Directive on the Management of Real Property

The directive ensures that real property is planned, acquired, used, and disposed of in a manner that supports the delivery of programs and services to Canadians, while ensuring best value to the Crown.
Date modified: 2022-11-18

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Mandatory procedures:

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Effective January 29, 2024, the Directive on the Management of Real Property includes the following:

  1. An additional requirement to consult with official language minority communities, in accordance with the Official Languages Act, before disposing of real property, specifically, new subsection; and
  2. Removal of the requirement for TBS endorsement of properties that qualify for sale to the Canada Lands Company (CLC) and clarification of the role and authority of CLC, specifically, updates to subsections 4.2.32, 4.2.33, 4.2.34, 4.2.35, 4.2.36, 4.2.37, 4.2.38 and 4.2.39.

Effective March 18, 2024, the Directive on the Management of Real Property includes amendments to Appendix A: Mandatory Procedures for Heritage Assessment and Conservation. These amendments add precision and clarification of Parks Canada’s role regarding evaluations of heritage value, with updates to subsections A.2.2.1, A.2.2.2 and A.2.2.3.

Appendix C: Mandatory Procedures for Reporting

C.1 Effective date

C.2 Procedures

  • C.2.1These procedures provide details on the requirements set out in subsection 4.2.44 of the Directive on the Management of Real Property.
  • C.2.2Real property practitioners, except for those in custodian departments that have been excluded from full reporting by decision of the Executive Director of the Investment Management Directorate, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, must apply the mandatory procedures described below.

    Reporting information for inclusion in the Directory of Federal Real Property (DFRP) and the Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory (FCSI)

    • C.2.2.1Inform the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat of designated officials, including the authorized official, official contact, financial contact (where applicable), and data submitters for the DFRP and FCSI;
    • C.2.2.2Input reports to the DFRP and FCSI as prescribed in the applicable input guides;
    • C.2.2.3Provide new or revised information, with the exception of the data specified in subsection C.2.2.4, for inclusion in the DFRP and FCSI within 90 days of a change, including acquisition, disposal, amendment to an existing record, or change in the organization’s contacts;
    • C.2.2.4Report annual expenditure, liability and site performance data to the FCSI at fiscal year-end;
    • C.2.2.5 Support the annual certification of the completeness and accuracy of organizational records and contacts in the DFRP and FCSI as prescribed in the applicable input guides;
    • C.2.2.6Reconcile all DFRP and FCSI records and applicable fields with internal real property and building management systems, contaminated site management systems, and financial systems;
    • C.2.2.7Reconcile FCSI annual financial records with the financial statements submitted for the Public Accounts of Canada;

    Reporting to the Centre for Greening Government

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