Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses - Former Employees - Reports - President, Parliamentary Secretary and Exempt Staff - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Employees | Reporting periods

Alcock, Reg, President of the Treasury Board

Travel Expenses - September 2 - December 1, 2004
Date(s) Purpose  Total Cost
* Total includes all applicable taxes
004 to 004 Trip to Kelowna. $3,591.89
2004 to 2004 Attend various Government related meetings $2,089.24
/2004 to /2004 Outreach in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to meet with various organizations $833.75
/2004 to /2004 Meeting with Media representatives and non government officials. $107.11
/2004 to /2004 Outreach in Vancouver, BC to meet with various organizations $1,610.76
*  Total:  $8,232.75

Hospitality Expenses - September 2 - December 1, 2004
Date Event Description  Cost
** Total includes all applicable taxes
004 Breakfast meeting with Senior Government officials $75.70
004 Dinner with non governmental officials $111.85
2004 Dinner meeting with Senior Government official $78.37
2004 Dinner meeting with Government officials $220.65
/2004 Breakfast meeting with Senior Government official $36.63
/2004 Meeting with Parliamentarians to discuss matters relating to Government Operations $33.06
2004 Dinner meeting with Senior Government official $102.61
/2004 Dinner meeting with Senior Government officials $207.27
/2004 Business dinner with new MPs to discuss governmental affairs $366.20
**  Total:  $1,232.34

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