Transport Canada Program Activity Architecture for 2010-2011

This chart visually represents the relationship between Transport Canada’s Program Activities, its Strategic Outcomes and the Government of Canada outcome areas. The program activities are depicted in their logical relationship to each other and to the Strategic Outcomes and Government of Canada outcome areas to which they contribute.

The chart reads from top to bottom. Color has been used to distinguish each of the four Strategic Outcomes and the Internal Services program activity.

At the top of the chart is a rectangular box that identifies the Government of Canada Outcome areas. The five Outcome areas that relate to the Strategic Outcomes of Transport Canada are identified as follows:

In the middle of the chart is a rectangular box that identifies Transport Canada’s four Strategic Outcomes, which are as follows:

The rectangular box at the bottom of the chart identifies Program Activities for each Strategic Outcome. This information is as follows:

Strategic Outcome: An Efficient Transportation System

Program Activities:

Strategic Outcome : A Clean Transportation System

Program Activities:

Strategic Outcome: A Safe Transportation System

Program Activities:

Strategic Outcome: A Secure Transportation System

Program Activities:

The Internal Services program activity is at the bottom of the chart and is attached to the Program Activities rectangular box.