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Report on Plans and Priorities

Canadian Human Rights Commission

Supplementary Information (Tables)

Table of Contents

Green Procurement

Part A: Green Procurement Capacity Building

1a. Number of procurement and materiel management staff with formal green procurement training (e.g., C215 or in-house tailored alternative) relative to total number of procurement and materiel management staff.

1b. Number of acquisition cardholders with formal green procurement training (e.g., C215 or in-house tailored alternative) relative to total number of acquisition cardholders.

2. Number of performance evaluations of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management that incorporate environmental considerations relative to total number of performance evaluations of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management.

3. Number of departmental procurement processes and controls that incorporate environmental considerations relative to total number of departmental procurement processes and controls that should address environmental considerations.

Activity 2008–09
as %
as %
1a. Training for Procurement and Materiel Management Staff 83 100 C215 and/or CSPS online training will be mandatory for all Administrative Services Staff.
1b. Training for Acquisition Cardholders 83 100 CHRC will recommend CSPS online training to all cardholders.
2. Performance Evaluations 0 100  
3. Procurement Processes and Controls 100 100  

Part B: Use of Green Consolidated Procurement Instruments

Dollar value of purchases against green consolidated procurement instruments (as designated by PWGSC) for a specified good or service relative to total dollar value of purchases for that good or service.

Good/Service 2008–09
Level as
as %
$ %
Paper $31,695.53 10 10 30% recycled paper

Part C: Reduction Initiatives for Specific Goods (Optional/Where Applicable)

Total quantity of a consumable purchased (e.g., paper) or an asset owned/leased (e.g., printing devices) relative to total number of full time employees (FTE).

Consumable/Asset 2008–09
Level as Ratio
# per FTE
Paper 12,700 10,000 Sheets of paper per FTE
Printers 4.7 5.0 Printers per FTE

Upcoming Evaluations (Next three fiscal years)

1. Name of Evaluation 2. Program Type 3. Status 4. Expected Completion Date
Evaluation of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Services A-base In progress June 2010

Electronic link to evaluation plan: There is no link available to the evaluation plan.