Program Activity Architecture:  Government of Canada Outcome: Strong Economic Growth.  CanNor Strategic Outcome:  Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all northerners.  Program Activities:  1.1 Business Development; 1.2 Community Development; 1.3 Policy, Advocacy and Coordination; 1.4 Internal Services.  Program Sub-acitities: 1.1.1 Innovation and Knowledge, 1.1.2 Entrepreneurship, 1.1.3 Sectoral Development; 1.2.1 Aboriginal Economic Development; 1.2.2 Community Adjustment, 1.2.3 Capacity and Skills Development, 1.2.4 Infrastructure; 1.3.1 Policy, 1.3.2 Advocacy, 1.3.3 Coordination; 1.4.1 Governance and Management Support, 1.4.2 Resource Management Services, 1.4.3 Asset Management.