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Horizontal Initiatives

Name of Horizontal Initiative: Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality 2008-13: Acting for the Future

Name of lead department: Canadian Heritage

Lead department program activity: Official Languages

Start date of the Horizontal Initiative: April 1, 2008

End date of the Horizontal Initiative: March 31, 2013

Total federal funding allocation (start to end date): $1,110.10 M

Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement):  

The Roadmap for Canada’s Linguistic Duality 2008-13: Acting for the Future (Roadmap) is a Government of Canada policy statement that includes a number of initiatives to strengthen and promote linguistic duality. Fifteen federal institutions have received funds for sectoral programs and activities related to official languages. The Roadmap contributes to the attainment of a strategic outcome for Canadian Heritage (Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity) and to the Government of Canada’s outcome (A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion).

Two of key components of the Roadmap are the implementation of an accountability framework and a coordinated government-wide approach to official languages. The Roadmap is a component of the Official Languages Program (OLP), as defined and approved by the Committee of Deputy Ministers on Official Languages in December 2004.

Web site:

Shared outcomes:  

Three levels of outcomes have been established.

Ultimate outcome: Canadians enjoy the benefits of linguistic duality; live and work in communities that reflect Canadian values with respect to the use of English and French; and have access to government services in the official language of choice.

Three intermediate outcomes:

  • Enhanced capacity of Canadians (English-speaking in Quebec and French-speaking across Canada) to live and work in vibrant communities in the official language of choice.
  • Increased proportion of Canadians who are aware of the benefits and have the necessary tools to appreciate linguistic duality.
  • Strengthening capacity of the Government of Canada relating to official languages.

Eight immediate outcomes:

  • Continued and improved access to justice services in both official languages.
  • Continued and improved access to health services in both official languages.
  • Improved social and economic development of official-language minority communities (OLMC).
  • Strengthened capacity of language industries.
  • Improved knowledge and use of both official languages.
  • Improved access to cultural expressions of both linguistic groups.
  • Reinforced coordination for the Official Languages Program (OLP).
  • Reinforced linguistic duality in federal public service.

Governance structure:

The Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages is responsible for the implementation of the Roadmap. The Official Languages Secretariat (OLS) (Canadian Heritage) supports the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages. With respect to roles and responsibilities, the OLS is responsible for developing and coordinating the results of the Roadmap. The OLS ensures that all information (financial and non-financial) needed is gathered and that the content of all logic models of the Roadmap’s structure is taken into consideration. The OLS is also responsible for the complete implementation and the accountability framework for the Roadmap. This role was given to the OLS by the partners through the development of a the Horizontal Results-based Management and Accountability Framework for the Roadmap, which outlines the activities and results structure, the governance structure, as well as the roles and responsibilities of departments and different interdepartmental committees, while also identifying the relevant operational issues concerning its horizontal implementation. The OLS also support the governance of the OLP through various mechanisms and committees.

A governance structure has been established to support the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages and to ensure that the Roadmap provides results for Canadians, the Committee of Assistant Deputy Ministers on Official Languages (CADMOL) was created. This committee acts on behalf of all federal departments, agencies and organizations, partners in the Roadmap in a variety of ways: it supports the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages and all ministers who have responsibilities under the Official Languages Act (OLA); it ensures leadership for managing the OLP, including the Roadmap, by making decisions and overseeing the coordination of partners’ actions; it guides the implementation of the Horizontal Results-based Management and Accountability Framework (HRMAF) and oversees the evaluation of the Roadmap. During CADMOL meetings, departments having specific responsibilities under the OLA (for instance, Canadian Heritage, Justice Canada, and the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer) report on achievements that are specific to their mandate and describe the challenges and issues related to these responsibilities.

Three interdepartmental committees support CADMOL by providing recommendations. Firstly, the Interdepartmental Policy Committee (IPC) provides an information-sharing forum between partners in order to present a joint approach to strategic issues regarding the OLP. The Interdepartmental Management Committee for the Official Languages Program (IMCOLP) seeks to ensure that interdepartmental coordination of the OLP is formalized and structured, most notably by assessing the implementation of the OLP and strengthening the accountability process. The Coordinating Committee on Official Languages Research (CCOLR) ensures that official-languages research is coordinated. The committees may create working groups as needed to complete specific projects. For example, the Working Group on the HRMAF Revision (Working Group) was created in the summer of 2008.

Planning Highlights: 

For the year 2011-12, the implementation of the Roadmap continues in respect of the Horizontal Results-based Management and Accountability Framework released in September 2009. The coordination of the implementation is facilitated by the formal governance structure in place. The Committee of Assistant Deputy Ministers on Official Languages and its support committees, as well as various interdepartmental groups ensure that the different strategies allow for monitoring, measuring and evaluation of the results expected for 2011-12.

A horizontal evaluation of the Roadmap is scheduled for 2011-12 and 2012-13. This evaluation will be lead by the Office of the Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive of the Department of Canadian Heritage. All the partners of the Roadmap will participate and contribute on a pro rata basis depending on their allocated funding within the Roadmap to an estimated amount of $300,000 to make the evaluation.

Ultimate outcome: Canadians enjoy the benefits of linguistic duality; live and work in communities that reflect Canadian values with respect to the use of English and French; and have access to government services in the language of choice.

Intermediate outcome 1: Enhanced capacity of Canadians (English-speaking in Quebec and French-speaking across Canada) to live and work in vibrant communities in the language of choice.

Immediate outcome 1.1: Continued and improved access to justice services in both official languages.

Federal Partner: Justice Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Justice, Policy, Legislation and Programs Contraventions Act Fund

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Improved capacity to carry on judicial activities and to deliver extrajudicial services related to federal contraventions in both official languages.
$47.46 M $9.49 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Continued and increased access to justice services in both official languages through the implementation of the Contraventions Act, including linguistic clauses, in Newfoundland and Labrador, the amendment of the existing agreement in Prince Edward Island to include linguistic clauses and the commencement of negotiations with Saskatchewan.

Federal Partner: Justice Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Internal Services Contraventions Act Fund $1.92 M $0.38 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: N/A

Federal Partner: Justice Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Justice, Policy, Legislation and Programs Initiative of support to access to justice in both languages (new component: justice training)

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Increased capacity of partners and the Department to implement solutions relating to access to justice in both official languages.
$38.02 M $9.19 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Implementation of the pan-Canadian study on justice training needs in both official languages.

Continued judicial awareness and information activities in order to promote increased access to justice services in both official languages.

Federal Partner: Justice Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Internal Services Initiative of support to access to justice in both languages (new component: justice training) $1.89 M $0.44 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: N/A

Immediate Outcome 1.2: Continued and improved access to health services in both official languages.

Federal Partner: Health Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Canadian Health System

Official language minority community development
Training, Networks and Access to Health Services

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) Increased number of health professionals to meet health service needs of OLMCs in both official languages.
2) Increased coordination and integration of health services for OLMCs within institutions and communities.
3) Increased partnerships, interaction of networks in provincial, territorial health systems.
4) Increased awareness among stakeholders that networks are a focal point for addressing health concerns of OLMCs.
5) Increased dissemination and uptake of knowledge best practices to address health concerns of OLMCs.
$174.3 M $38.9 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: In 2011-12, Health Canada will enter into new funding agreements for Cultural and French-language training ($1.5 M) and for new Official Languages Health Projects ($1.6 M) within French linguistic minority communities.

In addition, 22 multi-year funding agreements were initiated with community-based stakeholders in 2009-10 and 2010-11. These agreements, amounting to $34.9 M in 2011-12, will all conclude in March 2013 and are for the following activities:

  • Health Networking: $5.0 M;
  • Training and Retention of Health Professionals: $22.8M;
  • Official Languages Health Projects for English and French linguistic minority communities: $7.1 M.

During 2011-12, Health Canada will complete a mid-term review of its Official Languages Health Contribution Program.

In addition to funding agreements totaling $38.0 M in 2011-12, a further $900,000 has been identified for operations and accommodation relating to the Official Languages Health Contribution Program.

Immediate Outcome 1.3: Improved social and economic development of official-language minority communities (OLMC).

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Minority-Language Education – Component: Support to Second-Language and Minority-Language Education

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Increased access of OLMCs to quality education in their language in their milieu.
$280.0 M $56.0 M 

Expected Result for 2011-12: Maintain the investment levels from Provinces and Territories for educational programs and activities that promote access to a minority language education.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Minority-Language Education – Component: Official-language Monitors

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Improved access of OLMCs to a quality education in their language and milieu.
$5.2 M $1.04 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Maintain the number of participants in the Odyssée program which allows students to work as language assistants in minority language classrooms.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Minority-Language Education – Component: Summer Language Bursaries

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Improved access of OLMCs to a first-rate education in their language in their environment.
$1.7 M $0.34 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Support the Destination Clic program to maintain its yearly enrolment. This program helps young francophone’s outside Quebec enrich their first language while discovering new communities in Canada.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Community vitality – Component: Youth Initiatives

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) More young Canadians have a practical knowledge of their second language.
2) Increased capacity of OLMCs to live in their own language in their milieu and increased access to a range of programs and services delivered in their language (especially for youth).
$10.5 M N/A

Expected Result for 2011-12: Nothing in 2011-12. The initiative was for 2009-10 only.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Community vitality – Component: Support to Official-language Minority Communities

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Improved capacity of OLMCs to live in their own language in their milieu and improved access to a range of programs and services offered in their language.
$22.5 M $4.5 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Continued investment in the creation, improvement and delivery of activities, and services intended for OLMC that promote a sense of belonging.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Community vitality – Component: Intergovernmental Cooperation

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Increased access of OLMCs to provincial, territorial and municipal services in the minority language.
$22.5 M $4.5 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Improvement of signed Federal-Provincial/Territorial agreements services and on approved special projects.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Community vitality – Component: Cultural Development Funds

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) Increased access to provincial, territorial and municipal services in the minority language.
2) Increased capacity of OLMCs to live in their own language in their milieu and increased access to a range of programs and services delivered in their language (especially in culture).
$14.0 M $3.5 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Continue to support cultural projects that promote a sense of belonging for the OLMC.

Federal Partner: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Social Development Strengthening non-gouvernmental organizations' means for Early Childhood Development

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

The capacity of NGOs working in the area of early childhood in minority environments will be increased.
$4.0 M $0.8 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: The implementation of the National Framework for Collaboration on Early Childhood Development in Minority Francophone Communities in Canada will continue.

The following initiatives will be realised:

  • a summative evaluation;
  • two Web-based video clips on models of Early Childhood and Family Centres;
  • a transformative analysis in Early Childhood Development; and,
  • tools to help national, provincial and territorial partners, as well as parents living in French minority communities.
Federal Partner: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Skills and Employment Family Literacy Initiative

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Community stakeholders can act in the area of family literacy, and tools and support are available and used by those members of OLMCs that need them.
$7.5 M $1.8 M

Expected Results for 2011-12 : Results of 11 research projects will be available. These projects will identify literacy needs and specific tools required for new targeted groups such as: Francophone immigrant women living in remote communities, parents from Francophone military families, exogamous families, new parents, grand-parents, seasonal workers, fathers, integrated immigrants, and parents with precarious situations living in rural and urban environments.

Eight new family literacy models will be developed, including five designed for new targeted groups, which will be tested and adapted.

Seven new partnerships with various provincial and territorial stakeholders will be created to increase networking and knowledge sharing.

Evaluation tools will be developed to report on results.

Federal Partner: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Social Development Child Care Pilot Project

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

New knowledge on child care services for minority Francophone communities.
$13.5 M $2.7 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Child Care Pilot Project:

  • The results in the research report on the short-term impact of the French-language preschool program on children’s development and readiness to learn will be updated to include data from the second cohort of participants. This will add to the collective knowledge of what works with respect to early childhood development services.

  • The project will assess children and survey parents to continue to measure the impact of the French-language preschool program on the development of the children, one year and two years after the end of the preschool program.
Two action-research projects are led by the Enabling Fund (see Enabling Fund section below for details).

Oversampling of OLMCs within the Program for the International Assessment for Adult Competencies (PIAAC):

  • This project will include an oversampling of OLMCs to have a better comprehension of how individuals of OLMCs are ready to face the challenges of the knowledge economy.

Research project using Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 data:

  • This project is a comprehensive analysis of skill levels in reading, mathematics and science of 15-year old Canadian students attending minority language schools across Canada.
Federal Partner: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Integration of French-speaking immigrants
Maintain, develop and improve promotional events abroad and the resettlement of Francophone immigrants

Consolidate existing support networks and enhance settlement services

Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)
Recruitment and integration of immigrants

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

French-speaking immigrants obtain reinforced services of establishment in OLMCs.
$20.0 M $4.5 M (please note that CIC will invest an additional $2.5M that is not part of the total allocated funding)

Expected Results for 2011-12: Develop and implement a communication strategy for the Francophone Immigration Initiative in order to ensure consistency of the message and better engage stakeholders.

Consolidate strategies of promotion and recruitment of French-speaking immigrants by coordinating the participation of provinces and territories, community representatives and employers and facilitating the holding of promotion and recruitment events at several Canadian missions abroad.

Consolidate and harmonize Francophone immigration networks, and develop an accountability framework for networks.

Accelerate the economic integration of immigrants to Francophone minority communities by increasing employers' engagement and facilitating matching processes between employers and newcomers.

Conduct the evaluation of the “Recruitment and Integration of French-Speaking Immigrants to Francophone Minority Communities” initiative and use the evaluation’s recommendations to further support Francophone immigration to Francophone Minority Communities.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages

Broadcasting Policy and Programs

Canadian Radio- television and Telecommunications Comission (CRTC)

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) CRTC report is issued on the availability and quality of broadcasting services to English and French linguistic minority communities in Canada.
2) The findings of the report will inform policy and decision-making on the availability and quality of broadcasting services in English and French linguistic minority communities in Canada.

Non-monetary N/A

Expected Result for 2011-12: The report has been published.

Federal Partner: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Community Development Support to francophone immigration in New-Brunswick

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Enhanced capacity to support francophone immigration in New Brunswick.
$10.0 M $4.2 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: To maintain the support for Francophone Immigration in New Brunswick.

Federal Partner: Industry Canada – FedNor
Industry Canada – Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario)
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Community, Economic and Regional Development (of Ontario) Economic Development Initiative

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) Development of new expertise through innovation, diversification of activities as well as partnerships and increased support of small businesses.
2) Greater understanding of the economic issues of OLMCs.
$10.5 M $1.14 M
$0.4 M
$1.8 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Development of 10 new projects and completion of 23 projects currently under way. The new projects will target business development in support of improved economic development of OLMC.

Funding of and participation in research and analysis projects on OLMC economic development; participation in the organization of OL Symposium on research.

Support the development of 40 projects which will support community strategic planning, as well as business and economic development of Francophone Communities in Southern Ontario.

Federal Partner: Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor)
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Northern Economy Economic Development Initiative

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Development of new expertise through innovation, diversification of activities as well as partnerships and increased support of small businesses.
$0.4 M $0.1 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Funding is expected to be allocated via a proposal-driven process in 2011-12.

This funding is expected to support the social and economic development of official-language minority communities in the territories.

Federal Partner: Canada Economic Development (CED) for Quebec regions
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Community Development Economic Development Initiative

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) Development of new expertise through innovation, diversification of activities as well as partnerships and increased support of small businesses.
2) Greater understanding of the economic issues of OLMCs.
$10.2 M $4.2 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Result 1 :

1) Innovation
1 project - $210K (5%)

2) PME support
12 projects - $2,52M (60%)

3) Partnership
2 projects - $420k (10%)

4) Diversification
5 projects - 1,049M$ (25%)

Federal Partner: Western Economic Diversification Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Research and Analysis

Community Economic Planning, Development and Adjustment Business Development and Entrepreneurship Innovation
Economic Development Initiative

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) Development of new expertise through innovation, diversification of activities as well as partnerships and increased support of small businesses.
2) Greater understanding of the economic issues of OLMCs.
$3.2 M $0.75 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Pursue the implementation of the Economic Development Initiative (EDI) through contribution agreements with organizations supporting the economic development of the Official Languages Minority Communities (OLMC);

-Enhanced capacity of OLMCs as reflected by: number of partnerships created or maintained; and project funding leveraged.

-Development of francophone enterprises as reflected by: number of enterprises created, maintained or expanded; and project funding leveraged.

- Development of francophone communities as reflected by: number of projects, initiatives, or studies that contribute to the diversification or expansion of the economic base of the OLMCs; and project funding leveraged.

Federal Partner: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Community Development Economic Development  Initiative

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) Development of new expertise through innovation, diversification of activities as well as partnerships and increased support of small businesses.
2) Greater understanding of the economic issues of OLMCs.
$6.2 M $1.5 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Maintain the financing of already approved Economic Development Initiative (EDI) projects and that of new projects in the OLMC.

Federal Partner: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Skills and Employment Enabling Fund for Official-Language Minority Communities

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) Contribute to synergies among Government of Canada programming relevant to OLMCs; Contribution recipients are informed and contribute to knowledge building and program/policy issues; Knowledge shared among federal partners, contribution recipients and OLMCs.
2) Program results are available to inform management and program policy issues.
3) OLMCs’ access to Government of Canada programs and services.
4) Collaborative arrangements.
$69.0 M $13.8 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: The governance structure of the National Committees for Economic Development and Employability will be reinforced to strengthen the commitment of communities and federal partners.

Two action-research projects will be developed and implemented in communities, one on economic integration of immigrants in OLMCs and another on the development of entrepreneurial skills among OLMC youth. Two interdepartmental /community driven working groups will guide the development and implementation of these projects.

The program will implement an improved set of reporting tools with recipient organizations to focus on the achievement of tangible outcomes for communities. Work on the development of a Community Maturity Model will continue.

The program will develop contribution agreements with 14 OLMC organizations responsible for enhancing community economic and human resource development. These agreements will take effect on April 1, 2011.

Intermediate Result 2: Increased proportion of Canadians who are aware of the benefits and have the necessary tools to appreciate linguistic duality.

Immediate Result 2.1: Strengthened capacity of language industries.

Federal Partner: Public Works and Government Services Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Linguistic Management and Services      University Scholarships Program in Translation

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Scholarships help encourage students to pursue post-secondary studies in translation, interpretation and terminology.
$8.0 M $2.8 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Increase in the number of students registered in a translation program in Canada.

Federal Partner: Public Works and Government Services Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Linguistic Management and Services          Language Industry Initiative

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Funded projects help enhance the capacity, diversity and effectiveness of the language sector.
$10.0 M $2.9 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Increase in the participation rate of private and non-profit enterprise in the activities organized by project sponsors for the Canadian Language Sector.

Federal Partner: National Research Council of Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Interactive Languages Technologies Languages Technologies Research Centre (LTRC)

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) Collaboration with key partners in the implementation of an R&D strategy responsive to industry needs.
2) Research competency in the target domains recognized globally.
3) Transfer of knowledge and technology.
$10.0 M $2.0 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Result 1: Collaboration with key partners in the implementation of a R&D strategy responsive to industry needs.

Number of collaborative agreements and memoranda of understanding: 4

Number of innovative translation aid tools and content management tools for multilingual and multicultural content developed or in the process of development: 2 + 2 = 4

Number of Institute for Information Technology (IIT) / Language Technologies Research Centre (LTRC) / Association de l'insdutrie de la langue (AILIA) seminars and presentations at the national level: 3 + 10 = 13

Result 2: Research competency in the target domains recognized globally.

Number of citations by peers from the scientific community: 60

Number of awards of excellence, internal and external awards received: 1

Number of invitation of Canadian and foreign researchers: 1

Number of students at post-doctoral, doctoral and master and bachelor's degree received / formed: 1

Number of tasks on the editorial scientific boards of journals, number of leadership roles in program committees of international conferences, number of reviews of articles for journals and scientific conferences:

  • 2 scientific journal articles written.
  • 1 management of a program committee or subcommittee of international conferences.
  • 20 reviews of papers submitted to journals and scientific conferences.

Number of scientific articles, patents, and licensing of research:

  • 10 scientific papers.
  • 1 Patent Application.
  • 2 Research licences.

Result 3: Transfer of knowledge and technology.

Number and value of R&D collaborative agreements:

  • Number of agreements: 3
  • Cumulative value: $600,000

Number and value of commercial and technology evaluation licences:

  • Number: 2
  • Cumulative revenues: $30,000

Number of participants to exchange activities with partners and enterprises (for example: LTRC, AILIA, trade shows, etc.): 1

Number of pilot projects with industrial and institutional partners: 3

Immediate Result 2.2: Improved knowledge and use of both official languages.

Federal Partner: Public Works and Governmental Services Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Linguistic Management and Services             Canada Language Portal

Result for 2008-13 Roadmap:

Canadians have better access to quality language resources in both official languages.
$16.0 M $3.4 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Develop new articles for the Portal.

Add writing tools to the Portal.

Conclude agreements with partners to develop the Portal.

Obtain authorizations given by our partners to establish links to online language resources.

Federal Partner: Canada School of Public Service
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Foundational learning

Official Languages Learning

Language retention services
Expanding Universities’ Access to Language Learning

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Increased access to language training products to Canadians through new partnerships with Canadian universities.
$2.5 M $0.88 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Learners have a better understanding of the benefits of linguistic duality.

Students and universities are satisfied with the tools.

Tools help students maintain or improve their proficiency level in their second language.

New approach facilitating access to Canada School of Public Service’s language learning tools.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Learning of a Second Language – Component: Support to Second-Language and Minority-Language Education

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Increased access of OLMCs to quality education in their language in their milieu.
$190.0 M $38.0 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Maintain the investment levels in Provinces and Territories for programs and activities that promote the learning of French and English as a second official language.

Maintain or increase the proportion of Canadians who learns French and English as a second language.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Learning of a Second Language – Component: Summer Language Bursaries

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Improved access of OLMCs to a first-rate education in their language in their environment.
$38.3 M $7.66 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Ensure the number of scholarship holders take advantage of the Explore program. This program offers a cultural exchange that helps students perfect their comprehension and competencies of their second official language.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Learning of a Second Language – Component: Official-language Monitors

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

More Canadians have a practical knowledge of both official languages.
$14.8 M $2.96 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: Ensure the number of participants in the Odyssée program is maintained. This program allows students to work as language monitors in second language classrooms across the country.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Youth Initiatives – Promotion of the linguistic duality

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

More young Canadians have a practical knowledge of their second language.
$2.0 M N/A

Expected Result for 2011-12: Nothing in 2011-12. The initiative was for 2009-10 only.

Immediate Result 2.3: Improved access to cultural expressions of both linguistic groups.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Cultural Industries National Translation Program for Book Publishing

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Improved access to cultural expressions of both linguistic groups.
$5,0 M $1.5 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Funding is allocated to book publishers for eligible translations.

Official language translations of books by Canadian authors are undertaken with support from the National Translation Program for Book Publishing.

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Cultural Industries Musical Showcase Program for Artists from Official-language Communities

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Improved access to cultural expressions of both linguistic groups.
$4.5 M $1.0 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Funding agreements are in place with partners who organize showcases and finance the artists.

Music showcases are organized and presented.

Artists from OLMCs perform at these showcases.

Intermediate Result 3: Strengthening capacity of the Government of Canada relating to official languages.

Immediate Result 3.1: Reinforced coordination for the Official Languages Program (OLP).

Federal Partner: Justice Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Legal Services to Government Accountability and Coordination Framework

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Support to ministers with statutory or sectoral responsibilities for official languages and to work with them.
$2.18 M $0.44 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Continue training and awareness activities in order to increase awareness of language rights.

Continue providing high quality and useful legal advice to partners.

Continue monitoring official language issues that could affect the federal government.

Federal Partner: Justice Canada
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Internal Services Accountability and Coordination Framework $0.15 M $0.03 M

Expected Result for 2011-12: N/A

Federal Partner: Canadian Heritage (Official Languages Secretariat)
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Official Languages Accountability and Coordination Framework

Results for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

1) The Government of Canada has official languages strategies.
2) The partners are supported in the implementation of their official languages initiatives.
3) The quality of information on results (financial and non-financial) provided by the partners is improved.
4) The results of the research on official languages are communicated to the partners.
5) The Minister of Official Languages is advised on official languages files.
$13.5 M $1.85 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Support to Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages and senior officials in elaborating timely documentation and in insisting on quality assurance of given information and strategic advice.

To facilitate the implementation of the Roadmap by organizing regular meetings of interdepartmental committees of various levels, by consulting with the partners, by coordinating the collection of information for ministerial reports, by sharing timely financial and non-financial information and by preparing the organization of a symposium on research on official languages.

Immediate Result 3.2: Reinforced linguistic duality in federal public service.

Federal Partner: Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer 1
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
Policy Direction. Partnerships and Integration Program Integrity and Sustainability Program Centre of excellence

Result for the 2008-13 Roadmap:

Linguistic duality is reinforced in the federal public service.
$17.0 M $3.4 M

Expected Results for 2011-12: Follow-up on coordination of the review of official languages policy instruments to harmonize them with the human resources management regime currently in place.

Support for the development and review of policy instruments from other policy centres for everything related to official languages.

Policy interpretations on horizontal issues.

Follow-up on the state of official languages in institutions subject to the Official Languages Act as part of the official languages risk-based annual review exercise.

An assessment of the status of official languages in institutions subject to the Management Accountability Framework (MAF).

An Annual Report on Official Languages to Parliament that provides a strategic portrait of the Official Languages Program and is incorporated into the Report on Human Resources Management in the Public Service of Canada.

Follow-up on the preparation of the compliance review of the Regulations, based on the next 10-year census data (the data will be known around December 2012).

Federal Partner: Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer
($ millions)
Federal Partner Program Activity(PA) Names of Programs for Federal Partners Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for 2011-12
  Strategic Services Program    

Expected Result for 2011-12: Horizontal support for institutions through the Official Languages Advisory Committees, the Network of Official Languages Champions, the Annual Conference of Official Languages Champions and the Annual Best Practices Forum, as well as tools facilitating the management of official languages in the institutions.

Total Allocation For All Federal Partners (from Start to End Date) Total Planned Spending for All Federal Partners for 2011–12
$ 1,110.1 M $ 234.79 M

Contact information: Geneviève Postolec (819) 934-9196


  • 1. In February 2009, the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer has been created. It aggregates the Canada Public Service Agency and some parts of Treasury Board Secretariat related to compensation and human resources.