2009-2010 Departmental Performance Report

Canadian Transportation Agency - Logic Model

Mission: Assist in achieving a competitive, efficient and accessible transportation system through dispute resolution, essential economic regulation and communication in a fair, transparent and timely manner 

Activity: Economic regulation

Sub-activity: Air transportation regulation

Output: Validation of insurance renewals. Compliance determinations. Decisions on licence applications, charter permits, licence suspension orders.

Sub-activity: Accessible transportation regulation

Output: Compliance with  Regulations, Codes of Practice. Education materials.

Sub-activity: Rail transportation regulation

Output: Issuance of determinations (NSV, Schedule A, financial analysis, composite price indices, Western Revenue Cap). Rail certificates of fitness. Assessment of proposed railway projects.

Sub-activity: Marine transportation regulation

Output: Coasting trade applications.

Expected result: Economic and other interests of transportation users, service providers and other affected parties are protected

Activity: Adjudication and alternative dispute resolution

Sub-activity: Resolution of air transportation disputes

Output: Process and resolve disputes (air travel complaints, application of tariff provisions, NAV Canada charges).

Sub-activity: Resolution of accessible transportation disputes

Output: Process and resolve disputes (obstacles to the mobility of persons with disabilities).

Sub-activity: Resolution of rail transportation disputes

Output: Process and resolve disputes (interswitching, noise and vibration, competitive and single-line rates, joint rates, running rights, level of service, joint track usage). 

Sub-activity: Resolution of marine transportation disputes

Output: Process and resolve disputes (pilotage charges, Canadian port authority user fees, shipping conference agreements).

Expected result: Access to a specialized dispute resolution system that is cost-effective, responsive, fair and timely, and serves the needs of users, service providers and other affected parties within the national transportation system

Activity: Internal Services

Sub-activity: Governance and Management Support, Resource Management, and Asset Management

Output: RPP, DPR, Public Accounts, staffing actions, classification of positions, system development.

Expected results:
Support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of the Agency
Provide effective financial and administrative support

Strategic outcome: Transparent, fair and efficient economic regulation of the federal transportation system