Criteria for the Assessment of Fairness and Reliability

Office of the Auditor General

The following criteria were developed to assess the fairness and reliability of the information about the Agency’s performance with respect to the objectives in its corporate business plan. The two key issues addressed: Has the Agency reported on its performance with respect to its objectives? Is that information fair and reliable? Performance information with respect to objectives is fair and reliable if it enables Parliament and the public to judge how well the entity or program in question is performing against the objectives it set out to accomplish.

Relevant The performance information reports in context, tangible, and important accomplishments against objectives and costs.
Meaningful The performance information clearly describes expectations and provides benchmarks against which performance is compared.
Attributable The performance information demonstrates why the program has made a difference.
Balanced A representative and clear picture of performance is presented, which does not mislead the reader.

Reliable The performance information adequately reflects the facts.

These criteria were developed specifically for the assessment. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has acknowledged that they were suitable for the assessment.

More information on the criteria is available on our website at