Guidelines for Termination or Demotion for Unsatisfactory Performance; Termination or Demotion for Reasons Other than Breaches of Discipline or Misconduct; and Termination of Employment During Probation

Assists human resources advisors in the core public administration in their role of providing advice and guidance to management.
Date modified: 2011-06-09

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Associate Assistant Deputy Minister position (poste de sous-ministre adjoint délégué)
an EX-04 position sharing the mandate, delegated authority and accountabiliity of an existing EX-05 position of exceptional size and complexity where both positions report to the same Deputy Head / Associate Deputy Head.
deputy head (administrateur général)
for purposes of Schedule I of the Financial Administration Act, the deputy minister, and for purposes of Schedule IV, the chief executive officer or the person who occupies such a position.
executive (cadre supérieur)
an employee appointed to the Executive Group (EX-01 to EX-05 levels). For purposes of this directive, employees who are classified in the following groups and levels are considered to be executive equivalents: Defence Scientific Service (DS) Group, levels 7A, 7B, and 8, Medical Officer (MD-MOF) Group, levels 4 and 5, and Medical Specialist (MD-MSP) Group, level 3.
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