Archived [2023-12-13] - Guide to the Management of Movable Heritage Assets

Aims to assist managers in implementing sections of the Treasury Board Policy on Management of Materiel (2006) related to the management of movable heritage assets.
Date modified: 2008-07-15


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The process chart for the Management of Movable Heritage Assets provides a list of questions to answer with either a yes or no response. A step by step management process for movable heritage assets involves the following:

  1. The first step is to identify movable heritage assets. The question to ask is "Has a heritage asset survey been conducted?" If not, the organization should carry out a heritage survey of the asset portfolio before proceeding to the next step. If so, then proceed to the next step.
  2. The second step is to determine the heritage value. The question to ask is "Has the heritage value been determined?" If not, the organization should perform a heritage asset assessment and document the results before proceeding to the third step. If so, proceed to the third step.
  3. The third step is to document the movable heritage assets. The question to ask is "Has the heritage asset information been documented?" If not, create a record of the location, condition, heritage criteria, physical characteristics, ownership, and use before proceeding to the fourth step. If so, proceed to the fourth stage.
  4. The fourth step is to manage the movable heritage assets. The question to ask is "Is there a conservation plan for the heritage asset?" If not, prepare an asset conservation management plan before proceeding to the fifth step. If so, proceed to the fifth step.
  5. The fifth and final step is to maintain the movable heritage assets. The question to ask is "Is the heritage asset being properly maintained?" If not, follow the asset conservation management plan to properly maintain the heritage asset. If so, the requirements for the identification and protection of the movable heritage assets have been met.

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