Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Former Employees - Reports - President, Parliamentary Secretary and Exempt Staff - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Employees | Reporting periods

Day, Stockwell, President of the Treasury Board

Travel Expenses - September 2 - December 1, 2010
Date(s) Purpose  Total Cost
* Total includes all applicable taxes
010 to 010 Deliver announcement and participate in Meetings $1,996.44
2010 to 2010 Deliver Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative announcement in Prince Rupert $1,597.16
2010 to 2010 Participate in Economic Roundtable $289.97
2010 to 2010 Speech at National Joint Council Fall Seminar and speech at Union of British Columbia Municipalities Convention $2,057.95
/2010 to /2010 Meetings and Announcement at Family Medicine Forum $644.17
/2010 to /2010 Deliver Human Smuggling announcement $2,436.23
/2010 to /2010 Deliver Stanley Park Seawall announcement, Vancouver Board of Trade Keynote Address $833.64
2010 to /2010 Trade mission to Vietnam and China for the Asia-Pacific Gateway $7,520.58
/2010 to /2010 Attend Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Meetings $7,897.78
/2010 to /2010 Deliver three announcements and Ministerial Meetings $809.34
*  Total:  $26,083.26

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