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ARCHIVED - Performance Measurement

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By using comprehensive performance information, more informed decisions can be made about IT investments at a time when resources are limited and public demands for improved government service are high.


IM/IT Measurement Framework

Executive Project Dashboard Tool 

Project Planning, Tracking and Oversight

Supporting Resources

Executive Guide: Measuring Performance and Demonstrating Results of Information Technology Investments. March 1998.
[Available only in PDF version]

Practical Software and Systems Measurement HomePage (DoD)

SPIN Presentation "Getting Started In Software Project Measurement" by Beth Layman, then employed by Lockheed Martin, now employed by Teraquest.

The Balanced Scorecard Institute is an independent, nonprofit source of information about applications of the balanced scorecard approach to management in government and other nonprofit organizations. It provides web-based guidance, information and tools to government and nonprofit managers as they attempt to design and implement measurement-based management in state, local and federal government environments. To be a web clearinghouse for managers to exchange information, ideas and lessons learned in building strategic management systems using the balanced scorecard approach.

Performance-Based Management - Eight Steps To Develop and Use Information Technology and Performance Measures Effectively