The graphic demonstrates how the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's strategic outcome is supported by its program activities. The Secretariat's strategic outcome is as follows: "Government is well managed and accountable, and resources are allocated to achieve results." There are six specific program activities for achieving this outcome. Program Activity 1 is Management Frameworks. Program Activity 2 is People Management. Program Activity 3 is Expenditure Management. Program Activity 4 is Financial Management. Program Activity 5 is Government-Wide Funds and Public Service Employer Payments. Program Activity 6 is Internal Services.

The graphic also illustrates how the Secretariat's program activities align with the three roles of the Treasury Board. The Management Frameworks program activity aligns with the Treasury Board's role as Management Board. The People Management program activity aligns with the Treasury Board's People Management role. The Expenditure Management, Financial Management, and Government-Wide Funds and Public Service Employer Payments program activities align with the Treasury Board's Budget Office role.

Included in the graphic is a symbol, placed next to Program Activity 6: Internal Services. This symbol represents Theme IV of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS), which is "Shrinking the Environmental Footprint—Beginning with Government." The placement of the symbol indicates that through the Internal Services program activity, the Secretariat contributes to this FSDS theme.