support; Resource Management Services; and Asset Management Services.