The graphic demonstrates how the Secretariat’s strategic outcome is supported by its program activities and program sub-activities. The Secretariat’s strategic outcome is that “government is well managed and accountable, and resources are allocated to achieve results.”

There are four specific program activities for achieving this outcome.

Program Activity 1 is Management Policy Development and Oversight, which includes the following five program sub-activities: 1.1 Policy Coordination, Management Assessment, and Government of Canada Oversight; 1.2 Human Resources and Compensation Management; 1.3 Service, Technology, and Information Management; 1.4 Assets and Acquired Services; and
1.5 Management and Internal Audit. 

Program Activity 2 is Expenditure Management and Financial Oversight, which includes the following three program sub-activities: 2.1 Financial Oversight and Reporting; 2.2 Government of Canada Expenditure Management and Oversight; and 2.3 Departmental Expenditure Oversight.

Program Activity 3 is Government-Wide Funds and Public Service Employer Payments, which includes the following three program sub-activities:

3.1 Government-Wide Contingencies and Management Initiatives;

3.2 Compensation Adjustments, Operating Budget Carry Forward, and Paylist Requirements; and 3.3 Public Service Employer Payments. 

Program Activity 4 is Internal Services, which includes the following four program sub-activities: 4.1 Corporate Priorities and Planning;

4.2 Public Affairs and Communication Services; 4.3 Corporate Services; and 4.4 Legal Services.