We are currently moving our web services and information to Canada.ca.

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat website will remain available until this move is complete.

Section III Financial Tables and Supplementary Information

Table 10: Details on Project Spending—Summary

The following projects have exceeded or are expected to exceed their delegated project approval level over the next three years:


  1. Berlin, Germany—Chancery construction

  2. Dhaka, Bangladesh—Construction of diplomatic complex

  3. Moscow, Russia—Fit-up of new chancery and residential accommodation

  4. Rome, Italy—Chancery acquisition and fit-up

  5. Seoul, Korea—Construction of chancery and 7 staff quarters


  1. Moscow, Russia—Fit-up of new chancery and residential accommodation

For further information, see http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/rpp/2007-2008/info/ps-dp-eng.asp

Table 11: Details on Project Spending ($ millions)
Name of Project
Current Estimated Cost
Forecast Spending to March 31, 2007
Planned Spending 2007-2008
Planned Spending 2008-2009
Planned Spending 2009-2010
Future Years' Spending Requirement
Berlin, Germany              
Chancery construction EPA 101.2 96.4 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Dhaka, Bangladesh              
Construction of diplomatic complex PPA 25.5 22.1 3.4 5.0 0.0 0.0
Moscow, Russia              
Fit-up of new chancery and residential accommodation LPA 40.0 4.6 30.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rome, Italy              
Chancery acquisition and fit-up EPA 46.1 40.9 5.2 5.0 0.0 0.0
Seoul, Korea              
Construction of chancery and 7 staff quarters EPA 69.0 53.7 15.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Project Spending   281.8 217.7 59.1 5.0 0.0 0.0
LPA denotes Lease Project Approval by Treasury Board. Only the fit-up portion of the project is being capitalized. The project is under way.
PPA denotes Preliminary Project Approval by Treasury Board. The project is under way.
EPA denotes Effective Project Approval and indicates that the project is being implemented.

Table 11: Details on Transfer Payment Programs—Summary

Over the next three years, the department will manage the following transfer payment programs in excess of $5 million:


Program Activity: International Security

Program Activity: Strategic Policy and Planning

Program Activity: Global Issues

Program Activity: Protocol


Program Activity: International Security

Program Activity: Strategic Policy and Planning

Program Activity: Global Issues

Program Activity: Protocol


Program Activity: International Security

Program Activity: Strategic Policy and Planning

Program Activity: Global Issues

Program Activity: Protocol

Further information on these projects can be found at http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/rpp/0607/info/ps-dp-eng.asp

Table 13: Details on Transfer Payment Programs

Program Activity: International Security

1 Name of Transfer Payment Program:Global Peace and Security Fund (GPSF) and its component programs: the Global Peace and Security Program, the Global Peace Operations Program and the Human Security Program
Start Date: October 3, 2005 End Date: March 31, 2010
Description: In an international environment characterized by increasingly complex crises-whether created by nature or by humans-Canada is frequently called upon to contribute its expertise and resources in support of conflict prevention, peacebuilding and peacekeeping, humanitarian action, and landmines and small arms reduction.
Objective: Greater international support for freedom and security, democracy, rule of law, human rights and environmental stewardship.
Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: The long-term expected results are:

  • rapid, integrated and better coordinated Canadian response to international requirements for short- and medium-term crisis prevention, stabilization, peacebuilding and reconstruction;
  • improved Canadian contribution to the mitigation of natural disasters and complex emergencies and restoration of security and indigenous governance capacity; and
  • expanded global and regional capacity for peace support operations.

The ultimate result of the GPSF and its component programs is an "improved Canadian contribution to peace and security and the safety and well being of beneficiaries living in targeted areas."

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 49,634,000 114,300,000 52,700,000 44,800,000
Total Contributions 49,634,000 114,300,000 52,700,000 44,800,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: A formative evaluation is planned in 2007-2008, and a summative evaluation is planned in 2009-2010.

Note: Planned Spending in 2007-2008 includes $43,000,000 approved in December 2006.

2 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Initiatives related to the destruction, disposition and securing of weapons of mass destruction
Start Date: August 12, 2003 End Date: March 2013
Description: To implement Canada's commitment to the G8 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (WMD) through the destruction of chemical weapons, the dismantlement of nuclear submarines, the employment of former weapons scientists, and the enhancement of nuclear and radiological security. Canada has committed up to $1 billion over 10 years beginning in 2003 to implement the goals of the Global Partnership. The justification for the Partnership was based on an ongoing assessment of threats to Canadian security following the terrorist attacks of September 2001. Exhaustive evaluations at the G8 level led to the conclusion by leaders at the Kananaskis Summit that the seriousness of the threats could only be addressed if a cooperative approach, supported by significant resources, was adopted.

Objectives: The objective of the Global Partnership Program approved by Cabinet in 2002 is to protect Canadians from security threats emanating from terrorism, failed/failing nation-states, the risks posed by the proliferation of WMD and health pandemics. This is being accomplished through:

  • Canada's involvement in the construction of a chemical weapons destruction facility in Russia;
  • the dismantlement of three nuclear submarines per year over the next four years;
  • the implementation of projects to improve the security of nuclear and radioactive material in Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU);
  • Canadian membership in the International Science and Technology Center in Moscow. The mandate of the Center is to reduce the risk of proliferation by redirecting former FSU weapons scientists; and
  • the development of a bio-safety/bio-security strategy, which will be an integral part of Canada's overall non-proliferation programming under the Global Partnership Program.
Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: A reduced threat from WMD for Canadians, strengthening of the international non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament regime, and securing of Canada's domestic and international security objectives.

Canada's interests and security are protected and pursued, in partnership with Canadians and other countries, to advance Canadian interests, enhance domestic and international peace and security, and project Canadian values.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 105,004,500 77,622,000 64,250,000 44,950,000
Total Contributions 105,004,500 77,622,000 64,250,000 44,950,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: Formative evaluation was completed by March 31, 2006, and management response was provided. Follow-up to the internal audit is planned in fiscal year 2006-2007. Recipient audits for fiscal year 2006-2007 include the nuclear submarine program and for fiscal year 2007-2008 include the International Science and Technology Center, International Atomic Energy Agency, U.K. Ministry of Defence, and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In fiscal year 2006-2007 the following evaluations are planned: chemical weapons destruction (MDB-2 project) and nuclear submarine dismantlement and for 2007-2008 evaluation of the nuclear and radiological security portfolio.

3 Name of Transfer Payment Program: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Start Date:  December 19, 1989 End Date:  N/A
Description: Canada's assessed contribution for the IAEA is a legally binding obligation of membership. Payment is made to ensure that membership is in good standing and to maintain influence and credibility in a key international body, the aims of which Canada supports. The IAEA is the world's centre for nuclear cooperation and it works for the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technology. Canada has significant interests at the IAEA based on our belief in the importance of the Agency's role in advancing the goals of nuclear non-proliferation, safety and security, our advanced and extensive nuclear energy and radioisotope production industries, and our important uranium sector.
Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada's values are projected to the world and its interests are pursued abroad, allowing Canadians to better interpret the world.

Expected Results: The projection of Canadian values abroad, the preservation of Canadian national security, the strengthening of international stability and security, the promotion of world economic growth and prosperity, and support for multilateral institutions and mechanisms. In addition:

  • effective and efficient implementation of the IAEA's major programs as reflected in the Agency's biannual program and budget;
  • increased profile for Canada in the Agency's activities;
  • direct and indirect technical and commercial dividends to the Canadian nuclear industry; and
  • IAEA actions and decisions consistent with Canadian foreign policy priorities.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 10,342,000 11,552,000 11,552,000 11,552,000
Total Contributions 10,950,000 11,552,000 11,552,000 11,552,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: Unavailable

4 Name of Transfer Payment Program: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Civil Administration
Start Date:  January 1, 1989 End Date:  N/A

Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to NATO is a legally binding obligation of membership based on the 1949 North Atlantic Treaty. Canada's contribution furthers its foreign policy goals by funding the administrative budget of NATO, an international organization vital to Canadian defence and security interests.

NATO was designed to promote the stability of the North Atlantic area and to safeguard the freedom and security of its people by political and military means, based on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and international law. The NATO civil budget, structured along "output based" lines in response to objectives set annually by the North Atlantic Council, covers the activities of the NATO Secretary General, the NATO headquarters and the NATO international staff. The NATO civil administration supports the process of consensus building and decision making among alliance members and manages NATO's relations with its partners. The NATO civil budget also supports the work of various NATO agencies with specialized responsibilities. An effective and efficient NATO civil administration assists alliance members in promoting security and stability in the North Atlantic area and in responding effectively to current security challenges. The NATO accounts are subject to annual audit by the International Board of Auditors for NATO.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.
Expected Results: The NATO civil budget enables the operations of the NATO Secretariat and agencies. The results expected include effective decision making by the alliance in pursuit of NATO objectives of stability and security in the North Atlantic region and beyond, support to NATO operations, timely implementation of decisions taken by the North Atlantic Council, appropriate response to current and emerging defence and security challenges, enhanced relations with NATO partners and cooperation with other international organizations, and proper management of the alliance's resources.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 17,222,000 18,324,000 18,324,000 18,324,000
Total Contributions 17,222,000 18,324,000 18,324,000 18,324,000
Planned Audits and Evaluations: The NATO accounts are subject to annual audit by the International Board of Auditors for NATO.

5 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Start Date:  January 1, 1993 End Date:  N/A

Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to the OSCE is an obligation arising out of Canada's commitments as one of the 56 participating states of the organization. Canada's contribution furthers its foreign policy goals by funding programs implemented by the OSCE's institutions and field operations in priority foreign policy areas for Canada related to regional and international security.

The OSCE is a focused regional forum with a comprehensive and cooperative approach to security. Canada's contribution to the organization's unified budget covers the costs associated with the implementation of the organization's work programs and activities in three dimensions: political and military aspects of security; economic and environmental cooperation; and cooperation in humanitarian and other fields. This integrated approach allows the OSCE to make a significant contribution to furthering European security and transatlantic cooperation through non-coercive measures. Canada's contribution also supports stronger partnership with Canadians in developing and implementing Canada's international security policy, through the involvement of members of Parliament in the work of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the deployment of Canadians to OSCE field operations, and the contribution of Canadian experts to the organization.

The OSCE unified budget, based on a programmatic approach, is approved by the OSCE Permanent Council on a yearly basis. The OSCE accounts are subject to an annual report by external auditors as well as an internal oversight annual report that are made available to participating states.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.
Expected Results: The OSCE budget supports the programs of the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna, as well as the OSCE institutions (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Representative on Freedom of the Media, and High Commissioner on National Minorities) and the organization's 18 field missions. The results expected include effective and timely implementation of the decisions of the OSCE Permanent Council; continuous monitoring of the security and stability situation in Europe; concerted programming to actively contribute to conflict prevention, conflict resolution and post-conflict institution building; and proper management of the organization's resources.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 16,211,000 15,365,000 15,365,000 15,365,000
Total Contributions 16,211,000 15,365,000 15,365,000 15,365,000
Planned Audits and Evaluations: The OSCE accounts are subject to an annual report by external auditors as well as an internal oversight annual report that are made available to participating states.
Total Program Activity: International Security 198,413,000 237,073,000 162,101,000 134,901,000
Total Transfer Payments 198,413,000 237,073,000 162,101,000 134,901,000

Program Activity: Global Issues

1 Name of Transfer Payment Program: International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF)
Start Date: March 9, 1972 End Date:  N/A
Description: As a member of the OIF, Canada is required to contribute to the operational fees of the organization.
Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: Canada's contribution to the OIF supports a large array of initiatives, such as the realization of specific projects in response to needs expressed by countries or admissible organizations for the preparation of conferences or symposiums, and the implementation of action plans adopted during summits. These initiatives can come from Canadian organizations, institutions or Francophonie operators.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 12,066,000 12,016,000 12,016,000 12,016,000
Total Contributions 12,066,000 12,016,000 12,016,000 12,016,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: An audit is planned for the second half of 2010-2011.

2 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Commonwealth Secretariat
Start Date: September 28, 1965 End Date:  N/A

Description: Canada's assessed contribution to the regular budget of the Commonwealth is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of Canada's membership is to further Canada's foreign policy goals related to international peace, security and development and, to this end, to enhance its relationships with the 53 Commonwealth member countries. For further information, see http://www.the commonwealth.org.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: Much of the regular budget is directed to supporting and implementing the decisions of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings and a large web of regular meetings of Commonwealth sectoral ministers including, for example, the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group and Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Finance, Health and Education.

Results include diplomatic interventions in the form of both good offices and public pressure by the Secretariat and/or coordinated action by Commonwealth ministers to support democratic institutions and procedures; programs to build capacity in democratic and human rights procedures; and enhanced cooperation among Commonwealth countries related to economic, social and political development.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 5,212,000 5,737,000 5,737,000 5,737,000
Total Contributions 5,212,000 5,737,000 5,737,000 5,737,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: The National Audit Office (U.K.) recently won the tender to perform audits for the Secretariat for the next three years. The annual external audit for the 2004-2005 accounts was presented to the Commonwealth Secretariat Executive Committee in September 2006. The Secretariat outlined its responses to the external audit recommendations to the Executive Committee in January 2007. The Secretariat also conducts regular internal audits through Grant Thornton LLP.

3 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Start Date:  July 1982 End Date:  N/A

Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to the FAO is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to agricultural development and provide it with a voice in the international community. For further information, see http://www.fao.org.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts: to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. FAO's mandate is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, better the lives of rural populations and contribute to the growth of the world economy.

FAO's objectives, as set out in its constitution, are:

  • to promote the common welfare by furthering action for the purpose of: raising levels of nutrition and standards of living of the peoples within member nations;
  • to secure improvements in the efficiency of the production and distribution of all food and agricultural products, including fisheries, marine products and forestry products; and
  • to better the condition of rural populations.

Thus contributing toward an expanding world economy and ensuring humanity's freedom from hunger.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 14,627,000 12,851,000 12,851,000 12,851,000
Total Contributions 14,627,000 12,851,000 12,851,000 12,851,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: FAO accounts are subject to internal audit and evaluation, as well as audit by external auditors on a biennial basis.

4 Name of Transfer Payment Program: International Labour Organization (ILO)
Start Date:  January 1, 1989 End Date:  N/A

Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to the ILO, a UN specialized agency, is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to international labour and social policy issues and provide it with a voice in the international community. For further information, see http://www.ilo.org.

Four strategic objectives guide the ILO program and budget:

  • to promote and realize standards and fundamental principles and rights at work;
  • to create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment and income;
  • to enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all; and
  • to strengthen tripartism and social dialogue.
Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results:

  • development and effective supervision of international labour standards and realization of fundamental principles and rights at work;
  • targeted action against child labour, giving priority to the urgent elimination of its worst forms;
  • contributions to poverty reduction through promotion of coherent economic and social policies that support employment creation;
  • assistance to constituents in the development of skills and employability policies and programs for decent work;
  • better instruments and tools for policy analysis and formulation that support good governance and the extension of social protections to vulnerable workers;
  • strengthened social dialogue on labour and social policy issues at national and international levels; and
  • improved organizational effectiveness, transparency and accountability.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 11,108,000 10,511,000 10,511,000 10,511,000
Total Contributions 11,108,000 10,511,000 10,511,000 10,511,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: ILO accounts are subject to internal audit and evaluation, as well as audit by external auditors on a biennial basis.

5 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Start Date:  March 20, 1975 End Date:  N/A

Description: To pay the assessed contribution required of Canada for its participation as a member of the OECD. The contribution pays for the Secretariat (professionals and support staff who provide high-quality research and analysis) and maintenance of the headquarters, located in Paris.

Objectives: To coordinate, integrate and lead whole-of-government involvement in the OECD that reflects and enhances domestic priorities.

To promote and develop Canadian foreign policy objectives (economic stability, governance), as well as a wide variety of government policy objectives (e.g. related to the economy, trade, development, environment, society, energy, industry, technology, health, migration), in the OECD's work program of research, analysis, policy development, peer review and cooperation with non-members.

To support and participate in OECD work on management of the institution. Reform and strengthen the OECD as necessary to cope with new issues and power dynamics.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: Implement OECD work programs and policy positions that reflect input from across government and support domestic priorities; find solutions to common economic problems by working cooperatively with members (soft law, guidelines, agreements); influence the policy development of other members and non-members to improve the functioning of the international economic environment; analyze new and emerging issues, both domestic and global, that impact our economy and standard of living. Continued sound management of the OECD; institutional reforms to improve the OECD's ability to cope with new issues and power dynamics; OECD enlargement; and improved engagement with non-members reflecting Canadian priorities to increase the long-term effectiveness of the organization.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 12,714,000 11,916,000 11,916,000 11,916,000
Total Contributions 12,714,000 11,916,000 11,916,000 11,916,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: Audits are performed annually.

6 Name of Transfer Payment Program: UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Start Date:  January 1, 1988 End Date:  N/A

Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to UNESCO is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to culture, science and education, and provide it with a voice in the international community.

Objective: UNESCO's objective, as set out in its constitution, is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science and culture. For further information, see http://www.unesco.org.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results:

  • universal primary education in all countries by 2015;
  • gender disparities in primary and secondary education eliminated or greatly reduced in most member states;
  • preparation, launch and implementation of a 10-year UN Literacy Decade and Plan of Action in order to reach the target of achieving a 50% improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015;
  • comprehensive and broad-based HIV/AIDS education and prevention campaigns conducted, particularly among the 15-24 age group in Africa and South Asia;
  • assessment of the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on educational capacities;
  • a Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Content and Artistic Expression, a Convention Against Doping in Sport;
  • a Declaration on Bioethics;
  • broadening of public debate on intellectual property and the fair use of works for educational, scientific and cultural purposes; and
  • enhanced knowledge to assist in earthquake risk reduction through re-enforcement of regional and worldwide exchange of seismic data.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 10,676,000 10,705,000 10,705,000 10,705,000
Total Contributions 10,676,000 10,705,000 10,705,000 10,705,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: UNESCO accounts are subject to internal audit and evaluation, as well as audit by external auditors on a biennial basis.

7 Name of Transfer Payment Program: United Nations Organization
Start Date:  March 27, 1980 End Date:  N/A

Description: Canada's assessed contribution to the regular budget of the United Nations is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada's foreign policy goals related to international peace, security and development and provide it with a voice in the international community. Assessed contributions are used to finance the organization's programs toward attainment of the UN's objectives, as set out in its charter. For further information, see http://www.un.org.


  • to maintain international peace and security;
  • to develop friendly relations among nations;
  • to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems; and
  • to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of states in the attainment of these common ends.
Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: Maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals. In particular, progress in the development of Africa; the promotion of human rights; effective coordination of humanitarian assistance efforts; promotion of justice and international law; progress toward disarmament; and international cooperation for drug control, crime prevention and the combatting of international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 107,511,000 86,460,000 86,460,000 86,460,000
Total Contributions 107,511,000 86,460,000 86,460,000 86,460,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: The UN has internal mechanisms as well as external auditors to audit the regular financial statements of the organization on a biennial basis.

8 Name of Transfer Payment Program: UN Peacekeeping Operations
Start Date:  October 5, 2000 End Date:  N/A

Description: Canada's assessed contribution to UN peacekeeping operations is a legally binding obligation of membership. For further information, see http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko.

Objectives: To support the peace process and stabilization of the security situation, and bridge the gap between security and longer-term peacebuilding in affected countries through the timely establishment and maintenance of complex multidisciplinary UN peacekeeping missions.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: Enhanced peace and security for the countries and regions concerned. Increased levels of security, basic services and levels of governance provided in affected areas, which will promote advanced prospects for peace as well as enable reconstruction and development activities.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 211,612,000 183,435,000 183,435,000 183,435,000
Total Contributions 211,612,000 183,435,000 183,435,000 183,435,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: The UN has internal mechanisms as well as external auditors to audit the regular financial statements of the organization on a biennial basis.

9 Name of Transfer Payment Program: World Health Organization (WHO)
Start Date:  January 1, 1990 End Date:  N/A

Description: Canada's annual assessed contribution to the WHO is a legally binding obligation of membership. The purpose of membership is to further the Government of Canada’s foreign policy goals related to health and provide it with a voice in the international community.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results:

  • enhanced global health security (maintaining a comprehensive outbreak alert and response mechanism supported by new international health regulations; responding rapidly and effectively in crisis situations);
  • accelerated progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals (reducing maternal mortality, improving child survival, addressing the global pandemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, promoting healthy environments, increasing access to essential medicines);
  • promotion of equity in health (strengthening health systems to reach the poor and disadvantaged); and
  • ensured accountability, by improving organizational effectiveness and transparency.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 18,314,000 18,007,000 18,007,000 18,007,000
Total Contributions 18,314,000 18,007,000 18,007,000 18,007,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: WHO accounts are subject to internal audit and evaluation, as well as audit by external auditors on a biennial basis.

10 Name of Transfer Payment Program: World Trade Organization (WTO)
Start Date:  January 1, 1995 End Date:  N/A

Description: The purpose of this program is to pay the assessed contribution for Canada's membership in the WTO.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: Membership in the WTO helps Canada open world markets and contribute to a more stable, predictable and transparent trading environment. Canada continues to participate in the Doha Development Round of multilateral negotiations, given the role that an ambitious and broad-ranging outcome to these negotiations could play in reducing poverty, enhancing security and improving the quality of life for people around the world. Multilateral trade negotiations, however, are cyclical and slow since achieving consensus among 149 members on multiple issues can be difficult.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 6,832,000 6,530,000 6,530,000 6,530,000
Total Contributions 6,832,000 6,530,000 6,530,000 6,530,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: The World Trade Organization accounts are subject to an annual audit by external auditors. Canada has access to any audit, evaluation or program review. DFAIT officials, in consultation with other interested government departments, review these documents as they become available and, as required, intervene with the relevant WTO bodies to advocate for any financial and institutional reforms deemed necessary.

11 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Young Professionals International (YPI)
Start Date:  February 20, 2003 End Date:  March 31, 2007

Description: The department funds private- and public-sector partners located in Canada that implement six-month international work placements with their contacts abroad for young Canadian university students and college graduates. The program engages young people in the issues of globalization and Canadian foreign policy while providing them with career-related international experience to enhance their employability. This program also provides a safety and security review function for all Youth Employment Strategy (YES) work experience activities, including those funded by other government departments, to reduce potential consular risks. Funding for YPI has been discontinued and the program will finish definitively on March 31, 2007.

Objective: To reduce risks, such as personal or physical problems that would result in a consular case, associated with overseas work experiences faced by Canadian youth on YES programs.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results:

  • increased level of knowledge of international employment-related issues facing youth;
  • increased policy dialogue among stakeholders;
  • increased access to and awareness of YES;
  • increased ability to develop appropriate skills development action plans for participating youth;
  • increased awareness of international affairs and business opportunities for youth;
  • increased ability of youth to make informed decisions about appropriate international programs that meet their international career planning needs, and
  • youth access to employment-related services and tools.

Ultimate Outcomes:

  • increased ability to compete successfully in a globalized economy;
  • overall reduced barriers to employment for young Canadians;
  • increased appreciation for Canadian values, and increased youth participation in foreign policy dialogues in Canada;
  • enhanced youth employability skills gained from work experience;
  • increased number of Canadians working in international and multilateral organizations and companies;
  • increased foreign policy dialogue in Canada as participants return to work for organizations or companies in Canada and bring their overseas experience to play; and
  • mitigated risk to YES participants on work experiences overseas by verifying proposed overseas organization capacity.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 5,854,000 0 0 0
Total Contributions 5,854,000 0 0 0

Planned Audits and Evaluations: Audits were released in 2005 and 2006.

12 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Organization of American States (OAS)
Start Date:  May 31, 1990 End Date:  N/A

Description: To pay Canada's annual quota assessment to the OAS, a charter obligation of membership.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results:

  • strengthening of the OAS as the key political forum through which Canada promotes its hemispheric interests;
  • promotion and consolidation of democracy, and strengthening of human rights, governance and the rule of law;
  • enhanced multidimensional security in the Americas;
  • increased effectiveness of Canada's contribution on integral development and technical cooperation through the OAS;
  • increased Canadian leadership in the hemisphere; and
  • increased accountability, transparency and effectiveness of the OAS to better serve Canadian interests and priorities.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 11,195,000 11,785,000 11,785,000 11,785,000
Total Contributions 11,195,000 11,785,000 11,785,000 11,785,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: A yearly evaluation of the resources of the OAS General Secretariat is conducted by the Board of External Auditors, an external audit committee in charge of examining the accounts of the General Secretariat, including that of the OAS Regular Fund (to which the member state's assessed contribution is devoted).

The Board of External Auditors, which is composed of three elected members who represent the OAS member states, presents its report to the OAS Permanent Council and the General Assembly. An Inspector General is also responsible for proceeding with the internal auditing procedures to verify compliance with standards and regulations in force, especially through systematic and selective examination of official transactions and operational procedures related to the resources administered by the General Secretariat.

The Inspector General's reports are presented quarterly and annually to the Permanent Council. For further information, see http://www.oas.org/legal/english/Standards/GenStandCapIX.htm.

13 Name of Transfer Payment Program: International Criminal Court (ICC)
Start Date:  April 1, 2005 End Date:  N/A

Description: This is an assessed contribution transfer payment to the ICC.

Objectives: Investigation and prosecution of individuals suspected of genocide, war crimes and/or crimes against humanity.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: Through Canada's support to the ICC, Canada has provided leadership in promoting accountability for the most serious criminal acts known to humankind. Canada was a key player in the creation of the ICC and has been successful in strengthening the role of the ICC as a main instrument in the global fight against impunity. This is a relatively new international organization. Therefore, budget increases were anticipated. The first ICC trial commenced in November 2006.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 7,018,000 7,938,000 7,938,000 7,938,000
Total Contributions 7,018,000 7,938,000 7,938,000 7,938,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: Audits and evaluations are the responsibility of the Committee on Budget and Finance, which comprises various states parties and meets twice a year. The next meeting will be in April 2007.

14 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Projects and Development Activities Resulting from Francophone Summits
Start Date:  March 9, 1979 End Date:  N/A

Description: This program provides funding to cooperation programs and activities undertaken by the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF). It also provides financial support to the Government of New Brunswick to foster its participation in international Francophonie activities.

The fund helps to promote Canadian interests and is consistent with political and economic objectives Canada has set itself for La Francophonie. It also promotes active participation from the Government of New Brunswick in summits, Ministerial conferences and other related Francophonie activities.

Objectives: This fund reflects the importance of La Francophonie within Canadian society. It indicates the political commitment of the Government of Canada toward La Francophonie and its active participation in a key multilateral organization. The fund also promotes Canadian development and foreign policy interests in a multilateral context.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results:

  • fostering of increased cooperation among Francophonie members in the four key areas enshrined in the 10-year strategic plan of La Francophonie:
    1. French language and cultural and linguistic diversity;
    2. peace, democracy and human rights;
    3. education, professional training, higher education and research; and
    4. sustainable development and solidarity.
  • increased efficiency of La Francophonie organizations; and
  • promotion of Canadian development and foreign policy goals.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 7,500,000 7,500,000 7,500,000 7,500,000
Total Contributions 7,500,000 7,500,000 7,500,000 7,500,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: An audit is planned for the second half of 2010-2011.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 0 0 0 0
Total Contributions 0 0 0 0
Planned Audits and Evaluations: Two were completed in 2005-2006. This fulfills the requirements of the terms and conditions.
Total Program Activity: Global Issues 442,239,000 385,391,000 385,391,000 385,391,000
Total Transfer Payments 442,239,000 385,391,000 385,391,000 385,391,000

Program Activity: Strategic Policy and Planning

1 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grants in Aid of Cultural Relations
Start Date:  August 7, 2002 End Date:  March 31, 2011

Description: This program aims to:

  • create an awareness abroad of Canadian distinctiveness and culture;
  • articulate Canadian attitudes and positions in official, media, business, cultural and educational circles as well as among the public generally;
  • reflect internationally the growing creativity and scope of Canadians; and
  • develop interest in studies exclusively about Canada in institutions of higher learning abroad.
Objectives: The advancement of Canadian foreign policy objectives through the promotion of Canadian culture abroad.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: The program aims to create an image abroad of Canadian culture as first class, innovative and diverse, as well as to encourage foreign professionals and leaders to have an informed, well-disposed and sustained interest in Canada. In the short term, Canadian professional artists will be involved in high-quality cultural presentations abroad; foreign agents, impresarios and commissioning editors will be engaged in Canadian art festivals and showcases; and there will be an adequate representation of Canada in arts promotional activities abroad.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 6,314,250 4,694,000 4,694,000 4,694,000
Total Contributions 6,314,250 4,694,000 4,694,000 4,694,000

Planned Audits and Evaluations: Unavailable.

2 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Grants in Aid of Academic Relations
Start Date:  January 1, 1989 End Date:  March 31, 2011

Description: Grants and contributions in aid of academic relations encompass support for:

  • Canadian Studies abroad;
  • scholarships and fellowships; and
  • international education, including provincial participation in international multilateral activities in the area of education.

These programs support public diplomacy by promoting:

  • partnerships within North America through academic programming;
  • networking, exchanges and conferences;
  • the Fulbright program to foster dialogue;
  • cooperation, research and understanding; and
  • public discussion of key issues.

The grants and contributions foster stronger partnerships with Canadians, through partnerships with academic and youth institutions, associations, organizations and individuals. They advance Canada's global citizenship and contribute to the modernization of the international assistance envelope through scholarships and other programs of academic cooperation with developing countries in support of public diplomacy and peace and security objectives. They assist in mainstreaming public diplomacy within DFAIT and contribute to the realignment of resources and programs within the department.

Objective: To improve knowledge of Canadian issues among key foreign audiences and to increase participation of Canadians and foreigners in the programs.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results:

  • creating and expanding a network of well-informed foreign professionals and leaders with sustained interest in Canada;
  • nurturing and reinforcing links and exchanges between Canadian and foreign partners (academics, researchers, students, young people); and
  • providing informed and relevant policy advice on education-related issues.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 12,955,000 10,510,000 10,510,000 10,510,000
Total Contributions 12,955,000 10,510,000 10,510,000 10,510,000
Planned Audits and Evaluations: Program evaluation was completed in July 2005. A financial audit will be undertaken in 2006-2007.
Total Program Activity: Strategic Policy and Planning 19,269,250 15,204,000 15,204,000 15,204,000
Total Transfer Payments 19,269,250 15,204,000 15,204,000 15,204,000

Program Activity: Protocol

1 Name of Transfer Payment Program: Payments in lieu of taxes on diplomatic, consular and international organizations' property in Canada
Start Date:  January 18, 1979 End Date:  N/A

Description: The purpose of this memorandum of understanding is to outline the relationship between the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and Public Works and Government Services Canada, National Capital Area, under the Diplomatic, Consular and International Organizations' Property Grants Order (P.C.1979-59, January 18, 1979), the Municipal Grants Act, and successor Orders and Acts. It establishes responsibilities and procedures governing the provision of services related to the payment of grants in lieu of real property and frontage or area taxes with respect to diplomatic property. These procedures are designed to ensure fiscal and operational accountability, while promoting efficient program delivery.

Strategic Outcome: ADVANCING CANADA'S INTERESTS INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, its interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Expected Results: To fulfill Canada's international obligations to foreign diplomatic and consular missions pursuant to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations as well as obligations pursuant to headquarters agreements in force between Canada and international organizations.

Program Activity Forecast
StInternational Security 11,159,209 11,424,000 11,424,000 11,424,000
Total Contributions 11,159,209 11,424,000 11,424,000 11,424,000
Planned Audits and Evaluations: No audits or evaluations are planned for this account.
Total Program Activity: Protocol 11,159,209 11,424,000 11,424,000 11,424,000
Total Transfer Payments 11,159,209 11,424,000 11,424,000 11,424,000

Table 12: Horizontal Initiatives—Summary

DFAIT is the lead department for the following horizontal initiatives: United States Enhanced Representation Initiative (ERI) and Global Peace and Security Fund (GPSF).

Supplementary information on horizontal initiatives can be found at http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/rma/eppi-ibdrp/hrdb-rhdb/profil-eng.asp

Table 16: Horizontal Initiative

Name of Horizontal Initiative: Global Peace and Security Fund (GPSF)

Lead Department: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Start Date: October 3, 2005
End Date: March 31, 2010
Total Federal Funding Allocation: $623,987,000
The Global Peace and Security Fund (GPSF), its component programs (Global Peace and Security Program, Global Peace Operations Program, and the Human Security Program) was established at $100 million per year for five years to support urgent contributions to crisis response operations, continue to address Canada's G8 Sea Island commitment to help build global peace support capacity, and provide resources to Canada's human security commitments. Funded from the Peace and Security Pool of the International Assistance Envelope, the GPSF fills a funding gap by providing dedicated resources for activities that are necessary for a timely response with respect to countries at risk of crisis, but are not properly the responsibility of the Department of Natonal Defence and are outside the core purposes of Canada's Official Development Assistance Program. These activities include supporting peace processes and mediation efforts, addressing small arms and light weapons proliferation, supporting transitional justice and reconciliation, and improving the peace enforcement and peace support capacities of African militaries.

Shared outcomes are:

  • rapid, integrated and better coordinated Canadian responses to international requirements for short- and medium-term conflict prevention, stabilization, peacebuilding and reconstruction;
  • improved Canadian contributions to the mitigation of natural disasters and complex emergencies and the restoration of peace, security and indigenous governance capacity in failed and fragile states;
  • expanded global and regional capacity for peace support operations; and
  • greater international support for freedom and security, democracy, rule of law, huiman rights and environmental stewarship.
Governance structure(s): The GPSF is managed by the Stabilization and Reconstructon Task Force (START) Secretariat in the context of a whole-of-government approach coordinated through the START Advisory Board. Chaired by the Director General of the START Secretariat and comprising senior officials from across government, the START Advisory Board is responsible for establishing whole-of-government strategic policy, priority-setting and direction with respect to failed and fragile states and complex emergencies within the framework of individual departmental authorities, as well as providing a platform for information exchange on program-related activities to ensure complementarity and avoid duplication. The START Secretariat is located in the International Security Branch of the Department of Foreign Affairs, and is accountable to DFAIT, which is responsible for the financial, human resources and physical resource services for START.

Federal Partners Involved in Each Program Names of Programs Total Planned Allocation ($ millions) Planned Spending 2007-2008 ($ millions) Expected Results for
1) Royal Canadian Mounted Police a. Canada Police Agreement
28,329.0 Implementation of RCMP international police peacekeeping projects
2) Department of National Defence b. Operations in Afghanistan
15,700.0 Supporting Provincial Reconstruction Team and implementation of projects in Kandahar
3) Canadian International Development Agency c. Peace Support Operation and Peacebuilding Support in Sudan
75,800.0 Implementation of peace support operation and peacebuilding projects in Sudan
4) Canadian International Development Agency d. Lebanon Relief Fund
5,000.0 Implementation of stabilization assistance for Lebanon
5) Justice Canada e. GPSF and START Secretariat
  Implementation of GPSF projects and START activities, as required, to be funded by GPSF internal resources
6) Canada Border Services Agency        
7) Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada        
8) Privy Council Office        
Note: Pending a complete program funding authorization, the total allocation is yet to be confirmed.
Contact information: Tim Martin, Senior Director, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Approved by: Tim Martin
Date approved: January 31, 2007

Name of Horizontal Initiative: U.S. Enhanced Representation Initiative (ERI)

Lead Departments: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Start Date: September 17, 2003
End Date: March 31, 2008
Total Federal Funding Allocation: $118.2 million

Description of the Initiative: The ERI is a partnership of eight federal departments and agencies. The ERI provides a coordinated and integrated approach and direction to managing and advancing Canada's advocacy, trade, business development, science and technology, and investment interests in the United States. This is done through the collaboration of ERI partners and consultation with other federal government departments, provinces and territories, and other stakeholders. When fully implemented, the ERI partnership will oversee a network of 43 U.S. points of contact through consulates general, consulates, trade offices and honorary consuls.

Shared Outcome(s): Outcomes reflect total Canadian government efforts respecting advocacy and business development with the United States set in the international economic environment. Specific outcomes are defined by the ERI's Results-based Management and Accountability Framework:

Short-term Outcomes:

  • Increased domestic engagement and coordination
  • Raised awareness of:
    • Canada-U.S. interdependence in North American security
    • Canada-U.S. interdependence in the North American economy
    • Canada-U.S. social differences
  • Increased number of export-ready firms
  • Raised awareness in the United States of:
    • Investment opportunities in Canada
    • Canadian technological capabilities
  • Increased Canada-U.S. sharing of technologies
  • Raised awareness of U.S. market opportunities for Canadian firms
  • ERI Partnership development
  • Increased capacity for advocacy and business development in the United States

Medium-term Outcomes:

  • Appreciation of Canada-U.S. interdependence as reflected by:
    • Canadian interests not adversely affected by U.S. legislation, policies, regulations or industry codes
    • Improved settlement of joint Canada-U.S. issues
  • Increased investment development
  • Increased export development
  • Increased commercialization of S&T in Canada
  • Improved coherence of Canadian advocacy and business development interests in the United States

Long-term Outcomes:

  • Enhanced influence for Canada on key strategic issues
  • Improved flow of people, goods and services across the Canada-U.S. border
  • Increased business for Canada with the United States
Governance Structure(s): The ERI Partnership is managed through a formal governance structure, including a Deputy Ministers Steering Committee, an Assistant Deputy Ministers Policy Committee, a Directors General Operations Committee and three director-level Standing Committees: Advocacy and Business Development, Communications, and Human Resources. Day-to-day operations are managed by the ERI Secretariat, which is responsible to the ERI Partnership, through the governance structure, for planning, implementing and evaluating the ERI's annual action plan. The ERI Secretariat is accountable administratively to its host department, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, which provides financial, human resources and physical resource services to the Secretariat.

Federal Partners Involved in Each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation ($ millions) Planned Spending 2007-2008 ($ millions) Expected Results
for 2007-2008
  1. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
  2. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  3. Canada Economic Development for Quebec regions
  4. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
  5. Industry Canada
  6. National Research Council
  7. Western Economic Diversification
a. Representation
Staff additional positions (5) and honorary consuls (4)
b. Advocacy and Business Development
Improved Canada-U.S. relations; increased U.S. opportunities for Canadian firms
c. Corporate/Governance
Implement Formative Evaluation recommendations, including expansion of the Partnership, formalization of the ERI governance, more integrated, harmonized and synchronized planning, validation of strategic direction and better performance measurement; renewal of the Partnership
d. Reserve/unallocated*
To be allocated to priorities during 2007-2008
* This funding is initially held in reserve pending program development and is then allocated as available over the course of the Initiative to meet requirements. Total
Contact Information: Wolf Nowak, Manager, Strategic Planning and Analysis, U.S. Enhanced Representation Initiative Secretariat, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Approved by: Mitch Vlad, Director, ERI Secretariat
Date Approved: January 26, 2007

Table 13: Sustainable Development Strategy

Agenda 2009: A Sustainable Development Strategy for Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada defines sustainable development initiatives for the 2007-2009 period. The initiatives support two broad goals and five objectives:

For more information on Agenda 2009 and the specific commitments related to the goals and objectives, please visit http://www.international.gc.ca/trade/sd-dd//Agenda2007/menu-en.asp.

Key activities undertaken by DFAIT in 2007 will be summarized in the Departmental Performance Report and will also be accounted for in the Agenda 2009 annual reports, which will be produced and made available electronically at http://www.international.gc.ca/sd-dd.

Linkages with Departmental Priorities for 2007-2008

The Sustainable Development Strategy links directly to two of DFAIT's four policy priorities. It does not link to DFAIT's two management priorities. The linkages to DFAIT's policy priorities are as follows:

The third policy priority—"Greater international support for freedom and security, democracy, rule of law, human rights and environmental stewardship"—relates directly to Objective 2.1: Effective promotion of international security and respect for human rights, good governance and the rule of law as prerequisites for sustainable development. Initiatives captured under this objective include the effective management of Canada's Global Partnership Program, work on the Human Rights Council and the integration of health as a component of Canada's foreign policy.

The second policy priority—"Greater economic competitiveness for Canada through enhanced commercial engagement, secure market access and targeted support for Canadian business"—relates to Objective 2.2, which aims to enhance Canadian prosperity through advancement of Canadian sustainable development interests and priorities in trade relations, policies and programs.

The other policy priorities relate generally to the overarching goals and specifically to certain initiatives throughout Agenda 2009. For example, the fourth policy priority—"Accountable and consistent use of the multilateral system to deliver results on global issues of concern to Canadians"—links to commitments under Objective 2.1.

Linkages with the Federal Sustainable Development Goals

In July 2006, the Government of Canada released the guidance document, Coordinating the Fourth Round of Departmental Sustainable Development Strategies, to facilitate the initial elements of a coordinated federal approach. It attempts to build coherence based on a set of common federal sustainable development goals and to strengthen accountability to Canadians by developing common format standards that will enable roll-up reporting on the goals. DFAIT was an active participant in the interdepartmental consultations and review process. DFAIT supports this type of collaboration on horizontal sustainable development issues and has identified its actions that contribute directly to the federal goals in the "expected outcome" column in the charts of Agenda 2009. It should be noted that although many DFAIT initiatives support the overarching federal sustainable development goals, the outcomes are often too specific or too domestic for a clear linkage to be evident.

Table 14: Internal Audits and Evaluations (2007-2008 fiscal year)
1. Name of Internal Audit / Evaluation 2. Audit Type / Evaluation Type 3. Status 4. Expected Completion Date 5. Electronic Link to Report
Planned Missions/Inspections        
Moscow, St. Petersburg, Almaty, Helsinki Inspection-Audits Consulting-Mission Operations Planned Fieldwork to be completed June 2007 N/A
Brussels, the Permanent Mission of Canada to the European Union, Canadian Delegation to the North Atlantic Council, Belgrade Inspection-Audits Consulting-Mission Operations Planned Fieldwork to be completed October 2007 N/A
Rabat, Tunis, Tripoli, Beirut Inspection-Audits Consulting-Mission Operations Planned Fieldwork to be completed November 2007 N/A
Atlanta, Raleigh-Durham, Miami, Havana Inspection-Audits Consulting-Mission Operations Planned Fieldwork to be completed December 2007 N/A
Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Phnom Penh, Bandar Seri Begawan Inspection-Audits Consulting-Mission Operations Planned Fieldwork to be completed February 2008 N/A
Rome, the Permanent Mission of Canada to the Food and Agriculture Organization, Milan, Vatican, Stockholm Inspection-Audits Consulting-Mission Operations Planned Fieldwork to be completed March 2008 N/A
Recoverable/Payables Audit Planned March 31, 2008 N/A
Foreign Operations and International Banking Audit Planned March 31, 2008 N/A
Financial Functions at Missions Abroad and HQ Audit Planned March 31, 2008 N/A
Property Growth Audit Planned March 31, 2008 N/A
Audit of the Integrated Management of Property Resources Audit Planned March 31, 2008 N/A
Internal Management Framework for Grants and
Audit Planned March 31, 2008 N/A
Internal Management Framework for Grants and Audit Planned March 31, 2008 N/A
Contributions Audit Planned March 31, 2008 N/A
Passport Mission Audit Tour Audit Planned September 30, 2007 N/A
Data Integrity of Systems Lookout Audit Planned December 30, 2007 N/A
Mission Passport Print Solution Follow-up Audit Planned December 30, 2007 N/A
Passport Human Resources Risk Assessment Planned March 30, 2008 N/A
Canadian Landmine Fund Evaluation Assessment Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
GPP - ISTC (former weapons scientists) Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
GPSF (Sudan) Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
PPTC Regional Offices Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
PSAT- Personal Safety and Security at Missions Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
PSAT- Representation Abroad Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
Hub and Spoke Study Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
IBD Brazil Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
Trade Regional Offices Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
Can-Trade Approach Study Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
Knowledge Management Study Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
Counterterrorism Capacity Building Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
Dispute Management Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
PPTC Security Bureau Formative Evaluation Planned FY 2007/2008 N/A
Ongoing and Completed Audits and Evaluations        
Missions Inspections        
Tel Aviv, Washington (including Philadelphia), the Permanent Mission of Canada to the Organization of American States, Brasilia, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Geneva, Dakar, Yaoundé Consulting-Mission Operations Ongoing December 30, 2007 N/A
Minneapolis, Buffalo, Port of Spain Consulting-Mission Operations In progress December 30, 2007 N/A
Seoul, Taipei, Colombo, Port-au-Prince, Santo Domingo Consulting-Mission Operations Planned December 30, 2007 N/A
Contracting and Financial Management Practices (CFSI) Audit Ongoing February 28, 2007 N/A
Management of IT Security Audit Ongoing May 31, 2007 N/A
Entitlement Policy and Procedures Audit Ongoing March 31, 2007 N/A
Revenue (fees) Processing Audit Audit Ongoing May 31, 2007 N/A
IT Review Audit Ongoing December 15, 2006 N/A
Foreign Service Directives Preliminary Review In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
Mission Passport Services Audit Ongoing March 31, 2007 N/A
Mission Passport Print Solution Risk Assessment Assessment — Passport Services Ongoing March 31, 2007 N/A
Accounts Payable Audit In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
Business Resumption Planning Audit In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
Network Content Security Audit In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
Assurance Services Follow-up Audit Completed March 2006 http://www.international.gc.ca/department/auditreports/2006/assuranceservices06-en.asp
Contributions and Grants Made by the Ambassador for Mine Action Audit Completed June 2006 http://www.international.gc.ca/department/auditreports/2006/canadalandminefund06-en.asp
Global Partnership Bureau Audit Completed April 2006 http://www.international.gc.ca/department/auditreports/2006/globalpartnership06-en.asp
Management of the Intranet (Foreign Affairs Canada) Audit Completed January 2006 http://www.international.gc.ca/department/auditreports/2006/globalpartnership06-en.asp
Management of the Intranet (International Trade Canada) Audit Completed January 2006 http://www.international.gc.ca/department/auditreports/2006/intranetITCan06-en.asp
Salary Devolution Audit Completed February 2006 http://www.international.gc.ca/department/auditreports/2006/salarydevolution06-en.asp
Canadian Biotechnology Strategy Summative Evaluation Ongoing   N/A
Canadian Foreign Service Institute Study In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
ERI Formative Evaluation Ongoing October 2006 N/A
Global Partnership Program (GPP) Formative Evaluation Completed May 2006 http://www.international.gc.ca/department/auditreports/evaluation/evalGlobalPartnership06-en.asp
IBD Germany Formative Evaluation In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
International Drug Strategy Synthesis report/ Health Canada is the Lead Ongoing unknown N/A
Young Professionals International Summative Evaluation Ongoing March 31, 2007 N/A
Canadian Consortium on Human Security Formative Evaluation In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
Country Studies Methodology Planned March 31, 2007 N/A
Counterterrorism and Capacity Building (CTCB) Capacity Check In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
Community Investment Support Program Capacity Check In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
GPP - Chemical Weapons Destruction Formative Evaluation In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
GPP - Nuclear Dismantlement of Submarines Summative Evaluation In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
GPSF START Capacity Check Capacity Check In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
Haut Conseil de la Francophonie Formative Evaluation In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
PPTC Evaluation Plan Study In progress June 2007 N/A
PSAT - Counterterrorism Formative Evaluation In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
Climate Change Support for TBS horizontal Evaluation In progress   N/A
Emergency Response Tracking Tool Methodology In progress March 31, 2007 N/A
6. Electronic Link to Internal Audit and Evaluation Plan: The Inspector General will be submitting the proposed plans to the Departmental Audit Committee for its approval. As no formal plan has been approved, unfortunately no electronic link is currently available.

Table 15: Canada's Performance Crosswalk
Strategic Outcome Program Activity Link to Government of Canada Outcome area*

Departmental Strategic Outcome 1:

CANADA'S INTERESTS ARE ADVANCED INTERNATIONALLY: In partnership with Canadians, Canada and its values are projected to the world, Canada's interests are pursued abroad and Canadians are better able to interpret the world.

Program Activity 1:
Strategic Policy and Planning— Leading the formulation of Canada's overall foreign policy and commercial strategy and the interdepartmental development of all-of-government strategies, including public diplomacy.
A strong and mutually beneficial North American Partnership; A Safe and Secure World through International Cooperation; A prosperous Canada through global commerce; and Global poverty reduction through sustainable development.
Program Activity 2:
International Security—Integrating, advocating and advancing Canada's international security interests, bilaterally and multilaterally, as well as managing and implementing the department's policy and programming responsibilities with respect to security and intelligence.
Program Activity 3:
Global Issues— Advocating a stronger and more effective multilateral system, capable of addressing Canada's interests in global issues, in particular international economic relations and development, environment and sustainable development, human rights and human security.

Program Activity 4:
Bilateral Relations—Conducting and promoting Canada's bilateral diplomatic relations in Canada and abroad.

Program Activity 5:
Protocol— Managing and facilitating the presence of foreign diplomats in Canada as well as planning and leading official travel by the Governor General, the Prime Minister, Ministers of the Portfolio and all official diplomatic events.

Departmental Strategic Outcome 2:

CANADA'S COMMERCIAL INTERESTS ARE ADVANCED INTERNATIONALLY, both in Canada and abroad, in collaboration with Canadian business and other stakeholders.

Program Activity 1:
Trade Policy And Negotiations—Analyzing, negotiating, advocating and representing Canada's international economic and commercial interests in Canada and abroad, in consultation with stakeholders.
A Prosperous Canada through Global Commerce and a Strong and Mutually beneficial North American Partnership
Program Activity 2:
World Markets/Commercial Relations— Integrating Canada's economic, trade, investment, and science and technology interests at the regional and bilateral level and managing commercial relations.
Program Activity 3:
International Business Development— Managing and delivering international business services to Canadians.
Program Activity 4:
Promotion Of Foreign Direct Investment And S&T Cooperation— Attracting, retaining and expanding foreign direct investment in Canada.

Departmental Strategic Outcome 3:

GOVERNMENT of Canada is Served Abroad - The Government delivers its programs and achieves its results in a secure environment through cost-effective and efficient services and infrastructure at Canada's missions abroad.

Program Activity 1:
Common Services and Infrastructure—Support from Headquarters (HQ)—Managing and delivering headquarters-provided common services to government programs and partners operating abroad.
All Government of Canada international outcomes
Program Activity 2:
Common Services and Infrastructure—
Missions Abroad—
Managing and delivering mission-provided common services to government programs and partners operating in Canada's missions in Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, and the Latin America and Caribbean regions.

Departmental Strategic Outcome 4:

Canadians are Served Abroad - Canadians traveling and living abroad are provided with effective assistance, guidance, advice and services for their travel documents and consular needs.

Program Activity 1:
Consular Affairs— Managing and delivering consular services to Canadians.
A Safe and Secure World through International Cooperation
Program Activity 2:
Passport Canada Special Operating Agency (Revolving Fund)— Managing and delivering passport services to Canadians through the use of the Passport Revolving Fund.

* The formal linkage between the department's strategic outcomes/program activities and the Government of Canada outcome areas occurred when the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) approved DFAIT's interim 2007-2008 PAA.

Table 16: DFAIT's Portfolio: Related Outside Organizations

The following organizations outside of the department's direct governance structure make up what is known as its portfolio.

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) (http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/index-e.htm) supports sustainable development in developing countries in order to reduce poverty, and contributes to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world. It reports to Parliament through the Minister of International Cooperation.

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is a public corporation that helps developing countries use science and technology to find practical, long-term solutions to their social, economic and environmental problems (see http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-1-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html).

Export Development Canada (EDC) (http://www.edc.ca/) is a financial institution that provides trade related financial and insurance services to Canadian exporters and investors.

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) (http://www.ccc.ca/index.html) is an export sales agency that works to expand Canada's international trade, in particular by participating in foreign government procurement and infrastructure projects.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Secretariat (Canadian Section) (http://www.nafta-sec-alena.org/canada/index-eng.aspx) is an agency of the Government of Canada that helps administer the dispute settlement provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Rights & Democracy (the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development) is a non-partisan organization that supports human rights and promotes democratic institutions and practices around the world. It receives most of its funding from Canada's Overseas Development Assistance Budget, through the department. Each year, Rights & Democracy submits a report on its activities to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who tables it in Parliament. More information can be found at http://www.ichrdd.ca/site/home/index.php?lang=en.

The International Joint Commission (IJC) (http://www.ijc.org/en/home/main_accueil.htm) is an independent binational (Canada and the United States) organization that helps prevent and resolve disputes over the use and quality of boundary waters, and advises on related issues.

The Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission (http://www.fdr.net/englishii/) administers the Roosevelt Campobello International Park on the Bay of Fundy as a memorial to former United States President Franklin Roosevelt. The two countries share the cost of the park's development, operation and maintenance. The department approves the Canadian budget.


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