Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
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Table 1: Sustainable Development Strategy

The following table outlines the Secretariat's commitments to implementing its Sustainable Development Strategy 2007–09. While some of these commitments will be met within the coming year, most will require a longer term approach to ensure appropriate engagement and effective implementation. Please see the Secretariat's Sustainable Development Strategy 2007–09 for more information.

1. SDS Departmental Goals: Contribute to improved management of and accountability for sustainable development within the Government of Canada
Federal sustainable development (SD) goal, including greening government operations (GGO) goals Performance measurement from the current SDS Department's expected results for 2008–09
Strengthen federal governance and decision making to support sustainable development Improved guidance on SD for reports on plans and priorities (RPP) and departmental performance reports (DPR), increased linkages to federal SD goals in reporting, improved SD reporting from a whole-of-government perspective
By 2008
Engage Environment Canada (EC) to establish reporting priorities, identify ways to improve guidance, and provide guidance on reporting on horizontal initiatives and from a government-wide perspective
Revised guidance materials for submissions are developed
By 2008
Produce revised guides and tools as well as approaches for assessing these
Learning opportunities about managing SD for the Secretariat are offered
By December 2008
Support the Canada School of Public Service government-wide SD training course and explore other opportunities
EC is supported by the Secretariat, where appropriate, in leading efforts to improve management tools
By 2008
Support EC, as appropriate, in addressing management issues raised in the 2006 Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development

2. SDS Departmental Goals: Make progress on federal priorities related to sustainable development
Federal SD goal, including GGO goals Performance measurement from the current SDS Department's expected results for 2008–09
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) Improved learning opportunities through workshops, sessions, and symposia
Hold the annual Federal Fleet Workshop
Communities enjoy a prosperous economy, a vibrant and equitable society, and a healthy environment for current and future generations Monitor the administration of the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP) program

The Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory (FCSI) will be maintained based on data provided and certified by custodians

With EC, prepare FCSAP annual reports and plan and conduct a formative program evaluation

Maintain the FCSI and supporting guidance documents on an ongoing basis
Certify FCSI data completeness and accuracy annually

Review departmental expenditure proposals

As requested by EC, analyze annual custodian expenditure and performance data and draft the annual report for the FCSAP program

Participate in planning and conducting the FCSAP formative evaluation

3. SDS Departmental Goals: Improve environmental stewardship of Secretariat operations
Federal SD goal, including GGO goals Performance measurement from the current SDS Department's expected results for 2008–09
Reduce GHG emissions

GGO: Tenant departments will work with their facilities provider to establish meaningful targets toward the reduction of GHG emissions

The percentage reduction in GHG emissions is reported annually (based on 2005–06) utility figures for L'Esplanade Laurier
Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC) is expected to complete a lighting modernization (fluorescent fixtures, ballasts, and controls) by the summer of 2008. With this effort, the Secretariat is expected to exceed its target of 5 per cent reduction in GHGs. As well, the Secretariat is pursuing further energy conservation initiatives in the coming year.
Reduce GHG emissions

GGO: By 2010, reduce GHG emissions per vehicle kilometre from the departmental fleet by 15 per cent from 2005 calendar-year levels

GGO: All gasoline purchased for federal road vehicles will be ethanol blended, where available

Annual average GHG emissions per vehicle kilometre (based on 2005) fleet composition baseline
By 2009

Percentage of gasoline purchased for federal road vehicles that is ethanol blended (based on 2005–06 baseline)
By 2008

The fleet of six vehicles serving the Department of Finance Canada, the Secretariat, and the Canada Public Service Agency is being monitored to ensure that new acquisitions meet the Secretariat's Directive on Fleet Management: Executive Vehicles, which mandates fuel efficiency. The fleet is also monitored to ensure that ethanol-based fuels are purchased whenever possible.
GGO: Reduce GHG emissions per vehicle kilometre from the departmental fleet by 15 per cent from 2002–03 levels    
Communities enjoy a prosperous economy, a vibrant and equitable society, and a healthy environment for current and future generations

GGO: Other opportunities—green stewardship

Environmental initiatives are implemented and associated environmental outcomes identified
By 2009
Continue work to provide employees with more opportunities for involvement in workplace environmental initiatives
Strengthen federal governance and decision making to support SD Corporate Services Branch undergoes a successful internal environmental management system audit
By September 2009
Continue to develop an environmental management system
GGO: 100 per cent of materiel managers and procurement personnel take green procurement training The Secretariat reports annually on the percentage of its materiel managers, procurement staff, and acquisition cardholders who have been trained

100 per cent of materiel managers and procurement staff are trained
By 2008

60 per cent of acquisition cardholders are trained in green procurement
By 2009

Ensure that training for materiel managers, procurement staff, and acquisition card holders will be completed
GGO: Set a minimum of three procurement targets over three years The Secretariat reports annually on the number of contracts issued, quantities purchased, and the dollar value of contracts and identifies environmental outcomes (including total furniture purchases)
By 2009

The Secretariat reports on the pilot program (information technology and management savings, client satisfaction)
By 2008

Furniture procurement standards have been established and are being followed by the Secretariat. Office furniture is a centrally managed commodity type through PWGSC mandatory Standing Offer Agreements (SOA). The SOAs have environmental considerations built into them. It is anticipated that the Secretariat will meet its target.

Significant operational cost savings from document management pilot projects are anticipated as well as energy and paper cost savings.

The results of the pilot project should be available by the end of calendar year 2008.

GGO: Other opportunities—waste management The Secretariat reports on the percentage of waste diversion from landfill based on the waste audit baseline of 2004 for L'Esplanade Laurier
The recycling program at L'Esplanade Laurier has been updated and new recycling opportunities have been added to the program. Other opportunities for waste diversion are being assessed. External site recycling programs are also being updated where possible. It is anticipated these efforts, coupled with the composting program (see below), will allow the Secretariat to meet its target of 75 per cent waste diversion rate.
A composting program that meets PWGSC guidelines is in place
By 2008
The process of composting hand paper towels has been agreed to in principle by PWGSC, and the Secretariat is seeking a way to divert pulverized paper waste from landfill. Both initiatives are expected to begin by April 2008.