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Departmental Performance Report

Canadian International Development Agency

Supplementary Information (Tables)

Table of Contents

Table 1: Loans, investments, and advances (non-budgetary)

($ millions) Actual
Main Estimates Planned Spending Total Authorities Actual
Multilateral, International and Canadian Institutions:            
Payments to International Financial Institutions - Capital Subscriptions (L35) 3.5 3.3 0 0 0 0
Payments to International Financial Institutions - Capital Subscriptions (S) 0 0 3.6 3.6 3.6 0
Investment contributions pursuant to section 3 of the Canada Fund for Africa Act (L40) 25.1 25.3 19 19 45.6 40.3
Total Loans, Investments and Advances 28.6 28.6 22.6 22.6 49.2 40.3

Table 2: Source of respendable and non-respendable revenue

($ millions) Actual
Main Estimates Planned Spending Total Authorities Actual
Gain for revaluation at year end of International Financial Institutions liabilities 29.6 9.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.1
Refund of previous year expenditures 13.9 10.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3
Return on investments 2.7 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4
Miscellaneous 1.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
Total Non-respendable Revenue 47.2 23.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 95.3

The Agency's revenues totalled $95.3 million in 2007-2008 compared to only $23 million in the previous fiscal year. This difference is explained by the variation in the gain for revaluation due to the value fluctuation of the Canadian dollar.

Table 3: User fees


2007-2008 Planning Years
User Fee Fee type Fee-setting Authority Date Last Modified Forecast Revenue Actual Revenue Full Cost Performance Standard Performance Results Fiscal Year Forecast Revenue ($000) Estimated Full Cost ($000)
Fees charges for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act R Access to Information Act 1992 0.0 1,272.0 - Response within the time limit prescribed by the Act; minimum of 80% Response time of 74.3% for 2007-2008 2007-2008 n.a n.a
    Sub-total R   0.0 1,272.0 -     2008-2009 n.a n.a
    Sub-total (O)   0.0 0.0 -     2009-2010 n.a n.a
    Total   0.0 1,272.0 -          

Table 4: Policy on service standards for external fees

External Fee Service Standard Performance Standard Stakeholder Consultation
Fees charges for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act Minimum of 80% 74.3% in 2007-2008 Not applicable, as per policies and guidelines issued by the Treasury Board Secretariat, institution responsible for the ATIP program

Table 5: Details on transfer payments programs

($ millions) Actual Spending
Actual Spending
Planned Spending
Total Authorities
Actual Spending
Variance (s)
Countries of Concentration  
Total Grants     189.95 205.65 205.56 15.61
Total Contributions     557.43 496.95 486.74 (70.69)
Total Other Types of TPs            
Total Program Activity 0.00 0.00 747.38 702.60 692.30 (55.08)
Fragile States and Countries Experiencing Humanitarian Crisis  
Total Grants     430.62 474.01 473.81 43.19
Total Contributions     146.30 96.77 96.72 (49.58)
Total Other Types of TPs     0.00 110.00 110.00 110.00
Total Program Activity 0.00 0.00 576.92 680.78 680.53 103.61
Selected Countries and Regions  
Total Grants     147.82 98.58 94.03 (53.79)
Total Contributions     406.09 287.36 279.73 (126.36)
Total Other Types of TPs            
Total Program Activity 0.00 0.00 553.91 385.94 373.76 (180.15)
Multilateral, International and Canadian Institutions  
Total Grants     406.95 576.42 576.17 169.22
Total Contributions     205.04 236.78 216.69 11.65
Total Other Types of TPs     259.71 301.85 301.85 42.14
Total Program Activity 0.00 0.00 871.70 1,115.05 1,094.71 223.01
Engaging Canadian Citizens  
Total Grants     4.40 13.01 13.00 8.60
Total Contributions     59.26 31.59 31.58 (27.68)
Total Other Types of TPs            
Total Program Activity 0.00 0.00 63.66 44.60 44.58 (19.08)
Geographic Programs  
Total Grants 402.35 545.11       0.00
Total Contributions 870.42 857.71       0.00
Total Other Types of TPs   40.00        
Total Program Activity 1,272.77 1,442.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Multilateral Programs  
Total Grants 630.66 673.49       0.00
Total Contributions 26.39 14.50       0.00
Total Other Types of TPs 566.52 358.28        
Total Program Activity 1,223.57 1,046.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Canadian Partnership  
Total Grants 28.87 19.28       0.00
Total Contributions 218.25 228.75       0.00
Total Other Types of TPs            
Total Program Activity 247.12 248.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Policy Coherence  
Total Grants 5.64 5.30       0.00
Total Contributions 13.78 8.95       0.00
Total Other Types of TPs            
Total Program Activity 19.42 14.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Engaging Canadians  
Total Grants 1.75 5.05       0.00
Total Contributions 17.82 21.58       0.00
Total Other Types of TPs            
Total Program Activity 19.57 26.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 2,782.45 2,778.00 2,813.57 2,928.97 2,885.88 72.31

The variance between the total authorities and the actual spending is $43 million: from the grants and contributions budget, $1 million was not spent and a further $42 million are frozen allotments that will be entirely reprofiled to 2008-2009 for the Canada Fund for Africa.

Table 6: Sustainable Development Strategy

Four core objectives were established for the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) 2007-2009 in support of CIDA's goal of reduced poverty, promotion of human rights and increased sustainable development. Progress on implementing this SDS is reported according to the measurement framework below.

CIDA Objective 1: Support equitable economic development  
Expected results Performance measurement Actual Performance
Increased productivity, innovation and employment, and income opportunities Number of business service organizations and Small and Medium Enterprises receiving technical assistance and/or resources1. No global data available.
Domestic credit to the private sector (% of GDP) Domestic credit to the private sector in Low and middle income countries was 57.3% in 2006, up from 50.4% in 20002.
Labour productivity (PPP GDP per person employed) Labour productivity in the developing world was 4,356$ in 2006, up from 2,507 $ in 19903.
Youth (15-24 years old) employment-to-population ratio and Youth unemployment rate Youth employment-to-population ratio: 48% in 2006, down from 54% in 1991. Between 1995 and 2005, job prospects for youth declined in most regions of the world as youth unemployment rose globally from 72.8 to 85.7 million, an increase of 17.7%. In 2005, the highest youth unemployment rates of 34.5 % were observed in Northern Africa, followed by western Asia (23.6%) and Sub-Saharan Africa (18.3%)4.
Share of women in wage employment in the non-agriculture sector Between 2000 and 2005, women's participation in paid, non-agricultural employment slightly rose from 38% to 39%5.
More effective regulations conducive to investment, business formation and responsible enterprise Number of administrative and regulatory barriers eliminated to create a favourable environment for doing business Within the last five years, 92 of the 175 countries covered by the World Bank's Doing Business report have introduced reforms with the aim to improve the environment for doing business. The most popular reform was easing the regulations on starting business.

Between January 2005 and April 2006, two hundred and thirteen reforms - in 112 economies - were introduced, with forty-three countries simplifying procedures on starting business, reducing cost and delays.

Between April 2006 and June 2007, two hundreds reforms - in 98 economies - were introduced, with thirty nine countries making start-up simpler, faster or cheaper6.

In Low and middle-income countries, the business entry rate (new registration as % of total) was 9.4% in 2005 and 7.9% in 2006, compared to 6.8% in 20007.

Increased ability of developing countries to benefit from the global trading system Number of new trade agreements implemented8 No global data available.
Changes in total merchandise exports from developing countries and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Total merchandise exports: (US$ million )9.

Non-LDC developing countries

  • 2004: 2 989 516.8 (growing 26.4%)
  • 2005: 3 643 340.4 (growing 22.1%)
  • 2006: 4 370 213.2 (growing 20.2%)


  • 2004: 55 878.0 (growing 29.8%)
  • 2005: 76 513.6 (growing 36.9%)
  • 2006: 99 294.7 (growing 29.8%)
Number of persons reached through trade-related technical assistance (TRTA) activities delivered to developing countries and LDCs The estimated grand total of beneficiaries of the entire WTO TRTA in 2007 amounted to more than 19,000. It also includes those who benefited from WTO's contributions to TRTA events organised by other agencies. By comparison, the TRTAs in 2006 reached 14,700, in 2005: 12,400, in 2004: 12,000, in 2003: 14,000 and in 2002 some 16,000 persons. It should be noted that in reality the number of beneficiaries is smaller since many participants attended more than one TRTA events.
Satisfaction of the participants with the results of the attended TRTA A TRTA event is usually considered successful if at least 80% of the participants rated it "very successful" or "successful". The audit of WTO TRTA identified a higher than standard satisfaction of participants, i.e. 98 per cent of them rated the attended TRTA "very successful" and/or "successful". This performance is about the same as in 2005 and 200610.
CIDA's Objective 2: Support social development, with particular emphasis on people living in poverty
Expected results Performance measurement Actual Performance
Progress on the prevention and control of poverty-linked diseases Proportion of population in malaria risk areas using effective malaria prevention and treatment measures No global data available
Prevalence and death rates associated with tuberculosis Tuberculosis prevalence in low-income countries:
  • 2000: 457 per 100,000
  • 2006: 362 per 100,000
Reduce the burden of HIV/AIDS HIV prevalence among young people (15-24 years old) HIV prevalence among young people (15-24 year old) has declined since 2000/2001 in 8 of the 11 highest level prevalence countries where sufficient data is available to analyze recent trends
Reduced infant and child mortality rates Under-five mortality rate Under-five mortality in low-income countries:
  • 2000: 121 per 1000
  • 2006: 110 per 1000
Infant mortality rate Infant mortality in low-income countries:
  • 2000: 81 per 1000
  • 2006: 73 per 1000
Improved sexual and reproductive health and reduced maternal mortality Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel Birth attended by skilled health personnel in low-income countries:
  • 1990-1999: 39
  • 2000-2006: 44
Maternal mortality rate Maternal mortality ratio in low-income countries:
  • 2005: 650 per 100,000
Improved food security and nutrition Prevalence of underweight children under five years No global data available
Strengthened health systems Access to health services within a 15 km radius No global data available
Better access to education for all Percentage of children enrolled in primary education Between 1999 and 2005, the global net enrolment rate rose from 83% to 87%. During this same period, the number of out-of-school children dropped by 24 million to reach 72 million. The net enrolment ratio in Sub-Saharan Africa is 70%, up from 57% in 1999.
Percentage of children completing primary schooling The percentage of children reaching the last grade of primary education improved between 1999 and 2004 in most countries with data. While 79% of students in the developing world enroll in this final year, not all complete. For example, 88% of students in the Caribbean reach the last grade, but only 63% of students in sub-Saharan Africa. This may be because they fail to pass final exams or because they drop out for other reasons.
Progress on closing the gender gap in education Ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education in developing countries For every 100 boys enrolled in primary school in 2005, there were 94 girls enrolled (up from 91 in 1999).

For every 100 boys enrolled in secondary school in 2005, there were 93girls enrolled (up from 88 in 1999).

  • In Latin America, for every 100 boys enrolled in secondary school in 2005, there were 108 girls enrolled.
  • In South and West Asia, for every 100 boys enrolled in secondary school in 2005, there were 83 girls enrolled.

For every 100 boys enrolled in tertiary education in 2005, there were 91 girls enrolled (up from 78 in 1999).

  • In the Pacific, for every 100 boys enrolled in tertiary education in 2005, there were 131 girls enrolled.
  • In Sub-Saharan Africa, for every 100 boys enrolled in tertiary education in 2005, there were 62 girls enrolled.
Ratio of literate women to men 15-24 years old Between 1995 and 2004, ratio of literate women to men (15-24 years old) was 91 to 84 (previously 88 to 79).
Strengthened action against HIV/AIDS through education Number of HIV/AIDS education policies and programs in place The 2006 report entitled Education Sector Global HIV & AIDS Readiness Survey11 presents the outcomes of the first international survey of education sector readiness which examined how 71 Ministries of Education across the world are managing and mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS.
Improved stability and protection for children in emergency settings Number of girls and boys living in crisis situations that participate in formal and non-formal education programming The constantly changing number and nature of global crises or emergencies means that tracking statistics in a manner which shows improvement is unreliable due to changing population numbers as crises ebb and flow unpredictably. Moreover, with regards to education there is no consolidated global data available or proxies that have been developed to date. Children living in crisis situations includes children affected by natural disasters and children affected by urgent war and conflict-related violence including refugee children.

Between 37% to over 50% of all out of school children (72 million in 2005) live in conflict affected fragile states12.

With regards to 141 reporting UNHCR refugee camps in 200713:

Enrollment in grades 1-6 in UNHCR camp schools (2007):

Refugee students enrolled in grades 1-6 - 37 percent of the reporting camps meet the standard of having 100% children enrolled.

Attendance by sex in UNHCR camp schools (2007) :

Concerning grades 1-6, 90 percent of the boys are enrolled while only 76 percent of the girls are enrolled. Despite an increasing number of girls enrolled in primary schools in the last years, the issue of completion and transition to secondary education remains a concern.

CIDA's Objective 3: Support environment and natural resources management
Expected results Performance measurement Actual Performance
100 per cent compliance regarding the application of these environmental tools to CIDA's decisions on policies, plans, programmes and projects Number of CIDA Environmental Impact Assessments and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) applied to CIDA decisions on policies, plans, programmes and projects using the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act or the Federal Cabinet Directive on SEA, as appropriate CIDA is fully compliant with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. For 2007-2008, 112 projects were assessed and published in the Public Registry.

In recognition of its exceptional efforts in impact assessment over the years, CIDA was recently awarded with the International Association for Impact Assessment's 2008 Institutional Award.

In 2007-2008, 120 policies, plans and programs were subjected to the SEA process, which resulted in 24 detailed SEAs being completed. Each completed SEA is accompanied by a public statement from the Minister, made available on the CIDA website. CIDA was one of the 3 federal agencies (out of 12) to earn good marks on the development and implementation of SEAs according to Canada's Commissioner on the Environment and Sustainable Development's 2008 report.

Countries have greater capacity to develop and use natural resources in a sustainable manner Degree of integration of environmental sustainability into country policies and programs Environment specialists are present in each geographic branch to provide strategic advice on integration of environment into projects and programs.

CIDA is undergoing a sectoral stocktaking exercise to ensure interventions that are in line with the priorities of Canada and its developing country partners.

CIDA's Country Development Programming Framework (CDPF) guide includes guidance on environmental assessment and integration. Moreover, following the completion of an SEA, resulting recommendations pertaining to environmental integration and use of SEA were integrated into the Draft Policy on Program-Based Approaches.

Additional tools that have been developed by CIDA to enhance integration include a series of environmental linkage papers, transferring accumulated knowledge via the web and various working groups, and the inclusion of environmental sustainability aspects within the new mandatory development officers training program. These include an on-line corporate e-learning program on environmental integration at CIDA and a CEAA Job Aid CDROM.

Operations at headquarters are green 1. Number of employees in the procurement area trained 1. All material management, corporate procurement and planning officers have completed the On-line Green Procurement Training.
2. Number of initiatives for reducing energy and water consumption launched 2. a) Launched an awareness campaign to reduce CIDA's energy consumption by encouraging employees to turn off lights and electrical appliances.
b) Computer monitors are automatically shut off after 20 minutes of non-use.
c) Implemented a green meeting protocol across the Agency.
3. Number of vehicles replaced with hybrid models 3. Replaced 75% of CIDA's vehicles by hybrids. Replacement to be completed by August 2008.
4. Percentage of gasoline purchased for CIDA vehicles that is ethanol blended 4. 75 % of gasoline purchased for CIDA's vehicles is ethanol blended.
5. Level of usage of videoconferencing between CIDA headquarters and foreign offices 5. Videoconferencing is being used approximately 50 hours per week with Canadian and foreign partners and offices.
6. Amount of paper purchased for printers and photocopiers. 6. 3,371 cartons of paper where purchased in 2006-2007 - a reduction of 7% compared to 2005-2006.
CIDA's Objective 4: Support progress in democratic governance and human rights
Expected results Performance measurement Actual Performance
Greater democratization; improved public sector performance and accountability; improved rule of law Level of democratic governance Democratic Governance

The extent to which citizens are able to participate in selecting their government and enjoy freedom of expression, freedom of association, and a free media - has increased slightly over recent years in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, despite decreases in South Asia, East Asia and the Middle East14. Across all regions, progress has been made towards the achievement of political stability15. The number of conflicts in low-income countries has decreased and, conflicts have become shorter and more intense than before (on average, generating a 12 percent decline in GDP growth per year of conflict)16.

Public Sector Performance and Accountability

Despite mixed progress in terms of government effectiveness in East Asia over recent years, there have been consistent improvements in the level of public sector performance in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa since 200417.

Apart from a minor reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa, the number of women in parliaments has increased across all regions18.

  Proportion of seats held by women in local government bodies Despite increased attention to issues of corruption, improvements in controlling the level of corruption worldwide are waning19. An increasing number of countries, primarily in Africa but also in Asia and South America, are signing on to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, which supports improved governance through the verification and full publication of company payments and government revenues from oil, gas and mining.

Rule of Law

Apart from decreases in the regions of East Asia and Latin America, there have been general improvements in rule of law across Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, and the Caribbean20.

Strengthened human rights institutions, effective civil society initiatives (e.g. human rights education) and inclusive public policies Level of improvements in human rights In the areas of civil and political rights, people were tortured or ill-treated in at least 81 countries, faced unfair trials in at least 54 countries and were not allowed to speak freely in at least 77 countries21.

Progress has been made in addressing human rights violations through advances in the development of legal human rights standards and in enhanced awareness and commitment of the international community.

Progress in economic social and cultural rights was also uneven. For example, while overall child mortality rates fell, only 32 countries are on track to achieve the MDGs on child mortality, and around 28 per cent of children in LDCs are underweight or stunted22.

1 This measure is being replaced by "Domestic credit to the private sector (% of GDP)"

2 World Development Indicators 2008

3 Ibid

4  World Development Indicators 2008 and MDG Report 2006

5  MDGs Report 2007

6  World Development's Doing Business Report 2007 and 2008

7  World Bank - The Little Data Book on Private Sector Development 2007 and 2008

8  This measure is being replaced by the new measures added below

9  UNCTAD (2006). The Least Developed Countries Report 2006

10 WTO Training activities – Committee on Trade and Development (2008): Technical Cooperation Audit Report for 2007


12 UNESCO (2007) Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008 Summary, Paris: UNESCO, pg. 5. And Save the Children Alliance (2007) Last in Line, Last in School: How Donors are failing children in conflict-affected fragile states, London: Save the Children Alliance, pg.11

13 UNHCR Standards and Indicators Handbook 2007

14 World Bank Institute Governance Matters VI: Governance Indicators for 1996-2006

15  Ibid

16 World Bank/IMF Millennium Development Goals: Confronting the Challenges of Gender Equality and Fragile States, Global Monitoring Report 2007

17 World Bank Institute Governance Matters VI: Governance Indicators for 1996-2006

18 Inter-Parliamentary Union. Women in National Parliaments

19 World Bank Institute Governance Matters VI: Governance Indicators for 1996-2006

20 Ibid

21 Amnesty International Annual Report 2008

22 UNDP Human Development Report 2008

Table 7: Response to parliamentary committees and external audits

Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development
In July 2007, the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development tabled Report 8 -Advancing Canada's Role in International Support for Democratic Development (adopted by the Committee on June 19, 2007, and presented to the House on July 11, 2007). CIDA was, jointly with DFAIT, responsible for preparing the Government Response to the Eight Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development: A New Focus on Democracy Support presented to the House on November 2, 2007.
Standing Committee on National Defence
In June 2007, the Standing Committee on National Defence tabled Report 1 - Canadian Forces in Afghanistan (adopted by the Committee on June 12, 2007, and presented to the House on June 18, 2007). CIDA was consulted in the preparation of the Government Response to the First Report of the Standing Committee on National Defence: Canadian Forces in Afghanistan that was presented to the House in October 2007.

Table 8: Internal audits and evaluations

Internal audits (2007-2008)

Name of internal audit Program activity Audit type Status Completion date
Mozambique Country Program Countries of Concentration Country Program Audit Completed July 12, 2007
Aid Expenditure Management System Corporate Services Financial Completed July 13, 2007
Implementation of the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals at CIDA Program activities related to Countries and Institutions Compliance Completed July 17, 2007
Canada Fund for Africa Selected Countries and Regions Program Completed September 20, 2007
Canada Investment Fund for Africa Selected Countries and Regions Program Completed September 20, 2007
Management of Overtime Corporate Services Compliance Completed September 20, 2007
Three Projects Funded by the Europe, Middle East and Maghreb Branch Selected Countries and Regions Compliance Completed January 21, 2008
China Country Program Selected Countries and Regions Country Program Audit Completed January 15, 2008

Electronic link to approved audit reports:

Evaluations (2007-2008)

Name of evaluation Program evaluation Evaluation type Status Completion date
Canada-Mali Cooperation Program Evaluation Countries of Concentration Summative Completed December 2007
Evaluation of the CIDA Industrial Cooperation (CIDA-INC) Program Multilateral International and Canadian Institutions Summative Completed December 2007
University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development Program Evaluation Multilateral International and Canadian Institutions Summative Completed February 2007
Bolivia Country Program Evaluation Countries of Concentration Summative Completed November 2007
Evaluation of CIDA's Program in Ghana 1999-2005 Countries of Concentration Summative In progress  
Evaluation of CIDA's Program in Bangladesh 2003-2008 Countries of Concentration Summative In progress  
Review of Governance Programming in CIDA All PAA Components Formative In progress  
Review of CIDA's Implementation of its Policy on Gender Equality All PAA Components Summative In progress  
Canada-Cameroon Cooperation Program Evaluation Selected Countries & regions Summative In progress  
Meta-Evaluation of Decentralized Evaluations All PAA Componentss Formative In progress  

Electronic link to approved evaluation reports: