The above figure is a hierarchical depiction of CIHR's Program Activity Architecture. CIHR's mandate is described at the top of the hierarchy, followed by its three strategic outcomes. Each strategic outcome is further broken down into program activities, with the exception of Activity 4.1: Internal Services which is shown as separate from the strategic outcomes. The description for each item in the hierarchy is as follows:

CIHR Mandate: Excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system.

Strategic Outcome 1: Advances in Health Knowledge
Activity 1.1: Open Research
Activity 1.2: Strategic Priority Research

Strategic Outcome 2: People and Research Capacity
Activity 2.1: Researchers and Trainees
Activity 2.2: Research Resources and Collaboration
Activity 2.3: National and International Partnerships
Activity 2.4: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues

Strategic Outcome 3: Knowledge Translation and Commercialization
Activity 3.1: Knowledge Translation of Health Research
Activity 3.2: Commercialization of Health Research

Activity 4.1: Internal Services