Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Symbol of the Government of Canada

ARCHIVED - National Defence

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Supplementary Information Tables

The following information is available on the Treasury Board Secretariat's website.

  • Table 1: Details on Transfer Payments Programs (TTP)
  • Table 2: Green Procurement
  • Table 3: Internal Audits and Evaluations
  • Table 4: Sources of Respendable and Non-Respendable Revenue
  • Table 5: Status Report on Major Crown Projects
  • Table 6: Summary of Capital Spending by Program Activity

Other Items of Interest

The following information can be found on the Defence website

  • Departmental Planned Spending and Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)
  • National Defence Organization Chart
  • Legislation and Regulations Administered
  • Key Partners and Stakeholders
  • Defence Program Activity Architecture Chart
  • Departmental Link to Government of Canada Outcome Areas
  • Cost Estimates for CF Domestic and Continental Operations
  • Cost Estimates for CF International Operations
  • Reserve Force
  • CF Historical and Forecast Attrition Rates
  • Work Environment
  • Capital Construction Program (Spending over $60M)
  • Details on Transfer Payment Programs over $5M
  • Summary of Transfer Payment Programs by Program Activity
  • Selected Defence Portfolio HR and Financial Resources
    • National Search and Rescue Secretariat
    • Communications Security Establishment Canada
    • Defence Research and Development Canada
    • The Office of the Judge Advocate General
    • The Office of the National Defence and the Canadian Forces Ombudsman



CBRN - Chemical, Biological, Radiological and/or Nuclear

CDS - Chief of the Defence Staff

CF - Canadian Forces

CFDS - Canada First Defence Strategy

CFWOS - Canadian Forces Weather and Oceanographic Service

CRP - Corporate Risk Profile

CST - Casualty Support Team


DES - Defence Environmental Stewardship Program

DLN - Defence Learning Network

DND - Department of National Defence


EEZ - Exclusive Economic Zone


FTE - Full Time Equivalent

FCSAP - Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan


G8 - Group of Eight


IM - Information Management

IT - Information Technology

IT&E - Individual Training and Education

IP - Investment Plan

ISAF - International Security Assistance Force


JMC - Joint Meteorological Centre

JOINTEX - Joint Exercise

JTF-Afg - Joint Task Force Afghanistan

JTFN - Joint Task Force North


LCC - Defence Learning and Career Centre

LRMC - Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre


MRRS - Management, Resources and Results Structure


NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NCM - Non-Commissioned Members

NGO - Non-Governmental Organization

NORAD - North American Aerospace Defence


OAS - Organization of American States

OGDs - Other Government Departments

OMB - Office of the Ombudsman

OSCE - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe


PAA - Program Activity Architecture

PWGSC - Public Works and Government Services Canada


RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RegF - Regular Force

RPP - Report on Plans and Priorities


S&T - Science and Technology

SAR - Search and Rescue

SDF - Security and Defence Forum

SDS - Sustainable Development Strategy


TLD - Third Location Decompression

TBS - Treasury Board Secretariat


UN - United Nations

UXO - Unexploded Explosive Ordnance


VAC - Veterans Affairs Canada

Contact listing

Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Information

Vice-Admiral J.A.D. Rouleau, CMM, MSM, CD
Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: (613) 992-6052

Facsimile: (613) 992-3945

Financial Information

Mr. Kevin Lindsey
Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services)
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: (613) 992-5669

Facsimile: (613) 992-9693

General Inquiries

Ms. Josée Touchette
Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs)
National Defence Headquarters
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K2
Telephone: (613) 995-2534

Facsimile: (613) 992-4739

TTY/TDD: 1 800 467-9877



[1] The Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Forces (CF) and the organizations and agencies that make up the full Defence portfolio are collectively referred to as Defence.

[2] Capital Spending is included in Departmental Spending

[3] The Prime Minister's expression "web of rules" has come to symbolise what happens when rules become a barrier to good government. In government, this happens when our response to a crisis is to pile on more rules - rules that become difficult to follow and slow things down, rules that blur accountabilities, and in the end, rules that encourage people to stop using their judgement.

[4] Notes on Full Time Equivalents:

  • Unless otherwise indicated, Military FTEs (Full Time Equivalents) represent Vote 1 and Vote 5 Regular Forces and include Class "C" Primary Reserve Forces.
  • Military FTEs are derived from a representative financial formula, as there is not a consistent 1:1 relationship between FTEs and program activities.
  • Civilian workforce is planned through a Salary Wage Envelope (SWE).
  • Please note that the military and civilian FTE numbers in this RPP are not consistent 1:1 with the FTE numbers used for the allocation of the financial resources approved for the 2010-11 Annual Reference Level Update (ARLU).
  • Civilian workforce planned FTEs include forecasted growth projections and are subject to final budgetary approval.
  • Civilian FTEs include National Defence and Defence portfolio organizations.
  • Reprioritization of operational and/or management initiatives within the fiscal year may result in the reallocation of personnel to other program activities, as required.
  • Due to the methodology used to derive the HR attribution across the PAA, the overall totals for the HR financial data will not be an exact match with the financial tables.  Where discrepancies occur, the financial tables take precedence.

[5] JOINTEX (Joint Exercise) is a series of exercises directed by the CDS with the twin aims of exercising the execution of CF Joint Operations at the Operational Level, and acting as a catalyst for further joint development within the CF. The initial JOINTEX event will be a one-day professional development session for General Officers/Flag Officers in April 2010. The second event, in November 2010, will be a technical proof-of-concept conducted by Canadian Forces Experimentation Centre (CFEC) to demonstrate the CF ability to conduct distributed training in a synthetic environment. The third event will be a war game in 2011 followed by a Computer Assisted Exercise (CAX) in 2012. It is expected that JOINTEX will become an annual event thereafter.

[6] A list of emitters used by a force or in a scenario with specific information on the electromagnetic characteristics, parameters, locations and platforms of these emitters.

[7] PANAMAX began in 2003 with three countries: Panama, Chile and the United States. It is now the largest USSOUTHCOM Foreign Military Interaction Exercise. During PANAMAX 09, more than 4,500 personnel from 20 countries completed a 12 day LIVEX between 11-22 September 2009. CF representation during PANAMAX 10 will be 10 pers.

[8] NOTE: The Internal Services Strategic Outcome is defined by Treasury Board Secretariat and standardized across the Government of Canada.